23 research outputs found

    Impact of retinoic acid on embryonic development of mammals

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    Normalna morfogeneza embrija kralježnjaka je pod velikim utjecajem vanjskih doza retinoične kiseline. Uobičajeno, dovodi do kraniofacijalnih abnormalnosti i defekata srca te do deformacije udova. RA interferira s specifikacijom osnovice ektoderma i mezoderma tokom gastrulacije. Udovi u razvoju osjetljivi su i na manjak i na višak RA. Genetičke i biokemijske manipulacije pokazuju da su retinoidi neophodni za razvoj udova vertebrata u dva stadija: u ranoj organogenezi za začetak razvoja prednjih udova, te u srednjoj organogenezi za rast udova.Normal morphogenesis of vertebrate embryos is severely affected by externally doses of retinoic acid. Typically it leads to craniofacial abnormalities and heart defects and to limb deformities. Limbs in development are sensitive to deficiency and excess of RA. Genetic and biochemical manipulations indicate that retinoids are crucial for vertebate limb development at two stages, in early organogenesis for forelimb bud initiation, and later in mid-organogenesis, for proper limb outgrowth

    A contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) of springs in the Dinaric karst of Croatia

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    In this research 55 species of caddisflies belonging to 33 genera and 13 families were identified in 23 springs in the Dinaric area of Croatia. The Dinaric karst region is recognized as an area of exceptional biodiversity and endemism. The species Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) was found in the spring in Kamensko, in the area of Lička Plješevica, and that is the first finding of this species in Croatia. The largest number of species was determined at the spring Keljevac (14 species) and the spring in Rudanovac village (14 species). The species Drusus croaticus Marinkovic-Gospodnetic, 1971 was found in most of the locations

    Translating Features of Short Stories: A Case Study of Elizabeth Strout’s "Olive Kitteridge" : Diplomski rad

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    The present thesis contains an analysis of my translation of the story “A Little Burst”, taken from the collection of short stories entitled Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Through reconstruction of the translation process, it sheds some light on the linguistic and cultural issues encountered in the process of translation and establishes several concrete strategies and procedures used to tackle those problematic parts. Under the linguistic issues, the translation of a number of medical, botanical and onomatopoeic expressions is described, as well as certain problems concerning the syntax and punctuation. The section on cultural issues establishes translation strategies used to deal with the difference between the Croatian and the American education systems, preceded by the problems in translation of idiomatic expressions and concluding with a few culture-bound terms, namely trademarks and trade names. The paper offers numerous examples from the original story and its translations into Croatian to illustrate the problems and the concrete strategies applied. In order to give a framework for this case study, the paper first explores the phenomenon of translation from the theoretical point of view, defines literary translation as a distinctive type of specialist translation and puts special emphasis on the translation of literary prose and its limitations. It further explores the translation of short stories, explaining in greater detail some of its common elements and features, illustrated in the concrete examples from Olive Kitteridge

    Translating Features of Short Stories: A Case Study of Elizabeth Strout’s "Olive Kitteridge" : Diplomski rad

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    The present thesis contains an analysis of my translation of the story “A Little Burst”, taken from the collection of short stories entitled Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Through reconstruction of the translation process, it sheds some light on the linguistic and cultural issues encountered in the process of translation and establishes several concrete strategies and procedures used to tackle those problematic parts. Under the linguistic issues, the translation of a number of medical, botanical and onomatopoeic expressions is described, as well as certain problems concerning the syntax and punctuation. The section on cultural issues establishes translation strategies used to deal with the difference between the Croatian and the American education systems, preceded by the problems in translation of idiomatic expressions and concluding with a few culture-bound terms, namely trademarks and trade names. The paper offers numerous examples from the original story and its translations into Croatian to illustrate the problems and the concrete strategies applied. In order to give a framework for this case study, the paper first explores the phenomenon of translation from the theoretical point of view, defines literary translation as a distinctive type of specialist translation and puts special emphasis on the translation of literary prose and its limitations. It further explores the translation of short stories, explaining in greater detail some of its common elements and features, illustrated in the concrete examples from Olive Kitteridge

    Impact of retinoic acid on embryonic development of mammals

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    Normalna morfogeneza embrija kralježnjaka je pod velikim utjecajem vanjskih doza retinoične kiseline. Uobičajeno, dovodi do kraniofacijalnih abnormalnosti i defekata srca te do deformacije udova. RA interferira s specifikacijom osnovice ektoderma i mezoderma tokom gastrulacije. Udovi u razvoju osjetljivi su i na manjak i na višak RA. Genetičke i biokemijske manipulacije pokazuju da su retinoidi neophodni za razvoj udova vertebrata u dva stadija: u ranoj organogenezi za začetak razvoja prednjih udova, te u srednjoj organogenezi za rast udova.Normal morphogenesis of vertebrate embryos is severely affected by externally doses of retinoic acid. Typically it leads to craniofacial abnormalities and heart defects and to limb deformities. Limbs in development are sensitive to deficiency and excess of RA. Genetic and biochemical manipulations indicate that retinoids are crucial for vertebate limb development at two stages, in early organogenesis for forelimb bud initiation, and later in mid-organogenesis, for proper limb outgrowth

    Translating Features of Short Stories: A Case Study of Elizabeth Strout’s "Olive Kitteridge" : Diplomski rad

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    The present thesis contains an analysis of my translation of the story “A Little Burst”, taken from the collection of short stories entitled Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Through reconstruction of the translation process, it sheds some light on the linguistic and cultural issues encountered in the process of translation and establishes several concrete strategies and procedures used to tackle those problematic parts. Under the linguistic issues, the translation of a number of medical, botanical and onomatopoeic expressions is described, as well as certain problems concerning the syntax and punctuation. The section on cultural issues establishes translation strategies used to deal with the difference between the Croatian and the American education systems, preceded by the problems in translation of idiomatic expressions and concluding with a few culture-bound terms, namely trademarks and trade names. The paper offers numerous examples from the original story and its translations into Croatian to illustrate the problems and the concrete strategies applied. In order to give a framework for this case study, the paper first explores the phenomenon of translation from the theoretical point of view, defines literary translation as a distinctive type of specialist translation and puts special emphasis on the translation of literary prose and its limitations. It further explores the translation of short stories, explaining in greater detail some of its common elements and features, illustrated in the concrete examples from Olive Kitteridge

    Impact of retinoic acid on embryonic development of mammals

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    Normalna morfogeneza embrija kralježnjaka je pod velikim utjecajem vanjskih doza retinoične kiseline. Uobičajeno, dovodi do kraniofacijalnih abnormalnosti i defekata srca te do deformacije udova. RA interferira s specifikacijom osnovice ektoderma i mezoderma tokom gastrulacije. Udovi u razvoju osjetljivi su i na manjak i na višak RA. Genetičke i biokemijske manipulacije pokazuju da su retinoidi neophodni za razvoj udova vertebrata u dva stadija: u ranoj organogenezi za začetak razvoja prednjih udova, te u srednjoj organogenezi za rast udova.Normal morphogenesis of vertebrate embryos is severely affected by externally doses of retinoic acid. Typically it leads to craniofacial abnormalities and heart defects and to limb deformities. Limbs in development are sensitive to deficiency and excess of RA. Genetic and biochemical manipulations indicate that retinoids are crucial for vertebate limb development at two stages, in early organogenesis for forelimb bud initiation, and later in mid-organogenesis, for proper limb outgrowth

    LGBTIQ literatura u narodnim knjižnicama Primorsko-goranske županije

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    Iako se u javnosti sve više govori o temama važnim za LGBTIQ populaciju, ne može se negirati stigmatizacija koja i dalje okružuje ovu skupinu. Težimo li slobodi i sveopćem napretku društva, neophodno je riješiti se konzervativnih stajališta poput onoga da je homoseksualnost bolest. Ovdje u prvi plan dolazi uloga narodne knjižnice čije se djelovanje zasniva se na jednakosti pristupa svima, uključujući dakako i LGBTIQ populaciju. Izgradnja inkluzivnih zbirki izazov je s kojim se suočavaju sve knjižnice, a koliko je LGBTIQ literatura zastupljena u narodnim knjižnicama Primorsko-goranske županije, te koliko one svojim zbirkama zadovoljavaju informacijske potrebe svojih LGBTIQ korisnika? Pretražujući online kataloge 16 narodnih knjižnica iz uzorka po ključnim riječima i prema popisu preporučenih LGBTIQ naslova nastojalo se odgovoriti na ovo pitanje. Rezultati su pokazali da su LGBTIQ zbirke narodnih knjižnica nedostatne, osobito kada se uzme u obzir broj stanovnika koji pojedine knjižnice uslužuju. Iako u odabranom uzorku Gradska knjižnica Rijeka ima najpotpuniju LGBTIQ zbirku, može se reći da i ovdje postoji još puno mjesta za napredak. Uočene su velike razlike od knjižnice do knjižnice u pogledu broja LGBTIQ naslova, pa bi bilo dobro ispitati faktore koji na to utječu.Although the awareness of the public has risen about the issues relevant to LGBTIQ population, there are still many forms of social stigma surrounding them. If we strive toward the freedom and the welfare of the society, one must get rid of a conservative attitude that homosexuality is a disease. Emphasized here is the role of the public library in providing equal access to all, including LGBTIQ people. Building inclusive collections is a challenge that all libraries face, but to what extent do public libraries in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County provide LGBTIQ resources and how much do their collections meet the information needs of LGBTIQ patrons? Using keyword search and the checklist of recommended LGBTIQ titles, online catalogues of 16 public libraries from the sample were examined. The results suggest that public libraries’ LGBTIQ collections are limited, especially when considering the population these libraries serve. Although Rijeka City Library has the most complete LGBTIQ collection, there is still plenty of room for improvement. There have been significant differences from library to library in terms of the number of LGBTIQ titles, thus it would be useful to examine the factors influencing it

    Prvo sistematsko istraživanje adulta i drugi popis tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) za područje Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera s osvrtom na povijest istraživanja, bioraznolikost, rasprostranjensot i ekologiju

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    The Plitvice Lakes National Park is a unique area in the world with a great variety of aquatic habitats, including tufa barriers. UNESCO has protected this area since 1979. In this paper, detailed faunistic results of the first research on Trichoptera species conducted from 1997 to 2001 are shown. Sampling was done using both light and emergence traps, and 77 caddisfly species were determined using the two methods. Furthermore, a brief overview of the Trichoptera research history in the Plitvice Lakes area is given along with a detailed presentation of caddisfly fauna and an extended checklist of Trichoptera species. In the Plitvice Lakes 89 Trichoptera species have been recorded so far. Flight periods are given for each species. Also, the reasons of such a high degree of Trichoptera biodiversity (the highest in Croatia) in the Plitvice Lakes are highlighted. A comparison of species assemblages collected from the 12 localities was made along with the comparison of Trichoptera fauna composition in different aquatic habitats in the Plitvice Lakes NP: springs, streams, lakes and tufa barriers.Plitvička jezera jedinstveno su područje u svijetu s velikom raznolikošću slatkovodnih staništa od kojih se posebno ističu sedrene barijere. Ovo je područje pod zaštitom UNESCO-a od 1979. godine. Radom se prikazuju detaljni faunistički rezultati prvih sistematskih istraživanja tulara (Trichoptera, Insecta) na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera. Tulari su prikupljani metodama svjetlosnih i emergencijskih klopki u periodu od 1997. do 2001. godine, a zabilježeno je ukupno 77 vrsta. U radu se daje osvrt na povijest istraživanja tulara na području Nacionalnog parka, detaljan pregled faune tulara zabilježene na tome području te prikaz drugog, nadopunjenog popisa Trichoptera NP Plitvička jezera. Na području Nacionalnog Parka dosadašnjim je istraživanjima zabilježeno 89 vrsta tulara. Za sve vrste prikazuje se period leta te se ukazuje na razloge ovako velike bioraznolikosti tulara (najveća u Hrvatskoj) na području Plitvička jezera. Izvršena je usporedba zabilježene faune na svim lokalitetima istraživanja (12 lokaliteta) na području Plitvičkih jezera, te usporedba sastava faune tulara na različitim slatkovodnim tipovima staništa na tome prostoru: izvorima, potocima, jezerima i sedrenim barijerama

    Prvi nalaz Tinodes antonioi Botosaneanu & Taticchi-Viganò, 1974 (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj s DNA barkod i ekološkim podacima i noticom na bioraznolikost i rasprostranjenost roda Tinodes u Hrvatskoj

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    The species Tinodes antonioi, a new species in the fauna of Croatia, was determined in northern Istria. The paper provides information about T. antonioi in Croatia (DNA barcode data, period of the finds, localities of the finds, numbers of males and females collected) as well as the biodiversity and distribution of the Tinodes genus in Croatia. A reference is made to the species endemic in Croatia, Tinodes andrasi, established to date at only one site in the south of Croatia (Konavle, Dalmacija).Vrsta Tinodes antonioi, kao nova u fauni Hrvatske, zabilježena je po prvi puta u sjevernoj Istri. U radu se daju informacije o T. antonioi u Hrvatskoj (DNA barkod podaci, periodi nalaza, lokaliteti nalaza, broj prikupljenih mužjaka i ženki), kao i bioraznolikost i rasprostranjenost roda Tinodes u Hrvatskoj. Daje se osvrt i na endem Hrvatske, Tinodes andrasi, zabilježen samo na jednom lokalitetu u Hrvatskoj (Konavle, Dalmacija)