97 research outputs found

    On the African-American Maternal Love in The Bluest Eye

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    莫里森是美国黑人文学史上最著名的黑人作家之一,其作品描写了黑人的痛苦遭遇,特别是作为劣势群体的黑人女性的悲惨生活。因此,在莫里森的著作中,非裔美国人的母爱是个值得探讨的重要主题。对于>,大多数评论家关注的角度是该小说的种族歧视,女性主义,叙述策略,人物塑造,结构或主题研究。然而,很少人从黑人的母爱对孩子成长的影响的角度来分析该小说。 本文分析《最蓝的眼睛》中两种不同原型的黑人母爱:波林遗失的扭曲的母爱和麦克蒂亚太太持有的坚定的母爱及其各自产生的原因,讨论在种族歧视和白人文化压迫下,两种不同母爱对她们的孩子佩科拉和克劳蒂亚的命运产生的不同影响。佩科拉出生在一个残缺、不正常的家庭,她妈妈具有毁灭...Toni Morrison is one of the most prominent black writers in African-American literature whose novels dedicate to depicting the sufferings of the African-American people, especially the miserable life of African-American women as an inferior group. Therefore, the African-American maternal love is a significant theme worthy of consideration in Toni Morrison's works. On The Bluest Eye, most critics e...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院_英语语言文学学号:K20110403


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    Permeation and characterization of TiO_2/PVA hybrid membranes

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    通过纳米TiO2粒子填充改性制备了新型TiO2/PVA杂化膜。红外光谱表明纳米TiO2表面的羟基与聚乙烯醇(PVA)链上的羟基存在较强的氢键作用。扫描电镜显示当TiO2的质量分数低于1.5%时,在PVA中分散均匀。X射线衍射显示纳米TiO2的加入降低了膜的结晶度。通过对含水质量分数低于20%的水/乙醇体系的脱水研究了该杂化膜的渗透性能,考察了TiO2粒子填充量、料液质量分数和温度与膜分离性能之间的关系。渗透通量J随着TiO2、水质量分数和温度的升高而增加,分离因子随着温度和水质量分数的升高而下降,在TiO2质量分数为1.5%时分离因子达到最佳值。40℃下分离质量分数85%的乙醇水溶液,分离因子可达1 590,渗透通量为0.049kg/(m2.h)。Novel nanometer-sized TiO2 filled polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) membranes were prepared.Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) indicates that there is a strong hydrogen-bond interaction between PVA and TiO2.Scanning electron microscope(SEM) shows that TiO2 particles are well distributed in the membrane matrix when TiO2 mass fraction is less than 1.5%.X-ray diffraction(XRD) reveals that the crystallinity of the hybrid membrane is lower than that of the PVA membrane.The permeation properties of the membrane was studied through the dehydration of water/ethanol system,of which water mass fraction is less than 20%,and the effects of TiO2 mass fraction,feed water mass fraction and temperature on the permeation properties of the membrane were investigated.The results show that the permeation flux J increases with increasing TiO2 mass fraction,feed water mass fraction and temperature.Meanwhile,the separation factor α decreases with increasing the feed water mass fraction and temperature.Separation factor arrives at an optimal value when TiO2 mass fraction is 1.5%.The separation factor and permeation flux reach 1 590 and 0.049 kg/(m2·h) respectively for the separation of mass fraction 85% ethanol/water solution at 40 ℃.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50573063);; 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项

    Preparation and permeation characteristics of novel PVA/APTEOS hybrid membranes

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    采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了聚乙烯醇(PVA)/γ-氨丙基三乙氧基硅氧烷(APTEOS)有机/无机杂化膜。用FTIR和XRD对杂化膜进行了表征。测定了膜在乙醇/水溶液中的溶胀行为。考察了杂化膜对85%(质量)的乙醇/水溶液的渗透蒸发分离性能。加入APTEOS降低了PVA的结晶度,有效控制了膜的溶胀,呈现出优良的分离性能。随着APTEOS含量的增加,杂化膜的选择性急剧增加,在5.0%(质量)时达到最大值;同时膜的渗透通量迅速增加。解决了PVA膜trade-off效应。Novel organic-inorganic hybrid membranes were prepared through sol-gel reaction of poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)with γ-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane(APTEOS).The resulting membranes were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and wide-angle X-ray diffraction.The swelling degree of PVA and PVA/APTEOS hybrid membranes in water/ethanol mixture was determined.The pervaporation performance was investigated by separation of water/ethanol mixture at 50℃.The effect of APTEOS content on the pervaporation performance was studied.The decrease in swelling degree with increasing APTEOS content was due to the formation of hydrogen and covalent bonds in the membrane matrix.The crystalline region of PVA decreased with increasing APTEOS content.The separation factor for water increased,and then decreased when APTEOS content was more than 5.0%(mass).The hybrid membrane containing 5.0%(mass) APTEOS exhibited the highest separation factor.However the permeation rate increased remarkably with increasing APTEOS content.The trade-off relation of the PVA membrane was solved,and the PVA/APTEOS hybrid membranes showed high pervaporation properties.国家自然科学基金项目(50573063);; 高等学校博士点专项基金(20050384013)~


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    Progress in Mechanisms of Plant Resistance to Salt Stress

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    近年来植物抗盐机理的研究进展作了概述 ,阐明了植物对盐分的反应及盐分对植物的不同伤害 ,并从盐生植物的形态、生理和分子水平上综述了盐生植物的抗盐机理 ,最后对今后植物抗盐机理的研究可能存在的问题提出了自己的观点 【英文摘要】 The research of the mechanisms of salt resistance in plants in recent years is summarized.The responses to salinity and different harms in plants are elucidated,and the mechanisms of salt resistance in plants in morphological,physiological and molecular levels are also summarized.The possible problems in research in mechanisms of salt resistance in plants are raised.国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39870 6 30

    Advances in the studies on selenium in soil and selenium biological effect.

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    综述了土壤中Se的形态分布、有效性及其与植物关系研究方面的进展。论述了不同形态的Se在土壤中分布情况、对植物的有效性与土壤 pH值、化学及矿物学组成、吸附表面、氧化还原状态等物理化学性质的关系 ;Se在植物中的富集、转化及其对植物的抗氧化、促进生长、提高产量和质量等各种生物学效应 ;并在此基础上对Se的应用前景做了展望 【英文摘要】 This paper reviewed advances in the studies on forms and bioavailability of selenium(Se) in soil and the relationship between selenium and plant. The coverage aspects include the relationship between the distribution and bioavailability of various forms of Se and the physical and chemical properties, including pH, chemical and mineralogical composition, adsorbing surface and oxidation-reduction status; the accumulation and biological effect of Se in plant such as anti oxidizing, growth promoting, mass and ...国家自然科学基金 (3 0 2 710 65 ,3 9970 43 8,3 9870 63 0 );; 福建省自然科学基金项目 (C970 0 2 )资