189 research outputs found

    Water-quality impact assessment on open-sea reclamation planning——A case study of Fujian Province,China

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    基于开阔海域围填海的特殊性,已有的水质影响评价定量方法较难直接应用。本文通过水动力因子分析确定污染物扩散条件,根据水质现状、围填面积和规划利用方式确定水质压力。基于上述污染物扩散条件和水质压力参数,以水质影响程度等级作为评价结果,设计了半定量评价矩阵对福建省湾外围填海规划的10个围填区进行了水质影响评价。评价结果表明:其中有1个围填区水质影响程度较大,其余围填区水质影响程度均在中等以下。此外,水质影响程度评价结果可同时为湾外围填海规划决策者提供相应的决策依据。案例应用表明:该半定量方法可以推广应用于决策型的、影响机制复杂、不确定性较强的人类活动的水质影响评价。The marine reclamation is one of the major kinds of coastal projects,which may cause the negative impacts on water quality.Due to the particularity of reclamation in open-sea,the existing quantitative methods of water-quality impact assessment are inapplicable.In this study,an assessing matrix based on the pollutant diffusion condition and water quality pressure was developed to predict the water-quality impacts of 10 reclamation blocks in the planning of reclamation outside bays in Fujian Province.In which,the diffusing condition of pollutants is determined by the hydrodynamic analysis,and the pressure on water quality is determined by the analyzing current water quality,reclamation areas and their functions.The application of this semi-quantitative matrix,the results showed that the water quality impact of one reclamation area is comparative high,while others have lower impacts.These results of different impact degrees of water quality provided a supporting tool for the environmental management decision-making.The successful application in the case study also reveals that the semi-quantitative water-quality impact assessment methodology can be applied to those with the complicated impact mechanism,highly uncertain and decision-supportive anthropogenic impacts.国家海洋公益项目(200905005-06);2011年度“厦门大学基础创新科研基金”(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金)项目(2011121008

    Degradation of 2-methylisoborneol in water by hydroxyl radical

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    二-甲基异莰醇(2-MIB)是一种由蓝绿藻以及放线菌等微生物产生,具有桥环结构的饱和叔醇,在水中具有令人厌恶的土霉味,常规水处理工艺难以对其氧化; 降解.利用大气压强电离放电生成羟基自由基(·OH),对2-MIB进行氧化降解,确定了其氧化剂剂量效应、时间效应关系,并利用GC-MS对2-MIB; 氧化降解过程中间产物的分析,推断其氧化降解机制.结果表明:对初始浓度为150,300ng/L的2-MIB,分别投加总氧化剂TRO1.8,2.3m; g/L,接触反应6s去除率分别为96%和97.6%,处理后残余浓度低于10ng/L; (低于人类嗅阈值).在2-MIB水样中加入·OH淬灭剂叔丁醇(TBA)后,2-MIB的去除效果明显降低,证明氧化降解2-MIB的主要为·OH.另; 外通过对氧化降解过程中间产物分析表明,·OH能破坏2-MIB的桥环结构,并最终矿化生成CO_2和H_2O.2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) produced by cyanobacteria and actinomycetes; is a saturated bicyclic-tertiary alcohol, which can cause earthy/musty; taste and odor in surface water. Moreover, 2-MIB is usually difficult to; be decomposed and removed by conventional water treatment process. In; this paper, hydroxyl radical (·OH) generated by a strong ionization; discharge process at atmosphere pressure was used to degrade 2-MIB in; water, of which the removal efficiency including dose effects and; contact reaction time were investigated. The intermediate products; formed in ·OH treatment process were analyzed by GC-MS, and the; oxidative degradation mechanism of 2-MIB by ·OH was discussed. Results; show that the removal rate for 2-MIB with initial concentration of 150; and 300ng/L could reach 96% and 97.6% within 6.0s, while the total; reactive oxidant (TRO) dose were 1.8 and 2.3mg/L, respectively. After; ·OH treatment, the concentration of 2-MIB in water was lower than 10ng/L; (lower than the human olfactory threshold). The degradation effects of; 2-MIB were obviously reduced by the ·OH scavengers tertiary butyl; alcohol (TBA), indicating that ·OH should be the main oxidant for 2-MIB; oxidative degradation. By analyzing the intermediates produced in the; oxidative degradation process, it was found that the bridge ring; structures of 2-MIB could be destroyed by ·OH and finally mineralized to; CO_2 and H_2O.国家科技支撑计划项目; 国家重大科研仪器研制项目; 科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队; 辽宁省重点实验室基础研究项

    Treatment characteristics of marine microalgae hydroxyl radicals in ship′s ballast water

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    鉴于当前尚无一种有效治理压载水中外来有害生物入侵的方法,为解决这一难题,本文采用高级氧化技术,即生成高浓度羟基溶液的方法治理船舶压载水中的海洋微生物.研究主要是利用介质阻挡强电离放电的方法,将空气中的O2和海水中H2O电离离解成.OH等氧化自由基,溶于海水中形成高浓度羟基溶液.同时,实验以羟基致死压载水中的湛江等鞭金藻、牟氏角毛藻和大肠杆菌为例进行了研究.结果表明:羟基致死微生物的阈值为0.6 Mg·l-1,主要是破坏了藻类体内的叶绿素,进而导致藻类的死亡.Currently,there is no effective method to treat the introduced algaes and bacteria in the ship′s ballast water.To solve this problem,the method of advanced oxidation technology producing high-concentration hydroxyl radical solution was used to treat marine microorganisms.With strong ionization discharge,O2 in air and H2O in seawater could be ionized and dissociated into a number of activate particles such as hydroxyl radicals(· OH),which can dissolve into seawater(a part of ballast water) to form the high concentration · OH solution.With the high reaction rate and broad-spectrum lethal characteristic,· OH radicals could kill the introduced microorganisms through dissociative radical reactions in the course of both discharging and inputting the ballast water,without the pollution by medicament.In this study,Isochrysis zhanjiangensis,Chaetoceros muelleri and Escherichia coli in ballast water were killed by · OH radicals.Results indicated that the threshold lethal concentration of · OH radicals for microorganisms in ballast water was 0.6 mg · L-1.A-chlorophyll was damaged by · OH radicals during the treatment,which resulted in the death of algaes.国家自然科学基金项目(No.50877005); 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(No.61025001); 国际科技合作项目(No.2010DFA61470); 国家高技术研究发展(863)计划(No.2012AA062609); 中央高校基本科研业务费(No.2011QN63;2012QN067)~

    Treatment of algae bloom water using ·OH based on conventional drinking water process

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    我国水体的富营养化日益严重,水源地出现季节性藻类爆发现象,严重威胁饮用水安全。以厦门市莲坂水厂各工艺段出水为研究对象,采用大气压强电离放电产生羟; 基自由基(·OH),分别对水源水、混凝沉淀出水、砂滤出水进行处理,处理时间为4.5 s。当注入总氧化剂浓度为1.8 mg·; L~(-1)时,高藻浓度从25.3*10~4 cells · mL~(-1)降到800 cells ·; mL~(-1);对混凝沉淀出水注入总氧化剂0.6 mg· L~(-1)、砂滤出水注入0.2 mg·; L~(-1)时,藻细胞都未检出;·OH处理后CODMn、TOC及UV254均有明显降低,砂滤出水三卤甲烷小于8; mug·L~(-1);检测的各项指标均达到国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB; 5479-2006)。因此,·OH可快速有效安全地杀灭高藻,为我国高藻水源地饮用水卫生安全保障提供技术支撑。Due to the increasing eutrophication in China, harmful algae blooms; often occur in water body periodically, which poses serious threats to; drinking water safety. Using a strong ionization discharge technology at; atmosphere pressure, ·OH was used to remove algae bloom. Other; conventional process such as coagulation, sedimentation and sand; filtration were applied respectively in the Lianban Water Plant in; Xiamen (China). The total reaction time required in the three water; processes was only 4.5 s. When the total reactive oxidant (TRO); concentration injected to algae bloom water was 1.8 mg·L~(-1), the algae; content was decreased by ·OH from 25.3*10~4 cells·mL~(-1) to 800; cells·mL~(-1). When the TRO that was injected into coagulation,; sedimentation and sand filtration water achieved 0.6 mg·L~(-1) and 0.2; mg·L~(-1), respectively, the algae contents were not detected (ND) in; treated effluents. At the same time, water quality in CODMn, TOC and; UV254 were decreased and the disinfection by-products(DBPs) such as,; trihalomethanes (THMs) concentration was lower than 8 mug·L~(-1) in; treated effluents. The treated effluent, resulting from this technology,; met the requirement of the National Drinking Water Standards (GB; 5479-2006). Therefore, ·OH was effective and safe to remove freshwater; algae without further treatment being required.国家科技支撑计划项目; 国家重大科研仪器研制项目; 科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团


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    XH-3型催化剂是在XH-2型催化剂(Co-Mo-K/γ-Al2O3)的基础上引入第3种活性组分钨而制成的。通过活性评价和工业侧线试验,结果表明XH-2、XH-3型催化剂在最佳活性温区和耐热性能方面各具特色,可以进行组合填装使用。12 t XH-2/3型组合式耐硫变换催化剂已经成功应用于合成氨的变换工序中,能够达到生产工艺的要求

    The preparation of ZnSe Qdots in aqueous solution and the effects of photo-induced fluorescence enhancement

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    在水相中,以巯基乙酸(TgA)为稳定剂制备了具有短波长荧光的znSE量子点.研究了znSE量子点光诱导荧光增敏的机理,并提出通过补加zn2+和TgA以提高光诱导荧光增敏效率以及所得znSE量子点的稳定性这一新思路.研究结果表明,提高补加的zn2+和TgA的量即可增加znSE量子点表面znS壳层的厚度,更好地钝化其表面,从而不仅可显著提高znSE量子点的荧光量子产率(最高可接近15%),而且可大大地提高其表面的抗氧化性和荧光稳定性.ZnSe Qdots with short wavelength-fluorescence were prepared in aqueous solution with thioglycolic acid(TGA) as capping reagent.The mechanism of photo-induced fluorescence enhancement was studied and it was proposed a novel approach involved in the addition of compensatory Zn2+ ions and TGA to the original ZnSe solution to increase the efficiency of photo-induced fluorescence enhancement and stability of ZnSe Qdots.The research indicated that the thickness of ZnS shell increases with the increase of the quantity of Zn2+ ions and TGA.The ZnS shell made a better passivation of the ZnSe Qdot surface,thus resulted in not only higher fluorescence quantum yield(maximal 15%),but also higher stability of ZnSe Qdots.It was expected that the proposed approach would also provide a novel route to increase the fluorescence quantum yield and stability of other types of Qdot prepared in aqueous solution.浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y4080518

    Analysis on the epidemiological characteristics of the sporadic cases with hepatitis E infection in the rural area in Jiangsu province

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    目的了解江苏省农村散发性戊型肝炎的流行病学特征。方法通过建立覆盖市、镇、村三级医疗卫生服务机构的疑似肝炎主动监测网络,系统全面地监测戊型肝炎病例的发病情况。结果主动监测网络的敏感性明显高于网络报告系统,能更加准确、全面地掌握戊肝的发病规律。结果显示戊型肝炎病例占疑似急性肝炎病例的26.7%,男性戊肝发病率高于女性(P<0.01);发病随着年龄增长而上升,多见35岁以上人群;全年均有发病,冬春季节较高;戊型肝炎病毒株HEV1、4型并存,但以HEV4型为主(92.5%)。结论疑似肝炎主动监测系统数据显示目前戊肝发病率有被低估的风险。To understand the epidemiological characteristics of the sporadic cases with hepatitis E infection in the rural area of Jiangsu province,the prevalence of hepatitis E infection was surveyed systemically and completely through the initiatively monitoring system for the suspected cases of hepatitis E covering the city,town and village levels of medical and health service organizations.It was found that the initiatively monitoring system for suspected hepatitis E cases reflected the incidence of hepatitis E more accurately and comprehensively and was proved to be more sensitive than the network reporting system.The cases with hepatitis E accounted to 26.7% of the suspected cases with acute hepatitis and they were more frequent in male than in female.The incidence of hepatitis E increased with advance of age and most of cases occurred with age over 35.Estimated incidence was stable on the whole year,but rose up in winter and spring.The HEV type 1 and type 4 co-existed,but the HEV type 4 was proved to be the main type(92.5%).From the above observations,it seems that the initiatively monitoring system for the suspected cases of hepatitis E may be under-estimated for the risk of the hepatitis E infection in rural area of Jiangsu province.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2006AA02A209)资


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