803 research outputs found

    Інноваційні засади криміналістичного забезпечення правозастосовної діяльності: проблеми формування концепції

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    Theoretical and methodological principles of development and formation of concept of innovative bases of forensic support of law enforcement activity are still insufficiently studied. The main tasks, prospects of implementation and further directions of research of this concept are defined. It is substantiated that innovative bases of forensic support of law enforcement activities should be considered, on the one hand, as creating conditions for effective application of new forensic knowledge and means (technical, tactical, methodological and forensic ones), on the other hand, as a specific type of innovative forensic activity, carried out in order to optimize, improve efficiency and quality of the process of investigation of criminal offenses, hearings and law enforcement in general. Possibilities and prospects for a significant expansion of boundaries of forensic support, outlining the innovative foundations of forensic support in various areas of law enforcement (in particular, in pre-trial investigation and hearings; in criminal and civil proceedings; administrative proceedings; in prosecutors, lawyers and notaries). It is noted that innovations in forensic support of law enforcement agencies should be identified both as a whole and by individual entities. With regard to the subjects whose activities need forensic support, certain levels and directions of such activities are identified. New scientific approaches to the solution of the researched discussion questions are substantiated and perspective directions of their research are defined.Досліджено теоретико-методологічне підґрунтя концепції інноваційних засад криміналістичного забезпечення правозастосовної діяльності. Визначено основні завдання, перспективи впровадження й подальші на-прями досліджень цієї концепції. Обґрунтовано, що інноваційні засади криміналістичного забезпечення діяльності органів правопорядку необ-хідно розглядати, з одного боку, як створення умов для ефективного за-стосування нових криміналістичних знань і засобів (техніко-, тактико-, методико-криміналістичних), а з іншого — як специфічний вид інновацій-ної криміналістичної діяльності, здійснюваної з метою оптимізації, підви-щення ефективності та якості процесу розслідування кримінальних право-порушень і судового розгляду

    Forecasting development of the network of highways with hard surface with consideration of competitive advantages

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    The article uses Lotka-Volterra equations to analyse competition between the highway and railway transportation networks and competitive ability of the network with the cement concrete and asphalt concrete road coverings. Modelling the process of development by the Lotka-Volterra equations lies in selection of parameters of the model in such a manner, so that model trajectories would be very similar to approximating trends by factual data. In accordance with the results of model forecasting of development of highway and railway networks the article makes a model forecasting of development of highway and railway networks by 2080. Within the framework of the Lotka-Volterra equations, the article conducts modelling of development of earth roads and roads with hard surface and studies competition between the roads with cement concrete and asphalt concrete road coverings (type 1), on the one hand, and road-mix and bituminous macadam roads (type 2). The article establishes that earth roads do not compete with the roads with hard surface, although this type of roads was viable in the post-war period due to its cheapness

    Якість м’яса та беконі ознаки свиней породи ландрас різної статі та генотипу

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    Livestock breeding has a number of technological features. They are related to the specific properties of the object of cultivation – animals. In order to obtain high-quality animals, high-quality products must take into account their genetic features. For example, in pigs, the quality of meat, fat, smoked pork determines the breed of animals, their sex, age and the direction of cultivation. Therefore, the study of the impact of sex and genotype on the productivity of pigs is relevant and practically valuable. There are many literature on the quality of pork animals of various breeds: Landrace, Durok, Great White and others. Scientists note that the best bacon and meat qualities are pigs of pores Landrace. However, scientific literature knows little about the way the sex and origin of animals affect the quality of meat and bacon in these pigs. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study the slaughter, the qualities of bacon, the physico-chemical indicators of meat and fat females and castrated male species of landraces of two lines List and Brom. During the experiment, zootechnical, statistical, biometric, biochemical methods of research were used. Scientific research was carried out in the complex of fattening and slaughter of the shop of a private enterprise. During the experiment, it was found that the mass of pigs after slaughter, the mass of carcasses and the yield of carcasses of females and castrated males of both lines did not differ. However, the visceral fat content was higher in women by 1.24–8.98% than in men. The properties of the pigs of both sexes were the same. However, in the male line of Brom, the width of the rear half of the carcass was 15% higher than that of women. The assessment of the quality of meat showed that females on both lines dominated by males for the content of fat, marble and calories. It has been experimentally established that the quality parameters of adipose tissue of Landrace have sex differences in the lines List and Brom. It was established that the water content in adipose tissue in women was lower in comparison with men by 0.5–2.35%, the fat was higher than 0.37–3.25%, the iodine number was 3.43–3.68 units. Our research can be recommended to companies that specialize in pig breeding. If a company breeds animals for processing into bacon or smoked, it is advisable to grow a breed from the Brom line. In this case, the best ham can be obtained from castrated males, and juicy, tender meat and more fatty tissue – in females.Якість м’яса свиней визначається рядом типових та атипових ознак. Серед них генотип є визначальним. За допомогою вмілої селекційної роботи з поголів’ям свиней можна одержати свинину бажаних ознак. Тому метою наших досліджень було вивчити вплив гендерних та спадкових факторів ландрасів на якість м’яса та беконні ознаки. Об’єктом дослідження в наші роботі були продуктивні ознаки свиней породи ландрас різної статі. Предметом вивчення були: забійні, беконні та м’ясні ознаки самок і кастрованих самців різного генотипу. В ході досліджень було установлено, що свинки та кнурці породи ландрас ліній Ліста та Брома суттєво не відрізнялися за забійними показниками. Однак, самки лінії Ліста мали більше вісцерального жиру в порівнянні з тваринами лінії Брома на 7,72%. Беконні ознаки свиней породи ландрас не мали гендерної залежності, проте у кнурців лінії Брома ширина задньої частини напівтуші була на 15,43% більшою, ніж у свинок. Фізико-хімічні параметри м’яса свиней породи ландрас обох статей суттєво не вірізнялись. Проте, в розрізі ліній установлено, що у свинок лінії Брома вміст жиру був на 6,05% вище, ніж у кнурців, показник мармуровості – на 49,5 одиниці, а калорійність – на 72,79 кілокалорій. Крім того, установлені якісні зміни у хімічному складі і властивостях жирової тканини свинок і кнурців вказаної породи

    Історія церкви «Слово життя» на Сході України (History of Word of Life Church on the east of Ukraine

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    У даній статті підсумовано історію українських неоп’ятидесятників із церкви «Слово життя». Проаналізовано шляхи і умови виникнення та розвитку церкви «Слово життя» в Східній Україні. Автор визначає роль даної церкви у релігійному та суспільному житті країни. (In this article summarizes the history of Ukrainian neopentecostal from Word of Life Church. Analyzed ways and conditions of formation and development Word of Life Church in East Ukraine. Author defines the role of this church in religious and public life of country.

    The Impact of Disconnection of the Region From the Global Internet on Its Economic Development

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    Marketing aspects of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories and enterprises

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    Purpose: The article identifies the differences between Ukraine and Poland in the image formation of the territory and investment attractiveness. Design/Methodology/Approach: A territorial-oriented approach is being introduced in Poland (an approach taking into account local conditions), which implies emphasis on a combination of investments and an integrated territorial approach, providing emphasis on activities that contribute to development. Findings: The regions of Ukraine are characterized by different levels of investment volume due to the differences in competitive advantages. In contradistinction from Ukraine, the competitive advantages of the territories provide a high level of investment attractiveness in Poland; they are integrated, and are generally based on advanced infrastructure (digital, business, transport), high-tech industries, advanced business services, economic zones, academic centers. Practical Implications: The conducted research makes it possible to identify several basic features of image formation and investment attractiveness of territories. Originality/Value: The basic key difference concerns the competence of countries’ integration of formed competitive advantages of the territory. The specified competence is traced in Poland, while in Ukraine the absence of this competence leads to underutilization of the regions’ potential.peer-reviewe

    Indicators of Respiratory System in Conditions of Chronic Action of Harmful Environmental Factors with Type of Body Constitution

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    The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of the respiratory system functioning in unfavorable environmental conditions in workers involved in industrial production and agrarian sector, taking into account the type of constitution of their bodies. Investigation of the influence of the complex of anthropogenic factors associated with production on the parameters of the respiratory system revealed a significant level of interconnection of the investigated parameters with anthropometric indicators.During the experiment, a significant decrease in the functional lung capacity in the studied subjects involved in industrial production was shown, compared with the control group and workers of argo-industrial production. Such a trend may be evidence of functional violations of tracheobronchial conduction, which is indirectly confirmed by the values of the Tifno index, which is the main method of an objective assessment of respiratory tract imperfections, and which is characterized by significantly lower values in the group of workers involved in industrial production compared with residents relative to environmentally friendly areas.The analysis of the pneumatachographic survey performed on the basis of the Pignier index revealed some differences in the functional parameters of the respiratory system in the groups of hyposthenics (capacity of the lungs) and hypersthenics (maximum volume velocity of 75 %). In the group of normosthenics, intergroup differences were found for the values of functional lung capacity in comparison with all groups, and for the Tifno index, the reliable difference between the indicators was noted only between the group of industrial workers and the control group

    Reliability Estimation of Transport Means Elements Under the Action of Cyclic Loads and Corrosive Environment

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    The approach for determining the residual lifeofthe vehicles’thin-walled metal elements with cracks under the action of cyclic loads and corrosive environment isdevelopedbased on the first law of thermodynamics and the fracture mechanics principles. Based onthe results of the mathematical description of electrochemical reactions and separate data of fracturemechanics, the equation describing the kinetics of thecorrosion-fatigue cracks propagation is deduced. This equationand the initial and final conditionsarea mathemat-ical model for determining the residual lifeof structural elements.The correctness of the developed analyticalmodels is confirmed by the experimental data known in the litera-ture. The performance of this modelis demonstrated on the example of determining the residual life of a plate made of 17G1Ssteel. The plate wasdiluted by a crack in a 3% NaCl solutionandsubjected to cyclic loading.An increase in the initial size of corrosion-fatigue cracksis significant to reducethe period of their subcritical growth