84 research outputs found

    Innovative Genome Joint Analysis for identification of novel deep-intronic de novo pathogenic variants in KMT2A gene - WiedemannSteiner Syndrom

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    Heterozygous mutations in KMT2A gene are known to cause Wiedemann-Steiner Syndrome (WDSTS), a rare, autosomal dominant disease characterized by facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability, hypertrichosis cubiti, and psychomotor developmental delay. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a promising method to both identify pathogenic gene variants and facilitate personalized medical management

    Overview of 100 patients with voice prosthesis after total laryngectomy--experience of single institution [Pregled 100 bolesnika sa govornom protezom nakon totalne laringektomije]

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    Surgical procedures, especially total laryngectomy, used for treatment of advanced laryngeal carcinoma, have a profound adverse effect on the patient's physical, functional, and emotional health, and almost always decrease quality of life. There are three main types of voice rehabilitation after surgery. They are: esophageal speech techniques, the use of artificial larynx devices and tracheoesophageal puncture with the insertion of various types of voice prostheses. Voice prosthesis was inserted in 100 patients in the ENT Department, University Hospital Center Zagreb, from January 2004 until February 2011, and 91 of these patients were included in our study. The prosthesis was inserted secondary at 71 patients, while in other 20 it was inserted primary, i.e. immediately after laryngectomy as a part of the same procedure. Voice rehabilitation was initiated 10th day after primary insertion and 1st-3rd day after secondary insertion. The postoperative voice quality was compared with a five degree scale, which was taken from Hilger's retrospective study (2000). The rehabilitation was successful in 75.8% of our patients. Early complication rate was 4.4%, and 10.9% of patients had late complications. Statistical analysis didn't show significant differences regarding the complications rate and success rate of rehabilitation between groups of patients, formed according to age, irradiation status and timing of prosthesis insertion

    Agrotechnics grow barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    U ovome radu je obrađena agrotehnika uzgoja ječma. Od početaka proizvodnje ječma prije 7 tisuća godina u starom Egiptu, pa do danaÅ”njih dana kada je tehnologija jako napredovala. U Hrvatskoj se danas ječam sije na neÅ”to maje povrÅ”ina na oko 50 000 hektara s prinosom od oko 4 tone po hektaru. Svi agrotehnički uvjeti uzgoja ječma od odabira povrÅ”ine koja je jako važna jer ječam voli kvalitetno tlo zbog malog korijena, obrade tla, sjetve, gnojidbe, zaÅ”tite, njege ječma i na kraju žetve ječma su vrlo bitni faktori u samoj proizvodnji. Ječam se koristi za prehranu ljudi i životinja. Veliki značaj ječma je u proizvodnji stočne hrane, pivarskoj industriji pa sve do pekarske, farmaceutske i tekstilne industrije. Ječam je jako zanimljiva kultura za proizvodnju, uz dobru agrotehniku i vremenske uvjete može se i pristojno zaraditiIn this paper I have summed up the growth of barley from the beginning of production 7 thous and years ago in Egypt, until to day whenechnology has progressed so much. Today in Croatia barley is sown on about 50 000 hect ares with the average yield of aro und 4 tonne sper hectare. All agrotechnical conditions of cultivationo of barley such as selection of the area soil tillage, sowing, fertilization, protection, care of barley and of course at the end harvest are very important factors for production. Barley is used for human and animal consumption. Also is used in bakery, beer, pharmaceutical and textile industry. Barley is very interesting culture to produce and with good cultural practices and weath erconditions you can earn well from it

    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica

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    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica je promjena na licu koja se sastoji od papula, pustula, papulovezikula i ponekad nodula s teleangiektazijama krvnih žila na difuznoj eritematoznoj i edematoznoj povrŔini. Javlja se kao rezultat dugotrajne upotrebe topičkih kortikosteroida ili kao rebound fenomen nakon prekida njihovog koriŔtenja. Postoje 3 klinička tipa perioralnog dermatitisa koji se klasificiraju na temelju lokalizacije promjena: perioralni, centrofacijalni i difuzni tip. Dijagnoza ove bolesti temelji se na iscrpnoj anamnezi i kliničkom pregledu. Liječenje uključuje prekid koriŔtenja topičkih kortikosteroida i terapiju s lokalnim i/ili sistemskim antibioticima. Liječnik dermatolog treba pružiti i psiholoŔku potporu pacijentima tijekom njihova posjeta ordinaciji pogotovo onima koji se teŔko nose s prekidom topičke steroidne terapije i onima koji se teŔko nose s posljedicama bolesti.Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica is an eruption composed of papules, pustules, papulovesicles and sometimes nodules with telangiectatic vessels on a diffuse erythematous and edematous background. It results from prolonged topical steroid use or as a rebound phenomenon after discontinuation of topical steroid. There are 3 types of dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica that are classified based on the location of the eruption: perioral,centrofacial, and diffuse. Diagnosis of this disease entity relies on a thorough patient history and physical examination. Treatment involves discontinuation of the offending topical steroid and administration of oral and/or topical antibiotics. Dermatologists may need to provide psychological support during office visits for patients who have difficulty dealing with the discontinuation of topical steroid and/or the psychological impact of a flare

    Influence of weather conditions on barley production at family farm Ivica Živković in 2014. and 2015. year

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    U ovome radu je opisan utjecaj vremenskih uvjeta na proizvodnju ječma na OPG-u Ivica Živković u 2014. i 2015. godini. Opisana je agrotenika proizvodnje ječam koja je u obe godine bila identična i uz podateke Državnog hidrometeoroloÅ”kog zavoda o vremenskim prilika u 2014. i 2015. godini za postaju Đakovo doneÅ”eni su zaključci o utjecaju vremneskih uvjeta na proizvodnja ječama. U 2014. godini prosječan prinos je bio 4,1 t/ha, a u 2015. godini prosječan prinos je bio 5,3 t/ha. Iz čega je vidljivo da vremenski uvjeti imaju velik utjecaj na prinos ječam. Prosječna temperatura u obe godine bila je 12,9 ĖšC Å”to je za 1,5 ĖšC viÅ”e od viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg prosjeka. Oborine su u 2014. godini bile izdad prosječne, za razliku od 2015. godine kada su bile ispod viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg prosjeka.This seminar describes the influence of weather conditions on barley production at family farm Ivica Živković in 2014. and 2015. year. The barley productions agronomy is described in 2014. and 2015, which was identical. Analyzing The Data Of the State Hydrometeorological Institute on weather conditions in 2014. and 2015. for Đakovo station, conclusions weremade on the influence of weather conditions on barley production. In 2014. The average contribution was 4,1 tonnes of hectares, indian 2015. Average Contribution Was 5,3 tonnes of hectares. Wecanconcludethatthe Contribution Of barley depends on weather influences. The average temperature in both years was 12,9 ĖšC, which is 1,5 ĖšC more than a yearly average. Precipitation rates were up on average in 2014, as opposed to 2015 when they were below the perennial average

    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica

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    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica je promjena na licu koja se sastoji od papula, pustula, papulovezikula i ponekad nodula s teleangiektazijama krvnih žila na difuznoj eritematoznoj i edematoznoj povrŔini. Javlja se kao rezultat dugotrajne upotrebe topičkih kortikosteroida ili kao rebound fenomen nakon prekida njihovog koriŔtenja. Postoje 3 klinička tipa perioralnog dermatitisa koji se klasificiraju na temelju lokalizacije promjena: perioralni, centrofacijalni i difuzni tip. Dijagnoza ove bolesti temelji se na iscrpnoj anamnezi i kliničkom pregledu. Liječenje uključuje prekid koriŔtenja topičkih kortikosteroida i terapiju s lokalnim i/ili sistemskim antibioticima. Liječnik dermatolog treba pružiti i psiholoŔku potporu pacijentima tijekom njihova posjeta ordinaciji pogotovo onima koji se teŔko nose s prekidom topičke steroidne terapije i onima koji se teŔko nose s posljedicama bolesti.Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica is an eruption composed of papules, pustules, papulovesicles and sometimes nodules with telangiectatic vessels on a diffuse erythematous and edematous background. It results from prolonged topical steroid use or as a rebound phenomenon after discontinuation of topical steroid. There are 3 types of dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica that are classified based on the location of the eruption: perioral,centrofacial, and diffuse. Diagnosis of this disease entity relies on a thorough patient history and physical examination. Treatment involves discontinuation of the offending topical steroid and administration of oral and/or topical antibiotics. Dermatologists may need to provide psychological support during office visits for patients who have difficulty dealing with the discontinuation of topical steroid and/or the psychological impact of a flare

    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica

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    Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica je promjena na licu koja se sastoji od papula, pustula, papulovezikula i ponekad nodula s teleangiektazijama krvnih žila na difuznoj eritematoznoj i edematoznoj povrŔini. Javlja se kao rezultat dugotrajne upotrebe topičkih kortikosteroida ili kao rebound fenomen nakon prekida njihovog koriŔtenja. Postoje 3 klinička tipa perioralnog dermatitisa koji se klasificiraju na temelju lokalizacije promjena: perioralni, centrofacijalni i difuzni tip. Dijagnoza ove bolesti temelji se na iscrpnoj anamnezi i kliničkom pregledu. Liječenje uključuje prekid koriŔtenja topičkih kortikosteroida i terapiju s lokalnim i/ili sistemskim antibioticima. Liječnik dermatolog treba pružiti i psiholoŔku potporu pacijentima tijekom njihova posjeta ordinaciji pogotovo onima koji se teŔko nose s prekidom topičke steroidne terapije i onima koji se teŔko nose s posljedicama bolesti.Dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica is an eruption composed of papules, pustules, papulovesicles and sometimes nodules with telangiectatic vessels on a diffuse erythematous and edematous background. It results from prolonged topical steroid use or as a rebound phenomenon after discontinuation of topical steroid. There are 3 types of dermatitis rosaceiformis steroidica that are classified based on the location of the eruption: perioral,centrofacial, and diffuse. Diagnosis of this disease entity relies on a thorough patient history and physical examination. Treatment involves discontinuation of the offending topical steroid and administration of oral and/or topical antibiotics. Dermatologists may need to provide psychological support during office visits for patients who have difficulty dealing with the discontinuation of topical steroid and/or the psychological impact of a flare

    Periurethral bulking agents in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence

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    Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common type of urinary incontinence in women, affecting large proportion of women. Surgical methods, especially suburethral sling operations are the most important modes of the treatment of SUI. Bulking agents were created as an alternative to conventional surgical methods and may be the first line of therapy in certain patients. Periurethral bulking implies implantation of various biocompatible agents around the urethra in order to improve coaptation of the urethral walls during intra-abdominal pressure elevation. The rates of cure are lower with bulking methods as compared with surgical techniques but are associated with a lower prevalence of postoperative complications. Bovine collagen remains the most frequently injected agent worldwide, with cure rates of 53% at 12 months after procedure. Polyacrylamide hydrogel and silicone micro implants have showed promising results, with about 64% improvement rate at 18 to 24 months after procedure. Application of urethral bulking agents is minimally invasive procedure and is mostly applied outpatiently in local anesthesia. Urethral bulking agents are safe for clinical usage. Bulking agents should not be recommended as a method of final cure because they only lead to short-term improvement

    Overview of 100 Patients with Voice Prosthesis after Total Laryngectomy ā€“ Experience of Single Institution

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    Surgical procedures, especially total laryngectomy, used for treatment of advanced laryngeal carcinoma, have a profound adverse effect on the patientā€™s physical, functional, and emotional health, and almost always decrease quality of life. There are three main types of voice rehabilitation after surgery. They are: esophageal speech techniques, the use of artificial larynx devices and tracheoesophageal puncture with the insertion of various types of voice prostheses. Voice prosthesis was inserted in 100 patients in the ENT Department, University Hospital Center Zagreb, from January 2004 until February 2011, and 91 of these patients were included in our study. The prosthesis was inserted secondary at 71 patients, while in other 20 it was inserted primary, i.e. immediately after laryngectomy as a part of the same procedure. Voice rehabilitation was initiated 10th day after primary insertion and 1stā€“3rd day after secondary insertion. The postoperative voice quality was compared with a five degree scale, which was taken from Hilgerā€™s retrospective study (2000). The rehabilitation was successful in 75.8% of our patients. Early complication rate was 4.4%, and 10.9% of patients had late complications. Statistical analysis didnā€™t show significant differences regarding the complications rate and success rate of rehabilitation between groups of patients, formed according to age, irradiation status and timing of prosthesis insertion
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