24 research outputs found

    Economertic analysis of EU export dynamics using panel data

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    Cílem práce je ekonometrická analýza dynamiky exportu zemí Evropské unie s použitím panelových dat a zjištění, co ovlivňuje výšku exportu. Mezi možné vlivy patří hrubý domácí produkt, míra nezaměstnanosti, index spotřebitelských cen, úroková míra, používání měny euro a rok vstupu země do EU. Analýza je provedena pro 28 členských států EU za rok 2009 až 2018. Na odhad je použit model s fixními, a model s náhodnými efekty. Pro odhad vyšel vhodnější model s fixními efekty, ať už pro odhad s kompletními daty nebo upravenými. Největší vliv na export má hrubý domácí produkt a míra nezaměstnanosti.The aim of this work is econometric analysis of export s of European Union countries using panel data and finding out what affects export. Possible impacts include gross domestic product, unemployment rate, consumer price index, interest rate, use of the euro and the country's year of EU accession. The analysis is carried out for the 28 EU Member States for the years 2009 to 2018. The estimate is based on the fixed and random effects model. For estimation, a more suitable model with fixed effects came out, either for estimation with complete data or modified. Gross domestic product and unemployment rate have the greatest impact on exportCieľom práce je ekonometrická analýza dynamiky exportu krajín Európskej únie s použitím panelových dát a zistenie, čo vplýva na výšku exportu. Medzi možné vplyvy patrí hrubý domáci produkt, miera nezamestnanosti, index spotrebiteľských cien, úroková miera, používanie meny euro a rok vstupu krajiny do EÚ. Analýza je vykonaná pre 28 členských štátov EÚ za rok 2009 až 2018. Na odhad je použitý model s fixnými, a model s náhodnými efektami. Pre odhad vyšiel vhodnejší model s fixnými efektami, či už pre odhad s kompletnými dátami, alebo upravenými. Najväčší vplyv na export má hrubý domáci produkt a miera nezamestnanosti


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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou kriminality v jednotlivých krajích České republiky. Cílem této práce je analyzovat vývoj vybraných trestných činů v krajích a učinit předpověď na nadcházející rok. Použité data jsou čerpány ze stránky policie.cz. Práce je rozdělena na tři části. V první části je vymezen pojem kriminalita. Druhá část se zabývá kriminalitou v jednotlivých krajích. V poslední třetí části se nachází metodika použití časových rád a následně její aplikace. Jsou počítány popisné statistiky a udělané předpovědi na následující rok, které jsou následně porovnány se skutečnými hodnotami.Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá analýzou kriminality v jednotlivých krajoch Českej republiky. Cieľom tejto práce je analyzovať vývoj vybraných trestných činov v krajoch a urobiť predpoveď na nadchádzajúci rok. Použité dáta sú čerpané zo stránky policie.cz. Práca je rozdelená na tri časti. V prvej časti je vymedzený pojem kriminalita. Druhá časť sa zaoberá kriminalitou v jednotlivých krajoch. V poslednej tretej časti sa nachádza metodika použitia časových rád a následne jej aplikácia. Sú počítané popisné štatistiky a urobené predpovede na nasledujúci rok, ktoré sú následne porovnané so skutočnými hodnotami.Bachelor thesis deals with the analysis of crime in individual regions of the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to analyse the development of selected crimes in the regions and to make a forecast for the coming year. The data used was obtained from police.cz web site. The work is divided into three parts. The first part defines the concept of criminality. The second part deals with crime in individual counties. In the last third part there is a method of using time series and then its application. I counted descriptive statistics and made the predictions for the following year, which are then compared to the actual values

    Variabilita složení mléka na farmě

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    This bachelor thesis focuses on the distribution of milk by its stage of lactation, that is immature milk or colostrum and mature milk. There is distribution by protein type as well. Thesis is focused on dairy cow milk, describing its individual components such as milk fat, proteins, lactose, minerals enzymes and states signs of quality grade of raw milk – physical and chemical properties and means of quality assurance, means of milk production, varieties of milking and types of milking parlors – tandem, her-ringbone, parallel or rotaional. Thesis also describes milk after milking process, inclu-ding purification, filtration, cooling and storage, sanitation of milk technology and its resources and execution. Thesis deals with microclimate and genetics effect, physiolo-gical and illness influence on milk and its individual components as well

    Activity of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) and its relationship to markers of lipoprotein oxidation in healthy Slovaks

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    Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), when modified by free radicals derived from artery wall cells, induce atherosclerosis. In contrast to oxidized LDL (ox-LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are able to prevent atherosclerosis through a protein with antioxidant properties, paraoxonase 1 (PON1). The purpose of this study was to explore the association between the activity of HDL-associated PON1 and circulating ox-LDL as well as to investigate the relationship between ox-LDL and parameters of lipid profile in thirty Slovaks aged 21-73 years because recent studies have presented controversial results concerning PON1 and its role in LDL oxidation. For determination of circulating ox-LDL sandwich ELISA was used and other lipid parameters were determined by routine laboratory analyses. PON1 activities were assayed by two synthetic substrates - paraoxon and phenyl acetate. Lipid peroxides were determined spectrophotometrically. Of the lipid parameters examined, ox-LDL level correlated positively with total (P < 0.0001) and LDL-cholesterol (P < 0.001). Triacylglycerols (TAG) (P < 0.001), lipid peroxides (P < 0.01) and atherogenic index (AI = total cholesterol/HDL) (P < 0.0001) were also strongly correlated with ox-LDL. No inverse relationships were observed between ox-LDL and HDL-cholesterol or arylesterase/paraoxonase activities of PON1. Furthermore, it was found that ox-LDL (P < 0.01) and lipid peroxides (P < 0.05) were significantly higher in men than in women. PON1 arylesterase activity was marginally affected by sex. The results of this study suggest that the anti-atherogenic properties of HDLs are not directly related to their total concentration and that PON1 activity determined towards synthetic compounds (paraoxon and phenyl acetate) reflects no association with markers of oxidative stress. Furthermore, it follows from our results that men are more susceptible to developing atherosclerosis compared to women

    Environmental DNA captured on the fish skin mucus – a potential bias to molecular diet analyses

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    Molecular diet analyses from faeces appear to be an ideal alternative to traditional feeding ecology studies. Nevertheless, this method can carry a risk of contamination from the environment or from body surface of the fish itself. To tackle the contamination problem, an experiment was performed with the main aim to identify whether foreign DNA is present or absent on the fish skin mucus, and if so, the second aim was to find out if this environmental DNA (eDNA) can be removed by repeated wiping of the skin mucus. Specimens of fish were exposed to eDNA and then their fish skin mucus was wiped with two consecutive smears (using a forensic swab) that were subjected to molecular analysis. The results demonstrate that eDNA from other organisms can be captured and persist on the fish skin mucus, posing a potential risk of contamination of faeces samples. Repeated wiping of mucus reduces or eliminates foreign DNA. This study provides new insights that can contribute to the development of the molecular methods, reducing the bias and increasing the accuracy of the diet spectrum analyses

    Effect of Neonatal Exposure to Poly(Ethylene Glycol)- block

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    Our goal was to evaluate the potential health risk of the polymeric NP, poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) (PEG-b-PLA), from the view of redox imbalance of the organism in two different life stages. Female Wistar rats were neonatally administered intraperitoneally with PEG-b-PLA NPs [20 mg/kg of b.w. (PEG20) or 40 (PEG40) mg/kg of b.w.] from postnatal day 4 (PND4) to PND7. We measured antioxidant capacity (TEAC), level of protein carbonyls and lipoperoxides in plasma, activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in hemolysates of infantile (sacrificed on PND17) and adult (sacrificed after PND176) rats. Compared to controls, neonatal PEG40 exposure induced a significant TEAC reduction in the infantile rats. Protein carbonyls and lipoperoxide levels were not affected after any dose of PEG-b-PLA NP administration. In adult rats, PEG20 administration caused a significant decrease of protein carbonyl levels compared to controls. In infantile rats, both doses of PEG-b-PLA NP administration increased catalase, Gpx, and SOD activities compared to controls. Surprisingly, in adult rats, the activities of Gpx and SOD decreased significantly after administration of both doses of PEG-b-PLA NPs. Obtained data indicate a possible age-related association between the oxidative status and neonatal PEG-b-PLA NP administration in female rats

    Ecdysis triggering hormone signaling in arthropods

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    Ecdysis triggering hormones (ETHs) from endocrine Inka cells initiate the ecdysis sequence through action on central neurons expressing ETH receptors (ETHR) in model moth and dipteran species. We used various biochemical, molecular and BLAST search techniques to detect these signaling molecules in representatives of diverse arthropods. Using peptide isolation from tracheal extracts, cDNA cloning or homology searches, we identified ETHs in a variety of hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects. Most insects produce two related ETHs, but only a single active peptide was isolated from the cricket and one peptide is encoded by the eth gene of the honeybee, parasitic wasp and aphid. Immunohistochemical staining with antiserum to Manduca PETH revealed Inka cells on tracheal surface of diverse insects. In spite of conserved ETH sequences, comparison of natural and the ETH-induced ecdysis sequence in the honeybee and beetle revealed considerable species-specific differences in pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors. DNA sequences coding for putative ETHR were deduced from available genomes of several hemimetabolous and holometabolous insects. In all insects examined, the ethr gene encodes two subtypes of the receptor (ETHR-A and ETHR-B). Phylogenetic analysis showed that these receptors fall into a family of closely related GPCRs. We report for the first time the presence of putative ETHs and ETHRs in genomes of other arthropods, including the tick (Arachnida) and water flea (Crustacea). The possible source of ETH in ticks was detected in paired cells located in all pedal segments. Our results provide further evidence of structural and functional conservation of ETH-ETHR signaling