175 research outputs found

    Study On The Lessee’s Purchase Priority

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    承租人的优先购买权是我国民法的一项重要的制度,从《最高人民法院关于贯彻执行若干问题的意见》(以下简称《民通意见》)的第118条到《合同法》的第230条都对这一制度进行了设计。但是承租人的优先购买权也是一项争议颇多的制度,对于承租人优先购买权的性质向来都是见仁见智,而近年来随着社会条件的急剧变化,甚至有学者主张承租人的优先购买权已无存在的必要。但是从我国最高人民法院出台的《关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《房屋租赁解释》)来看,不仅仅是在立法上对于承租人优先购买权的再度肯定,同时也在制度设计上进行了一些矫正及细化。本文将尝试建构一个对于承租人优先购买权的理论...The lessee’s purchase priority in our civil law is an important system, it is designed from Article 118 of "The Opinions on General Principles of Civil Law" to Article 230 of "contract law". But the lessee’s purchase priority is also a system full of disputation, which is disussed by lots of scholars .In recent years as social conditions change sharply, some scholars even advocate the lessee’s pur...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X200712000


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    Chronic exposure to high-altutude causes right ventricular hyper -trophy in variety of animal species. We thus investigated the changes of heart weight and cardiac muscle fibers of high-altitude (alt. 2400m) native mice especially when transferred to low-altitude (alt. 650m). In this experiment,t he comparative study of the heart was done among the four groups. The first group was high-altitude native mice (H group,n =5),t he second group (high-altitude native mice) was transferred to low -altitude and reared there for 18 months (HL group,n =4),th e third group was born from high-altitudenative parentsat low-altitude and grown up there (HL-F1group,n=6),the fourth group was low-altitude native mice (L group,n =8). In all cases,th e hearts were removed and separated into two parts of the right (RVW) and the 1eft(LVW) ventricular walls. Then,th e cross sectional area of the ventricular musclefiberswere examined. The results were as follows: (1) The cardiac or right ventricular hypertrophy and thehypertrophyof right ventricular musclefiberswere found in high-altitude native mice. (2) By transferring the high-.altitude native mice to the low-altitude,th e hypertrophied heart,r ight ventricle and right ventricular muscle fibers reached to the low-altitude levels. (3) The low-altitude mice that were born from high-altitude native parents did not show differenceson the heart and right ventricular weight and the cross sectionalareas of right ventricular muscle fibers in comparison with those of low-altitude native mice;Article信州大学環境科学論集7:56-60(1985)research repor


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    当院での消化器悪性腫瘍に対する化学療法におけるB 型肝炎ウイルス再活性化対策への教育的介入の効果について

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    B 型肝炎ウイルス(HBV)の再活性化は癌化学療法において注意するべき合併症の一つである.HBV既往感染の状態ではHBVは排除されていると考えられていたが,肝細胞内や末梢血単核球内において,HBVが微量に存在することが明らかとなっている.HBV 再活性化の報告の多くは,悪性リンパ腫におけるステロイド併用,Rituximab 併用のレジメン及び関節リウマチに対するtumornecrosis factor-α(TNF-α)阻害薬使用においてであるが,固形腫瘍に対する化学療法においても,HBV再活性化の報告が散見される.当院での消化器悪性腫瘍に対する化学療法施行例におけるHBV再活性化対策の取り組みにより,HBV既往感染マーカーの測定率は短期間の内に上昇した.これまでは消化器悪性腫瘍においてHBV既往感染者からのHBV再活性化と思われる肝機能障害は一例も認められなかった.HBV既往感染からの再活性化による肝炎発症の場合は予後が極めて悪く,医療経済的観点を踏まえ,より適切なHBV再活性化対策の確立が今後必要と思われる