484 research outputs found

    The expression and function of Brg1 in ocular surface tissues under normal and disease situation

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    背景:Brahma相关基因1(Brahma-relatedgene1,Brg1)是染色质重塑复合物SWI/SNF的ATP酶亚基之一,广泛存在于真核细胞中。以往的研究表明,Brg1结合复合物参与不同类型细胞的细胞周期控制、凋亡和细胞分化。到目前为止,没有关于眼表上皮细胞Brg1表达以及功能的报道。 方法:对小鼠、兔以及人眼表组织的Brg1表达和定位进行免疫荧光染色和蛋白质印迹检测。人角膜上皮细胞株(HCE),小鼠角膜上皮细胞系(TKE2),小鼠原代培养的角膜上皮细胞(mCEC)分别在DMEM/F12+10%FBS,KSFM,和CNT-20培养基中培养。兔角膜缘上皮细胞进行克隆培养。采用0.9m...Background: Brahma-related gene 1 (Brg1) is the catalytic ATPase subunit of SWI/SNF which is one of the five chromatin remodeling complexes exist in eukaryotic cells. Previous studies have shown that Brg1 binding complex is involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis and cell differentiation in different cell types, while there is no report about the function of Brg1 in cornea epithelial cell differ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:医学院_微生物学学号:2452012115320

    The Research of Global Stock Markets’ Complex Networks in the Time Slot Chosen by the PCA Method

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    全球股票市场组成了一个关系交错的复杂网络系统,在全球一体化的经济背景下,网络的内部结构关系越来越紧密。如今,发达国家的经济增长乏力,新兴国家增速放缓,经济硬着陆的风险仍在,整体经济形势不容乐观,危机的脚步似乎越来越近。在这样的背景之下,通过对股票市场网络结构的研究,发现网络中的关键市场和关键联系,监管者便可以通过对这些关键结构实施重点的风险监控,投资者也可以关注这些关键结构的变化做出投资决策。 复杂网络作为一种对股票市场结构研究的方法,在其运用中,时间区间的不同将使网络呈现出不同的结构形态,因而时间区间的选择对网络结构的研究有重大影响。对此,本文基于收益率序列的第一主成分贡献率(称作)与网络...The global stock markets make a complex network system with a staggered relationship, and under the background of economic globalization, the internal structure of the network is getting increasingly connected. The overall economic situation is also unoptimistic. The pace of crisis seems to be getting closer and closer, considering of the weak economic growth in developed countries, the slowdown o...学位:应用统计硕士院系专业:经济学院_应用统计硕士学号:1542013115204

    The Influences of Chinese Environmental Regulation on Manufacturing Enterprises’ Markups

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    企业的加成率反映了企业将价格维持在边际生产成本之上的能力,关系到企业影响市场价格的能力及市场垄断势力。保持较高的加成率是企业动态竞争能力的体现。 本文从我国环境规制对制造业企业加成率的影响视角出发,利用DeLoecker和Warzynski(2012)的方法,选取《中国工业企业数据库》1998-2007年持续经营的15431家制造业企业的平衡面板数据为样本,研究了我国环境规制对制造业企业的总体影响。并区分了高竞争行业的企业和高垄断行业的企业、出口企业和非出口企业、创新企业和非创新企业以及高污染地区企业和低污染地区企业,分析了环境规制对不同类型企业的加成率的影响差异。 本文首先对分地区的环境...Markups reflect firms’ capacity to keep the price above the marginal production cost, which relates to their ability of influencing market price and the market monopoly power. Keeping high markups is a reflection of firms’ dynamic competitive ability. On perspective of the effects of environmental regulation in China on firms’ markups, this article selects 15431 firms which operate in 1998-2007 f...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_财政学学号:1552014115184

    The Extent Inequality of Opportunity Inducing Income Inequality: an Empirical Analysis on China

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    现阶段我国收入基尼系数连续多年下降,但社会中显现的二代现象、城乡差距引发了人们对于机会不公平的讨论。从机会不平等的研究角度出发,对深刻认识我国目前的收入不平等问题具有现实意义。 本文基于机会不平等的理论内涵,区分影响收入的“环境”变量与“努力”变量,利用CGSS2010-2013年混合截面数据,通过参数回归方程估计剔除环境变量后的反事实收入分布,分析机会不平等多大程度上引致了我国收入不平等,特别是,本文区分了机会不平等影响收入不平等的直接效应与通过教育传导的间接效应,并深入探讨我国机会不平等的结构特征与变化趋势。本文的基本结论包括: 一是我国现阶段机会不平等对教育不平等的影响程度占到68....At present, Gini coefficient of income in our country is falling for years. But there appeared the phenomenon such as the second generation and the gap between urban and rural areas which has sparked the discussion oninequality of opportunity. Studying from the angle of the inequality of opportunity has a realistic significance to deeply understand the problem of income inequality in our country. ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1532014115214

    Business Plan- The Marketing Development and Promotion of Semi-finished Dish

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    半成品菜的批发市场在中国已经获得一定程度的发展,但其零售市场却还刚刚起步。各项市场调查显示,半成品菜的零售市场具备巨大的市场潜力,人们消费观念的改变和电子商务的快速发展为半成品菜零售市场的开发提供了有利条件。本商业计划书分析了国内外的半成品菜零售市场的现状和发展趋势,对国内半成品菜零售市场现有的和潜在的竞争环境进行了较为充分的说明,同时吸取现有同类企业失败的教训,提出了很多有针对性的生产、运营和市场营销策略,从而形成了本产品自己的市场特色。在生产上,本产品采取订单式生产为主、门店计划生产为辅的生产模式,全程冷链物流,最大限度地减少浪费和保证新鲜;在运营上,尝试性地提出了“写字楼自己配送,居民楼...The wholesale market of semi-finished dish in China has obtained development of a certain degree; however, retail market of it has just started. According to various market surveys, the retail market of semi-finished dish possesses huge market potential; the change in people's consumption concept and the rapid development of e-commerce provide favorable conditions for the development of the retail...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792009115075

    Analysis and Design of Financial Management Information System for Special Vocational Schools

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    财务管理作为学校的一项基础性工作,其主要任务就是对资金运作的筹集、组织、协调,合理编制学校预算,优化资源配置,提高资金使用效率,并通过建立健全各项财务规章制度,规范学校经济秩序,防止国有资产流失,如实反映学校财务状况。 本文主要做了以下几个方面的工作: 1、对目前职业学校财务信息系统现状分析及阐述,对特殊职业学校的发展现状、趋势、模式进行分析,研究当前特殊职业学校现实环境中进行财务管理信息系统建设的可行性方案,提出对于发展特殊职业学校财务管理信息系统的设计方案。 2、对财务管理的特性、优势等进行了阐述,对财务管理发展现状、趋势、模式进行分析,研究财务管理信息系统在特殊职业学校实施过程,提...As a basic work in a school, the main task of the financial management is to raise money and establish a good coordination and organizing abilities for it. Usually it includes these concrete items as follows: reasonably making school budget, optimizing resources disposition, improving the efficiency of the financial funds, and at last, establishing and improving financial rules and regulations in ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123018

    Study on Regional Farmland Ecosystem Nutrient Balance Management

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    农田生态系统养分循环和平衡是影响生产力和环境的重要过程。几十年来,中国的农作制度发生了重大变化,农业生产结构由以种植业为主逐步向种植与养殖并重转变,集约化生产水平不断提高,农业物质投入不断增加,化肥施用量的迅速增长使中国成为世界上化肥施用强度最高的国家之一。由于粮食安全保障的压力,化肥施用过量,施肥不平衡,肥料利用率低下,以及伴随规模化养殖业快速发展而来的有机废物急速增长,农田生态系统养分失衡引起的农业面源污染不断加剧。国内外关于农田生态系统养分平衡的研究偏重于现状评价,对养分平衡管理的应用性研究成果相对缺乏。研究区域农田生态系统养分平衡管理,能够衡量区域养分投入结果是否合理,使种植业和养殖业...Nutrient cycling and balance of farmland ecosystem is an important process affecting productivity and environment. For decades, great changes have taken place in China's farming system. Agricultural production structure which have consisted of mainly planting industry gradually shifts to paying equal attention to planting and breeding. At the same time, intensive production level continuously impr...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境管理学号:2262010115137

    The Study of the Relationship Marketing Tactics on Xiamen Airport

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    机场具有局部自然垄断的性质,但是,这一属性并不能给所有机场带来高额利润,反而可能导致经营管理上的依赖和束缚,使机场忽略了如何更好的发展与经营。目前,中国80%以上的机场由于客流量不足等原因仍处于亏损状态。 如今,中国绝大部分机场已实行了属地化管理,在机场企业化经营的格局基本形成的形势下,许多机场纷纷开始正视自身的环境,开始思考如何更好地经营机场,关注机场的竞争与营销。如何处理好机场与航空公司、旅客、货主、政府、员工等各方面的关系至关重要。 在国内众多机场中,厦门机场最早下放地方政府管理,是最早实行企业化经营的机场。通过多年的摸索,厦门机场已经逐步形成了一套较先进的机场管理模式,其管理水平与...As we know, airports have part-monopoly character, but this character can’t bring high profit to all airports. On the contrary, it may result in too much limits in airports’ management, leading airports to ignore how to develop and admin seriously. Presently, 80% of Chinese airports are loss in financial for lacking of passengers. Now, most of Chinese airports have transferred to the local gover...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041514


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    Development of quantitative testing instrument for fluorescence immunochromatographic strip

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    为了对AMI疑似患者进行现场快速筛查,研制了一款可对AMI荧光免疫层析试条进行定量、快速检测的仪器。该仪器主要由光路单元、数据采集单元、处理及显示单元组成,激发光聚焦于试条上产生荧光,荧光通过收集光路聚焦于线阵CCd,ArM9芯片通过CCd的灰度值对试条进行判断。测试结果表明,仪器检测得到试条的相对荧光强度与心肌标志物浓度成正比,该仪器可实现对患者心肌标志物浓度的定量检验,为患者病情的诊断和康复提供了有力保证。An instrument was designed for achieving quantitative and fast detection on acute myocardial infarction(AMI) fluorescence immunochromatographic strip to conduct on site and rapid screening for patients with suspected AMI.The instrument consists of optical elements,data acquisition unit,processing and display unit.The excitation light is focused on the strip to pro duce fluorescence,which will be focused on linear array CCD through collecting light path afterwards,and then the ARM9 chip is used to judge the strip through the gray value of CCD.The test results indicate that the relative fluorescence intensity on strips detected by the instrument is in direct proportion to cardiac biomarker concentrations.This instrument can achieve quantitative detection on cardiac biomarker concentrations of patients,which provides a strong guarantee for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients