157 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は,基礎看護学実習Ⅱにおいて化学療法・放射線療法を受けるがん患者を受け持った看護学生の学びを明らかにすることであった.学生16 名の実習記録に記載された学び全482 件のコードを分析対象とし,質的記述的分析を行った.結果,【患者理解につながる情報収集・コミュニケーション】,【患者との関係性構築に基づく相互作用】,【患者・家族の相互作用の理解】,【患者の病状・治療状況の把握】,【患者の不安・苦痛の理解】,【闘病生活における積極的な姿勢の理解】,【有害事象に対する看護実践】,【日常生活援助の実践過程】,【効果的な与薬管理の検討】,【入院前後の生活を見据えた関わり】,【実習を通して得られた今後の自己課題】の11 カテゴリーが生成された.学生は,がん患者の闘病生活の理解や支援について学びを深めており,今後の自己課題や学習意欲につながっていることが推察され,継続学習の支援の必要性が示唆された.The purpose of this study was to clarify learning in nursing students in charge of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy/radiotherapy in the Basic Nursing Training II course. All 482 codes related to learning in the training records of 16 students in charge of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy/radiotherapy in the Basic Nursing Training II course were qualitatively descriptive analyzed, and 11 categories were identified: [information collection and communication leading to patient understanding], [interaction based on building a relationship with the patient], [understanding patient-family interaction], [assessing the patient\u27s medical condition and treatment status], [understanding patient anxiety and pain], [understanding positive attitudes in fighting illness], [nursing practice for adverse events], [practical process of daily life assistance], [consideration of effective medication administration], [involvement a view to life before and after hospitalization], [future self-assignment obtained through bedside training]. The results revealed that they deepen their learning about understanding and support for fighting illness. Such learning is likely to increase their motivation to learn, suggesting the necessity of continuous learning

    実習記録から捉える基礎看護学実習Ⅱにおける学びの諸相 ―自分自身に関する記述から―

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    「笑いヨガ」により生活の質を改善する : ストレス低減による心身の健康維持効果の実証

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    In this study, we demonstrated it about usefulness of “the private training” in “Laughter Yoga” for thepurpose of improving quality of life objectively. The object was woman of 40-70 generations, 31 people intotal, and the average age was 66.9 years old. I divided a target person into two groups of A group (I carry outprivate training) and the B group (I do not carry out private training) and weighed it. As a result, it wasrecognized that the following effects were provided by performing “Laughter Yoga” program continuously. 1)Is health maintenance, an increase effect by the protective efficacy of a heart, the vascular disease by asustained light exercise effect and the maintenance effect of the arterial elasticity, 2) relaxation effects and themental and physical stabilization promotion, 3) temperature rises and a temperature maintenance effect, thereinforcement effect of 4) breathing functions and the respiratory illness prevention, an improvement effect, 5)stress relaxation effects (inspect it by salivary α-amylase activity level). As for the enforcement of “LaughterYoga”, it was proved to be effective for mental improvement with the mental and physical stabilization basedon a basic program than the above-mentioned views to take effect continuously. Therefore, training of“Laughter Yoga” is anxiety neurosis, panic disorder, one troubled with disorder, chronic bronchitis, apulmonary problem and high blood pressure such as the bronchial asthma, the mind and body having chronicdiseases such as arrhythmia due to the tachycardia and the depression, the action that are very useful againfrom not only rehabilitation such as the cerebral infarction and a health increase, the maintenance but also amental health point of view mark and thinks that I contribute to improvement of the quality of life


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    Caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is a disease of domestic goats caused by a lentivirus of the family Retroviridae. Since Japan has been assumed to be free from the disease, there has neither been information about it nor diagnostic methods for it so far. A disease characterized by arthritis of carpal joints and occasionally by pneumonia was seen among goats on a farm in Nagano prefecture of Japan in the summer of 2002. For the purpose of CAE detection, we developed an agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test using maedi-visna virus as the antigen according to the manual of standards for diagnostic tests and vaccines of the Office International de Epizootic (OIE). We also developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, syncytium assay, and indirect immunofluorescence tests for CAEV. Serological investigation of CAEV was performed with 3,255 serum samples from goats in various parts of Japan. Seven hundred [and] fourteen goats were positive for the antibody to CAEV; the rate of positive reactors was 21.9%. Sixty-two Shiba goats, which were Japanese indigenous species and antibody positive to CAEV, were also investigated pathologically. The CAE specific findings in histopathology were observed in the carpal joint (68.2% of goats), tarsal joint (50.0% of goats) and metacarpopharangeal joint (50.0% of goats). Moreover, nonsuppurative mastitis (80.0% of goats) and interstitial pneumonia (17.9% of goats) were also observed. These results suggested that CAEV-infected goats have been prevalent in parts of Japan and also suggested that, in addition to a milk-borne infection, the droplet infection may be the important route for horizontal transmission of CAEV in Shiba goats.山羊関節炎・脳脊髄炎(CAE)は, 2002年8月に日本国内で初めてその存在が明らかとなった. 本疾病の国内浸潤状況を調べるため, 診断方法の確立を試みた. その結果, ゲル内沈降(AGID)法による抗体検査, PCR法によるウイルス遺伝子検査, シンシチウムアッセイ及び間接蛍光抗体法(IFA)によるウイルス抗原検出が可能となった. AGID法を用いて全国から任意抽出された山羊血清について抗体調査を行った結果, 3, 255頭中714頭(21.9%)が抗体陽性であった. また, 日本在来種であるシバヤギにおけるCAEの特徴的病変を調べるため, 病理学的検査を行った. その結果, 四肢関節では手根関節(68.2%), 足根関節(50.0%), 中手指節間関節(50.0%)の順で非化膿性炎症像が多く見られた. また, 非化膿性乳腺炎(80.0%)及び間質性肺炎(17.9%)が高頻度で認められた. 他品種の山羊において, CAEVがこれらの組織の上皮細胞に感染し, 同様な病変を引き起こす事や, 感染山羊が乳汁中に感染能を有するウイルスを排出する事が知られており, 本研究の知見からシバヤギにおいても乳汁感染及び飛沫感染がCAEVの重要な伝播経路となる可能性が示唆された