183 research outputs found

    The Research on Government Accounting Reform To Prevent and Control Local Government Debt Risk--Based on Status of Ningbo Municipal Government Debt

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    欧债危机的爆发,使得世界各国开始认识到政府会计改革的重要性及必要性。2008年,我国为应对国际金融危机,中央政府推行了“4万亿投资计划”以拉动内需,地方各地政府纷纷设立融资平台公司等,大力发展公益性项目建设,使我国的地方政府性债务风险不断蔓延。政府性债务风险的积聚为推进政府会计改革提供了动力。现阶段收付实现制下的政府会计难以全面、准确提供政府性债务信息,不能有效发挥政府会计的监督职能,无法及时预测债务风险并加以防范和控制。政府会计改革就此悄然展开。 本文以委托代理理论、利益相关者理论及公共受托责任理论为基础,从降低信息不对称以约束政府举债行为等角度,深入探讨准确获取政府性债务数据及相关项目信...The outbreak of the European debt crisis has led the world to realize the importance and necessity of government accounting reform.In 2008, in order to deal with the international financial crisis, the central government of China launched "four trillion"investment plan to boost domestic demand, and China local governments also set up lots of financing platform companies to develop the public welfa...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计硕士学号:X201315705

    Enlightenment•Revolution: Studying the Change of Ideology of Students in Japan Based on students from Hubei (The sounds of Han)

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    中国留日学生运动是辛亥革命的重要组成部分,推动了中国近代社会性质的大转型。从出国的那一刻起,留日学生原本承担着挽救清王朝垂危命运的历史使命,但他们中的许多人最终却成了清王朝的掘墓人。留日学生如何从附和清王朝统治、响应学界启蒙民众的号召,转变为孙中山反清革命信仰的追随者,这是辛亥革命史,也是中国近代思想史、近代社会转型史极具研究价值的课题。本文以《湖北学生界(汉声)》作为研究对象,分析探讨湖北留日学生的思想转变过程。由于在时代背景下,刊物编辑群自身所必然存在的分野现象,折射出先进的中国人在寻找救国道路时思潮迭起的壮观场景,对这一场景的描述能够使我们了解国人在跌宕起伏的历史洪流中所作的艰苦探索和有...In modern Chinese history, the groupe of Students in Japan played the most impotant role in overturning Qing Dynasty. The most of Students in Japan were sent by officers of Qing Dynasty, however, many of them finally became the exhumation people to it. Why they dropped their original responsibility and followed Sun Yat-sen to liberate the nation? In this article, I focus on analyzing the ideolo...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:20040204

    Design and Implementation of Teachers and Students Works Management System for the Guangxi Arts Institute Based on Web

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    摘要 本文在全面分析广西艺术学院师生作品管理工作现状和广西艺术学院目前已有网络资源的基础之上,设计并实现了一个适合广西艺术学院的师生作品管理系统。该系统采用了目前流行的B/S的软件体系结构和MVC的软件架构模式,以CentOS作为服务器端的操作系统,以JSP、JavaBean、Servlet作为服务器开发语言,以HTML、CSS、JavaScript作为客户端开发语言,以MySQL5.1为后台数据库。整个系统开发成本低,安全性好。在用户体验上具有可操作性和舒适性;在功能上具有多样性和实用性;在结构上具有层次性和扩展性。师生作品管理系统不仅提高了师生作品管理工作的效率,而且为师生们提供了一个...ABSTRACT On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of the teachers and students works management system for the Guangxi Arts Institute and Guangxi Arts Institute’s existing network resources, this dissertation designs and implements a suitable Guangxi College of Art and students work management system. The system uses the popular B / S software architecture and MVC softwar...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223073

    Research on Architect In-situ design based on Spirit of Place

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    全球化的背景下,城市化和现代化成为主要的发展趋势,城市文脉不断趋同,多样性的文化价值被忽略,快速发展的城镇化进程导致建筑领域出现形式化和商品化的设计趋向,场地的特殊性与历史文脉得不到重视,导致所创造的建筑出现符号化、风格化、视觉化、图像化的倾向。辩证地看待全球化背景时代下建筑的“在地性”特性,对全球化语境下大量粗制滥造的无视生态、浪费资源并且过度追求形式化的建筑进行批判,有助于我们回归建筑本体,营造出适合国情、地情,体现当代中国本土特色的建筑创造。 本文首先对在地建筑的概念进行较为深入的剖析,对比在地建筑与地域建筑的关联,“在地建筑”实际上是对“主义化”地域追求的一种反抗,它主要追求一种比“...Under the background of globalization, urbanization and modernization have become the main trend of development. While the urban context growing convergence and diversification of culture value been ignored, the fast-developing urbanization leads to design trends of formalized and commoditize in architecture. In addition, the specificity and historical context of space can not be valued, which mak...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑设计及其理论学号:2522012115169

    Study on the supplying of rural public goods of new rural construction

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    党的十六届五中全会公报中提出“建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务”,“十一五”规划中也提出了要建设社会主义新农村的伟大构想。推进社会主义新农村建设,解决好“三农”问题是事关经济发展全局的战略性举措,对全面建设小康社会目标的实现具有重大的现实意义。要实现这一历史任务,战略选择上必须按照新科学发展观的要求,树立战略新思维,形成全新的思路,逐步改变城乡二元结构格局,走出一条统筹城乡经济发展,实行工业反哺农业、城市支持农村和多予少取放活的方针,切实巩固和加强农业基础,全面发展农村经济,努力增加农民收入,逐步建立工农协调发展的机制。 本文采用了规范分析法、实证分析法和比较分析法,拟对农...A government communiqué, issued at the Fifth Plenary Sessions of 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party, stated that building a new socialist rural is an important historic mission in the process of china’s modernization. Eleventh-Five Year Plan also makes the great idea of building a new socialist countryside. Promoting the building of a new socialist rural and solving the problems facing ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_西方经济学学号:X200614101

    Research on Domestic Video Portal Website: Environment of Competition and Strategies

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    视频门户网站代表网络视频产业中新兴的网络视频运营模式,这种模式中既有产业中最早的一批专业的民营视频网站,也有国内媒体巨头央视旗下的中国网络电视台,几乎涵盖了产业中最有实力的一批企业。目前,国内文献对这一模式的关注很少,研究缺乏理论深度。本文使用文献研究法和观察法,并综合应用媒介经济学、产业经济学和市场营销学的知识,试图对视频门户网站的环境和战略现状进行分析,并提出有针对性的经营对策。 首先,论文对视频门户网站所处的宏观环境和产业结构进行分析。 PEST分析结果表明,视频门户网站所处的宏观环境中,发展机会与威胁并存,总体上各种环境对视频门户网站的影响利大于弊。对产业结构的五力分析结果表明,视...Video Portal website, as a new website-running model in the industry of Internet Video, includes most of the largest players in this industry such as the earliest proprietary professional video websites and the CNTV which belongs to the media magnate CCTV. Currently, few domestic literatures pay attention to this model, and the relative researches have been carried out without theoretical depth. T...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3062007115248

    Marxist Servant View and Service-Oriented Government Construction in Modern China

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    马克思主义理论内容丰富,含意深刻,是博大精深的理论宝库。马克思、恩格斯的公仆思想是其政治理论中的重要组成部分之一。本文以“马克思主义公仆理论”为研究对象,探讨了马克思主义公仆观的形成依据、主要内容及其当代走向,旨在通过探究马克思、恩格斯对于公仆理论的经典表述,以及马克思主义公仆观在当代中国的丰富和发展,彰显马克思主义公仆观对于当代中国服务型政府建设的指导意义。 本文认为,马克思、恩格斯公仆理论的形成,基于他们对资本主义社会进行科学考察以及对巴黎公社的经验教训进行深刻总结的基础之上,因此,马克思、恩格斯的社会公仆思想深刻地建基于历史唯物主义哲学的基础之上,并与马克思、恩格斯关于人的本质的理解...Rich content of Marxist theory, the profound meaning, is the profound theoretical treasure. Marx and Engels thought is the servant of political theory is one important part.In this paper, "Marxist theory of public servants," as the research object of the Marxist concept of the formation of public servants according to the main content and transcendence, is designed to explore the Marx and Engels t...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院哲学系_马克思主义哲学学号:1042008115235

    Synthesis and Characterization of Anion-Templated Silver Alkynyl Clusters and Silver Thiolate Clusters

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    阴离子模板法是一种简单有效的合成银簇的方法,特别是在对银簇结构的控制方面表现出了独特的优越性。但迄今为止,阴离子模板的种类较少,有待扩展,同时在已报道的阴离子模板法合成的银簇中,外围的保护基团仅以烷基乙炔为主。我们的研究以此为切入点,尝试合成多酸阴离子为模板的炔银簇和阴离子模板指导的硫醇银簇,以期进一步拓展模板法在银簇合成中的应用。 本文主要分为以下三部分的内容: 一、钨酸根指导的炔银簇的合成。我们在反应中得到了以[W4O16]8ˉ为模板的三十四核银簇,该模板阴离子是比较少见于报道的,且该化合物具有发光性质也是在模板法合成的炔银簇中首次发现。 二、钼酸根指导的双膦配体参与的硫醇银簇的合成...Anion-templated synthesis is a facile approach to silver clusters, which controls the structures of silver clusters. This synthetic method is useful in the preparation of silver alkynyl clusters. In order to test the generality of this method, we have been worked on the polyoxometalates-templated silver alkynyl clusters and anion-templated silver thiolate clusters. This thesis consists of th...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052009115139

    Dynamic Analysis of a High-rise-Building Structure during an Earthquake Considering Soil-Structure-Interaction

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    土-结构体系有限元模拟计算分析的复杂性与计算成本,在一定程度上限制了土与结构相互作用分析在高层建筑结构设计中的应用。上部结构数值解与土解析解耦合的土-结构相互作用计算方法,为高层建筑结构提供了有效途径。利用作者提出的耦合算法,对一个钢框架-混凝土核心筒高层结构进行地震作用下的非线性动力分析,讨论了不同强度地震和不同种类地基土对结构地震反应的影响,得出了对实际工程具有指导性意义的结论。The conventional coupling analysis based on a comprehensive finite-element(FE)model is prohibitive in terms of computational complexity and cost.The coupling method between the numerical modeling of the superstructure and the analytical modeling of the soil provides an efficient approach for SSI.This paper applies this method to a steel-reinforced concrete frame-tube high-rise building and verifies its potential through this case study.Using this method,various soil conditions and earthquake intensities are studied to explore the SSI effects,leading to meaningful conclusions to engineering practice.国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0701106)、国家自然科学基金项目(51261120376、5157847


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