203 research outputs found

    Research on the Legal Status of Regional Administrative Committee

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    区域性管理委员会是随着我国各类特定区域的设立、发展而出现的行政管理部门。由于区域性管理委员会管理体制急速发展,行政管理实践中逐渐浮现出管委会主体资格不明、职权范围不确定、与其他行政机关的关系错综复杂等一系列问题,法院在司法实践中也经常对同类案件做出截然不同的处理。 为了促进区域性管理委员会妥善管理区域事务、提高行政效率,并确保其行政活动的合法性,有必要对区域性管委会的职权来源、职权范围以及与其他行政机关的法律关系进行梳理。本文通过分析实定法规范、整理相关案例,对各类区域性管理委员会的法律地位加以整体描摹,以期对行政及司法实践有所助益。 本文共分为五部分。第一章主要介绍经济性开发区、大学城、...The regional administrative committee is an administrative authority emerging with the establishment and the development of various specific districts in China. Due to the rapid development of the management system, a series of problems, such as the indefiniteness of the subject qualification, the uncertainty of the scope of its functions and powers, the complicated relationship with other adminis...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_宪法学与行政法学学号:1362015115097

    Necessity of nursing staff to carry out first aid skill training

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    目的探讨护理人员开展急救技能培训的必要性。方法选取本院60名护理人员为研究对象,对所选护理人员开展急救技能培训,急救技能培训分2个阶段进行,首先将所选60名护理人员随机分为对照组(30例)和研究组(30例),所有护理人员均接受第1阶段培训,再给予研究组第2阶段培训,培训后进行考核,比较2组护理人员考核状况。结果 2组护理人员接受培训后考核成绩,从口述、实践、理论3个方面来看,研究组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对护理人员开展急救技能培训存在一定必要性,可使护理人员急救能力得到提高,提高患者生命安全的保障度,值得临床推广。Objective To explore the necessity of nursing staff to carry out first aid skill training. Methods In our hospital, 60 cases of nursing staff were selected as the research objects, and in the first stage, they all received the basic emergency skill training. Then they were randomly divided into a control group(30 cases) and study group(30 cases),and the latter received the further training in the second stage. After that, the effects were evaluated and the results were compared between the two groups. Results The achievements of oral, practice and theory in the study group were better than those in the control group, and there was a significant difference between two groups(P<0.05). Conclusion It is necessary for nursing staff to carry out emergency skill training, which can improve the ability of emergency care, improve the safety of patients' lives, and it is worth popularizing


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    Visual Communication in Brand Image

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    随着全球化经济和信息时代的到来,品牌在市场经济中变的越来越重要。塑造品牌形象是一个过程,所需的是品牌和利益相关者的不断互动。形象塑造的成功需要市场分析、品牌识别、品牌营销与品牌管理等各个环节的完美配合。品牌的理念识别和行为识别是看不见也摸不着的,只能通过品牌的视觉形象表现出来。因此,品牌的视觉形象是利益相关者接触品牌的第一印象,是品牌与利益相关者沟通的桥梁。具体来说,在品牌视觉形象塑造中,设计师将品牌信息转换成视觉性符号,形成独特的视觉语言来与利益相关者沟通和交流。视觉语言是由视觉基本元素和设计原则两部分构成的一套传达意义的规范或符号系统,是视觉沟通中表达方式的一个重要内容。其包括色彩、图形、...Brand is getting more and more attention from our corporations, as the coming of global economic and information era. Brand building is a process that needs every related party, such as marketing analysis, brand identity and brand administration, to involve in. Brand vision is the outside of our brand that includes brand value, brand culture and personality, etc. So it will be possible to be the f...学位:文学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院美术系_设计艺术学学号:1862009115309

    Discussion on OEM's Internal Control System

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    OEM生产是一种制造与品牌分离的生产方式,是在经济全球化下分工合作的结果,是资源配置优化的有效途径,也是市场细分的必然结果。中国正成为全球制造基地,目前全球1/3的OEM业务由中国提供,而国内品牌市场也有20%以上采用OEM方式。过去,在一没有世界级的品牌,二没有高新技术的优势的情况下,中国的OEM企业主要依靠丰富的劳动力资源、低价的原材料、较强的制造能力、大规模生产等方面的优势来获取利润,从而有效减少技术研发、市场营销和品牌开发等方面的成本和风险。 然而,随着人民币升值、劳动力成本提高及国家对环境保护工作的日益强化,中国OEM企业固有的这些优势也将一步步消失,那么中国OEM企业的下一个问题...OEM is a production mode which separates manufacture and brand, it’s a result of economic globalization, an effective way of optimized distribution of resources and an inevitable result of market segmentation. China is becoming a global manufacturing base, one-third of current globe OEM business is provided by China , and OEM takes up more than 20% in domestic market. In the past, there were no wo...学位:会计硕士院系专业:厦门大学与厦门国家会计学院会计硕士专业学位联合教育中心(MPACC)_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200515714

    Range-Based Estimation of the Short Term Interest Rate Volatility

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    为了提高短期利率波动估计的准确度,本文首次采用极差作为利率波动代理,对我国短期利率波动进行实证研究。相对传统的利率波动代理,极差包含更多的利率日内路径信息,能更真实地反映实际利率波动情况。我们先通过数值模拟证明采用极差作为利率波动代理的随机波动模型能准确地估计出利率动态方程中参数,蒙特卡洛模拟结果显示,相对传统随机波动模型而言,基于极差的随机波动模型估计结果更接近真实利率波动率。我们分别对1天回购利率和7天回购利率进行实证研究,采用不同的利率波动代理——传统的回归残差平方、极差和已实现波动,在随机波动模型框架下研究我国短期利率动态。实证结果表明,我国短期利率波动对利率水平高度敏感。在模型比较中...To improve the estimation of the short term interest rate volatility, we first use the range as the interest rate volatility proxy. Compared with the classical volatility proxy, the range contains more information about the interest rate roads and is more efficient. Our simulation shows that the range-based stochastic volatility models can accurately estimate parameters of the interest rate dynami...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772009115242

    The Voice of the Black Coal Moving &not;——Application and Interpretation of Media in the Artistic Creation

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    以回顾个人几年来的创作实践为引线,作者梳理了创作过程中,从个体意识对外部环境做出的反应到对内心环境进行的探索,以及两者之间的关系。自我意识在面对外界环境与内心活动时的觉察、提问、反思和内视的一步步的过程。 同时,作者也整理并探讨了在实践过程中,对媒介与主题、材料、个体状态之间关系的思考。问题的发生与被发现形成主题和方向;材料和媒介自身呈现语言或信息。提出了主题所具有的假设性与非真实性,其仅以主题的非真实性为启动进入延展性、铺陈性的自我搜索与呈现的尝试所带出的一系列过程。自我搜索带来的仍然是又一层的未知,很可能主题并不与最初的完全一致,但有意思的并不在于解决某个问题本身,而在于在这过程中所抛出...To review the practice of personal creation of the past few years as the lead, combing the creative process, to make the reaction from the individual consciousness of the external environment of the inner environment to explore, as well as the relationship between the two. Aware of the self-consciousness in the face of the external environment and inner activities, questioning, reflection and with...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:艺术教育学院_美术学学号:1862009115306

    PKFSKC: PCA Based Key Frame Similarity Kernel Clustering Algorithm

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    针对基于内容的视频检索领域中,关键帧特征矩阵维度不同时的相似度计算问题,提出一种基于主成分分析的关键帧相似度核聚类检索算法。首先,针对任意具有不; 同数量关键帧的视频片段,提取特征向量并构造不同维度的特征矩阵。其次,基于PCA计算对特征矩阵进行SVD计算降维矩阵后,结合矩阵运算方法及核方法设; 计出一种视频关键帧相似度核聚类检索算法,并给出其加权改进形式。最后,通过测试视频标准库和人工视频片段的实验表明,该算法能更好地提视频高视频检索的; 效率。In the content-based video retrieval research, a PCA based key frame; similarity kernel clustering algorithm is proposed to calculate the; similarity of the feature matrix of video key frame with different; dimensions. Firstly, feature vectors and structure feature matrices with; different dimensions of any different video clip key frame are; extracted. Secondly, the dimension reduction matrix with SVD method; based on PCA algorithm is calculated, the key frame similarity kernel; clustering algorithm is proposed with the matrix calculation method and; the kernel method, and its improved weighted representation is proposed; as well. Finally, the simulation experiments on the standard test video; database and artificial video clip database show that the algorithm can; improve the efficiency of video retrieval.福建省软科学一般项目; 2016年虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室立项; 厦门大学立项课题项


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