32 research outputs found


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    ケイド ノ ヨウカイゴ コウレイシャ ニ タイスル テイキテキ ナ ウンドウ シドウ ノ コウカ

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    本研究の目的は、軽度の要介護高齢者に対して、虚弱高齢者向け運動プログラムを定期的に指導することによって、身体的(運動機能)、社会的(日常生活活動量)、心理的(運動意欲)な効果について検討することであった。対象は、M県内の通所介護・居宅介護支援施設Aを利用している要支援から要介護2に該当する69歳~91歳の高齢者5名であり、12週間、全12回、週1回の頻度で運動指導を行った。運動指導前後で、形態計測(身長、体重、BMI、左右の大腿前部の筋厚)と運動機能測定(握力、椅子座り立ち時間、開眼片足立ち時間、ファンクショナルリーチ、足関節底・背屈角度)を実施した結果、対象者の形態及び運動機能測定値に有意な変化は認められず、廃用性の筋萎縮や運動機能低下を防げることが確認された。個別にみると、5名中4名に左右の大腿前部における筋厚の増加と足関節底屈・背屈角度の拡大、椅子座り立ち時間の短縮がみられたことから、運動指導の頻度と期間をさらに増やせば、日常での身体活動量が少ない軽度の要介護高齢者の運動機能維持だけでなく、機能向上も期待できる可能性が示唆された。さらに、身体活動量が少なく、運動に不慣れな軽度の要介護高齢者に対して、定期的な運動指導をおこなう際には、自立した高齢者以上に運動に対する意欲を維持・向上させるための支援が必要であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of introducing an instructed routine exercise program (originally designed for the frail elderly) to improve the physical, social, and psychological well-being (measured by motor function, the level of activities of daily living, and willingness to exercise, respectively) of elderly persons requiring support. The participants were five elderly people between the ages of 69 to 91, who were requiring support or long-term care up to level 2, and all of them were users of Outpatient or In-Home Long-Term Care Support Facility A in M Prefecture. They took the instructed exercise once a week, and had 12 sessions in total.for 12 weeks Before they had the first exercise session, and after the last session, body measurements (body height, weight, BMI, and left and right thigh front muscles) and motor function measurements (grip, chair sitting and standing time, one-leg standing time with eyes open, functional reach, and angles of plantar and dorsal flexion) were carried out. The results showed no significant changes in the participants\u27 body measurements and motor function, and it was confirmed that disuse muscle atrophy and deterioration of motor function were prevented. When the results were looked into individually, four participants out of five increased mass of left and right thigh front muscles, and expanded angles of plantar and dorsal flexion, reduced chair sitting and standing time. It was suggested from the results that if the instructed exercise program is offered more frequently, not only maintenance but also improvement of motor function of the elderly persons requiring support can be expected.The results also suggest that when an instructed routine exercise program is offered to elderly persons requiring support whose general level of physical activity is limited and who are not familiar with exercising, such persons need even more support than self-reliant elderly persons to maintain and improve their willingness to exercise

    Proteinuria and Reduced Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Are Independently Associated With Lower Cognitive Abilities in Apparently Healthy Community-Dwelling Elderly Men in Japan: A Cross-sectional Study.

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    Background:The association of proteinuria and reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with cognition needs more clarification. We cross-sectionally examined whether proteinuria and reduced eGFR, even in moderate stages, were independently associated with lower cognition in a community-based sample of elderly men.Methods:Our cohort initially comprised 1,094 men aged 40-79 years from a random sample from Shiga, Japan in 2006-2008. Of 853 men who returned for the follow-up examination (2009-2014), we analyzed 561 who were ≥65 years, free of stroke, and completed the Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI) at follow-up (higher CASI scores [range 0 to 100] indicate better cognition). Proteinuria was assessed via dipstick. eGFR was calculated according to the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Equation. Participants were divided into three groups either by eGFR (≥60, 59-40, and <40 mL/min/1.73 m2) or by proteinuria (no, trace, and positive), considered normal, moderate, and advanced, respectively. Using linear regression, we computed mean CASI score, with simultaneous adjustment for proteinuria and eGFR in addition to other potential confounders.Results: Significant trends of lower cognition were observed across the groups of worse proteinuria and lower eGFR independently: multivariable-adjusted mean CASI scores were 90.1, 89.3, and 88.4 for proteinuria (Ptrend = 0.029), and 90.0, 88.5, and 88.5 for eGFR (Ptrend = 0.015) in mutual-adjustment model.Conclusions: Proteinuria and reduced eGFR, even in their moderate stages, were independently associated with lower cognition in a community-based sample of elderly men. The results suggest the importance of proteinuria and low eGFR for early detection and prevention of cognitive decline