63 research outputs found

    Applications of Multivariate GARCH Models to the Asian Stock Markets

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    随着中国经济的崛起和壮大,近年来关于中国股票市场和国际股票市场间存在何种联系的研究日渐增多。本文首先回顾和评价了多元GARCH模型的发展,多种形式的提出及其扩展。接着应用Diagonal-VEC,Diagonal-BEKK,CCC,DCC,ABDCC和DECO模型到亚洲地区股票市场以研究波动溢出,非对称性,群之内的动态关系,以及动态相关系数的发展轨迹等。我们并且给出了可能的经济事件对波动率和市场相关性的影响。我们发现大中华股市之间存在明显的波动溢出效应,相关性感染也异常明显。条件方差和条件相关系数呈时变的特征。上海和深圳之间具有极高的相关性且波动范围较小,从0.75到0.98,而香港和新加坡之...This paper reviews the commonly used multivariate GARCH models and uses the daily data of the four Asian stock markets, namely Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Singapore, and data of Japan as one exogenous variable to investigate the volatility and shocks spillover behavior and to establish the market linkage among the four markets. We find that the volatility spillover between Shanghai and Shenz...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772006115283

    Ecological Analysis of Bird Communites in Xiamen(Amoy) Intertidal Zone during Spring.

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    Sampling investigation in Xiamen intertidal zone during spring indicated that waders were the main components of intertidal avian communities and 44.4% of the components of intertidal avian communities were composed by shorebirds (charadriiformes).Among populations, Tringa totanus, Charadrius dubius, Charadrius leschenaultii, Egratta garzetta and Hirundo rustica were more common than other species.The structure of bird communities in each sampling area was analyzed, and the similarity between communities was studied by using cluster analysis method.The results demonstrated that the avian communities in Xiamen intertidal zone might be classified into three types and the community similarity was related to the intertidal base.Also, the influential factors of community diversity and the economic significance of the birds in Xiamen intertidal zone were discussed


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    Population dynamics and nesting of three species of egret on Xiamen Dayu Island

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    对厦门大屿岛白鹭保护区的夜鹭(nyCTICOrAXnyCTICOrAX)、白鹭(EEgrTAgArzETA)和池鹭(ArdEOlAbACHuS)进行种群动态和营巢观察研究。3种鸟的数量季节变化都很大,5~7月数量高峰期,每月总数都达5000只左右。5月底共5610只,3种鸟的比例分别为50.8%、32.0%和17.2%。4月开始大量在相思树梢上营巢,5月中至6月初巢数多达6000多个。结果表明,3种鸟都是厦门的繁殖鸟和留鸟This paper deals with the population dynamics and nesting of Nycticorax nycticorax, Egretta garzetta and Ardeola bacchus in the Egret Naturel Reserve on Xiamen Dayu Island.The number of three egret species vary greatly with the season.May, June and July is the peak seasons.When the total birds reach about 5000 in each month.Especially, 5610 birds are sighted in May,and three species account for 50.8%, 32.0% and 17.2%, respectively.In April, most egrets begin to nest on the branchs of Acacia confusa, and nests come to 6000 during middle May and the beginning of June.The results show that the three species of egret are all resident and breeding birds of the Island


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    Bird Communities in Four Mangrove Wetlands in Fujian.

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    From January. 1996 to January 1997, birds survey was carried out in 4 mangrove wetlands in Fujian. As a result, 92 species, belonging to 55 genera, 27 families, and 13 orders were recorded. Among them, 29 species, 31 52% of the total were passeriformes; 63 species, 68 48% of the total were nonpasseriformes. The survey revealed that the bird communities in Fujian mangrove wetlands had the features as follows:①Nonpasseriformes was more than passeriformes. Wading birds were more abundant in bird communities. ②Farm birds were common and forest birds were scarce. ③Lack of endemic species. ④Winter visitors and passing migrants were dominant in bird communities. ⑤Migrant behaviors varied with species. ⑥Mangrove wetland is important for bird conservation, especially for egrets and migrant wadings

    Annual Dynamics of Waterbirds at Futian Mangrove Zone, Deep Bay, Shenzhen, China

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    于1994年1月至12月对深圳湾福田一侧红树林区的水鸟进行了周年观察,共记录到水鸟种类9目14科79种.分析了水鸟群落的种类和多样性组成以及水鸟迁徙动态,该地区水鸟种类以鹭类、鸭类、行鸟鹬类和鸥类为主,大多为迁徙鸟类,全年水鸟群落变动可分为4个阶段:越冬期、春季迁徙期、夏季繁殖期,秋季迁徙期.A census of waterbirds was investigated from January to December 1994, at NeilindingFutian Mangrove Reserve, Deep Bay, Shenzhen, China.There were 79 species belonging to 14 families, 9 orders in the record and most of the waterrbirds were migrant in this area, as well as the deversity and species composition of these waterbirds were discussed.The annual dynamics of the waterbirds in the whole year was divided into four periods: Winter resident period, Spring migrant period, Summer reproductive period and Fall Migrant period

    集成统计仿真技术和SCE-UA 方法的水文模型参数优化

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