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    Chapter1.General Introduction Chapter2.The importance of food for female reproduction of I.naranyae Chapter3.The cost of reproduction of I.naranyae Chapter4.Food and egg production of I.naranyae Chapter5.Food and investment in egg size of I.maranyae Chapter6.Egg size and reproductive success of I.naranyae Chapter7.General conclution SUMMARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCESMade available in DSpace on 2013-07-10T06:46:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 agr662.pdf: 2417994 bytes, checksum: def6d0ee323cabb4ad3fb2210f5a8e72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-27Submitted by 愛 遠藤 ([email protected]) on 2013-07-10T06:46:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 agr662.pdf: 2417994 bytes, checksum: def6d0ee323cabb4ad3fb2210f5a8e72 (MD5)主1-参1生物資源開発管理The primary aim of evolution ecology has been to explain the divergent patterns in life-history among and within animal species, Insect parasitoids are one of the most diverse groups of insects with divergent life-history strategines, and have been shown as an excellent test organism in evolutionary ecology . Also, because parasitoids often play an important role in suppressing pest populations in agriculture, revealing the life-history characteristics of parasitoids has been the primary approach to assess their importance and effectiveness in biological control of agricultural pests. Since the environment is instable in time and space, parasitoids have life history traits that are adapted to the environmental changes. Itoplectis naranyae Ashmead(Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae)is a solitary endoparasitoid wasp that attacks a variety of lepidopterous pupae. This parasitoid is widespread and abundant in rice paddies of japan and other East Asia, where it is an important natural enemy of lepidopteran pests such as rice leaf folder. I.naranyae is typically synovigenic and produces relatively large yolk-rich enggs throughout the relatively long span; adult females must gain nutrients to sustain their activity and egg production throughout the lifetime. I.naranyae is a destructive host-feeding species; host feeding allows the female to nutrients for egg production, but hosts fed on become unsuitable for oviposition. The present thesis aims to examin: (1) the cost and benefit of different food types in adult diet of female I.naranyae; (2) the effect of adult body size on reproductive traits; (3) the factors restrict the development and nutrient carried over before adult emergence. Finally, the interaction of these lifetime traits that lead to a variable life-history strategy of I.naranyae is discussed. The longevity and fecundity of female I.naranyae were enhanced when feeding on carbohydrates; they lived more than 1.5 months with a sugar source, but no more than two weeks without it. Dissecting experiments revealed that both the egg production and maturation were improved when sufficient carbohydrates were given. The fecundity also uncreased host fluids were artificially provided. The egg production however was best enhanced when both host- and sugar feedings were allowed. In addition, the females produced larger eggs when food was sufficiently available. Female I.naranyae offered with host blood only produced relatively smaller eggs than those with carbohydrates in their diet, indicating it can modify the investment to each egg and regulate reproductive output in response to different food conditions. Curiously, the longevity of I.naranyae was shorter in the presence of hosts than those deprived of hosts, indicating the presence of a trade-off between reproduction and life expectancy, i.e., cost of reproduction. Body size of female I.naranyae positively affected their lifetime traits from different aspects. The longevity increased as the body size increased, no matter food source types or the availability of host pupae. Larger females carried more eggs in their ovary. Moreover, the body size positively affected on the size of eggs produced. Larger females tend to produce more female offspring. Although body size itself has no effects on the fitness of their offspring, larger female offspring. Although body size itself had no effects on the fitness of their offspring, larger eggs required shorter developmental time, suggesting production of large eggs is advantageous under larval competition. In this dissertation, I employed two indexes for body size of I.naranyae, which are body weight at parasitoid emergence and forewing length. Although these two parameters were significantly correlated with each other, the effects were not. The forewing length seemed to be a better predictor of body size of females I.naranyae; while in the study of fecundity and egg size, the body weight at emergence was better. Large size benefits parasitoids directly in competing fitness functions, such as survival and reproduction, but it is also assumed that large size would have negative impacts on some life-time traits, such as energy consumption, mobility and development. Forewing length is directly correlated with ability and consume of flight and other daily activities, so it would be more suitable in the test of life span. On the other hand, the body weight of an individual can directly reflect capability of resource acquiring and/or storing. Hence, it may be more suitable in the research of nutrition acquisition and allocation of parasitoids. The egg size of I.naranyae is variable, is positively correlated with hatching time and the size of the hatching larva. Becouse the super- and multi-parasites are common the field, faster development may be the superiority to overcome the competition of both inter- more in each egg. Life-history strategies of I.naranyae are complex and flexible, and they are affected by both internal (i.e. body size egg production, age) and external factors (i.e. nutrition both prey and non-prey, host availability, environment). These factors combine together and interact with each other to influence the traits throughout life time. Such flexible strategies would allow I.naranyae to cope with variable food conditions, competitive environments, and different types of hosts they develop

    Dissociation of Emotional Conflict Effects with Positive or Negative Target

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    Interactions between Chinese associations and education in postwar Singapore:A socio-economic perspective

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    本文以战后初期华人社团在新加坡华文教育发展中的作用为讨论的切入点 ,重点分析会馆如何重建或新办学校、筹措资金以及提供师资与领导等方面的活动。本文也将通过详细的统计资料 ,探讨会馆属下学校的董事、教师、学生及其家庭的社会经济和教育背景 ,以期厘清华文教育、会馆以及社会经济变迁这三者之间交错复杂的关系。This paper examines the interactions between clan associations and education in Singapore, with a focus on the 1945-1954 period. By using rich statistics data from the clan associations/school publications, this paper establishes the patterns of their close interplay and the socio-economic background of the school teachers/pupils. It concludes that Chinese schools epitomized of the heterogeneous nature of Singapore Chinese community and constituted the fertile ground for socialization and identity formation, which underwent a localization process during the period under consideration

    Transition Economy, Restructuring and Corporate Governance

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    本文将企业重组置于经济体制转轨的大背景下来加以研究,把企业重组模式与公司治理结构有机的融合起来,探讨了转轨经济中企业重组的主要模式面临的问题、障碍、应用前景,是结合国情对企业重组模式进行研究探讨的一次尝试。与西方学者对企业重组模式的分类不同,基于转轨经济的特征,本文将我国企业重组的模式分为扩张型、收缩型和治理型三大类。全文共分五章,各章内容分述如下: 第一章为“经济转轨与企业重组”。在界定企业重组内涵的基础上,研究了我国企业重组的动因、类型和基本特征。鉴于政府在企业重组中的重要作用,本章进一步分析了经济转轨期企业重组中的政府行为。 第二章为“扩张型企业重组模式”。在市场经济发达的国家里,兼...China is in the transition from Planned Econnomy to Market Economy. Enterprise restrcturing especially state-owned enterprise restructuring is now arising more and more people's attention. What kinds of characteristic does enterprise restructuring have in Transition Economy? What are the main problems? What kinds of modes have been formed in China? And what kinds of enlightenments should we take f...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_财政学(含税收学)学号:B19981201

    Design and Implementation of Management System for Special Equipment Inspection Business Based on Web

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    随着国民经济的快速发展,特种设备呈现快速化、大型化、高速化、复杂化、高危险性的发展趋势。特种设备是否安全,直接关系到人民的生命财产安全,建立特种设备检验业务管理系统,不仅是监督检验的业务和工作需求,也是国家和社会提高整体安全能力的需要。为了提高检验部门管理水平、节省人力物力,充分利用计算机技术、网络技术,建立符合自身的特种设备检验业务管理系统已经成为当务之急。 本文在对贵州省特种设备检验业务进行详细调研的基础上,进行了详细的需求分析,提出了基于Web的特种设备检验业务管理系统的解决方案。在系统需求分析阶段,利用结构化的分析方法进行了分析;在系统总体设计及实现阶段,利用J2EE技术框架,采用...With the rapid development of the national economy, special equipment showed as a rapid, large-scale, high-speed, complex, high-risk trends. The security of special equipment related to the lives and property of the people directly. So, the establishment of a special equipment inspection business management system, not only meet the business and work needs, but also the needs of the state and soci...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223017

    On architectural style of Taiwan local based on architectural semiotic

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    对符号学、符号学在建筑上的应用、符号学的层次等进行了介绍,研究了符号学的观点,指出结构符号学的理论产生跟后现代建筑的兴起有着相辅相成的关系,通过对建筑符号的理论分析,帮助人们认识建筑的文化意涵及设计策略。The author introduces semiotic,application of semiotic on architecture,levels of semiotic,etc.,studies view of semiotic,points out that the theory production of structural semiotic has complementary relationship with the development of post-modern architecture,based on the theory analysis of architectural semiotic,helps the people recognize the culture significance and design scheme of the architecture

    Theoretical Studies of Carbon/Phosphor Binary Cluster Anion

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    本文对碳/磷二元原子团簇负离子CnPm-(m=1-5,n=1-7)进行了系统的研究,在结构和能量的分析和比较中,探讨并总结出结构规律,很好地解释了碳/磷二元原子团簇飞行时间质谱图的奇偶变化规律。本文的计算结果将为进一步理论研究提供依据,可望为新型二元原子团簇材料的合成提供线索。 根据m大小分五个系列进行研究,分别为CnP-(n=2-7)、CnP2-(n=1-7)、CnP3-(n=2-8)、CnP4-(n=1-7)、CnP5-(n=1-7)。在每个系列中首先用分子图形软件设计出多种CnPm-的结构模型,并进行B3LYP密度泛函几何构型优化和振动频率计算。通过同分异构体总能量比较,确定基态结构;...In this paper, we carried out systematic study about C/P binary non-metal cluster anion CnPm-(m=1-5, n=1-7). In the way of analysis and compare of the structures and energies, we discuss and summarize the structural rules, and the result can interpret the parity alternation in the time-flight mass spectra of C/P anions binary cluster. The outcome can serve as helpful guidelines for the further stu...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20002506

    Hepatitis B virus X protein stabilizes AIB1 protein and cooperates with it to promote human hepatocellular carcinoma cell invasiveness

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    乙肝病毒(hepatitisBvirus,HBV)的持续感染与人类肝细胞癌(hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)的发展密切相关。乙肝病毒X蛋白(HepatitisBvirusXprotein,HBx)在肝癌的发展过程中发挥着重要作用。我们最近研究发现乳腺癌扩增性抗原1(amplifiedinbreastcancer1,AIB1)在68%的人类肝癌组织中过表达,并且通过提高肝癌细胞的增殖和侵袭能力来促进肝癌的发展。因为HBx和AIB1都在肝癌的发展过程中起重要作用,我们的研究目标是确定HBx和AIB1是否能够协同促进肝癌的发展。在此,我们发现与HBx阴性肝癌组织相比,HBx阳...Chronic infection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is closely associated with the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). HBV X protein (HBx) plays a key role in the progression of HCC. We recently found that amplified in breast cancer 1 (AIB1) protein is overexpressed in 68% of human HCC specimens and promotes HCC progression by enhancing cell proliferation and invasiveness. Given that bot...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物医学科学系_细胞生物学学号:2172009115216

    Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Supramolecular Systems: Reaction Mechanism and Application

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    The all-pervasive nature of chemical species means that their observation is of critical importance if we are to understand what is around and within us. Since atoms and molecules operate on a space-scale which is far smaller than ours, we need specially equipped molecules positioned at the scene to report on the action. Among their special capabilities, the reporter molecules must have a means ...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:B20012501