
Development of quantitative testing instrument for fluorescence immunochromatographic strip


为了对AMI疑似患者进行现场快速筛查,研制了一款可对AMI荧光免疫层析试条进行定量、快速检测的仪器。该仪器主要由光路单元、数据采集单元、处理及显示单元组成,激发光聚焦于试条上产生荧光,荧光通过收集光路聚焦于线阵CCd,ArM9芯片通过CCd的灰度值对试条进行判断。测试结果表明,仪器检测得到试条的相对荧光强度与心肌标志物浓度成正比,该仪器可实现对患者心肌标志物浓度的定量检验,为患者病情的诊断和康复提供了有力保证。An instrument was designed for achieving quantitative and fast detection on acute myocardial infarction(AMI) fluorescence immunochromatographic strip to conduct on site and rapid screening for patients with suspected AMI.The instrument consists of optical elements,data acquisition unit,processing and display unit.The excitation light is focused on the strip to pro duce fluorescence,which will be focused on linear array CCD through collecting light path afterwards,and then the ARM9 chip is used to judge the strip through the gray value of CCD.The test results indicate that the relative fluorescence intensity on strips detected by the instrument is in direct proportion to cardiac biomarker concentrations.This instrument can achieve quantitative detection on cardiac biomarker concentrations of patients,which provides a strong guarantee for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients

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