18 research outputs found


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    National Housing Authority has been carried out Baan Eua-Arthorn projects (BEA), which supply ready-made uniform houses for low-income families since 2003. BEA projects supply flats, detached houses, semi-detached houses and rowhouses. Bang Chalong housing estate in Samut Prakan is constructed at the first stage of BEA projects. It is the largest housing estate among BEA projects. The purpose of this study is to understand BEA projects and to reveal actual living conditions at Bang Chalong housing estate. More than 239,000 BEA housing units have been built. There are a large number of projects in central region,especially flat projects are found around Bangkok. On the other hand,a lot of detached house projects are found in Northeastern and Northern part of Thailand. Bang Chalong is a large housing estate consisted of 92 flat buildings. Though,the residents have various opportunities to join community events and activities. The residents’satisfaction toward housing estate is relatively high. There are several good points, although, parking is one of the serious problem

    The Process from the Safekeeping Movement for Materials to the Establishment of Material Center

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    カナガワケントウキョウノウギョウダイガクアツギハャンパス ノ センタイルイ

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    本研究では東京農業大学厚木キャンパス内の蘚苔類植物相を調査し,キャンパスの自然環境を保全するための基礎資料とすることを目的とした。キャンパス内では地上生および樹幹着生のものをあわせて蘚類15科32属44種,苔類13科15属18種,ツノゴケ類1科1属1種の63種類の蘚苔類植物が確認された。これらの蘚苔類のうち57種は低地に広く分布するものであり,そのうち25種は都市部でも普通に見られる種であった。一方で,キャンパス内の二次的な自然環境には山地や渓谷に生育する種も僅かながら確認されており,これらの環境が蘚苔類にとって非常に重要であることが明らかになった。This study deals with the bryophyte flora in the Atsugi Campus of Tokyo University of Agriculture, Kanagawa, Japan. The bryophyte flora of this area consists of 29 families, 48 genera and 63 species (15 families, 32 genera and 44 species in Bryopsida, 13 families, 15 genera and 18 species in Hepaticae and 1 family, 1 genera and 1 species in Anthocerotopsida). Fifty seven species found on the campus are widely distributed in lowlands, and 25 species are common in cities