147 research outputs found

    Rad u biblioteci s jednim zaposlenim

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    Tendencija modernog organizovanja bibliotečkog poslovanja je povećavanje broja biblioteka s jednim zaposlenim. Razlozi su brojni ali najčešći su pokušaj da se posao racionalizuje i time uštedi na vremenu i novcu, kao i potreba da se organizuju informacioni punktovi koje će brzo i fleksibilno da reaguju u mnogim organizacijama, komercijalnim i nekomercijalnim, u onima koji se tiču države kao i u nevladinom sektoru i dr. Rad koji iziskuje mnoštvo potrebnih informacija dobavljenih u pravo vreme traži od bibliotekara izvesni stepen sposobnosti da se prilagodi ali i da se obrazuje i bude pravi informacioni stručnjak. U ovom radu pokušaćemo da opišemo specifičnosti delovanja u maloj biblioteci koja uglavnom ima samo jednog zaposlenog i kako oni izlaze na kraj s brojnim obavezama koje se nameću. Kao i svaki posao, i ovaj ima svoje pozitivne i negativne strane i pokušaj da se sve one sintetički opišu u ovom radu predstavlja mali doprinos ovom tipu bibliotekarstva

    Credit Risk Management For Key Account Clients at the Commercial Banking – Serbia Case Study

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji biće razmatran problem kreditne izloženosti prema velikim privrednim subjektima, a posebna pažnja biće posvećena načinima i metodama kojima poslovna banka može da upravlja rizikom na nivou kreditnog portfolija ključnih klijenata. To je sistemski problem sa kojim su suočene sve poslovne banke, a posebno banke na nedovoljno razvijenim finansijskim tržištima. Zbog sve veće globalizacije i potrebe za internacionalizacijom finansijskog sektora, ovaj problem postaje još izraženiji. Stoga je važnost ove teme izuzetno aktuelna, a domaća stručna javnost ima potrebu da potraži sveobuhvatna stučna rešenja koja, u saradnji sa domaćim regulatornim telom, treba da omoguće primenu najbolje industrijske prakse koja treba da zaštiti i poveća sigurnost domaćeg finansijskog sistema. Veliki privredni subjekti zbog svoje veličine u najvećem broju slučajeva čine najveći procenat kreditne izloženosti jedne poslovne banke. Zbog veličine izloženosti prema tim klijentima, najviše je angažovan kapital poslovnih banaka koji služi kao zaštitni mehanizam po osnovu nivoa preuzetog kreditnog rizika. Shodno tome, i u vezi sa potrebom da se kapital rezerviše po osnovu međunarodnih regulatornih principa koje primenjuje Narodna banka Srbije, poslovne banke imaju potrebu za stalnim ojačavanjem svoje kapitalne baze kako bi sa što manjim stepenom rizika mogle da nastave da posluju na nivou kreditnog portfolija ključnih klijenata banke. Narodna banka Srbije je setom svojim mera, koje su u korelaciji sa međunarodno prihvaćenim regulatornim standardima predstavljenim u okviru mera Bazelskih standarda, postavila dobre osnove koje bi trebalo da omoguće sigurnost finansijskog sistema Republike Srbije. Iako je to sistemski problem koji može da uzrokuje narušavanje finansijske stabilnosti, poslovne banke u Republici Srbiji su spremne da se suoče sa tim izazovom i svakodnevno ojačavaju svoju kapitalnu bazu u skladu sa regulatornim standardima. Taj problem je generalni i traži unificirani pristup rešavanju, a posebno se usložava kod poslovnih banaka sa međunarodnim prisustvom i gde postoji mogućnost prelivanja problema sa jednog na drugo finansijsko tržište. U analizi će biti prikazani važnost praćenja velikih privrednih subjekata od početka uspostavljanja poslovne saradnje poslovne banke, primena svih regulatornih mehanizama potrebnih za upravljanje kreditnim rizikom, kontinuirane analize poslovanja i primene statističkih i ekonometrijskih modela sa ciljem dobijanja što preciznijih rezultata budućeg kretanja rizika jednog velikog privrednog subjekta, primena migracionih matrica na osnovu analize vodećih rejting kuća u vezi sa pojavom difoltnog stanja jednog kreditnog portfolija, mehanizama koji se mogu primeniti u slučaju kada se desi difolt jednog velikog privrednog subjekta i mogućnostima kolateralizacije kreditnog plasmana velikog privrednog subjekta. U ovoj disertaciji, primenom različitih matematičko-statističkih i ekonometrijskih modela, biće postavljene teorijsko-analitičke osnove predloženim modelom za analizu kreditnog rizika na nivou kreditnog portfolija ključnih klijenata banke. Analizom racio pokazatelja na bazi računovodstvenih izveštaja biće pokazana prediktivna sposobnost racio pokazatelja u vezi sa stepenom rizika jednog kreditnog klijenta, a putem migracionih matrica u okviru predloženog modela biće analizirani pokazatelji koji daju informaciju o stepenu moguće pojave difoltnog stanja jednog velikog privrednog subjekta. Analiza će biti zasnovana na pokazateljima za dve grupe velikih privrednih subjekata, i to na osnovu njihovih kvantitativnih finansijskih elemenata

    Vulnerability methods in hard rock formation as a basis for groundwater risk assessment – from resource to source

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    Groundwater in a hard rock formation is most endangered at places where a potential source can discharge contaminants that can reach the saturated zone of an aquifer. In these circumstances, an essential tool for groundwater protection is the contamination risk map. This map is based on the integration of two maps: a hazards map, i.e., map of potential sources of contamination and a vulnerability map. The selection of a proper vulnerability method is an important task since the resulting vulnerability map can significantly impact the final risk of contamination map. The most appropriate method for groundwater vulnerability assessment was considered in the case study of Tara National park, in Western Serbia. The four commonly used methods were applied to assess the intrinsic vulnerability maps: DRASTIC, EPIK, PI and COP. All the applied methods resulted in different vulnerability maps in assessing the degree of vulnerability, consequently influencing the groundwater contamination risk maps. The applied research presents an example of how contamination risk should be assessed in a specific area. Comparison of the results obtained for the area of Tara National Park indicates the preference of the PI method as a well-balanced method, taking into account all the specifics of the study area. A detailed analysis of the assessed risks in the catchments of the existing sources was also conducted to indicate probable sources of contamination and confirm the degree of accuracy of the created vulnerability and risk maps. The conducted research emphasizes the necessity to adopt a clear conceptual hydrogeological model and to apply several methods simultaneously to determine the optimal one for each individual area

    Thermal-hydraulics of evaporating tubes in the forced circulation loop of a steam boiler

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    Elektroprivreda Srbije je u toku 2005. godine nastavila radove na izgradnji TE Kolubara B snage 350 MW, koji su započeti još davne 1989. godine. Sam kotao je toranjske konstrukcije, a za isparivač kotla predviđeno je cirkulaciono kolo sa prinudnim strujanjem. Osim toga, ekranske cevi u ložištu su ožljebljene sa unutrašnje strane, što predstavlja jedinstveni slučaj u kotlovima termoelektrana u Srbiji. Da bi se izvršile termohidrauličke analize ovog isparivača urađeni su termički proračuni kotla, kao i hidraulički proračuni isparivača za različita radna opterećenja. U ovom radu prikazana je metodologija hidrauličkog proračuna isparivača sa prinudnom cirkulacijom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za spomenuti kotao, izvršena je analiza uticaja ožljebljenja cevi na povećanje hidrauličkog otpora u cirkulacionom kolu. S obzirom da ožljebljene cevi obezbeđuju sigurniji rad isparivača, održavajući nisku temperaturu zida cevi i pri visokim sadržajima pare, vršeno je njihovo upoređivanje sa glatkim cevima za slučajeve ravnomernog i neravnomernog toplotnog opterećenja u ložištu.Rifled evaporating tubes are applied in a steam boiler with the aim to increase the steam-water mixture turbulization and to prevent tubes' wall burnout. The evaporating rifled tubes and the working fluid forced circulation are applied in the steam boiler at the Thermal Power Plant 'Kolubara B' that is being built by the Electric Power Utility of Serbia. In order to investigate operating characteristics of the steam boiler of such an advanced design, a simulation and analysis of complex coupled thermal processes on the furnace gas side and thermal-hydraulics in the evaporating tubes were performed for the whole range of the plant designed operating loads. In this paper the methodology for the hydraulic calculations of forced circulation loops is presented. The rifled tubes thermal-hydraulics is calculated. An acceptable temperature of the evaporating tube wall, even under a high void fraction of the coolant is obtained. It is shown that the rifled tubes prevent the occurrence of the critical heat transfer conditions. The obtained increased thermal safety margin of the rifled tubes is compared with the safety margin of the smooth tubes for uniform and variable heat loads between walls of the boiler furnace. The influence of the rifled tubes on the increase of the hydraulic resistance in the circulation loop is analyzed

    Influence of differences in prescribing antimicrobial drugs on isolation rate of multidrug resistant pathogens on surgical and medical wards

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    Savremena terapija infekcija podrazumeva zauzimanje zajedničkog stava/strategije o tome koji će se antimikrobni lekovi koristiti, pa se u skladu sa tim formira sopstveni lokalni vodič za primenu ovih lekova usklađen sa osetljivošću multirezistentnih (MDR) patogena prisutnih na različitim bolničkim odeljenjima. Za izradu lokalnog vodiča je neophodno prikupiti podatke o potrošnji i navikama propisivanja antimkrobnih lekova i o prevalenciji MDR patogena kao što su Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii i Escherichia coli. Izolati navedenih MDR patogena su praćeni na hirurškim (S) i internističkim (M) odeljenjima Kliničko-bolničkog centra „Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje“ u periodu od 2012. do 2015. godine. Procena pravilnog propisivanja antimikrobnih lekova je zasnovana na metodologiji Global-Point Prevalence Survey koja je dizajnirana u Antverpu (Belgija). Procenat MDR patogena u odnosu na ukupan broj izolata K.pneumoniae - P.aeruginosa je značajno veći na S (86,2% i 49,1%) nego na M (63,2% i 36,9%) odeljenjima. Procenat MDR A.baumannii nije signifikantno različiti između S (93,7%) i M (79,5%) odeljenjima. U posmatranom periodu, postoji statistički značajan porast prevalencije MDR E.coli na S i M odeljenju (p<0,001). Ukupna potrošnja antibiotika (određena kao definisana dnevna doza na 100 bolesničkih postelja) za četiri godine je 369,7 i 261,5 na S i M odeljenjima, redom. Analizirano je ukupno 225 epizoda propisivanja antimikrobnih lekova u 138 lečenih odraslih pacijenata. Procenat propisivinja antimikrobnih lekova kao profilakse je 75% i 0%, na S i M odeljenjima, redom. Terapija je bila češće empirijska nego kauzalna (S, 86,8% i M, 80%). Procenat greške u propisivanju na S i M odeljenjima je bio 74,6% i 27,3%, redom. Indikatori kvaliteta, za propisivanje antimikrobnih lekova na S i M odeljenjima, su: neadekvatan izbor antimikrobnog leka (35,6% vs. 20,0%), neadekvatni dozni interval (70,6% vs. 16,9%) i dužina primene (72,5% vs. 23,1%), nedokumentovan start/stop terapije (73,6% vs. 16,9%) i odstupanje od vodiča (71,9% vs. 23,1%). Terapija zasnovana na biomarkerima je bila češća na M odeljenjima u odnosu na S odeljenja. Porast prevalencije MDR patogena, visoka potrošnja i neadekvatno propisivanje antimikrobnih lekova traži posebne mere opreza a pre svega na S odeljenjima.Contemporary antimicrobial therapy is based on unified decision/strategy about which antimicrobial drugs and how will be used, accordance to own guideline made on local proportion of multiple resistant drug isolates gathered on difference wards. In order to provide guidance data for clinically rational use of an antibiotics, consumption, prescribing and prevalence of multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Escherichia coli were monitored on the surgical (S) and medical (M) wards of the University Hospital Center „Dr. Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje“ (Belgrade, Serbia), in the study period from 2012. to 2015. Appropriateness of antimicrobial use was evaluatedusing the Global-Point Prevalence Survey method designed by the University of Antwerp. The percentages of MDR pathogens relative to the total number of isolates of K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa were higher on the S (86.2% and 49.1%) than on the M (63.2% and 36.9%) wards. The percentage of MDR A. baumannii was not different with statistical significance, between S (93.7%) and M (79.5%) wards. During the observed period, we recognize statistically significant increase in prevalence of MDR E.coli both on S and M wards. An overall antibiotics consumption (defined daily doses/100 beddays) during study was 369.7 and 261.5 on the S and M wards, respectively. A total of 225 prescriptions of antimicrobials were evaluated in138 adults admitted to wards. The percentage of antimicrobials prescribed for prophylaxis on the M and S wards were 0% and 75%, respectively. Therapies were more frequently empiric (S, 86.8% and M, 80%). The percentages of medical errors on the S and M wards were 74.6% and 27.3%, respectively. The quality indicators for antibiotic prescribing on the S and M wards were as follows: the incorrect choice of antimicrobials (35.6% vs. 20.0%), inappropriate dose interval (70.6% vs. 16.9%) or duration of therapy (72.5% vs. 23.1%), a nondocumented stop/review data (73.6% vs. 16.9%) and divergence from guidelines (71.9% vs. 23.1%). Treatment based on biomarkers was more common on the M wards as compared to the S wards. 7 The increasing prevalence of MDR pathogens, a very high consumption and incorrect prescribing of antimicrobials need special attention, particularly on the S wards

    A brief overview of the history of Jewish immigration to the USA until 1924: seminar paper

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    Iskustvo američkih Jevreja je oblikovano tokom mnogih generacija i uticalo je na živote jevrejskih doseljenika koji su uglavnom crpeli inspiraciju iz sopstvene bogate tradicije kao i sticanjem novih iskustava kroz stalnu komunikaciju sa svojim američkim sunarodnicima nejevrejskog porekla. Ta raznolikost je jevrejsku zajednicu u Americi vremenom učinila jedinstvenom u odnosu na ostale jevrejske zajednice u svetu ali je često činila i različitom od ostalih Amerikanaca. Tako je američko jevrejstvo razvilo sopstveni identitet u mnogočemu različit od ostalih Jevreja. Sama činjenica da su se doseljavali u sredinu oformljenu od mnoštva emigranata činila je da Jevreji nisu morali kriti sopstveni identitet, niti je asimilacija bila izražena. Jevrejska zajednica se konstituisala u nekoliko većih luka na Atlantskom okeanu. Život je bio organizovan hijerarhijski, a domovi su bili uvek oko sinagoge. Poštovao se šabat, jela se košer hrana a deca vaspitavana u jevrejskom duhu. Jevreji u Americi nisu bili stigmatizovani ni bojom svoje kože niti katoličkim nasleđem. Takođe, religija je prihvaćena kao privatna stvar, a politička i ljudska prava su uglavnom bila uvažavana. Dvadesetih godina devetnaestog veka useljeničke kvote su predstavljale veliki problem, kao i kvote za upisivanje na koledž i slično. Iako nije bilo direktnih aktivnosti protiv jevrejske zajednice, rasistički stavovi su dovodili do određenih društvenih i političkih diskriminacija. Ovi stavovi su veoma ograničavali Jevreje u svakodnevnom životu i društvenom delovanju. Sve to dovodi do toga da mnogi Jevreji, uklapajući se u većinsku sredinu, napuštaju svoje jevrejsko nasleđe ili gube kontakt sa njim i asimiliraju se u hrišćansku većinu. U ovom radu prikazan je kratak pregled istorije doseljavanja Jevreja u Sjedinjene američke države do 1924. godine (kada su uvedena stroga ograničenja na useljeničke kvote), njihovi motivi za dolazak kao i teškoće sa kojima su se susretali.The American Jewish experience was shaped over many generations and influenced the lives of Jewish settlers who were mostly inspired by their rich traditions as well as gaining new experiences through constant communication with their non-Jewish American compatriots. This diversity over time made the Jewish community in America unique compared to other Jewish communities in the world, but it also often made it different from other Americans. Thus, American Jewry developed its own identity in many respects different from other Jews. The very fact that they were moving into an environment formed by many emigrants meant that Jews did not have to hide their identity, nor was assimilation expressed. The Jewish community was established in several major ports on the Atlantic Ocean. Life was organized hierarchically, and homes were always around the synagogue. Shabbat was respected, kosher food was eaten, and children were raised in the Jewish spirit. Jews in America were not stigmatized either by the color of their skin or by their heritage. Also, religion was accepted as a private matter, and political and human rights were generally respected. In the 1820s, immigration quotas were a big problem, as were college admissions quotas. Although there were no direct activities against the Jewish community, racist attitudes led to certain social and political discriminations. These attitudes greatly limited Jews in everyday life and social activities. All this leads to many Jews, fitting into the majority environment, abandoning their Jewish heritage or losing contact with it, and assimilating into the Christian majority. This paper presents a brief overview of the history of Jewish immigration to the United States until 1924 (when strong restrictions on immigration quotas were taken into), their motives for coming, and the difficulties they had

    Thermal-hydraulics of evaporating tubes in the forced circulation loop of a steam boiler

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    Elektroprivreda Srbije je u toku 2005. godine nastavila radove na izgradnji TE Kolubara B snage 350 MW, koji su započeti još davne 1989. godine. Sam kotao je toranjske konstrukcije, a za isparivač kotla predviđeno je cirkulaciono kolo sa prinudnim strujanjem. Osim toga, ekranske cevi u ložištu su ožljebljene sa unutrašnje strane, što predstavlja jedinstveni slučaj u kotlovima termoelektrana u Srbiji. Da bi se izvršile termohidrauličke analize ovog isparivača urađeni su termički proračuni kotla, kao i hidraulički proračuni isparivača za različita radna opterećenja. U ovom radu prikazana je metodologija hidrauličkog proračuna isparivača sa prinudnom cirkulacijom. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za spomenuti kotao, izvršena je analiza uticaja ožljebljenja cevi na povećanje hidrauličkog otpora u cirkulacionom kolu. S obzirom da ožljebljene cevi obezbeđuju sigurniji rad isparivača, održavajući nisku temperaturu zida cevi i pri visokim sadržajima pare, vršeno je njihovo upoređivanje sa glatkim cevima za slučajeve ravnomernog i neravnomernog toplotnog opterećenja u ložištu.Rifled evaporating tubes are applied in a steam boiler with the aim to increase the steam-water mixture turbulization and to prevent tubes' wall burnout. The evaporating rifled tubes and the working fluid forced circulation are applied in the steam boiler at the Thermal Power Plant 'Kolubara B' that is being built by the Electric Power Utility of Serbia. In order to investigate operating characteristics of the steam boiler of such an advanced design, a simulation and analysis of complex coupled thermal processes on the furnace gas side and thermal-hydraulics in the evaporating tubes were performed for the whole range of the plant designed operating loads. In this paper the methodology for the hydraulic calculations of forced circulation loops is presented. The rifled tubes thermal-hydraulics is calculated. An acceptable temperature of the evaporating tube wall, even under a high void fraction of the coolant is obtained. It is shown that the rifled tubes prevent the occurrence of the critical heat transfer conditions. The obtained increased thermal safety margin of the rifled tubes is compared with the safety margin of the smooth tubes for uniform and variable heat loads between walls of the boiler furnace. The influence of the rifled tubes on the increase of the hydraulic resistance in the circulation loop is analyzed

    A brief overview of the history and culture of Belgrade Jews until 1888: seminar paper

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    Jevreji u Beogradu već dosta vekova dele sudbinu sa Srbima. Tokom burne istorije putevi su im se često ukrštali ali i razilazili. Na Balkanu, kao podanici Turske carevine, Jevreji su dug period vremena bili u naizgled povlašćenom položaju u odnosu na Srbe, dok su pod austrijskom vlašću zajedno s njima podnosili posledice teškog tretmana, nametanog od strane katoličkog klera. Većina Jevreja iz Beograda potomci su Sefarda, tj. španskih Jevreja. Njihovo gorko iskustvo prisilnih pokrštavanja, inkvizicije i konačno, proterivanja s Pirinejskog poluostrva, učinilo ih je veoma obazrivim u traženju novih zemalja, gde će moći neometano da žive i rade. Jedna od takvih zemalja je bila i Turska imperija, koja im je, zbog njihovog umeća vođenja trgovine širom otvorila vrata. Tako je naseljavanje Jevreja na Balkan otpočelo u većem broju. Tokom srpskih ustanaka, oni su veoma bliski sa svojim sugrađanima Srbima i pružaju im pomoć u snabdevanju, posebno iz Zemuna, gde je jevrejska zajednica veoma razvijena. Nakon izvojevane nezavisnosti, Jevreji se u Beogradu razvijaju uporedo se boreći za svoja prava. Njihovo gorko istorijsko iskustvo naučilo ih je da povremeno moraju, u gotovo svakoj sredini, da doživljavaju razne netrpeljivosti, pa čak i nasilje. Zato je njihova beogradska istorija protkana istovremenom ljubavlju prema otadžbini i borbom za, često osnovna ljudska prava da slobodno žive i neometano rade. U ovom radu prikazan je kratak pregled istorije i kulture beogradskih Jevreja do Ustava iz 1888. po kome Jevreji i zakonski postaju jednaki sa ostalim građanima.The Jews in Belgrade have been sharing their fate with the Serbs for many centuries. During their turbulent history, their paths often crossed but also diverged. In the Balkans, as citizens of the Turkish Empire, the Jews were for a long time in a privileged position compared to the Serbs, while under the Austrian rule, together with them, they suffered the consequences of the harsh treatment imposed by the Catholic clergy. Most of the Jews from Belgrade are descendants of Sephardi, i.e. Spanish Jews. Their bitter experience of forced conversions, inquisitions, and finally, expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula, made them very cautious in looking for new countries, where they could live and work undisturbed. One such country was the Turkish Empire, which, due to Jewish trade skills, opened its doors wide to them. Thus, the settlement of Jews in the Balkans began in greater numbers. During the Serbian uprisings, they were very close to their fellow Serbs and helped them with supplies, especially from Zemun, where the Jewish community was very developed. After the independence was won, the Jews in Belgrade were developing at the same time, fighting for their rights. Their bitter historical experience has taught them that from time to time, in almost every environment, they have to experience various intolerances and even violence. That is why their Belgrade history is interwoven with the simultaneous love for the homeland and the fight for the often basic human rights to live freely and work undisturbed. This paper presents a brief overview of the history and culture of Belgrade Jews up to the Constitution of 1888, according to which Jews legally become equal with other citizens

    Isaac Bashevis Singer and his Yiddish

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    Književnost Isaka Singera na starom jeziku evropskih Jevreja, opisuje njegove jevrejske sunarodnike, a pored snažne folklorne crte, teme su se ticale i opštih ljudskih problema, te su stoga vremenom privukle široku međunarodnu čitalačku publiku. U svojim romanima Singer opisuje patnje Jevreja i njihovu veru u mesijanizam. Piše o strasti i iskušenjima, o svojim religioznim sumnjama, kao i o propadanju poljskih Jevreja tokom 19. veka. U pripovetkama Singer opisuje tradicionalni život Jevreja u malim poljskim gradovima s pretežno jevrejskom populacijom, zvanim štetl. U ondašnjem uređenju štetl je bio manje mesto u kome su Jevreji vremenom postajali većina. Poljska aristokratija ih je još u 16. veku pozivala da se nasele u njihovim selima pod veoma povoljnim uslovima. Tokom 19. veka, kada su Jevreji bili proterivani, povremeni izlivi nasilja ugrožavali stanovnike štetla a ekonomija bila u padu, štetl je polako nestajao da bi u Holokaustu bio u potpunosti uništen. Jevreji su se selili u veće gradove ili odlazili u emigraciju, pogotovo u SAD. Isak Singer je 1964. kada je primljen u Nacionalni institut za umetnost i književnost, bio jedini američki član koji je pisao na jeziku različitom od engleskog. Bio je potpuno posvećen jidišu, jeziku svoga detinjstva. Jidiš je nastao u Evropi u srednjem veku, otprilike u 9. stoleću spajanjem nekoliko različitih elemenata iz jezika zemalja s kojima su Jevreji imali kontakte. Singeru je jidiš bio maternji jezik.Isaac Singer's literature in the old language of European Jews describes his Jewish compatriots, and in addition to strong folkloric characteristics, the themes also concerned general human problems, and therefore over time attracted a wide international readership. In his novels, Singer describes the sufferings of the Jews and their faith in messianism. He writes about passion and trials, his religious doubts, as well as about the deterioration of Polish Jews during the 19th century. In the short stories, Singer describes the traditional life of Jews in small Polish towns with a predominantly Jewish population, called shtetl. At that time, the shtetl was a smaller place in which Jews eventually became the majority. Even in the 16th century, the Polish aristocracy invited them to settle in their villages under very favorable conditions. During the 19th century, when the Jews were expelled, occasional outbursts of violence threatened the inhabitants of the shtetl and the economy was in decline, the shtetl slowly disappeared and in the end destroyed in the Holocaust. Jews moved to larger cities or emigrated, especially to the USA. When Isaac Singer was admitted to the National Institute of Arts and Literature in 1964, he was the only American member who wrote in a non-English language. He was completely devoted to Yiddish, the language of his childhood. Yiddish arose in Europe in the Middle Ages, around the 9th century, by combining several different elements from the languages of the countries with which the Jews had contact. Singer's mother tongue was Yiddish

    Hydrodynamic modeling of a complex karst-alluvial aquifer: case study of Prijedor Groundwater Source, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Middle Triassic fractured and karstified limestone and dolomite form a karst aquifer in the Sana River Valley near the town of Prijedor. As a result of intensive tectonic movements, carbonate rocks are mostly below the Sana River level, covered by younger Pliocene and alluvial deposits. The main source of groundwater recharge is infiltration from the Sana River through its alluvium over most of the aquifer. The main objective of the research reported in this paper was to evaluate the hydraulic relationships of the alluvial, Pliocene and karst aquifers in order to better understand the water supply potential of the karst aquifer. Although the use of hydrodynamic modeling is not very common with karst aquifers, the developed model provided significant and useful information on the groundwater budget and recharge type. The influence of fault zones and spatial anisotropy of the karst aquifer were simulated on the hydrodynamic model by varying permeability on the x- and y-axes of the Cartesian coordinate system with respect to the fault, the main pathway of groundwater circulation. Representative hydraulic conductivities were Kx = 2.3·10-3 m/s and Ky = 5.0·10-3 m/s in the faults of NW to SE direction, and Kx = 2.5·10-3 m/s and Ky 1.2·10-3 m/s in the faults of SW to NE trend. Model research showed that the karst aquifer can be used in the long term at maximal tested capacities and that current groundwater exploitation is not compromised in dry periods when the water budget depends entirely on recharge from the Sana River