155 research outputs found

    Association between gender role attitudes toward the division of labor among couples raising 18-month-old children and the mental health status of mothers.

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    本研究の目的は、1歳6ヶ月児を育てている夫婦の性役割分業観と、母親のメンタルヘルスとの関連を明らかにすることである。1歳6ヶ月児を育てている夫婦627組を対象に、無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った。夫婦ともに揃って回収された304組のうち、252組を分析対象とした。母親のメンタルヘルスに関連する要因には、母親の「主観的健康観」、「経済的な満足度」、「休日の家事時間」、「休日の睡眠時間」、「父親の育児支援行動得点」、「夫婦関係の満足度J、「児の特性」、父親の「休日・平日の睡眠時間」、「夫婦関係の満足度」があった。一方、夫婦の性役割分業観は、母親のメンタルヘルスに関連していないことが明らかになった。ロジスティック回帰分析の結果、母親のメンタルヘルスに最も関連していたのは、母親の「主観的健康観」と「児の特性」で、あった。母親のメンタルヘルスを向上させるためには、母親自身の健康管理への支援と、児の特性に関する情報提供のような、夫婦に応じた個別的な支援が必要であることが示唆された。The aim of the present study was to examine the association between gender role attitucles toward the division of labor among couples raising 18-month-old children and the mental health status of mothers. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on 627 couples raising 18-month-old children. Of the questionnaires collected from 304 couples (both husbands and wives), data from 252 were used in the analysis. The factors associated with the mental health status of mothers were as follows: i) the mothers' “subjective Perspective on health", “financial satisfaction", "time spent on household duties on days off", hours of sleep during days off", "performance score of fathers providing child-rearing support", “satisfaction in the marital relationship" and the "child's attributes"; and ii) the fathers' “hours of sleep during weekdays and days off" and “satisfaction in the marital relationship". On the other hand, gender role attitudes toward the division of labor were not associated with the mental health status of mothers. The results of a logistic regression analysis revealed that mothers' “subjective perspective on health" and the "child's attributes" were the factors most strongly associated with the mental health status of mothers. The results of the present study suggest that to improve the mental health status of mothers, individualized support for couples that supports the self-health management of mothers and provides information about children's attributes is needed


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    現在欧米で一般的に実践されている現代ヨガは、アーサナと呼ばれる身体的ポーズに力点をおいたもので、それに体の姿勢、呼吸法、そして瞑想を組み合わせた健康やフィットネスを目的とするエクササイズであり、また補完代替医療(Complementary and Alternative Medicine:CAM)の一療法とも位置づけされるのが一般的になっている。その医学的有効性についての期待も高まっていることから、本研究では、現代ヨガと補完医療における位置付けについて、心疾患・肥満・乳がんの医学的有効性について、エビデンスをレビューしたので紹介する。結果として、ヨガによって生活習慣を改善すると心疾患のリスク因子を低減できる可能性が高いこと、過体重者ではヨガの定期的な実施と体重増加の緩和が関連していること、乳がんサバイバーにおいて不安・うつ・QOLにおいて効果があることなどが示唆された。しかし、それらの効果が運動そのものによる効果なのかヨガに特異的な効果なのかについては明らかにされていないため、今後のさらなる検証を期待したい。Yoga commonly practiced in the United States and Europe is a form of exercise for health purposes and physical fitness. It combines physical postures, breathing and medication, focusing on physical poses called asanas. Yoga is now generally considered to be one of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies in the United States and Europe. Considering rising expectations for medical effectiveness of yoga, this study aimed to clarify what modern yoga is and how it is categorized as one of the CAM therapies. It also examined the efficacy of yoga on cardiac disease, obesity, and breast cancer by consolidating evidence from studies. The findings from this study are that there is a possibility of reducing the risk factors for cardiac disease by lifestyle improvements through yoga practice, regular practice of yoga and weight gain control are associated for the overweight, and that yoga is effective for reducing anxiety and depression and improving the quality of life for breast cancer survivors. However, there has not been enough evidence to prove whether these effects were attributed to the specificity of yoga or exercise itself. Further studies are needed in order to prove the efficacy of yoga itself for cardiac disease, obesity and breast cancer