81 research outputs found


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    Observation results by the TAMA300 detector on gravitational wave bursts from stellar-core collapses

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    We present data-analysis schemes and results of observations with the TAMA300 gravitational-wave detector, targeting burst signals from stellar-core collapse events. In analyses for burst gravitational waves, the detection and fake-reduction schemes are different from well-investigated ones for a chirp-wave analysis, because precise waveform templates are not available. We used an excess-power filter for the extraction of gravitational-wave candidates, and developed two methods for the reduction of fake events caused by non-stationary noises of the detector. These analysis schemes were applied to real data from the TAMA300 interferometric gravitational wave detector. As a result, fake events were reduced by a factor of about 1000 in the best cases. The resultant event candidates were interpreted from an astronomical viewpoint. We set an upper limit of 2.2x10^3 events/sec on the burst gravitational-wave event rate in our Galaxy with a confidence level of 90%. This work sets a milestone and prospects on the search for burst gravitational waves, by establishing an analysis scheme for the observation data from an interferometric gravitational wave detector

    Comparative double-blind trial of KN-7 tablet and Robaveron injection in the treatment of neurogenic bladder

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    37施設で, 神経因性膀胱233例を対象に, ロバベロン注射剤を標準薬とし, KN-7錠剤の経口投与による排尿障害に対する有用性を, 二重盲検群間比較試験で比較検討した.解析対象例はKN-7群108例, ロバベロン群107例である.KN-7群は1日6錠投与した.改善度の効果判定では改善以上K群40.7%, R群38.7%, やゝ改善以上それぞれ76.9%, 72.6%と有意差はなかった.臨床所見中改善の良かった項目は, 尿意, 残尿感, 尿失禁, 排尿までの時間, 排尿時間, 尿勢-排尿力と尿線中断の改善などで, これらの改善以上はK群35.8%, R群30.8%で, 有意差はなかった.副作用はK群0.9%, R群6.8%, K群が有意に少なかった.両剤とも主として下痢で, R群ではその他頭痛, 頻脈, 肝機能障害, 発熱感などを少数例認めた.臨床検査値ではGOT, GPTの上昇が2例あった.有用度有用以上はK群46.3%, R群45.8%で有意差はなかった.疾患別では, 末梢神経疾患, 膀胱の性状では弛緩性, 時期では12ヵ月以内の例で特に改善率が高かった.以上から, KN-7錠剤は, ロバベロン注射剤に比べ, 同等の効果が期待でき, 安全性も高く, 長期投与あるいは外来患者の治療にも適するThe clinical effectiveness, safety and usefulness of KN-7 tablet as a new oral application of the prostatic extract, on urinary dysfunction of neurogenic bladder were compared with those of Robaveron injection by the double-blind test method. In the study, 2 tablets t.i.d. and a shot of intramuscular injection 1 ml a day were given successively for 3 weeks. A total of 233 cases were reported from 37 facilities belonging to the KN-7 Clinical Research Group. Some of them were excluded or dropped out. The number of cases used for analysing the effectiveness, safety and usefulness were 214, 232 and 215, respectively. There was no bias between the two groups with a significant homogeneity in the background. In the overall clinical effectiveness, the effective rate including excellent, moderate and slightly effective was 76.9% with KN-7 and 77.4% with Robaveron. In the clinical usefulness, the rate of usefulness of slightly useful or above was 75.0% with KN-7 and 75.7% with Robaveron. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the clinical effective and useful rates at a significant level of 5%. Side effects were observed in 1 of the 114 (0.9%) patients given KN-7 and 8 of the 118 (6.8%) patients given Robaveron. The incidence of adverse reactions with KN-7 was significantly lower than that with Robaveron. Based on the results, it was concluded that KN-7 tablets, 2 tablets t.i.d., would be as effective and useful as a Robaveron injection 1 ml daily and safer than the latter in the treatment of neurogenic bladder

    BIホウ ニヨル ゲンリョウジ ノ タイソセイ ヘンカ ノ スイテイ セイド

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    筑波大学博士 (スポーツ医学) 学位論文・平成18年3月24日授与 (甲第4056号)参考文献: p219-23

    作業療法臨床実習のための社会的交流技能事前教育プログラムに関する研究 : 学生の持つ交流技能の分析

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    本報では,4課題:(1)臨床実習に必要な社会的交流技能の明確化,(2)これを養成する教育プログラムの開発,(3)その効果検討,(4)関連する学生側の適性把握,のうちの第1課題に取り組んだもので,Ernestたちの理論に基づき,社会的交流技能を一般的と専門的の2領域に分け,知識や技術を問う項目を加えて社会的交流技能自己評価尺度(SA尺度)試案を作成した.同意の得られたOT学生174名に対し複数回調査を実施し,データを重積して因子分析したところ6因子が抽出された.それら順には「専門的知識・技能」「積極的関与」「整容」「責任のある行動」「関係促進的会話」「指導者への信頼」と解釈した.因子2は専門的交流技能を,因子3〜6は一般的交流技能を反映するものであり,全体的としては我々が仮定した3領域の技能が確認された.Among four research goals (the analysis of social skills necessary for clinical fieldwork, the development of educational program of them, the examination of its effects, and the assessment of students\u27 aptitudes), we dealt with the first one in the present study. Based on Earnest et al\u27s theory, we categorized social skills into general and professional and developed a test version of Social Interaction Skill Self-Assessment Scale (SA Scale). We repeatedly administered it to students who voluntarily agreed to participate and a factor analysis on the accumulated data yielded 6 dimensions. We interpreted them as clinical knowledge and skills, active involvement, appearance, responsibility, smooth conversation, and trust in supervisor. The second dimension reflects professional social skills and the third through sixth ones general social skills, indicating that the analysis verified our assumption

    社会的交流技能事前教育プログラムに関する研究 : 学生の自己評価と性格要因の検討

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    本報では,4課題:(1)臨床実習に必要な社会的交流技能の明確化,(2)これを養成する教育プログラムの開発,(3)その効果検討,(4)関連する学生側の適性把握,のうちの第4課題に取り組んだもので,社会的交流技能にOT学生が持ち合わせている性格特性がどのように関与しているのかを検討した.同意の得られたOT学生86名に対し質問紙調査を実施し,主要5因子性格,社会的交流技能に関する尺度への回答を求めた.分析の結果から性格特性の外向性,勤勉性,知性の3因子が社会的交流技能に関与する性格特性要因であることが示された.そして,勤勉性は,社会的交流技能を全般に高める影響が見られ,指導者期待技能に対して特に影響力が顕著である.知性もこの領域の技能を高めるものであった.また,外向性は対象者効果技能を優れたものにする傾向が顕著であることが示され,社会的交流技能にはさまざまな性格特性が関連していることが考察された.This study aims to clarify the fourth topic of the following four subjects: (1) Clarification of the social exchange skill required for clinical fieldwork; (2) development of an educational program to obtain the social exchange skill; (3) examination of the effect of the educational program, and (4) an understanding of related students\u27 aptitude. We investigated the relationship between the social exchange skill and the personality characteristics of occupational therapy (OT) students. A questionnaire regarding big five personality factors and social exchange skill was administered to 86 OT students. In the analytical result of the survey, it was indicated that introversion, diligence and intelligence were the main personality characteristics related to the social exchange skill. Diligence improved the social exchange skill in general. Diligence had a remarkable influence on the ability, which was expected to be obtained by OT students to encourage them to become leaders. Intelligence was also found to improve social exchange skill. Introversion remarkably contributed as well, which had an effect on the OT students to enhance their social exchange skill. Thus, it was observed that various personality characteristics were related to the social exchange skill