1,213 research outputs found

    Estimation of Varying-Coefficient Spatial Auto-Regression Panel Model with Random Effects

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    具有良好可读性和稳健性的变系数模型在各学科领域应用广泛。本文构建了一种新的随机效应变系数空间自回归面板模型,运用截面极大似然估计方法,导出了模型的估计量,证明其具备一致性和渐近正态性,蒙特卡洛模拟研究显示估计量的小样本表现效果良好。Varying coefficient models with superior readability and robustness have been widely used in a variety of research fields. In this paper, it proposes the new varying coefficient spatial autoregrcssive panel model with random effects. By the profile maximum likelihood estimators are constructed, it gets the consistency and asymptotical normality of these estimators. The Monte Carlo simulation shows that the estimators have good performances under finite samples.本文为国家社会科学基金项目“半参数变系数空间自回归模型的理论及应用研究”(16BTJ018)、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“集聚经济下的中国地方政府财税行为研究”(15JJD790029)、教育部人文社会科学项目“空间自回归单指数模型的理论和实践”(13YJA9100002)和福建省自然科学基金项目“几类新的变系数空间白回归模型的估计和应用研究”(2017J01396)的阶段性成果

    Estimation and Application of Panel Data Semiparametric Spatial Lag Models

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    目前,一套完整、系统的参数空间计量模型理论和方法已基本形成,并在各种学科领域中应用广泛。参数空间计量模型通常对模型形式进行预先设定,其优点在于统计推断相对简单,容易解释问题。考虑到现实经济变量间的复杂性,预先设定模型形式往往会存在较高的误设风险,估计结果也极有可能出现偏误,导致研究结果与现实问题不相符合。为了克服参数空间计量模型的局限性,我们有必要进一步对非参数\半参数空间计量模型的理论和方法展开研究,这也是本论文的研究出发点。如今,相关的研究才刚刚起步,尤其是对面板数据非参数\半参数空间计量模型的研究,基本尚处于空白。 与传统参数空间计量模型相比较,非参数空间计量模型一般具备更好的稳健性,...The theory and method of the parametric spatial econometric model have been basically formed and widely used in various kinds of subjects so far. The parametric spatial econometric model is often done in the form of pre-set in research, its advantages include that the statistical inference is relatively simple and it is easy to explain the problem. Consider the complex of the economic variables in...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542012015362

    Exchange Rate Forecasting Based on Weight Optimized Neural Network

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    汇率是影响一国对外贸易的重要因素,也是对一国国际收支具有重要影响的经济指标,对汇率的预测研究具有十分重要的意义。本文从汇率的技术分析角度出发,对当前研究中的热点问题如神经网络汇率预测技术及遗传神经网络汇率预测技术进行了实证研究。 本文首先对神经网络及遗传算法的研究现状进行了综述,通过对目前研究现状的总结找到了研究的热点问题如:线性模型与非线性模型的预测精度对比问题;所采用的样本数据集对预测精度是否有影响的问题;神经网络适合长期预测还是短期预测的问题;样本容量大小对预测精度的影响问题及检验模型预测水平的指标的问题等通过实证研究进行了分析、探讨。然后对基于人工神经元网络的汇率预测模型进行了改进,...Exchange rate is one of the most important factors to International Trade, it has a great affect on economic development to a country, so it is very significant to predict exchange rate more precise. In this paper, firstly, the authors provide a brief introduction to studies of exchange rate forecasting in recent years and focus on the neural network method, then they discuss several controversia...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_技术经济及管理学号:1772007115072

    A Research on Improvement of Performance Management System of HF Fiber Company

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    改革开放以来,中国民营企业取得了举世瞩目的快速发展。但当企业发展到一定程度,管理将成为影响企业继续发展的重要因素,特别是绩效管理,更是保证企业战略落地的有力措施。中国民营企业平均寿命短的原因不是没有好的战略,而是战略无法落地。 恒发光纤公司作为一个民营企业,已有12年历史,在国内光通信产业蓬勃发展的大背景下取得了跨跃式发展,每年都会上一个台阶,年产能从2004年的200万芯公里增长到了如今的3500万芯公里,成为国内规模最大的光纤制造基地之一。但由于只是同质化复制,生产规模快速扩大了,产品品质和企业的研发能力并没有提高,只是大而不强。加上国内同行也在快速扩张,市场竞争日趋激烈,恒发光纤公司持...Since reform and opening up, Chinese private enterprises have achieved rapid development and are striking the attention of the world. But when enterprises develop to certain extent, management will become the crucial factor for the sustainable development of enterprises, especially performance management, which is the vigorous guarantee for the implement of enterprise strategy. The short average l...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792012115086

    Transition Strategy Research of China Telecommunications Corporation

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    摘要 本文主要研究在通信技术环境不断变化和综合信息服务需求快速增长的条件下,传统电信运营企业――中国电信集团公司(以下简称“中国电信”)实施转型战略的必要性和内容,并对其阶段效果进行评估。本文研究的对象是自2005年开始并正在实施的中国电信的转型战略,本文主要应用战略管理的理论和分析方法,广泛的收集资料,对企业的市场环境和演变过程进行研究分析,运用SWOT方法对企业进行分析,探讨中国电信转型战略问题。 本文分六章,第一章是研究概述,介绍本文的研究背景,主要是国际和国内电信业的发展趋势和研究对象中国电信企业的基本情况。第二章分析中国电信的外部环境,探讨其面临的机会和威胁;第三章分析中国电信的...Abstract The paper studies the necessity and contents of China Telecom’s transition strategy on the condition of the fast-changing environment for telecom technology and the rapid-growing needs for comprehensive information service. It has also made an evaluation on its phased achievement. The object of the paper is the transition strategy of China Telecom which began from 2005 and has being done...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X20041506

    Business Development Strategy & Planning Research of CRCCXM Company

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    CRCCXM公司成立19年来,在市政、房建建筑业领域,一直保持着领先的市场地位。但在日趋激烈的市场竞争大环境中,CRCCXM公司也面临着国内外竞争对手的威胁和知识经济时代的挑战,而且这种威胁和挑战将愈演愈烈。CRCCXM公司如何在新形势下保持现有的领先地位,并通过持续稳健的发展参与市场竞争,真正做优做强,成为真正具有竞争力的大公司,对其进行发展战略研究具有现实的必要性和紧迫性。 本文的主题是围绕CRCCXM公司的发展战略进行的研究。因此,本文所做的主要工作是分析了CRCCXM公司的外部环境和内部资源能力,并分析了公司各业务单元的现状和行业竞争结构,继而制定出了CRCCXM公司的建筑业务总体战...CRCCXM Company has maintained a leading position in urbanfacilities & building constructions in the past 19 years. But as a result of the increasingly fierce market competition, now it faces the threat from domestic and foreign competitors and challenges of the knowledge-based economy era, which will be getting intensive increasingly. It is of great significance and urgency for CRCCXM to maintain...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X20041506


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    Recent advances in biological-environment-responsive smart MRI contrast agents

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    随着生物医学领域的不断发展,人们对于在分子机理层面上研究生物体系中新陈代谢、疾病的发生和发展等过程的需求日益增长.磁共振成像因拥有其他成像方法所; 不具备的非侵入式、深层次的空间分辨能力,为生物体系分子层面的检测提供了有力的工具.分子层面的磁共振成像检测离不开生物环境智能响应磁共振造影剂的使; 用.生物环境智能响应磁共振造影剂的造影能力会随着特定生物环境变化而发生改变.此类造影剂使得人们可以根据磁共振图像上信号的改变分析得到生物体特定位; 置的pH、离子浓度、酶活力等相关信息.近20年来,生物环境智能响应磁共振造影剂得到了长足的发展.本文将按不同的响应对象分类总结近几年此类造影剂的; 研究进展,并对一些重要的研究成果进行较为详细的阐述和对比,分析目前生物环境智能响应磁共振造影剂研究中存在的困难和解决方案,最后对本领域的进一步发; 展进行展望.With the rapid advancement in biology and medicine, there is an urgent; need to study metabolisms in lives and mechanisms of diseases at; molecular levels. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is capable of; non-invasive and three-dimensional deep imaging, is a powerful tool to; meet this demand. Environment-responsive contrast agents, whose contrast; abilities change once stimulated, are necessary for this purpose. With; the use of these responsive contrast agents, related biological; information, such as pH, concentration of ions, activity of enzymes,; could be easily extracted and analyzed from MR images. Considerable; progress has been made in the field of biological-environment-responsive; smart MRI contrast agents over the two decades. In this review, we; describe achievements in recent years, discuss several representative; works in detail, summarize current difficulties that have been met and; possible solutions that have been formulated, and finally look into the; promising future of biological-environment-responsive smart MRI contrast; agents.科技部973项目; 国家自然科学基金; 霍英东教育基

    Preface Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zhaowu Tian on His 90Birthday

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    The Journal of Electrochemistry is proud to publish this Special Issue Honoring Professor Zhaowu Tian,on the occasion of his 90birthday,for his enormous contributions to and far-reaching impact in the field of electrochemistry

    Practice of pharmacy consultation on dosage regimen for pediatric epilepsy patient with PPK model

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    目的 为优化癫痫患儿卡马西平和丙戊酸给药方案提供参考。方法 药师参与1例脑外伤术后癫痫患儿的药学会诊,总结分析其使用卡马西平和丙戊酸血药浓度异常的原因,应用群体药动学模型为患儿调整给药剂量,并评价笔者团队所建模型的预测能力。结果 患儿病情得到了有效控制。结论 药师应用群体药动学模型优化抗癫痫药物治疗方案,为临床合理用药提供参考。Objective In order to provide a reference for optimizing the dosage regimen of carbamazepine and valproate in pediatric epilepsy patients.Methods Pharmacist consulted one pediatric epilepsy patient with traumatic brain injury for post operation epilepsy treatments. The abnormal plasma concentration of carbamazepine and valproic acid was analyzed with the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model built by this team. New medication regimen was proposed and the predictive capability of this model was evaluated.Results Seizures in this patient have been effectively controlled. Conclusion Pharmacist can optimize the antiepileptic drug treatment with PPK model and achieve rational drug use clinically