218 research outputs found


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    The Design of Precision Photoelectric Circuit in Micro Displacement Detection System

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    基于像散原理的光学检测系统,是通过对光路系统聚焦信号的离焦量fES的检测实现微位移的测量。四象限光电探测器作为检测系统的光电转换传感器,需要设计光电探测器电路,实现对fES信号的检测,并由微单片机系统采集处理,通过串口通信传给PC机进行数据存储和被测对象二维图像分析和重建。通过将所设计的电路集成在光学测头装置上进行实验测量,光电转换信号稳定,相对误差小于5%。The optical detection system based on the principle of astigmatic to measure the micro displacement is through detecting the defocused quantity FES of fouce signal in optical system.Four quadrant photoelectric detector as the photoelectric sensor of the detection system,have to design the circuit of photoelectric detector,to achieve FES detection,the FES signal is collected and processed by micro SCM system,storage the data to PC and analysis and reconstruction 2d image of the tested object through serial communication.Integrated the circuit to the optical probe decive and to measure the micro displacement,photoelectric signal stability,the relative error less than 5%

    Nonlinear local stabilization control of flexible satellite attitude system

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    本文针对挠性卫星姿态机动和振动抑制问题,给出一种基于多项式平方和(SuM Of SQuArES,SOS)的非线性局部镇定控制方法.根据姿态系统结构特征,在此基础上,采用SOS结合S-PrOCEdurE理论,得出相应的非线性局部可镇定条件.该条件可借助有效凸优化工具进行检验,当优化问题可解时,可构造非线性姿态控制器的解析解.最后,将文中方法应用于某型挠性卫星姿态控制.仿真结果表明,在实现大角度姿态快速机动的同时,有效抑制了挠性附件振动.Based on the polynomial sum of squares(SOS) techniques, a nonlinear local stabilization control approach is proposed for the problem of flexible satellite attitude maneuver and vibration suppression.According to the structural features of attitude system, a nonlinear local stabilization controller is developed and the complexity of attitude control design is reduced effectively by employing a separation principle for the reduced-order observer and state feedback.On this basis, the corresponding conditions of nonlinear local stabilization, which can be checked through convex optimization algorithms, are presented by using the SOS and S-procedure theory, and the analytical solution of nonlinear attitude controller can be constructed if the optimization problem is solvable.Finally, this method is applied to the attitude control of a flexible satellite and the simulation results show that both the fast large angle attitude maneuver and the vibration suppression are well realized.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61374037); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20110121110017

    Legal Principles of and Application Conditions for Relevant Provisions on the Continental Shelf under the UNCLOS

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    方银霞,国家海洋局第二海洋研宄所,国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室研宄员,主要研宄方向为海洋地质. 周建平,国家海洋局第二海洋研宄所,国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室助理研宄员, 主要研宄方向为海洋地球物理。【中文摘要】《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称“《公约》”在确认沿海国拥有200海里专属经济区主权权利以外,《公约》第76条关于大陆架的定义中还规定沿海国可根据各自的地形和地质条件将其大陆架扩展到200海里以外,所扩展的 距离根据《公约》第76条的有关规定执行。由于《公约》第76条所定义的大陆架是法律意义的大陆架,是一个科学与法律政治的结合体,也是不同政治利益集团 之间妥协的产物,因此在具体操作中存在一定的复杂性,尤其是“洋脊”问题。《公 约》第76条中规定的“洋脊”可以分为深洋洋脊、海底洋脊和海底高地三种情况, 而不同类型的洋脊有着不同的划界距离标准。目前许多沿海国,尤其是各岛国都 期望利用有关“洋脊”条款中的规定来扩展他们的外大陆架。因此我们必须加强 对《公约》第76条的法理和应用条件研究,真正掌握并正确援用有关法律的依据、 原则和条件,为维护我国合法权益、为我国200海里以外大陆架的申请提供参考, 同时弄清各沿海国的外大陆架划界主张,以便确定我们的应对原则和政策。 【Abstract】Apart from affirming the sovereign rights of coastal States over its exclusive economic zone, which stretches from the baseline to 200 nautical miles into the sea, Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”)also provides that the continental shelf of a coastal State can be extended for a certain distance beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured in consideration of its topographical and geological conditions, as specified under Article 76. Since the definition of the “continental shelf” is provided as a legal concept under Article 76 of the Convention, therefore it is not only an outcome of the combination of legal factors and political elements, but is also a compromise reached among various political interest groups. However, the complexity lies in the application of the provisions of Article 76, especially those regarding the “ridge”, which can be divided into three categories (i.e., ocean ridges, submarine ridges, and submarine elevations) in accordance with Article 76 of the Convention. In the current context where various island States are making attempts to extend their outer continental shelf through tactful interpretation and application of relevant provisions regarding “ridge” under the Convention, it becomes imperative for China to master and correctly apply the provisions of the Convention to safeguard its legal rights and interests. Moreover, in order to be in a favorable position to make corresponding delimitation principles and policies, China must have clarity on the delimitation claims of interested island States and their basis of claims to achieve desired delimitation results


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    目的探索提高肺结核患者发现率的新途径,加快患者发现进程,实现世界卫生组织(WHO)提出的全球结核病控制阶段性目标。方法选择湖北省2002年度涂阳肺结核登记率低于全省平均水平的40个县,在每个县选择1家门诊量最大的综合医院和结核病防治中心作为研究项目实施单位。通过对综合医院相关科室医务人员进行培训和督导,从而在综合医院建立肺结核可疑症状者诊断、疫情报告和转诊工作规范。利用月报和季度报表收集资料,采用χ2检验对率和构成比进行统计分析,处理过程通过SAS 8.1实现。结果2003年10月至2004年9月期间,40个县累计发现新涂阳肺结核患者12 193例,比项目实施前同期增加了3 965例;新涂阳患者登记率由项目前同期的33.6/10万提高到49.6/10万(χ2=760.8,P<0.01),患者发现率由57.8%提高到85.5%。40个县综合医院门诊对肺结核可疑症状者查痰率达到48.6%,涂阳检出率为15.6%,患者转诊率为29.7%。医院门诊登记的11 303例可疑症状者中,共查出涂阳肺结核患者1 663例,占40个县涂阳患者发现总数的11.2%。结论加强综合医院与结核病防治中心的协调与合作,特别是加强医院肺结核患者和肺结核可疑症状者的转诊和追踪调查,能够快速地提高新涂阳肺结核患者发现水平

    A Meibomian Gland Massage Mechanism for Upper and Lower Eyelids Based on Anti-phase Rolling and Enveloping Movement

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    在睑板腺功能障碍的治疗过程中,睑板腺按摩是一种有效的辅助治疗手段。该文针对传统的机械辅助按摩结构中的缺陷进行了改进,提出了一种基于反相按摩辊滚压和包络原理的按摩机构,以提高阻塞物排出顺畅度和提高按摩区域覆盖率,最终达到提高辅助治疗效果的目的。同时,针对机构中电机受尺寸影响较大的情况,对运转过程中输入动力与输出载荷和损耗进行了评估计算,初步验证了所设计机构的可行性。During the course of meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD) treatment, meibomian gland massage is an effective auxiliary method.Based on an extrusion method using anti-phase massage rollers and a theory on envelope plane, a massage mechanism was proposed in this paper for the defect of the traditional mechanical assist massage structure to discharge obstruction of Meibomian gland more smoothly and to enlarge massage coverage.Meanwhile, for the case that the power of motor was significantly limited by size, an evaluation, about the input, output and loss, was carried out to initially verify the feasibility of the designed mechanism

    Ultimate Strength of High Strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with Concrete Filled Steel Tube Under Axial Compression and their Reliability Analysis

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    为了探求一个合理的设计公式来计算带圆钢管的劲性高强混凝土柱在轴压下的极限强度,完成了包含13个短柱试件在内的轴心受压试验以研究该类柱在轴压下的破坏模式和极限强度.试验结果表明,在荷载作用下,直到荷载接近极限值时,柱中钢管、纵向钢筋以及混凝土三者之间的纵向应变基本上是协调的,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,因此可以采用叠加原理来计算带圆钢管的劲性高强混凝土柱在轴压下的极限承载力.此外,分析了该极限承载力计算公式的可靠度水平.分析结果表明,该承载力计算满足GB50068-2001对构件可靠指标的要求.This paper aims at developing a rational design formula to predict the ultimate strength of high strength concrete columns reinforced with concrete filled steel tube (HSCCRST) under axial compression. In order to investigate the failure mode and the ultimate strength of the columns under axial compression, experimental tests of 13 specimens under axial compression were performed. Test results showed that the longitudinal strain of the steel tube, the longitudinal reinforcement, and the concrete in the column were all compatible under loading until the load applied was close to the ultimate load. Therefore, the ultimate strength of HSCCRST could be calculated in the principle of superposition. In addition, the reliability level of the columns under axial compression designed following the proposed formula was investigated. Analysis results indicated that the reliability indexes of the columns designed following the proposed formula satisfied the demand of Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures (GB 50068-2001), National Standard of the People's Republic of China.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50378034