39 research outputs found

    トウカ ニ オケル ビサイ セッカイカ ビョウヘン ニ タイスル チョウオンパ ガイドカ モンマトーム セイケン ノ ショキ セイセキ

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    Stereotactically-guided vacuum-assisted biopsy (Mammotome) has been performed when microcalcificationsare noted on mammography. Recently, the microcalcification has been able to be diagnosed on ultrasound, and the indicationof ultrasound-guided mammotome has been extended. We evaluated the accuracy of ultrasound-guided mammotome in the ����management of microcalcifications. Ultrasound-guided mammotome was performed on 23 patients between October 2007 andApril 2009 in our hospital. The calcification categories on mammography were: category 3, 52.2 % (12 cases); category 4,34.8 % (8 cases); and category 5, 13.0 % (3 cases). There were 21 cases without mass lesions on ultrasound. The mean numberof specimens with mammotome was 6.9. Among these 23 patients, 5 patients were diagnosed as having malignancies that 3cases were ductal carcinoma in situ, and 2 cases were invasive ductal carcinoma. We encountered one case with bleeding afterultrasound-guided mammotome. However, there were no severe adverse events. Ultrasound-guided mammotome is a useful,convenient and safe diagnostic method for detecting not only mass lesion but also non-mass lesion with microcalcifications aswell as stereotactically-guided mammotome in mammary gland

    トウセキ カンジャ ニ ハッセイシタ ニュウガン ノ イチレイ

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    It is reported that incidence of the malignant tumor is high in the patients treated by hemodialysis. Here, wereport a case of breast cancer on a 65-years-old woman treated by hemodialysis for the chronic renal failure.Ultrasonography and mammography revealed a mass legion with irregular shape. Cytological study suggested a malignancy.She was surgically treated by partial mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. Histological study revealed invasive ductalcarcinoma, without estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, or HER2. Following to the post-operative radiation therapy, thepatient has been under oral chemotherapy of tegaful-uracil. No recurrent disease is detected during 16 months’ post-operativefollow-up period

    ニュウガン ジュツゴ ホウシャセン ショウシャ ジュウネンゴ ニ ハッショウシタ エキカ ネンエキ センイ ニクシュ myxofibrosarcoma ノ イチレイ

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    Radiation therapy is an important modality for treatment of breast cancer, but its use has occasionally resultedin the development of secondary malignancies. A 57-year-old woman was referred to our hospital because of a left axillarytumor. She underwent partial mastectomy and radiation therapy 10 years previously. The tumor was originated from thesoft tissue of the left axilla, and wide resection was carried out. On histological examination, myxofibrosarcoma was diagnosed.Myxofibrosarcoma is a highly rare complication of radiation therapy for breast cancer and patients have a poor prognosis. In thiscase, however, early detection and cureable resection might help patients achieve a better prognosis. The current studyconfirmed the rarity of radiation-induced sarcoma, though it showed the risk increase with time. In the course of observation after radiation therapy, it is necessary to take the secondary sarcoma into consideration and recordthe observations accordingly

    Study on breast cancer screening method using the trace element analysis in a hair.

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    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 2010~2012課題番号: 22591404研究代表者: 張 弘富(滋賀医科大学・医学部・非常勤講師)研究分担者: 来見 良誠(滋賀医科大学・医学部・教授)研究分担者: 阿部 元(滋賀医科大学・医学部・非常勤講師)研究分担者: 梅田 朋子(滋賀医科大学・医学部・特任講師)研究分担者: 久保田 良浩(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助教

    脳波・functional MRIの同時測定とその応用

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    脳波とfunctional MRIを同時連続測定することによって、さまざまな脳波現象、例えばα波、睡眠spindle、あるいは事象関連電位やてんかん発作波などに相関する脳局在を明らかにすることができる。しかしながら、同時測定をおこなうと脳波上にballistocardiogramや1000μVから2500μVにものぼるimaging artifactなどのアーチファクトのために脳波信号を得ることができない。そこでわれわれはMRスキャナからのアーチファクトの周波数が生体信号の周波数帯よりもかなり高いところにあると想定し、サンプリング周波数20kHz、ローパスフィルタのcut-off周波数3kHzで同時測定中の脳波上のアーチファクトを測定した。そこで明らかになったことは、アーチファクトの波形がFaradayの法則に則り、もとの傾斜磁場波形の微分形になっていることである。したがってこの原理に基づけば、傾斜磁場の形をかえてやることでアーチファクトの形をコントロールすることが可能となる。われわれは、激しいアーチファクト波形中の上下動の中で、つねにアーチファクトが1msの一定周期で基線付近にもどってくるようなfMRIシーケンスを開発し、脳波のデジタル・サンプリングが常にその基線付近で行われるようなシステムを開発し、imaging artifactを低減することを試みた。この方法をstepping stone sampling法(飛び石サンプリング法)と呼ぶ。第15回生命情報科学シンポジウ