1,121 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of An Online Test System

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    科技的高速发展和互联网的普及,使得网络教学成为现代教学的一个重要发展方向,使得我们可以利用现代化的信息技术手段将好课程的相关内容免费在网上开放,以实现优质教学资源共享,提高学校教学质量和人才培养质量。 本论文围绕网上教学管理系统的设计与实现而展开。该教学平台基于B/S架构,结合Struts2+Hibernate+Spring框架,以MyEclipse作为开发工具,使用MySQL数据库。系统的功能包括课程管理、任务管理、课题管理、资源管理、通知管理、主题管理、用户和权限管理,系统的用户为远程学生、导师、课程教师和教学管理员。其中,课题管理功能使该系统区别于一般的课程网站,这是因为该系统的主要用...Along with the rapid development of technology and the popularity of the Internet,online teaching has become an important directory of modern teaching and make it possible to achieve the sharing of high quality teaching recourse and improve teaching quality and training quality. This project designs and implements the Internet Teaching System. The system is based on B/S architecture. It uses ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223061

    The Study of the Criminal Protection to the Privacy Rights

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    1974年12月31日,美国参众两院通过了《隐私权法》(ThePrivacyAct),这是世界上最早制定的保护隐私权的专门立法,但由于时代的局限性使得当时对于个人隐私的保护仅限于对纸本载体的隐私予以保护。近年来随着科技的发展,信息技术的全面升级,以及人们隐私权利意识的不断增强,如何保护公民隐私权已然成为中国刑法切实关注的重要议题。但目前我国对于隐私权的保护还仅仅停留在民法及侵权行为法的层面。尽管我国刑法对于与隐私相关权利的保护有零零星星的规定,然而却未能构建一套较为完整的刑法保护体制,在对于隐私权刑法保护的范围、内容、刑罚方式等方面仍然没有较为细致的研究。目前我国对于隐私权的刑法保护领域作出了...The House and Senate of representatives of the U.S. have passed the bill of The Privacy Act (The Privacy Act) in December 31, 1974. It was the first protection to privacy by the special legislation. But because of the limitation of time, the protection to the personal privacy limited to the printed carrier. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, comprehensive upgrade of ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115041

    the Feminist Analysis on the Legitimacy of Megawati Regime

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    政治合法性的一般理论认为,政治权威的合法性主要来自于公众的认同,这种认同的判断标准依据合法性的理念、法律以及绩效等多个层面。而女性主义对政治合法性理论有着独特的视角,但较少有学者加以总结。从女性主义视角来看,合法性理论存在着由男权制建构的性别偏见,因此,这样不利于客观、全面地研究合法性理论和用于指导实践。传统政治理论中对合法性的界定其实是一种将女性客体化了的男性认同,妇女必须意识到并了解国家权力如何强化妇女在经济上、政治上及性上的从属地位并使其合法化。女性主义要求打破这种不合理的性别结构及传统社会性别规范对女性的束缚,重视女性的经验和价值,并代之以平等合作的赋权机制。只有真正实现男女平等,才能...In the general theory of political legitimacy, the legitimacy of political authority primarily comes from the public recognition, such recognition criteria can be evaluated by its conformation to public interests , morality , legalization and other aspects. The feminist theory has a unique perspective on political legitimacy, but less scholars summarize it. From the feminist perspective, the gener...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552007115170

    Trade Union’s Role in Providing Public Service:A Study of Xiamen Case

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    随着社会的快速发展,在公共服务供给体系之中,越来越多的社会力量参与支持运作,这是工会组织融入公共服务极佳的机遇。现阶段的社会管理更加关注协同合作及公众参与,公共服务提供的主要模式是政府主导、社会参与、民办公办共存,在这种背景之下,在参与社会管理与公共服务中扮演着重要角色之一的工会组织,他们在团结职工群众、发挥桥梁纽带作用以加强党与职工群众二者之间的联系时,所必须面对的重大现实课题是,怎样才能使职工群众的生产生活引起全社会更多的重视,怎样对职工的合法权益进行有效维护,为其提供高质量的公共服务,促进劳动关系和谐发展。 本文研究的总体思路是以工会组织参与公共服务这一主题为出发点,首先从选题背景,选...With the continuous development of society, more and more social forces participate in the system of the supply of public services, which brings a good opportunity for trade unions to participate in the provision of public services. Social management today has pay more attention to social coordination and public participation. The main pattens of public participation are government leading, social...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392013115046


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    Reception Studies on the Chinese Classical Opera of"Huanshaji" in Ming and Qing Dynasties

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    本文以《浣纱记》为研究对象,从接受的角度勾勒其在明清两代的发展变化情况,考察其在文本、批评、舞台演出的变化和基本特点,探讨其在明清两代的昆剧接受情况。 引言部分总结《浣纱记》的研究现状、探讨论题的可行性,并提出研究方案。 第一章研究《浣纱记》在明清两代的文本接受情况。归纳其全文本接受和选本接受的概况,总结不同时期、不同文本形式下的接受特点。 第二章将文本批评作为重要内容,对《浣纱记》的历代评论和评点进行总结和再阐释。 第三章探讨《浣纱记》在明清昆剧舞台上的接受情况,包括全本演出、折子戏演出和清唱三部分。 总之,本文旨在梳理明清时期的《浣纱记》昆剧接受的发展脉络,揭示其接受过程的总体特...The object of this paper is Chinese Classical Opera of "Huanshaji",which outlined its development and changes from the perspective of reception in Ming and Qing dynasties, studyed its change and the basic characteristics in text, criticism and performance, investigated its situation of reception of the Kun Drama in Ming and Qing dynasties . In the part of introduction, this paper focus on Huansha...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_戏剧戏曲学学号:1022008115246

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship of Managerial Ownership, Compensation and Earnings Management in Chinese Listed Firms

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    在所有权和经营权分离的现代企业制度下,所有者和经营者都追求自身利益的最大化,经营者并不始终以所有者的利益最大化为目标。为此,以公司业绩或会计盈余为基础设计的薪酬激励,目的是激励经营者努力工作,减少公司所有者与经营者之间的利益冲突。然而,改变薪酬的计量基础显然将改变所有者与经营者双方的利益分布,这就使得高层管理者会改变或选择会计计量的规则或对特定交易进行管理,从而提高自己的报酬,即进行盈余管理。为了更好地减少高管人员的机会主义行为,上市公司推行高管持有公司股票的激励机制。当股票期权也成为经营者报酬的来源时,经营者自然会更加关注公司的股价,由于证券分析师和投资者对公司股价的预期受到公司报表中利润数...In the case of modern enterprise system separating the right of ownership and operation, owner and operator are seeking to maximize their own interests, and operators do not always aim at maximizing the interests of owners. So designing compensation incentives based on accounting earnings and performance of the company, drive operators work hard to reduce the conflict of interest between owners an...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院财务学系_财务学学号:1762007115178

    The application of PCR technology in detection of SPF laboratory animal rats

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    PCR作为一项新兴技术,越来越受到人们的重视。近几年来,PCR技术不断发展,它以准确、快速、便捷等优点广泛应用在科学研究的各个领域。PCR技术应用在实验动物领域中,可提高实验动物临床检测和监测水平。笔者主要介绍PCR技术在SPF级实验动物鼠病原微生物检测中的应用。PCR as a new technology, more and more get people's attention to it in a quick, accurate and convenient advantages are widely used in scientific research fields, in recent years, the PCR technology development, and application in the field of experimental animals, greatly improving the monitoring level of experimental animals, in this paper, the PCR technology in the application of the SPF laboratory animal mouse pathogenic microorganism monitoring.福建省重点项目(2014Y0083)

    How to Use Balanced Scorecard to Improve Performance Evaluation of E Company’s Business Division

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    战略执行不到位是导致公司失去竞争优势的重要原因。随着平衡计分卡的战略管理价值逐步被认识,平衡计分卡得到了广泛的应用。平衡计分卡将战略放在了公司管理的核心地位并勾画成一幅战略地图,能够清晰地勾勒出企业把思想转化为行动的过程。基于平衡计分卡的绩效评价指标体系,在财务、客户、内部业务流程和学习与发展维度形成了一环套一环的因果关系链,这个链条的一端是企业希望获得的结果,另一端是这些结果的驱动因素,能有效帮助企业提升执行力。本文从平衡计分卡理论内涵出发,通过E公司绩效评价体系的设计研究,对房地产企业如何运用平衡计分卡这个战略绩效管理工具进行了有针对性的探讨。 本文首先系统总结了平衡计分卡的内涵和核心理...One of the most important reasons for company to lose competitive advantage is not being able to implement strategy successfully. With the increasing recognition of its value in strategy management, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been widely adopted by companies. By using strategy map, BSC emphasizes company’s strategy and shows the process of achieving strategy successfully. A causal linkage exists...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792008115122


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