293 research outputs found

    Solvothermaly synthesized copper doped bismuth vanadate

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    Photoeletrochemical (PEC) water splitting is a promising method for clean energy production and different oxide materials have been explored to find the right solution. Among them, as one of the most promising photoanode materials, bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) has attracted a lot of attention due to the suitable band gap edge alignment, lowcost synthesis method and great visible light harvesting features. Nowdays, research related to the BiVO4 is mostly oriented towards repairing poor charge transfer properties which exist due to the high rate of electron–hole recombination. Metal doping is one of the strategies to improve these intrinsic drawbacks. Herein, we report physicochemical properties of solvothermaly sinthesized pristine BiVO4, 1%-, 2.5%- and 5%- Cu-doped BiVO4 powders at 180 ºC for 8 h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) study indicates that, depending on the degree of doping, material exists in monoclinic or tetragonal scheelite phase. Pure monoclinic phase was formed in a case of pristine, 1%- and 2.5%- Cu doped samples. After doping with 5 %, phase transition occurred and material showed tetragonal phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that samples with monoclinic phase consists of worm-like and prismatic structures while tetragonal samples exhibited spherical shape. Furthermore, structure was examined with Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The results were in accordance with diffraction study where band positions were well matched with phase composition. Optical properties were characterized with UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Monoclinic samples showed band gap around 2.4 eV, while sample with tetragonal phase has band gap around 2.8 eV. PL showed that that monoclinic samples possess better recombination features than tetragonal ones. Photoelectrochemical measurements suggest that material is sensitive towards visible light and, after doping, improved its performance towards oxygen evolution reaction.8th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia; 29th October, Belgrade, Serbi

    Comparison of perception of stress and consumption of anxiolytics in hospital and out-hospital conditions: a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe workplace is a place where medical workers are exposed to extreme stress, particularly during medical emergencies or events of epidemic or pandemic proportions. Anxiolytic therapy is often used to overcome professional challenges. Deepening knowledge about the prevalence of the use of anxiolytics and the perception of stress among medical workers enables the timely recognition of problems and the preparation of measures to improve the working conditions and quality of life of medical workers. The study’s primary objective was to investigate whether there were differences in the usage of anxiolytics among healthcare professionals in and out of the hospital. In addition to the main objective, there are other objectives that have been established: To examine whether there are statistically justified differences in stress perceptions between hospital and outpatient healthcare professionals; 2. To examine the stress factors in the workplace in both hospital and outpatient settings. To compare the frequency of taking anxiolytics with respect to various variables (age, seniority, occupation and level of education); 4. determines the impact of working conditions on stress perception and life satisfaction in healthcare professionals. The design of research: Cross-sectional research.Materials and methodsThe research involved 159 healthcare professionals in Slavonski Brod: 96 employees of the General Hospital “Dr. Josip Benčević” and 63 employees of the Health Center and the Institute for Emergency Medicine of Brodsko-Posavina County. Respondents were able to participate in the study by filling out questionnaires online. The questionnaire was designed to be voluntary and anonymous and contained 53 questions.ResultsStatistically significant differences were shown in the perception of stress, which is greater in hospital staff, than in the difference between stressors in the workplace, where hospital staff showed higher values in all categories, but three factors are more significant differences: “Organization of the workplace and financial issues,” “Conflicts and communication at work” and “Professional and intellectual requirements.” There are significant differences in the frequency of using anxiolytics with the assistance of a psychiatrist. Working conditions have a much greater impact on the perception of stress and life satisfaction in hospital staff, while in hospital staff only a weak link between the perception of stress and life satisfaction is expressed. Anxiolytics are consumed by 27.10% of hospital workers and 23.80% of outside-the-hospital workers.ConclusionThe consumption of anxiolytic drugs by healthcare professionals in hospital and outpatient conditions does not make a significant difference, but they do have statistically significant differences in their perception of stress

    Aktualni trenutak hrvatskog zdravstva

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    Strategic change management in pharmaceutical industry

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    Farmaceutski sektor se danas, više nego ikada ranije, nalazi u stanju dinamiĉkih promena. To je globalni trend, pun neizvesnosti i fantastiĉnih turbulencija, gde nisu retke pogrešne procene i primenjene strategije. Novi milenijum donosi nova iskušenja i izazove na društvenu, politiĉku i ekonomsku scenu. Od tradicionalne proizvodnje lekova, do savremene farmaceutske industrije, preĊen je ogroman put. Taj put karakteriše krupne promene tokom dvadesetog veka, kao što su nastanak i uspon velikih farmaceutskih kompanija tokom pedesetih godina, talidomidska katastrofa šezdesetih, nove menadţerske strategije sedamdesetih, globalne integracije i koncentracija kapitala devedesetih i intenzivan razvoj biotehnologije na poĉetku dvadeset prvog veka. Dinamiĉki faktori u poslednje tri decenije snaţno guraju farmaceutski sektor napred ne dozvoljavajući stagnaciju i stanje letargije. Uzimajući u obzir okolnosti i uslove u kojim farmaceutska industrija obavlja aktivnosti u Srbiji, dinamiku razvoja globalne industrije i ĉinjenicu da su oblasti strateškog menadţmenta i upravljanja promenama u ovom sektoru nisu adekvatno implementirani, predmet istraţivanja je upravljanje strateškim promenama u farmaceutskoj industriji, sa posebnim osvrtom na farmaceutsku industriju u Srbiji. Cilj rada je analiza farmaceutskog sektora i naĉina njegovog funkcionisanja, analiza promena u farmaceutskom sektoru, kao i utvrĊivanje adekvatnog okvira za upravljanje strateškim promenama u farmaceutskoj industriji u Srbiji. U radu je definisan pojam strateških promena i prikazani su najznaĉajniji modeli upravljanja strateškim promenama. Posebno je istaknut Koterov model upravljanja promenama kao jedan od teorijski najznaĉajnih koncepata u ovoj oblasti.Now more than ever, the pharmaceutical sector is today in a state of dynamic changes. It is a global trend, full of uncertainties and turbulences, where misjudgments and applied strategies are not rare. The new millennium brings new temptations and challenges onto the social, political and economic scene. A long way has been crossed, from traditional medicine production to the modern pharmaceutical industry. That path is characterized by major changes during the twentieth century, such as the emergence and rise of the large pharmaceutical companies during the fifties, thalidomide disaster of the sixties, new managerial strategies of the seventies, global integration and concentration of capital of the nineties and intensive development of biotechnology at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Dynamic factors in the last three decades are strongly pushing the pharmaceutical sector forward, not allowing stagnation and state of lethargy. Taking into account the circumstances and conditions in which the pharmaceutical industry carries out the activities in Serbia, the dynamics of development of the global industry and the fact that the areas of strategic management and management of changes in this sector have not been adequately implemented, the subject of this research is managing the strategic changes in the pharmaceutical industry, with special emphasis on pharmaceutical industry in Serbia.. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the pharmaceutical sector and its functioning, analysis of changes in the pharmaceutical sector, as well as establishing an adequate framework for the management of strategic changes in the pharmaceutical industry in Serbia. The paper defines a concept of strategic changes and presents the most important models of strategic change management. Special emphasis is on Kotter‟s model of change management, the model being one of the most important theoretical concepts in this field. Also, the basic elements and characteristics of healthcare and pharmaceutical industry are analyzed, both on a global level as well as and in Serbia

    Pretilost i masti u hrani

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    Pretilost je stanje prekomjernog nakupljanja masnog tkiva u organizmu. Prema miπljenju Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije pretilost je poprimila epidemijske razmjere i postala vodeÊi problem javnog zdravstva. Zbog poveÊane tjelesne teæine nastaju brojne kliniËke komplikacije koje smanjuju kvalitetu æivota, radnu sposobnost i æivotni vijek oboljelih. Direktni i indirektni troπkovi lijeËenja pretilosti velik su teret za proraËune zdravstvenih ustanova. Etiologija pretilosti je sloæena i ukljuËuje genetske faktore, æivotne navike, psiholoπke Ëimbenike, ali nedovojbeno je da jednu od kljuËnih uloga ima masna prehrana. Masti predstavljaju znaËajan izvor kalorija koje se uskladiπÊuju u organizmu u obliku masnog tkiva, a tipiËan sastav ljudske hrane sadræi viπe od 40% masti, iako se preporuËa da udio masti iznosi najviπe 30%. Istodobno premala tjelesna aktivnost pomaæe gomilanje masnog tkiva. Razborito lijeËenje pretilosti temelji se, stoga, na umjerenoj dijeti bogatoj ugljikohidratima, redovitoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti, uz farmakoloπku potporu kada je to potrebno

    Pretilost i masti u hrani

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    Pretilost je stanje prekomjernog nakupljanja masnog tkiva u organizmu. Prema miπljenju Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije pretilost je poprimila epidemijske razmjere i postala vodeÊi problem javnog zdravstva. Zbog poveÊane tjelesne teæine nastaju brojne kliniËke komplikacije koje smanjuju kvalitetu æivota, radnu sposobnost i æivotni vijek oboljelih. Direktni i indirektni troπkovi lijeËenja pretilosti velik su teret za proraËune zdravstvenih ustanova. Etiologija pretilosti je sloæena i ukljuËuje genetske faktore, æivotne navike, psiholoπke Ëimbenike, ali nedovojbeno je da jednu od kljuËnih uloga ima masna prehrana. Masti predstavljaju znaËajan izvor kalorija koje se uskladiπÊuju u organizmu u obliku masnog tkiva, a tipiËan sastav ljudske hrane sadræi viπe od 40% masti, iako se preporuËa da udio masti iznosi najviπe 30%. Istodobno premala tjelesna aktivnost pomaæe gomilanje masnog tkiva. Razborito lijeËenje pretilosti temelji se, stoga, na umjerenoj dijeti bogatoj ugljikohidratima, redovitoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti, uz farmakoloπku potporu kada je to potrebno

    Muñoz Solla, Ricardo (2021), Menéndez Pidal, Abraham Yahuda y la política de la Real Academia Española hacia el hispanismo judío y la lengua sefardí

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    Muñoz Solla, Ricardo (2021), Menéndez Pidal, Abraham Yahuda y la política de la Real Academia Española hacia el hispanismo judío y la lengua sefardí. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 405 pp. ISBN 978-84-1311-607-5 (impreso); ISBN 978-84-1311-608-2 (PDF

    Polimeri na bazi obnovljivih sirovina – II. dio

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    A short review of biopolymers based on starch (starch derivatives, thermoplastic starch), lignin and hemicelluloses, chitin (chitosan) and products obtained by degradation of starch and other polysaccharides and sugars (poly(lactic acid), poly(hydroxyalkanoates)), as well as some of their basic properties and application area, are given in this part. The problem of environmental and economic feasibility of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials and their competitiveness with polymers based on fossil raw materials is discussed. Also pointed out are the problems that appear due to the increasing use of agricultural land for the production of raw materials for the chemical industry and energy, instead for the production of food for humans and animals. The optimistic assessments of experts considering the development perspectives of biopolymers based on renewable raw materials in the next ten years have also been pointed out. At the end of the paper, the success of a team of researchers gathered around the experts from the company Bayer is indicated. They were the first in the world to develop a catalyst by which they managed to effectively activate CO- and incorporate it into polyols, used for the synthesis of polyurethanes in semi-industrial scale. By applying this process, for the first time a pollutant will be used as a basic raw material for the synthesis of organic compounds, which will have significant consequences on the development of the chemical industry, and therefore the production of polymers.U okviru ovoga dijela rada dan je kratak prikaz biopolimera na bazi škroba (derivati škroba, termoplastièni škrob), lignina i hemiceluloze, hitina (hitozan) i na bazi proizvoda razgradnje škroba, drugih polisaharida i šećera (poli(mliječna kiselina), polihidroksialkanoati), kao i neka njihova osnovna svojstva i područje primjene. Razmatran je problem ekološke i ekonomske prihvatljivosti biopolimera na bazi obnovljivih sirovina i njihove konkurentnosti s polimerima na bazi fosilnih sirovina. Ukazano je i na probleme do kojih već dolazi zbog sve veće upotrebe poljoprivrednog zemljišta za proizvodnju sirovina za kemijsku industriju i energente, umjesto za proizvodnju hrane za ljude i životinje. Ukazano je također na optimistične procjene stručnjaka o perspektivi razvoja proizvodnje biopolimera na bazi obnovljivih sirovina. Na kraju rada je ukazano i na uspjeh tima istraživača okupljenih oko stručnjaka tvrtke Bayer, koji su prvi u svijetu razvili katalizator, pomoću kojeg su uspjeli učinkovito aktivirati CO i ugraditi ga u poliole, koje upotrebljavaju za sintezu poliuretana u poluindrustrijskim razmjerima. Ovim postupkom će prvi put jedan zagađivač biti upotrijebljen kao osnovna sirovina za sintezu organskih spojeva, što će imati nesagledive posljedice na razvoj kemijske industrije, a samim tim i proizvodnje polimera

    Images of the amphitheatre: Use of photogrammetry in excavations of the Viminacium amphitheatre

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    Fotogrametrijski metod predstavlja novinu u izradi arheološke dokumentacije. Iako je nastao sredinom XIX veka, do njegove značajnije upotrebe u arheologiji dolazi tek sa razvojem digitalne fotogrametrije tokom poslednjih decenija. U istraživanjima Viminacijuma, fotogrametrija je eksperimentalno primenjena 2012. godine prilikom iskopavanja amfiteatra. Uočene prednosti učinile su da navedeni metod postane standard u izradi dokumentacije na ovom lokalitetu. U radu je prikazano naše iskustvo sa upotrebom fotogrametrije u istraživanjima amfiteatra, odnosno, prednosti i mane ovog metoda, kao i moguća upotreba u prezentaciji kulturnog nasleđa. Čitav proces dokumentovanja arheoloških celina činili su prikupljanje podataka i njihova dalja obrada. Fotogrametrija se pokazala kao veoma pogodna za izradu tradicionalne 2D dokumentacije. Ovaj metod je znatno brži i objektivniji od tradicionalnih metoda, a omogućio je izradu detaljne i precizne dokumentacije čak i kod izrazito komplikovanih arheoloških celina, nezavisno od njihove veličine i veštine crtača. Rezultati snimanja predstavljeni su u okviru 3D modela. Oni nude niz prednosti u arhiviranju podataka i pri njihovoj analizi, a budući da su zasnovani na fotografijama, modeli sa teksturom su odlična opcija za vizualnu predstavu otkrivenih celina. Predstavljanje modela u obliku slika ili u video formatu, može se koristiti u prezentovanju istraženih celina i rezultata arheoloških iskopavanja, u naučne ili komercijalne svrhe. Na ovaj način fotogrametrija se čini veoma korisnom, jer omogućava vizuelizaciju kulturnog nasleđa, čineći ga vizuelno dopadljivim, ali i lakšim za razumevanje.Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining information about physical objects and the environment using 2D photographs. Recent technological advancements allowed the method to become accessible and quite valuable in the studies of cultural heritage. The method was introduced into the field procedures of archaeological research of Viminacium in 2012. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the usage of photogrammetry during investigations of the amphitheatre and to exemplify its applicability and benefits for future archaeological excavations. Based on our experience, the method proved to be easy to use and incorporate into existing procedures, especially as it was significantly faster and economical compared to the traditional documenting techniques. Obtained 3D models can fulfill various needs, from the creation of regular archaeological documentation to the visualization and presentation of the results of research