13 research outputs found

    Agrotechnical measures in potatoes production for processing into chips

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    U ovom istraživanju analizirana je intenzivna proizvodnja krumpira koji se prerađuje u čips. U analiziranom razdoblju (2019. – 2022.) prikazane su sve agrotehničke mjere pri proizvodnji krumpira na primjeru PO „Beta“. Vidljivo je da je gnojidba svake godine provedena pri jesenskoj obradi, zatim pred samu sadnju, pri nagrtanju i prije zatvaranja redova. Zaštita krumpira je provedena pravovremeno, a kod primjene zaštitnih sredstava najviše se koriste fungicidi u zaštiti od plamenjače i koncentrične pjegavosti krumpira. Kod zaštite od krumpirove zlatice vodi se računa o korištenju pripravaka iz različitih kemijskih skupina i različitih mehanizma djelovanja. Obavezna mjera u proizvodnji je navodnjavanje koje se provodi tijekom ljetnih mjeseci (lipanj i srpanj). Vađenje krumpira obavilo se strojno, a ostvareni prinosi iznosili su prosječno 36 t/ha, što je daleko od hrvatskog prosjeka (19,1 t/ha).This study analyzed the intensive production of potatoes which are processed into chips. In the analyzed period (2019 - 2022), all agrotechnical measures in the production of potatoes are presented on the example of PO "Beta". Autumn fertilization was carried out every year during the autumn cultivation, then before planting and before closing the rows. In plant protection fungicides are mostly used to protect against potato late blight fungus and early blight of potatoes. For Colorado potato beetle used insecticides were different in active compound. Irrigation was done during the summer months (June and July). Potatoes were harvested by machine, and achieved yield was on average 36 t/ha, which is far higher than Croatian average (19.1 t/ha)

    Commercial and ampelographic characteristics of autochthonous grape varieties of Kastav area

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    Unazad nekoliko godina na području grada Kastva nekolicina proizvođača grožđa i vina u suradnji sa znanstvenim institucijama i uz potporu lokalnih jedinica uprave i samouprave nastoji obnoviti vinogradarsku proizvodnju temeljenu na autohtonom sortimentu. Prvi korak već je napravljen identifikacijom nekoliko autohtonih sortata. Sorte Jarbola, Verdić, Mejsko belo, Divjaka i Brajkovac su nakon identifikacije razmnožene i posađene u zasad manjim nasadima lokalnih vinogradara. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi osnovne gospodarske i ampelografske karakteristike navedenih sorata u proizvodnom nasadu lokalnih proizvođača. Analizom podataka utvrđen je broj grozdova po trsu, prinos po trsu, mehanički sastav grozda i kemijski sastav mošta. Na taj način utvrđene su osnovne razlike između sorata kao i gospodarski potencijal svake sorte. Sorta Verdić ima dimenzijama i masom najveći grozd, dok sorta Brajkovac dimenzijama i masom ima najmanji grozd. Sorta Jarbola ima najveću masu bobice i najveći udio mesa u masi grozda te izrazito veliki broj grozdova po trsu. Sorta Divjaka se odlikuje visokom rodnošću te najmanjom masom bobica. Sorte Mejsko belo i Brajkovac pokazale su se, zbog visokog sadržaja šećera, kao sorte s najboljim kvalitativnim potencijalom u promatranoj godini istraživanja.Several years ago in the city area of Kastav several grape and wine producers in cooperation with scientific institutions and local-government tried to restore the grape production based on autochthonous grapevine varieties. The first step has already been done by identifying several indigenous varieties. After the identification, Verdić, Mejsko belo, Divjaka, Jarbola and Brajkovac variety were propagated and planted in new vineyards of local producers. The aim of this study was to determine the basic yeald and ampelographic characteristics of mentioned varieties in vineyards of local grepe and wine producers in Kastav. Analysis of the data is determined by the number of bunches per vine, yield per vine, the chemical composition of must and mechanical composition of the cluster and berry. This research set out the basic differences between varieties and economic potential of each variety. Variety Verdić have the largest and variety Brajkovac the smallest dimensions and mass of the cluster. Variety Jarbola have the largest berry mass and the highest proportion of meat in the cluster mass. Also it has a very large number of clusters per vine. The Divjaka variety is distinguished by its high yield-set potential and the smallest mass of berry. The varieties of Mejsko Belo and Brajkovac have higher sugar content and proved to be potentially best-quality varieties in this year of research

    The effects of teratogens on prenatal human development

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    Teratologija je znanost koja se bavi uzrocima, razvojem, opisivanjem i klasifikacijom urođenih malformacija. Nakon talidomidske katastrofe 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća došlo je do naglog porasta u zanimanju za ovo područje. Danas je to interdisciplinarna grana kojom se bave razvojna biologija, embriologija, patologija i genetika. Teratogeni su vanjski agensi koji uzrokuju abnormalnosti u razvoju, a kakve će biti posljedice, ovisi o više faktora poput perioda i dužine izlaganja. Četiri skupine teratogena su: fizikalni agensi, metabolička stanja majke, lijekovi i kemikalije te infekcije. Alkohol i cigarete su teratogeni koje je moguće izbjeći, a ipak su jedni od čestih uzroka spontanog pobačaja i mrtvorođenosti. Oni najviše djeluju na mozak i pluća, ali i na druge vitalne organe. Posljedice su obično kombinacija fizičkih i psihičkih problema u razvoju. U cilju smanjivanja ovog trenda, potrebno je educirati javnost o mogućim komplikacijama, ali i osmisliti programe za pomoć majkama koje se ne mogu same riješiti svoje ovisnosti.Teratology is a discipline that deals with the causes, development, description and classification of congenital malformations. This area suddenly became interesting after the thalidomide disaster in the 1960s. Today, it is an interdisciplinary branch of developmental biology, embryology, pathology and genetics. Teratogens are external agents that cause developmental abnormalities, and the consequences will depend on several factors such as the period and length of exposure. The four groups of teratogens are: physical agents, metabolic conditions of the mother, drugs and chemicals, and infections. Teratogens such as alcohol and cigarettes can be avoided, but still cause frequent cases of miscarriage and stillbirth. They have the greatest impact on the brain and lungs, but also on other vital organs. The consequences are usually a combination of physical and mental developmental problems. In order to reduce this trend, it is necessary to educate the public about possible complications, b

    Potatoe (Solanum tuberosum L.) technology production

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    U ovome radu analizirana je proizvodnja industrijskog krumpira na poljoprivrednom obrtu „Beta“ koji se uzgaja za proizvodnju čipsa. Krumpir je kultura koja zahtjeva veliku pažnju proizvođača i ako se agrotehnika pravilno obavlja krumpir će to vratiti s kvalitetom i visokim prinosima. U radu je prikazana sva agrotehnika koja se obavljala na poljoprivrednom obrtu “Beta” uz podatke iz Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda o vremenskim prilikama za meteorološku postaju Donji Miholjac. Sve mjere i operacije obavljene su na vrijeme iako je 2020. godina bila suprotna od višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Proljeće je bilo iznimno suho, a tada je krumpiru voda najvažnija jer slijedi faza stvaranja gomolja. Jesen je bila vlažna i topla, no vađenje se uspjelo obaviti na vrijeme.In this paper, the production of potatoes in the agricultural firm „Beta“, which is grown for the production of chips, is analyzed. Potato is a crop that requires a lot of attention from the producer and if agrotechnics is done properly the potatoes will return it with quality and high yields. The paper presents all agrotechnics that were practiced on the agricultural firm “Beta” with data from State Hydrometerological Institute on weather conditions for the metrology station Donji Miholjac. All operations were carried on time, although 2020 was the opposite of the perennial average. The spring was extremly dry and then the water is was the most important for the potatoes because the tuber formation phase coming up. Autumn was wet and warm, but the harvesting was done on time

    The effects of teratogens on prenatal human development

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    Teratologija je znanost koja se bavi uzrocima, razvojem, opisivanjem i klasifikacijom urođenih malformacija. Nakon talidomidske katastrofe 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća došlo je do naglog porasta u zanimanju za ovo područje. Danas je to interdisciplinarna grana kojom se bave razvojna biologija, embriologija, patologija i genetika. Teratogeni su vanjski agensi koji uzrokuju abnormalnosti u razvoju, a kakve će biti posljedice, ovisi o više faktora poput perioda i dužine izlaganja. Četiri skupine teratogena su: fizikalni agensi, metabolička stanja majke, lijekovi i kemikalije te infekcije. Alkohol i cigarete su teratogeni koje je moguće izbjeći, a ipak su jedni od čestih uzroka spontanog pobačaja i mrtvorođenosti. Oni najviše djeluju na mozak i pluća, ali i na druge vitalne organe. Posljedice su obično kombinacija fizičkih i psihičkih problema u razvoju. U cilju smanjivanja ovog trenda, potrebno je educirati javnost o mogućim komplikacijama, ali i osmisliti programe za pomoć majkama koje se ne mogu same riješiti svoje ovisnosti.Teratology is a discipline that deals with the causes, development, description and classification of congenital malformations. This area suddenly became interesting after the thalidomide disaster in the 1960s. Today, it is an interdisciplinary branch of developmental biology, embryology, pathology and genetics. Teratogens are external agents that cause developmental abnormalities, and the consequences will depend on several factors such as the period and length of exposure. The four groups of teratogens are: physical agents, metabolic conditions of the mother, drugs and chemicals, and infections. Teratogens such as alcohol and cigarettes can be avoided, but still cause frequent cases of miscarriage and stillbirth. They have the greatest impact on the brain and lungs, but also on other vital organs. The consequences are usually a combination of physical and mental developmental problems. In order to reduce this trend, it is necessary to educate the public about possible complications, b

    Gender roles and play

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je rodne uloge i igra. Treba napomenuti kako je igra širok pojam koji obuhvaća određene definicije, a u ovom se radu stavlja fokus samo na neke njezine aspekte. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati na koji način igra djece i igračke kojima se oni igraju utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Ovdje se pokušalo odgovoriti na pitanje na koji način igre koje djeca igraju te struktura igračke, njezine tehničke posebnosti i dizajn utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Početak rada sadrži terminologiju vezanu uz pojmove kao što spol, rod, stereotipi, predrasude i diskriminacija. Zatim se dolazi do složenijih pojmova rodnih uloga, rodnog identiteta i rodnih stereotipa, koji su vrlo bitni za razumijevanje samog rada. Glavni dio rada usmjeren je na igre dječaka i igre djevojčica te što takve igre uče djecu i kakve rodne uloge potiču kod oba spola. Neizostavan dio igre je i igračka s kojom se dijete igra, čiji dizajn, materijal i reklamiranje može podupirati tradicionalne rodne uloge stvarajući unaprijed očekivanu projekciju idealnog potrošača. Veliku ulogu ima i djetetova okolina koja uključuje roditelje, vršnjake/inje, odgojitelje/ice i medije, koji utječu na djetetov odabir igre i igračaka te samim time i na razvoj određene rodne uloge. Na kraju rada navodi se na koji način roditelji i odgojitelji/ice mogu pozitivno utjecati i pridonijeti jačanju razvoja cjelovite osobnosti djeteta.Topic of this paper is gender roles and play. It should be mentioned that play is a very wide concept which includes certain definitions, but in this paper the focus is only on some of its aspects. Goal of this paper is to present in which way children's play, as well as toys they're playing with, affect learning and acquisition of gender roles. This paper tries to answer the question how children's play and structure of a toy, its tehnical particularities and design influence the acquisition of gender roles. Beginning of the paper includes terminology regarding concepts like sex, gender, stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. They are followed by more complex concepts like gender roles, gender identity and gender stereotypes, which are all very important for understanding paper itself. Main part is focused on boy's play and girl's play, what they teach children and which gender roles they foster for each sex. Important element of play is also a child's toy, whose design, material and advertising may encourage traditional gender roles by making anticipated projections of an ideal consumer. Child's surroundings, including parents, peers, preschool teachers and media, also have a great impact when it comes to selection of play and toys as well as development of specific gender role. At the end, the paper indicates how parents and preschool teachers can have a positive impact and contribute to strengthening child's overall identity developmen

    The effects of teratogens on prenatal human development

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    Teratologija je znanost koja se bavi uzrocima, razvojem, opisivanjem i klasifikacijom urođenih malformacija. Nakon talidomidske katastrofe 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća došlo je do naglog porasta u zanimanju za ovo područje. Danas je to interdisciplinarna grana kojom se bave razvojna biologija, embriologija, patologija i genetika. Teratogeni su vanjski agensi koji uzrokuju abnormalnosti u razvoju, a kakve će biti posljedice, ovisi o više faktora poput perioda i dužine izlaganja. Četiri skupine teratogena su: fizikalni agensi, metabolička stanja majke, lijekovi i kemikalije te infekcije. Alkohol i cigarete su teratogeni koje je moguće izbjeći, a ipak su jedni od čestih uzroka spontanog pobačaja i mrtvorođenosti. Oni najviše djeluju na mozak i pluća, ali i na druge vitalne organe. Posljedice su obično kombinacija fizičkih i psihičkih problema u razvoju. U cilju smanjivanja ovog trenda, potrebno je educirati javnost o mogućim komplikacijama, ali i osmisliti programe za pomoć majkama koje se ne mogu same riješiti svoje ovisnosti.Teratology is a discipline that deals with the causes, development, description and classification of congenital malformations. This area suddenly became interesting after the thalidomide disaster in the 1960s. Today, it is an interdisciplinary branch of developmental biology, embryology, pathology and genetics. Teratogens are external agents that cause developmental abnormalities, and the consequences will depend on several factors such as the period and length of exposure. The four groups of teratogens are: physical agents, metabolic conditions of the mother, drugs and chemicals, and infections. Teratogens such as alcohol and cigarettes can be avoided, but still cause frequent cases of miscarriage and stillbirth. They have the greatest impact on the brain and lungs, but also on other vital organs. The consequences are usually a combination of physical and mental developmental problems. In order to reduce this trend, it is necessary to educate the public about possible complications, b

    Gender roles and play

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je rodne uloge i igra. Treba napomenuti kako je igra širok pojam koji obuhvaća određene definicije, a u ovom se radu stavlja fokus samo na neke njezine aspekte. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati na koji način igra djece i igračke kojima se oni igraju utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Ovdje se pokušalo odgovoriti na pitanje na koji način igre koje djeca igraju te struktura igračke, njezine tehničke posebnosti i dizajn utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Početak rada sadrži terminologiju vezanu uz pojmove kao što spol, rod, stereotipi, predrasude i diskriminacija. Zatim se dolazi do složenijih pojmova rodnih uloga, rodnog identiteta i rodnih stereotipa, koji su vrlo bitni za razumijevanje samog rada. Glavni dio rada usmjeren je na igre dječaka i igre djevojčica te što takve igre uče djecu i kakve rodne uloge potiču kod oba spola. Neizostavan dio igre je i igračka s kojom se dijete igra, čiji dizajn, materijal i reklamiranje može podupirati tradicionalne rodne uloge stvarajući unaprijed očekivanu projekciju idealnog potrošača. Veliku ulogu ima i djetetova okolina koja uključuje roditelje, vršnjake/inje, odgojitelje/ice i medije, koji utječu na djetetov odabir igre i igračaka te samim time i na razvoj određene rodne uloge. Na kraju rada navodi se na koji način roditelji i odgojitelji/ice mogu pozitivno utjecati i pridonijeti jačanju razvoja cjelovite osobnosti djeteta.Topic of this paper is gender roles and play. It should be mentioned that play is a very wide concept which includes certain definitions, but in this paper the focus is only on some of its aspects. Goal of this paper is to present in which way children's play, as well as toys they're playing with, affect learning and acquisition of gender roles. This paper tries to answer the question how children's play and structure of a toy, its tehnical particularities and design influence the acquisition of gender roles. Beginning of the paper includes terminology regarding concepts like sex, gender, stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. They are followed by more complex concepts like gender roles, gender identity and gender stereotypes, which are all very important for understanding paper itself. Main part is focused on boy's play and girl's play, what they teach children and which gender roles they foster for each sex. Important element of play is also a child's toy, whose design, material and advertising may encourage traditional gender roles by making anticipated projections of an ideal consumer. Child's surroundings, including parents, peers, preschool teachers and media, also have a great impact when it comes to selection of play and toys as well as development of specific gender role. At the end, the paper indicates how parents and preschool teachers can have a positive impact and contribute to strengthening child's overall identity developmen

    Gender roles and play

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    Tema ovog završnog rada je rodne uloge i igra. Treba napomenuti kako je igra širok pojam koji obuhvaća određene definicije, a u ovom se radu stavlja fokus samo na neke njezine aspekte. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati na koji način igra djece i igračke kojima se oni igraju utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Ovdje se pokušalo odgovoriti na pitanje na koji način igre koje djeca igraju te struktura igračke, njezine tehničke posebnosti i dizajn utječu na usvajanje rodnih uloga. Početak rada sadrži terminologiju vezanu uz pojmove kao što spol, rod, stereotipi, predrasude i diskriminacija. Zatim se dolazi do složenijih pojmova rodnih uloga, rodnog identiteta i rodnih stereotipa, koji su vrlo bitni za razumijevanje samog rada. Glavni dio rada usmjeren je na igre dječaka i igre djevojčica te što takve igre uče djecu i kakve rodne uloge potiču kod oba spola. Neizostavan dio igre je i igračka s kojom se dijete igra, čiji dizajn, materijal i reklamiranje može podupirati tradicionalne rodne uloge stvarajući unaprijed očekivanu projekciju idealnog potrošača. Veliku ulogu ima i djetetova okolina koja uključuje roditelje, vršnjake/inje, odgojitelje/ice i medije, koji utječu na djetetov odabir igre i igračaka te samim time i na razvoj određene rodne uloge. Na kraju rada navodi se na koji način roditelji i odgojitelji/ice mogu pozitivno utjecati i pridonijeti jačanju razvoja cjelovite osobnosti djeteta.Topic of this paper is gender roles and play. It should be mentioned that play is a very wide concept which includes certain definitions, but in this paper the focus is only on some of its aspects. Goal of this paper is to present in which way children's play, as well as toys they're playing with, affect learning and acquisition of gender roles. This paper tries to answer the question how children's play and structure of a toy, its tehnical particularities and design influence the acquisition of gender roles. Beginning of the paper includes terminology regarding concepts like sex, gender, stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. They are followed by more complex concepts like gender roles, gender identity and gender stereotypes, which are all very important for understanding paper itself. Main part is focused on boy's play and girl's play, what they teach children and which gender roles they foster for each sex. Important element of play is also a child's toy, whose design, material and advertising may encourage traditional gender roles by making anticipated projections of an ideal consumer. Child's surroundings, including parents, peers, preschool teachers and media, also have a great impact when it comes to selection of play and toys as well as development of specific gender role. At the end, the paper indicates how parents and preschool teachers can have a positive impact and contribute to strengthening child's overall identity developmen

    Potatoe (Solanum tuberosum L.) technology production

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    U ovome radu analizirana je proizvodnja industrijskog krumpira na poljoprivrednom obrtu „Beta“ koji se uzgaja za proizvodnju čipsa. Krumpir je kultura koja zahtjeva veliku pažnju proizvođača i ako se agrotehnika pravilno obavlja krumpir će to vratiti s kvalitetom i visokim prinosima. U radu je prikazana sva agrotehnika koja se obavljala na poljoprivrednom obrtu “Beta” uz podatke iz Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda o vremenskim prilikama za meteorološku postaju Donji Miholjac. Sve mjere i operacije obavljene su na vrijeme iako je 2020. godina bila suprotna od višegodišnjeg prosjeka. Proljeće je bilo iznimno suho, a tada je krumpiru voda najvažnija jer slijedi faza stvaranja gomolja. Jesen je bila vlažna i topla, no vađenje se uspjelo obaviti na vrijeme.In this paper, the production of potatoes in the agricultural firm „Beta“, which is grown for the production of chips, is analyzed. Potato is a crop that requires a lot of attention from the producer and if agrotechnics is done properly the potatoes will return it with quality and high yields. The paper presents all agrotechnics that were practiced on the agricultural firm “Beta” with data from State Hydrometerological Institute on weather conditions for the metrology station Donji Miholjac. All operations were carried on time, although 2020 was the opposite of the perennial average. The spring was extremly dry and then the water is was the most important for the potatoes because the tuber formation phase coming up. Autumn was wet and warm, but the harvesting was done on time