1,303 research outputs found

    The relationship between mass tourism and territory and its development in the Andalusian Tourist Administration

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    Since it appeared as a mass phenomenon, in the second half of the XX century, tourism has proved to be one of the most constant economic sectors. Today it is intensified and strengthened by the nomadic society (Cacciari, 2002) in which we’re living constantly as “passengers”. So, because of its special relevance in the global economy, tourism may be about to become the administration leading area, capable of influencing any other public management field. This is already happening, in Omar Bouazza Ariño’s (2009) opinion, in the Andalusian Autonomous Region: it developed a Sustainable Tourism General Plan (2007-2011) which encourages the participation of the Tourism Regional Office in the creation of the territorial planning tools, considering it as a primary point of view from which territory has to be studied and managed. In such a context, this research provides an analysis of the tourism management administrative tools relating to the Andalusian Region, taken as a representative and consolidated European tourist destination. Considering the evolution of the Autonomic Tourism Legislation, this work presents some specific points of the interaction between the tourism current management and the territory planning. It highlights the incorporation of the recent process of change of the tourist phenomenon, in search of a possible balance between the priority of the social aspects over the economic one, and with the awareness of the strong tendency of the global mobility of changing the territory and the landscape.Peer Reviewe

    Aquaporin and Blood Brain Barrier

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    Large water fluxes continuously take place between the different compartments of the brain as well as between the brain parenchyma and the blood or cerebrospinal fluid

    Effect of Intensity and Duration of Exercise on Gut Microbiota in Humans: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: The gut microbiota might play a part in affecting athletic performance and is of considerable importance to athletes. The aim of this study was to search the recent knowledge of the protagonist played by high-intensity and high-duration aerobic exercise on gut microbiota composition in athletes and how these effects could provide disadvantages in sports performance. (2) Methods: This systematic review follows the PRISMA guidelines. An exhaustive bibliographic search in Web of Science, PubMed, and Scopus was conducted considering the articles published in the last 5 years. The selected articles were categorized according to the type of study. The risk of bias was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute’s Critical Appraisal Tool for Systematic Reviews. (3) Results: Thirteen studies had negative effects of aerobic exercise on intestinal microbiota such as an upsurge in I-FABP, intestinal distress, and changes in the gut microbiota, such as an increase in Prevotella, intestinal permeability and zonulin. In contrast, seven studies observed positive effects of endurance exercise, including an increase in the level of bacteria such as increased microbial diversity and increased intestinal metabolites. (4) Conclusions: A large part of the studies found reported adverse effects on the intestinal microbiota when performing endurance exercises. In studies carried out on athletes, more negative effects on the microbiota were found than in those carried out on non-athletic subjects."Fundacion Ramon Areces", Madrid, Spai

    NF-κB — A Key Factor in Atherogenesis and Atheroprogression

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    Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and it is responsible for a large proportion of mortality in the Western society

    Renal disaster relief in Europe: the experience at L'Aquila, Italy, in April 2009

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    On 6 April 2009, an earthquake struck the city of L'Aquila and the surrounding Abruzzo mountains. The disaster left 66 000 people homeless, while 1500 were wounded and 298 died. Although Europe as a whole is not so often affected by massive earthquakes, Italy is an exception with 12 earthquakes with an intensity >6.0 on the Richter scale during the last 100 years. This article offers preliminary information on the L'Aquila earthquake. For the time being, nine AKI patients who needed dialysis treatment are known. In all of them, kidney function recovered. This positive result can be attributed to the efficient and intensive rescue efforts coupled to the availability of disaster plans that had been developed in advance. This article stresses the importance of (i) advance planning of disaster rescue; (ii) the inclusion in these plans of approaches for kidney problems and their complications; (iii) the formulation of recommendations supporting (para-) medical professionals in their preventive, therapeutic and logistic approach to massive incidences of crush

    Quando a casa é o inferno e 'palco' de fabulação : feminicídios e performance durante o confinamento

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    En este artículo, me interesa profundizar en dos propuestas artísticas de performance, creadas y presentadas durante la pandemia de la Covid-19, en pleno confinamiento, y en las cuales la visibilidad, la denuncia y la posibilidad de fabular criticamente - y de imaginar otros atributos de la vida fuera de lo descartable, anónimo o ausente - guian y trazan el camino de cada trabajo. Es así que establezco diálogos con y entre los trabajos de performance de las artistas Priscila Rezende (BR) y XXX (PE), cujo tema principal son los feminicidios y, a partir de ahí, la urgencia de nombrar, de hacer memoria y de escribir la contrahistoria. Por otro lado, destaco que pensar, hablar, performear y escibir sobre violencia contra las mujeres, niñxs y disidencias en Latinoamérica trae implicitamente un abordaje donde los marcadores sociales de raza, sexo-género y clase se atraviesan transversalmente. Es desde un abordaje transfeminista y de pequeñas (in)filtraciones autobiográficas en el texto, que el concepto y proceso continuo de despatriarcalización se hace presente y urgente en las performances. Por lo tanto, propongo que performear contra el patriarcado es contribuír con su colapso.Interessa nesse artigo aprofundar em duas propostas artísticas de performance, criadas e apresentadas durante a Pandemia da Covid-19, no período de quarentena, nas quais a visibilidade, a denúncia e a possibilidade de fabular criticamente - e de imaginar outros atributos da vida que não apenas os de descartável, anônima ou ausente - conduzem e trilham o percurso de cada trabalho. É assim que estabeleço diálogos com e entre os trabalhos de performance das artistas Priscila Rezende (BR) e XXX (PE), cujo tema central são os feminicídios e, decorrente disso, a urgência de nomear, de fazer memória, e de escrever a contra-história. Por outro lado, destaco que pensar, falar, performar e escrever sobre violência contra as mulheres, crianças e dissidências na América Latina traz de modo implícito uma abordagem na qual os marcadores sociais de raça, sexo-gênero e classe se atravessam de modo transversal. É a partir de uma abordagem transfeminista, e de pequenas (in)filtrações autobiográficas no texto, que o conceito e processo continuo de despatriarcalização se faz presente e urgente nas performances. Proponho, portanto, que performar contra o patriarcado é contribuir com seu colapso.&nbsp

    Role of Neurotrophins in Orofacial Pain Modulation: A Review of the Latest Discoveries

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    Orofacial pain represents a multidisciplinary biomedical challenge involving basic and clinical research for which no satisfactory solution has been found. In this regard, trigeminal pain is described as one of the worst pains perceived, leaving the patient with no hope for the future. The aim of this review is to evaluate the latest discoveries on the involvement of neurotrophins in orofacial nociception, describing their role and expression in peripheral tissues, trigeminal ganglion, and trigeminal nucleus considering their double nature as “supporters” of the nervous system and as “promoters” of nociceptive transmission. In order to scan recent literature (last ten years), three independent researchers referred to databases PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science to find original research articles and clinical trials. The researchers selected 33 papers: 29 original research articles and 4 clinical trials. The results obtained by the screening of the selected articles show an interesting trend, in which the precise modulation of neurotrophin signaling could switch neurotrophins from being a “promoter” of pain to their beneficial neurotrophic role of supporting the nerves in their recovery, especially when a structural alteration is present, as in neuropathic pain. In conclusion, neurotrophins could be interesting targets for orofacial pain modulation but more studies are necessary to clarify their role for future application in clinical practice