20 research outputs found


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    American Higher Education Professional Evaluation Is Based on Students' Academic Achievement

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    近年来,高等教育的产出及培养质量受到社会各界的广泛关注,美国高等教育专业认证从高校资源和声誉的维度逐渐转向学生学习成果的维度。本文在分析美国专业认证中如何运用学习成果评估的基础上,提出了今后我国专业评估应在评估主体上突出学生地位,在评估过程中应根据院校特征建立有特色的学生学习成果评估模型,进一步强调学生的学习“结果“评估。Recent years, the production of the higher education and its educational quality were widely noticed by the public in our society.American higher education professional evaluation has made transactions from the university resources and reputation to the students' achievements.This study analyzed the American professional evaluation how to use academic achievements as evaluational indicators, and proposed to treat student as evaluation body in professional evaluation in our country, and built a featured student evaluation model and stress of the evaluation on students' academic results.云南省高职研究重点项目《基于学业标准的高职院校学习性评价研究》(项目编号:7ZD201310); 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目《中国现代职业教育质量保障体系研究》(项目编号:13JZD047)子课题“高职教育专业认证及评估的研究与实践”成果之


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    The Subject Value of Professional Evaluation of Higher Education Should Return to Students

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    专业评估的通常做法是以专业教学目标的合理性判断为起点,在标准选择上更倾向于教育者和管理者的标准。本文认为,专业评估应该以结果指标,即毕业生质量为评估的逻辑起点,并在评估中突出学生的主体地位和成长价值,评估标准的选择应该从外在的显性数量化指标回归到内在的学生成就等隐性指标。Usually, the starting point of professional evaluation is the speciality teaching target.In detail, it starts with the rationality of arrangement of professional teaching.The selection of evaluation standards is more intended to educators and managers.The authors present that the correct way is to start with the results of speciality teaching, in other words, the quality of graduated students should be the main body, and the emphasis should be the values in students' development.The evaluation standards should return to internal indexes such as students' achievement and development from the external indexes such as teaching times, amount of books and areas of classrooms, the number of teachers, etc.云南省高职研究重点项目《基于学业标准的高职院校学习性评价研究》(项目编号:7ZD201310); 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目《中国现代职业教育质量保障体系研究》(项目编号:13JZD047)子课题《高职教育专业认证及评估的研究与实践》成果之


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    <正> 在毛主席“一定要把淮河修好”的英明指示下,淮河上游的山谷水库相继兴修,其中有些已全部完成,并在今年淮河防汎斗争中发挥了应有的作用。水库除了用来拦蓄山洪以外,还可以多样地加以利用,养鱼就是其中之一。关于水库在渔业上的重要意义,可从苏联的资料(1951)中得到证明:在莫斯科运河的水库系统成立以前,伏尔加河在该区的渔获量每年仅1,000公担左右


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    从活性污泥中筛选出絮凝剂产生菌,并对其絮凝条件进行絮凝性能研究。经絮凝实验筛选得到4株絮凝活性较高且稳定的菌株,分别命名为M1、M2、M3、n5。对其中1株进行絮凝活性及絮凝条件的研究,其絮凝活性物质主要为菌体分泌物,该菌可产生高絮凝活性的最佳絮凝条件:对于浓度为1--9g/l的高岭土,最佳助凝剂为1%的CAC l2,投入量为40 Mg/l,PH值为9,絮凝率可达98%,具有良好的热稳定性,适于工业化生产。国家大学生创新性实验计划项目(091022008);黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(1153005


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    Study on the structural evolution and heat transfer performance of Cu supported on regular morphology CeO2 in CO catalytic combustion and chemical looping combustion

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    Chemical looping combustion (CLC) and catalytic combustion (CC), which are potential technologies to promote CO & RARR;CO2 efficient conversion and energy conservation for the steelmaking off-gas, are investigated in reaction activity, structure evolution catalysts/oxygen carriers (OCs) and energy recovery using Cu/CeO2 materials. Activity results suggest that the rod-shaped samples with well-defined (100) crystal faces exhibit higher activity than the sphere-shaped samples with (111) crystal faces, obtaining the optimized copper content of 3 wt%. IR spectra confirmed the proposed reaction pathway that the CO adsorbed on copper sites (Cu+-CO) at the Cu-Ce interface reacts with adjacent surface lattice oxygen. The gaseous oxygen continuously migrates to the external surface of materials, thus resulting in strongly exothermic CO self-sustained combustion during CC. Such a violent reaction does not cause obvious evolution of chemical composition, crystalline phase and structure. Since the active lattice oxygen is gradually consumed but not replenished by external gaseous O2 in time, CO combustion is not self-sustained during CLC. Therefore, the reduction cycle is no longer confined to the surface of the material but penetrates deep into its body, which accelerates Cu+ enrichment at the surface and leads to irreversible sintering and agglomeration of the material