395 research outputs found

    イブンカカン コミュニケーション ノウリョク ノ タメ ノ キョウイク ト ソノ キョウザイカ ニ ツイテ -ハンガリー ノ ニホンゴキョウイク キョウカショ 『デキル』 サクセイ ヲ レイ ト シテ-

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    本稿ではハンガリーにおける日本語教育教科書『できる』の開発を例に、日本語教育における異文化間コミュニケーション能力の育成の方法とその教材化について一例を示す。ハンガリーの言語教育は欧州評議会の政策に影響を受けており、言語能力のみならず文化的な能力の育成も重要視されている。『できる』においては、Byram、Lázár といった欧州評議会の活動に参加している教育者のモデルを参照し、五つの異文化間能力の定義付けを行い、段階的に教育を行う方法をとった。実際の教材化に当たっては、異文化間能力養成を異なった機能を持つ教科書のコーナーに分散させることで、異文化間能力が静態的な知識に終わることなく、創造的で動態的な性格を持つように複合的なデザインを行った。しかし、異文化間コミュニケーション能力は言語使用者の行動として発現するため、教材の使い方についてより多くの注意が必要である。This is a report on the development of education for intercultural communicative competence through Japanese language teaching in Hungary and the design of a textbook, titled "Dekiru." Language education in Hungary is influenced by the policies of the Council of Europe, which emphasize cultural as well as language education. In the `Dekiru\u27 textbook we define five intercultural competences and adopt a gradual approach to enhance them; referring to the education model developed by Byram and Lázár, who have participated in the Council of Europe\u27s activities. In the textbook, intercultural competences are promoted by various methods, so that learners can gain modifiable and dynamic competences, rather than static knowledge. The goal of education for intercultural communicative competences is to change learners\u27 actions in practice; therefore, it is important to pay attention to the way the textbooks is used

    Involvement of cytokine intracelluIar molecules in the rat trigeminal ganglion under acute inflammation : A change of STAT3 molecules in the trigeminal ganglion

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    This study investigated the involvement of a transcription factor STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3) in acute inflammation of the maxillofacial area. We demonstrated localization of some inflammatory cytokine receptors and its downstream signal molecules, JAK (Janus kinases)-Tyk (Tyrosin kinase) family, in trigeminal ganglion (TG). Therefore, when the maxillofacial area is inflamed, it is expected that STAT3, a mediator of JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway, will be up-regulated in trigeminal ganglion neurons that innervate the irritated tissues. Acute inflammation was produced by capsaicin injection to serially the unilateral upper lip, and expression of STAT3 in TG after injection was observed over a 7-day. By immuno-histochemistry, STAT3-immunoreactivities (IR) were detected in small and medium size neurons, and the number of immunoreactive neurons increased both in the ipsi-and contra-lateral TG after injection. Immunoblot analysis showed that the total amount of STAT3 in TG did not change ipsilaterally, but was increased contralaterally. The amount of phosphorylated STAT3 was slightly increased in TG on both sides. These data suggest that STAT3 expression in the bilateral TG is regulated by unilateral acute inflammation

    Operation strategy by target species on offshore purse seine fisheries in the western waters of Japan

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