
The Study of the Criminal Protection to the Privacy Rights


1974年12月31日,美国参众两院通过了《隐私权法》(ThePrivacyAct),这是世界上最早制定的保护隐私权的专门立法,但由于时代的局限性使得当时对于个人隐私的保护仅限于对纸本载体的隐私予以保护。近年来随着科技的发展,信息技术的全面升级,以及人们隐私权利意识的不断增强,如何保护公民隐私权已然成为中国刑法切实关注的重要议题。但目前我国对于隐私权的保护还仅仅停留在民法及侵权行为法的层面。尽管我国刑法对于与隐私相关权利的保护有零零星星的规定,然而却未能构建一套较为完整的刑法保护体制,在对于隐私权刑法保护的范围、内容、刑罚方式等方面仍然没有较为细致的研究。目前我国对于隐私权的刑法保护领域作出了...The House and Senate of representatives of the U.S. have passed the bill of The Privacy Act (The Privacy Act) in December 31, 1974. It was the first protection to privacy by the special legislation. But because of the limitation of time, the protection to the personal privacy limited to the printed carrier. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, comprehensive upgrade of ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302009115041

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