26 research outputs found


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    This paper aims at describing the stages of developing vocabulary worksheet by using affixes by adopting the process of the same development research of Wutsqo. The stages of vocabulary worksheet development involved the needs analysis, the making of the vocabulary worksheet, the validation process by the reviewer, the make up of the first design based on the feedback by the reviewer, and the try out. the object of this study  was the students of Grammar for English Teacher class of the academic year 2014/2015. The instruments of this study were pre-test as the initial needs analysis of the students capability of vocabulary stock that they had. The second instrument was the previous research data that was conducted by the researchers to identify how necessary to develop an effective vocabulary learning. The third instrument were three two of questionaires. The first one was for the reviewer to validate the first design of the worksheet and to ask for the feedback, and the second one was for the students in order to identify their personal impression towards the worksheet. The results of this study are; 1) Based on the assessment validator can be concluded that the aspect of validity has met the criteria development vocabualry student worksheet to learn the material additive that has been prepared to have a very good quality, 2) Based on the recommendation of experts and providers of materials, practicality aspect has fulfilled the minimum criteria with certain notes on 21st century learning, 3) The results of the pre-test and post-test student learning augmentation material by using SVW has met the minimum criteria of improvement


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    Malnutrition is of great public health significance in several parts of the world, especially the developing and underdeveloped countries. Micronutrient deficiencies in humans can be mitigated through the process biofortification. It is the strategy of increasing the nutrient content in the edible parts of staple food crops for better human nutrition. Staple crops such as maize, rice, and wheat provide most of the calories for low-income families around the globe. Biofortification includes the enhanced uptake of such minerals from soils, their transport to edible plant parts, and improving the bioavailability of these minerals to humans. In paper, crop biofortification and malnutrition of essential nutrient have been discussed

    Membangun kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi risiko bencana kebakaran melalui sistem informasi geografis di Desa Kalanganyar Kecamatan Sedati Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian ini berusaha membangun kesiapsiagaan masyarakat yang didahului dengan pemetaan kondisi kawasan dan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat terhadap risiko bencana kebakaran. Dalam membangun kesiapsiagaan melalui beberapa strategi yang dilakukan agar proses yang dilalui berjalan dengan lancar diantaranya dengan memahami kawasan. Upaya edukasi risiko bencana kebakaran yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengetahuan hingga kesadaran masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merupakan langkah awal dalam pengurangan risiko bencana kebakaran. Dalam proses penelitian yang dilakukan di Desa Kalanganyar, peneliti menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang melibatkan pihak-pihak terkait yang dianggap berperan penting dalam mengkaji setiap masalah. Hal ini dilakukan untuk membuka kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya memahami kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi risiko bencana kebakaran yang suatu saat terjadi secara tiba-tiba di masyarakat. Melalui proses penelitian dan pendampingan yang sudah dilakukan selama 3 bulan di Desa Kalanganyar menyimpulkan perlu diadakan pendidikan sebagai langkah awal terbangunnya kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi risiko bencana kebakaran. Selain itu juga dilakukan pembuatan peta sebagai media informasi dan sarana pembelajaran masyarakat dalam memahami kawasannya. Riset partisipatif ini diharapkan mampu menjadi stimulus bagi masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi risiko bencana

    Roflumilast: First approved oral selective PDE4 inhibitor for the treatment of COPD

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    Roflumilast is a first-in-class oral selective anti-inflammatory drug which is a PDE4 inhibitor. It has been approved by regulatory authorities in the Europe and US in 2010 and 2011 respectively for the prevention of acute exacerbations among patients with severe COPD. Since then, the drug has been studies in different populations in clinical trials as well as real world studies. The studies looked at different end points such as the quality of life, improvement in spirometry indices as well as the ability of the drug to prevent exacerbations and hospital admissions. There was a variable response seen in these studies.  This article seeks to review the evidence for the role of roflumilast in COPD from these recent studies since its approval. Keywords: Roflumilast, Exacerbation, Anti-Inflammatory, Phosphodiesterase, COP


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    В статье представлены результаты исследования взаимосвязи личностных особенностей с показателями по депрессии, тревоге и безнадежности у подростков с суицидальными мыслями. Цель исследования состояла в определении индивидуально-личностных характеристик, наиболее присущих подросткам с суицидальными мыслями, а также взаимосвязи данных характеристик с показателями тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей по шкалам Бека. Посредством корреляционного анализа было выявлено, что к суицидальным мыслям больше склонны подростки с высокими показателями по таким шкалам, как ригидность, индивидуализм и интроверсия. Исследование проводилось на базе Центра психотерапии С. Скляра путем опроса подростков, обратившихся в Центр с жалобами на наличие суицидальных мыслей. Индивидуально-личностные особенности определялись с помощью «Стандартизированного многофакторного метода исследования личности» (СМИЛ). В исследовании была выявлена взаимосвязь показателей шкал СМИЛа с показателями по шкалам тревоги, депрессии, безнадежности и суицидальных мыслей А. Бека. Ценность и значимость исследования заключается в том, что по его результатам возможно составление плана профилактических мероприятий по превенции суицидального поведения среди подростков, а также для определения мишеней индивидуальной психотерапии подростков, находящихся в группе риска. Ключевые слова: подростки, подростковый суицид, личностные особенности, шкалы А. Бека

    Effect of nanoclay on mechanical and thermal properties of kenaf recycle polyethylene wood plastic composites

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    filler. Kenaf wood flour, rPE, MAPE and nanoclay were premixed manually and fed into single-screw extruder. Universal Tensile Machine (UTM) and Izod Impact were used to study the mechanical properties. Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) were used to study the thermal properties. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used to observe the morphology. The effect of nanoclay on the mechanical properties, thermal properties and morphology were studied. Tensile strength of WrPC was decreased from 14.67 MPa to 14.07 MPa due to the agglomeration of nanoclay layer. Impact strength was increased from 6.07 kJ/m2 to 8.22 kJ/m2 due to the effectiveness distribution of applied stress to overcome the crack. Only one peak of glass transition temperature, Tg appeared at 133.5 °C as a result of miscible blending. Decomposition of WrPC was slightly affected by the addition of nanoclay. The internal structure of WrPC showed that the addition of nanoclay had filled the voids and lead to smooth morphology

    Nizamudin Hussain, Performance Limitations and Estimates for Infinite Array Antennas

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    A novel quantitative measure for predicting the performance of arrays is tested on a few selected wide band arrays. This measure is called the array figure of merit. It is valid for lin-early polarized, infinite planar arrays, which are backed by a perfectly conducting ground plane. It predicts performance of arrays (which are free from grating lobes) in the E- or H-plane. The array figure of merit builds on the low frequency asymptotic expansion of the reflection coefficient and a sumrule of Rozanov type for passive structures. This measuretakes values between zero and one, and estimates array's performance on the basis of four key trade-off parameters:return loss, scan range, array thickness, and bandwidth. Arrays were found that yield values as high as 0.67, thus indicating a high performance array with respect to this measure. The sensitivity of the array figure of merit with respectto scan range is studied. Trade-off between bandwidth andreflection coefficient is investigated with respect to the ar-ray figure of merit. Finally an infinite array of stronglycoupled dipole elements is modeled and simulated. For this array, we test the sum rule based measure and find a veryhigh value for this measure: 0.84 - with 1 as its theoretical upper limit. This measurement reveals some insight into the influence of approximating material properties on the antenna performance measure

    Manajemen Sistem Informasi

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    Formula 33: memahami dasar kalimat bahasa Inggris

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    x, 112 hlm. ; tab. ; 26 cm