9 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Vaccines Safety Tracking (CoVaST): Protocol of a Multi-Center Prospective Cohort Study for Active Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines' Side Effects.

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    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine-related side effects have a determinant role in the public decision regarding vaccination. Therefore, this study has been designed to actively monitor the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines globally. A multi-country, three-phase study including a cross-sectional survey to test for the short-term side effects of COVID-19 vaccines among target population groups. In the second phase, we will monitor the booster doses' side effects, while in the third phase, the long-term safety and effectiveness will be investigated. A validated, self-administered questionnaire will be used to collect data from the target population; Results: The study protocol has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, with the identifier NCT04834869. CoVaST is the first independent study aiming to monitor the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines following booster doses, and the long-term safety and effectiveness of said vaccines.This study protocol preparation was funded by Masaryk University, grant numbers MUNI/IGA/1543/2020 and MUNI/A/1608/2020.S

    Addressing challenges when applying GRADE to public health guidelines: a scoping review protocol and pilot analysis

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    This is a protocol for a scoping review that aims to determine how guideline authors using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations (GRADE) approach have addressed previously identified challenges related to public health. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews will be followed. We will search and screen titles of guidelines for all languages published in 2013−2021 in: the GIN library, BIGG database, Epistemonikos GRADE guidelines repository, GRADEpro Database, MAGICapp, NICE and WHO websites. Two reviewers will independently screen full texts of the documents identified. The following information will be extracted: methods used for identifying different stakeholders and incorporating their perspectives; methods for identification and prioritization of non-health outcomes; methods for determining thresholds for decision-making; methods for incorporating and grading evidence from non-randomized studies; methods for addressing concerns with conditional recommendations in public health; methods for reaching consensus; additional methodological concerns; and any modifications made to GRADE. A combination of directed content analysis and descriptive statistics will be used for data analysis, and the findings presented narratively in a tabular and graphical form. In this protocol, we present the pilot results from 13 identified eligible guidelines issued between January and August 2021. We will publish the full review results when they become available

    Stavovi i znanja o psihodelicima i psihoterapiji potpomognutoj psihodelicima

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    Objectives: The studies described in this dissertation aimed to create and validate a standardized questionnaire for the assessment of attitudes about psychedelics, to apply this questionnaire by assessing a group of European psychiatrists about their attitudes, and to complement these findings by conducting selected interviews with European psychiatrists on the same topic. Methods: The first and second studies were cross-sectional and used an online survey. The third study was a qualitative study, based on a reflective thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews. Results: The first research showed the validity of the new instrument and provided preliminary data on the attitudes of the Croatian general population about psychedelics, where it was shown that many people do not even have basic knowledge about psychedelics. The second study showed that European psychiatrists are open to psychedelics, but are concerned about the possible side effects and abuse of these substances. More positive attitudes in that group were associated with previous personal use of psychedelics, greater knowledge about psychedelics, younger age, male gender, and spirituality. Variables related to professional training and practice did not show a significant influence on attitudes on psychedelics. The third study showed the complexity of attitudes on psychedelics and their deep connection to the social, political and historical context. Attitudes on psychedelics in psychiatry are mixed and a large number of psychiatrists believe that the evidence for their therapeutic effectiveness is still not sufficiently convincing. Conclusions: The new instrument we validated has a many potential uses for future research. General knowledge about psychedelics is poor, and psychiatrists state that this topic is underrepresented in their education. This should be improved in order to hold high-quality informed discussions about the future of psychedelic therapy. Our findings suggest that psychedelics are a topic where it is difficult to remain impartial, especially as an education or treatment provider.Ciljevi: Istraživanja opisana u ovoj disertaciji imala su za cilj stvoriti i validirati standardizirani upitnik za procjenu stavova o psihodelicima, taj upitnik primijeniti u ispitivanju skupine europskih psihijatara o njihovim stavovima te nadopuniti te nalaze provođenjem ciljanih intervjua s europskim psihijatrima o istoj temi. Metode: Prvo i drugo istraživanje bili su presječnog nacrta te su koristili online anketu. Treće je istraživanje bilo kvalitativno, temeljeno na refleksivnoj tematskoj analizi polustrukturiranih intervjua. Rezultati: Prvo istraživanje je pokazalo validnost novog standardiziranog i dalo preliminarne podatke o stavovima hrvatske opće populacije o psihodelicima, gdje se pokazalo da mnogo osoba nema niti osnovno znanje o psihodelicima. Drugo istraživanje je pokazalo da su europski psihijatri otvoreni prema psihodelicima, ali da su najviše nesigurni oko mogućih nuspojava i zloporabe tih supstanci. Pozitivniji stavovi kod te skupine bili su vezani uz prethodno osobno korištenje psihodelika, veće znanje o psihodelicima, mlađu dob, muški spol i duhovnost. Varijable vezane uz stručnu izobrazbu i rad nisu pokazale značajan utjecaj na stavove o psihodelicima. Treće istraživanje prikazalo je kompleksnost stavova o psihodelicima i njihovu duboku vezanost uz društveni, politički i povijesni kontekst. Stavovi u psihijatriji o psihodelicima su miješani, a veliki broj psihijatara smatra da dokazi o njihovoj terapeutskoj učinkovitosti još uvijek nisu dovoljno uvjerljivi. Zaključci: Novi instrument koji smo validirali ima široki potencijal primjene u budućim istraživanjima. Opće znanje o psihodelicima je loše, a psihijatri navode da je ta tema premalo zastupljena u njihovom obrazovanju. To bi trebalo promijeniti kako bi se moglo imati kvalitetne i informirane rasprave o budućnosti terapije psihodelicima. Naši nalazi upućuju na to da su psihodelici tema gdje je teško ostati nepristran, posebno kao osoba koja prenosi znanje o njima ili provodi terapiju

    Stavovi i znanja o psihodelicima i psihoterapiji potpomognutoj psihodelicima

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    Objectives: The studies described in this dissertation aimed to create and validate a standardized questionnaire for the assessment of attitudes about psychedelics, to apply this questionnaire by assessing a group of European psychiatrists about their attitudes, and to complement these findings by conducting selected interviews with European psychiatrists on the same topic. Methods: The first and second studies were cross-sectional and used an online survey. The third study was a qualitative study, based on a reflective thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews. Results: The first research showed the validity of the new instrument and provided preliminary data on the attitudes of the Croatian general population about psychedelics, where it was shown that many people do not even have basic knowledge about psychedelics. The second study showed that European psychiatrists are open to psychedelics, but are concerned about the possible side effects and abuse of these substances. More positive attitudes in that group were associated with previous personal use of psychedelics, greater knowledge about psychedelics, younger age, male gender, and spirituality. Variables related to professional training and practice did not show a significant influence on attitudes on psychedelics. The third study showed the complexity of attitudes on psychedelics and their deep connection to the social, political and historical context. Attitudes on psychedelics in psychiatry are mixed and a large number of psychiatrists believe that the evidence for their therapeutic effectiveness is still not sufficiently convincing. Conclusions: The new instrument we validated has a many potential uses for future research. General knowledge about psychedelics is poor, and psychiatrists state that this topic is underrepresented in their education. This should be improved in order to hold high-quality informed discussions about the future of psychedelic therapy. Our findings suggest that psychedelics are a topic where it is difficult to remain impartial, especially as an education or treatment provider.Ciljevi: Istraživanja opisana u ovoj disertaciji imala su za cilj stvoriti i validirati standardizirani upitnik za procjenu stavova o psihodelicima, taj upitnik primijeniti u ispitivanju skupine europskih psihijatara o njihovim stavovima te nadopuniti te nalaze provođenjem ciljanih intervjua s europskim psihijatrima o istoj temi. Metode: Prvo i drugo istraživanje bili su presječnog nacrta te su koristili online anketu. Treće je istraživanje bilo kvalitativno, temeljeno na refleksivnoj tematskoj analizi polustrukturiranih intervjua. Rezultati: Prvo istraživanje je pokazalo validnost novog standardiziranog i dalo preliminarne podatke o stavovima hrvatske opće populacije o psihodelicima, gdje se pokazalo da mnogo osoba nema niti osnovno znanje o psihodelicima. Drugo istraživanje je pokazalo da su europski psihijatri otvoreni prema psihodelicima, ali da su najviše nesigurni oko mogućih nuspojava i zloporabe tih supstanci. Pozitivniji stavovi kod te skupine bili su vezani uz prethodno osobno korištenje psihodelika, veće znanje o psihodelicima, mlađu dob, muški spol i duhovnost. Varijable vezane uz stručnu izobrazbu i rad nisu pokazale značajan utjecaj na stavove o psihodelicima. Treće istraživanje prikazalo je kompleksnost stavova o psihodelicima i njihovu duboku vezanost uz društveni, politički i povijesni kontekst. Stavovi u psihijatriji o psihodelicima su miješani, a veliki broj psihijatara smatra da dokazi o njihovoj terapeutskoj učinkovitosti još uvijek nisu dovoljno uvjerljivi. Zaključci: Novi instrument koji smo validirali ima široki potencijal primjene u budućim istraživanjima. Opće znanje o psihodelicima je loše, a psihijatri navode da je ta tema premalo zastupljena u njihovom obrazovanju. To bi trebalo promijeniti kako bi se moglo imati kvalitetne i informirane rasprave o budućnosti terapije psihodelicima. Naši nalazi upućuju na to da su psihodelici tema gdje je teško ostati nepristran, posebno kao osoba koja prenosi znanje o njima ili provodi terapiju

    Stavovi i znanja o psihodelicima i psihoterapiji potpomognutoj psihodelicima

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    Objectives: The studies described in this dissertation aimed to create and validate a standardized questionnaire for the assessment of attitudes about psychedelics, to apply this questionnaire by assessing a group of European psychiatrists about their attitudes, and to complement these findings by conducting selected interviews with European psychiatrists on the same topic. Methods: The first and second studies were cross-sectional and used an online survey. The third study was a qualitative study, based on a reflective thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews. Results: The first research showed the validity of the new instrument and provided preliminary data on the attitudes of the Croatian general population about psychedelics, where it was shown that many people do not even have basic knowledge about psychedelics. The second study showed that European psychiatrists are open to psychedelics, but are concerned about the possible side effects and abuse of these substances. More positive attitudes in that group were associated with previous personal use of psychedelics, greater knowledge about psychedelics, younger age, male gender, and spirituality. Variables related to professional training and practice did not show a significant influence on attitudes on psychedelics. The third study showed the complexity of attitudes on psychedelics and their deep connection to the social, political and historical context. Attitudes on psychedelics in psychiatry are mixed and a large number of psychiatrists believe that the evidence for their therapeutic effectiveness is still not sufficiently convincing. Conclusions: The new instrument we validated has a many potential uses for future research. General knowledge about psychedelics is poor, and psychiatrists state that this topic is underrepresented in their education. This should be improved in order to hold high-quality informed discussions about the future of psychedelic therapy. Our findings suggest that psychedelics are a topic where it is difficult to remain impartial, especially as an education or treatment provider.Ciljevi: Istraživanja opisana u ovoj disertaciji imala su za cilj stvoriti i validirati standardizirani upitnik za procjenu stavova o psihodelicima, taj upitnik primijeniti u ispitivanju skupine europskih psihijatara o njihovim stavovima te nadopuniti te nalaze provođenjem ciljanih intervjua s europskim psihijatrima o istoj temi. Metode: Prvo i drugo istraživanje bili su presječnog nacrta te su koristili online anketu. Treće je istraživanje bilo kvalitativno, temeljeno na refleksivnoj tematskoj analizi polustrukturiranih intervjua. Rezultati: Prvo istraživanje je pokazalo validnost novog standardiziranog i dalo preliminarne podatke o stavovima hrvatske opće populacije o psihodelicima, gdje se pokazalo da mnogo osoba nema niti osnovno znanje o psihodelicima. Drugo istraživanje je pokazalo da su europski psihijatri otvoreni prema psihodelicima, ali da su najviše nesigurni oko mogućih nuspojava i zloporabe tih supstanci. Pozitivniji stavovi kod te skupine bili su vezani uz prethodno osobno korištenje psihodelika, veće znanje o psihodelicima, mlađu dob, muški spol i duhovnost. Varijable vezane uz stručnu izobrazbu i rad nisu pokazale značajan utjecaj na stavove o psihodelicima. Treće istraživanje prikazalo je kompleksnost stavova o psihodelicima i njihovu duboku vezanost uz društveni, politički i povijesni kontekst. Stavovi u psihijatriji o psihodelicima su miješani, a veliki broj psihijatara smatra da dokazi o njihovoj terapeutskoj učinkovitosti još uvijek nisu dovoljno uvjerljivi. Zaključci: Novi instrument koji smo validirali ima široki potencijal primjene u budućim istraživanjima. Opće znanje o psihodelicima je loše, a psihijatri navode da je ta tema premalo zastupljena u njihovom obrazovanju. To bi trebalo promijeniti kako bi se moglo imati kvalitetne i informirane rasprave o budućnosti terapije psihodelicima. Naši nalazi upućuju na to da su psihodelici tema gdje je teško ostati nepristran, posebno kao osoba koja prenosi znanje o njima ili provodi terapiju