2,550 research outputs found

    The Application of N,P-Containing Ligand in Hydrogenation of Carbon-Oxygen Double Bond

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    碳氧双键的还原是一类重要的化学反应,具有广泛应用前景。其中,潜手性芳香酮的催化不对称还原可以用于制备手性芳香醇等医药中间体,二氧化碳催化加氢制备甲酸及其衍生物则对于实现碳资源的有效利用及改善环境具有重要的现实意义。目前该类反应中研究较多的一般为钌、铑、铱等贵金属催化剂,价格昂贵而且有毒。随着人们环保意识的提高,开发高效、廉价、环境友好的催化体系用以代替目前广泛使用的贵金属催化剂成为人们普遍关注的热点问题。 本论文研究了自行设计合成的胺膦配体与多种金属络合物形成的催化体系在芳香酮的不对称还原及二氧化碳催化加氢反应中的应用。从廉价易得的氯化钴出发,我们合成了新型手性胺膦-钴络合物,并对其进行了结...The reduction of carbon-oxygen double bond is one of the most important reactions, which has a wide range of applications. The asymmetric reduction of prochiral aromatic ketones could produce chiral aromatic alcohols, which are important pharmaceutical intermediates. The hydrogenation of carbon dioxide could produce formate and its derivatives, which is meaningful for the effective use of carbon ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115161

    Acoustic logging technology research

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    声波测井从上世纪50年代开始,经历了几十年的发展,已经 成为测井研究的重要领域,是当今发展最快和应用最为广泛的现代测井方 法。声波测井是油气矿藏勘探和开发的最为重要的手段之一。为了满足复 杂油气矿藏的勘探开发,投入了大量资金开展声波测井方向的研究。 声波测井的物理基础是研究与岩石特性密切相关的声振动沿钻井方 向的传播特性,特点是记录了地层的纵波、横波及流体波的时差、幅度、 频率、相位等信息,而这些信息对于计算孔隙度、判断岩性、定性识别流 体性质、评价岩石力学弹性参数等具有重要的作用,并且还可以为较深的 砂泥岩储层估算岩石破裂压力值,为油藏工程提供参数,因此声波测井是 油气勘探...Since the beginning of the last century in 50s, sonic logging has experienced several decades of development, it has become an important field of well logging research, and it is the most widely used modern well logging method. Acoustic logging is one of the most important tools for the exploration and development of oil and gas deposits. In order to satisfy the exploration and development o...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:X201122203

    Design and Implementation of Project Information Management System

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    国家“十二五”发展规划以来,建设项目越来越多,规模越来越大,建设周期越来越长,越来越多的参与方加入到建设项目的实现中去,在建设过程中产生了数量庞大、种类复杂、形式多样的信息,使得在建设项目在管理的过程中产生信息交流不顺畅,并且在一定度上阻碍了建设项目的管理水平以及管理效率的提高;同时还无形中增加了项目成本,抑制了我国建筑事业的发展。如何有效地管理这些类型复杂、数量庞大的建设项目信息,成为目前建筑行业的一个热门的研究方向。 对于组织的经管与决定,项目管理信息系统的使用可以为其供应极具说服力的参照,并最终提升办公的效力与经济方面的收益。本文主要围绕着.NET平台的核心技术进行,先从介绍.NET框...Since the national "12th Five Year" development plan, construction projects become more and more, the greater the increasing scale, construction cycle is longer and longer, more and more involved in the implementation of ginseng square to the construction of the project, in the construction process produced huge number, species complex, diverse forms of information, making in the project construct...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323192

    Innovative Research On The Tourism O2O Business Model Of The Orient Paradise Tour Company

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    随着互联网及移动互联网用户数迅猛增长,中国已成为全球互联网用户最多的国家和最大的市场。从旅游业的传统商业模式到电子商务,再到今天的移动互联网的普遍应用,旅游业必将与互联网深度融合。国家旅游局公布2016年我国旅游总收入4.69万亿元。旅游业传统的商业模式以旅行社门店模式、批发零售模式、电子商务模式为主。线上线下融合的商业模式是旅游业发展的必然趋势。主题旅游市场的线上线下融合一体并未广泛深入应用,这为东方园旅游公司商业模式创新提供了机会。东方园旅游公司要把握好这个大势,抓住这个市场机遇,在客观认识行业和自身现状及现有商业模式存在的问题的基础上进行商业模式创新,通过商业模式创新构建带来交易价值、交...With the rapid growth of Internet and mobile Internet users, China posses both the largest number of Internet users and the largest Internet market in the world. From the tourism industry's traditional business model to E-commerce, and further to today's widespread use of the mobile Internet, tourism will be deeply integrated with the Internet. China National Tourism Administration announced the t...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115638

    Fibrewise Rational H-Spaces

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    We prove fibrewise versions of classical theorems of Hopf and Leray-Samelson. Our results imply the fibrewise H-triviality after rationalization of a certain class of fibrewise H-spaces. They apply, in particular, to universal adjoint bundles. From this, we may retrieve a result of Crabb and Sutherland [Proc. London Math. Soc. (2000), 747-768], which is used there as a crucial step in establishing their main finiteness result

    Principles for Formulating Prescriptions Based on Zang-Fu Organs,Origin and Superficiality,Deficiency and Excess,Cold and Heat Syndrome on guiding the clinical use of drugs on treatment of TCM liver diseases

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    《脏腑标本虚实寒热用药式》是张元素的代表作之一。张氏总结自己数十年的临床经验,阐述了以脏腑寒热虚实而言病机的学说,使得脏腑辨证说逐渐被后世医家所重视。该书中所记录的关于中医肝系疾病的处方用药方法简明扼要,既有对经典的继承也有个人的理论创新。把握五脏六腑生理,了解疾病病理发展,巧妙使用引经报使药物,从而达到提高药物疗效的目的,这一临床诊疗思路至今仍然具有指导作用。Principles for Formulating Prescriptions Based on Zang-Fu Organs,Origin and Superficiality,Deficiency and Excess,Cold and Heat Syndrome is one of ZHANG Yuansu's famous masterpieces.With decades of clinical experience,ZHANG Yuansu summarized his own pathogenesis theory corresponding to Zang-Fu organs,cold and heat syndrome,deficiency and excess syndrome.In his efforts,the theory of differentiation based on Zang-Fu organs was appreciated by doctors of later ages.Conciseness of the prescription and the medication rules on treatment of TCM liver diseases recorded in this book was the fruit of the combination of inheritance of the Classic and his own theoretical innovation.The clinical thought of diagnosis and treatment,including grasping physiological function of zang-fu organs,understanding progression of diseases,tactfully using medicines of guiding action and leading to improving the curative effects,is still of great clinical significance up to now.国家自然科学基金项目(No.81274155,No.81503529); 福建省自然科学基金项目(No.2014J01374); 厦门市科技计划资助项目(No.3502z20134020); 福建省高等教育新世纪优秀人才支持计划项

    Evaluation and Empirical Research on the Life-Cycle Home Buying Restriction Policy of Real Estate Based on VAR Model——A Case Study of Xiamen

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    通过构建VAR模型,运用脉冲响应、方差分解和JJ协整检验,从全寿命期的角度分析了房地产限购政策执行及取消、货币供应量、住房贷款利率、房地产开发投资率对厦门房地产市场的动态影响,并为限购重启提供建议与借鉴。结果显示:房屋限购在短期并不能有效抑制房价上涨,长期能较好地给厦门房地产市场降温;限购取消在短期并不能给房地产市场升温,但长期将导致房价报复性上涨;房地产市场普遍存在"适应性预期",厦门房价调控关键在于调节消费者和投资者的心理预期。This article builds VAR model and uses impulse response,variance decomposition and JJ co-integration test to analyze the dynamic influence of implementation and cancellation of home buying restriction policy,money supply,housing loan interest rate,real estate development investment rate on Xiamen real estate market from the point of view of life cycle,and provide suggestions and reference to restart home buying restriction policy. The results show that:home buying restriction cannot effectively curb rising housing prices in short term,but in long term can cool well the real estate market in Xiamen;cancellation of home buying restriction in short term cannot warm the real estate market,but in long term will lead to retaliatory price increases;real estate market commonly exists "Adaptive Expectations",so the key to Xiamen housing price control is to adjust the psychological expectations of consumers and investors.国家自然科学基金面上项目(71271180

    Marketing Strategy Analysis of Projector TV Set

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    论文摘要2002年以来我国彩电市场正在经历巨大的变化。各种技术的新机型不断涌现,背投彩电成为其中的典型代表。本文在分析我国背投行业所处环境的基础上,对国内外主要背投品牌在中国的营销战略作了介绍。通过对国内外主要背投品牌营销战略的分析,本文尝试着为本土背投品牌设计了一套竞争与营销战略。笔者期望通过此文,能够给予面对“入世”及“知识经济”双重挑战的中国本土企业以积极的启示。全文共分为五章:第一章前言。介绍本文的研究背景和研究思路,着重阐述了本文选择背投行业作为研究重点的原因。第二章企业战略与营销战略概述。本章对企业战略与营销战略的基本理论做了介绍。第三章国内背投产业环境分析及背投产品生命周期分析。...Abstract TV set market has been changing rapidly in China since 2002. With more and more new video products coming out, projector TV set (PJ) becomes the typical representative. This paper mainly introduces marketing strategy of some representative brands and draws some instructive conclusions based on the PJ industry analysis. Those conclusions maybe useful to other native brands which have...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20021517

    Research on Identification and Construction of the Hotel’s Core Competence

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    改革开放20多年来,中国旅游饭店业快速发展。进入新世纪,经济全球化进程加快,北京申奥成功,中国加入WTO,上海申办2010年世博会成功,这些举世瞩目的大事将在中国掀起新一轮旅游饭店业投资热潮。在面临良好发展机遇的同时,我国饭店业也将直接面对全球市场,与国际知名跨国饭店管理集团展开直接竞争。目前我国饭店业正面临着许多挑战和困难:重复建设、供大于求、税费过重、利润率下降、员工流失率居高不下、直接成本上升等。只有努力培育饭店的核心竞争力,才能保障饭店的长久竞争优势。本文采用规范分析与实证相结合的方法,应用企业核心竞争力理论、价值链分析等经济学和管理学理论工具,并结合国际饭店集团经营的案例分析,研究了...Abstract During over 20 years’ open-door and reform,the hospitality industry in China has witnessed a rapid development. Coming to the new century, the economic globalization is gearing up. Such major and happy events as China’s entry into the WTO,Beijing’ successful application of the 2008 Olympic Games,and Shanghai’s successful application of the World Trade Exhibition in 2010 are determined to ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20021517