Necessity of nursing staff to carry out first aid skill training


目的探讨护理人员开展急救技能培训的必要性。方法选取本院60名护理人员为研究对象,对所选护理人员开展急救技能培训,急救技能培训分2个阶段进行,首先将所选60名护理人员随机分为对照组(30例)和研究组(30例),所有护理人员均接受第1阶段培训,再给予研究组第2阶段培训,培训后进行考核,比较2组护理人员考核状况。结果 2组护理人员接受培训后考核成绩,从口述、实践、理论3个方面来看,研究组优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对护理人员开展急救技能培训存在一定必要性,可使护理人员急救能力得到提高,提高患者生命安全的保障度,值得临床推广。Objective To explore the necessity of nursing staff to carry out first aid skill training. Methods In our hospital, 60 cases of nursing staff were selected as the research objects, and in the first stage, they all received the basic emergency skill training. Then they were randomly divided into a control group(30 cases) and study group(30 cases),and the latter received the further training in the second stage. After that, the effects were evaluated and the results were compared between the two groups. Results The achievements of oral, practice and theory in the study group were better than those in the control group, and there was a significant difference between two groups(P<0.05). Conclusion It is necessary for nursing staff to carry out emergency skill training, which can improve the ability of emergency care, improve the safety of patients' lives, and it is worth popularizing

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