23 research outputs found

    Emissions of carbon monoxide from textile materials

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    Ogljikov oksid je strupen plin za katerega se uporablja ime tihi ubijalec, saj nima vonja, barve in okusa. Raven koncentracije ogljikovega oksida v zaprtih prostorih predstavlja resno nevarnost za zdravje ljudi, tako doma kot na delovnem mestu, in je tako vzrok več nenamernih in namernih smrti, kot katerakoli druga oblika zastrupitve po celem svetu. Ogljikov oksid je zelo pogosta nevarnost tudi v industriji, saj nastane ob nepopolnem zgorevanju zemeljskega plina in kateregakoli drugega materiala, ki vsebuje ogljik (npr. bencin, olje, propan, premog ali les). Tako se lahko v stanovanju pojavlja povsod, kjer se uporablja peči na trdno gorivo, peči na naftne derivate in peči oz. bojlerje na zemeljski plin. Ogljikov oksid nastaja tudi med delovanjem motorjev z notranjim zgorevanjem. Tako lahko povečane koncentracije CO najdemo tudi v domačih garažah in v podzemnih garažnih hišah že med običajnim obratovanjem vozil. Poleg naštetega pa se moramo zavedati da ogljikov oksid nastane tudi pri gorenju različnih tekstilnih materialov, dišečih palčkah in spiralah za komarje. Pri zgorevanju ene blazine v srednje velikem prostoru lahko nastane smrtonosna količina ogljikovega oksida. Količina dima in strupenih plinov je odvisna od materiala, zato sem magistrsko delo posvetila analizi nastajanja ogljikovega oksida pri gorenju različnih tekstilnih materialov. Teoretični del magistrske naloge sem podkrepila z eksperimentalnim delom, katerega glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti koncentracijo ogljikovega oksida pri gorenju treh različnih tekstilnih materialov. Pri eksperimentalnem delu sem prav tako upošetevala nekatere dejavnike, ki vplivajo na rezultate meritev koncentracije ogljikovega oksida. S povezavo teoretičnega in eksperimentalnega dela sem ugotovila, da so koncentracije ogljikovega oksida pri gorenju tekstilnih materialov dovolj visoke, da ob določenih okoliščinah povzročijo nevarnost človeškemu zdravju.Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, also called a silent killer, because it has no smell, colour or taste. Indoor carbon monoxide levels pose a serious threat to human health, both at home and in the workplace. It is also the cause of more unintentional and intentional deaths than any other form of poisoning worldwide. As said, carbon monoxide is a very common hazard in industry, as it is formed by incomplete combustion of natural gas and any other carbon-containing material (petrol, propane, coal, wood). Thus, it can occur in the apartment wherever solid fuel stoves, oil stoves are used. Carbon monoxide is also formed during the operation of internal combustion engines. Thus, increased concentrations of carbon monoxide can also be found in domestic garages and underground garage houses during normal vehicle operation. In addition to the above, we bust be aware that carbon monoxide is also formed during the burning of various textile materials, scented sticks and mosquito spirals. Burning one pillow in a medium-sized room can produce a lethal amount of carbon monoxide. The amount of smoke and toxic gases depends on the material, so I devoted my thesis to the analysis of the formation of carbon monoxide in the combustion of various textile materials. I supported the theoretical part of thesis with an experiment. Main goal of which was to determine the concentration of carbon monoxide in the combustion of three different textile materials. I also took into account some of the factors that can influence the results of measurements of concentration of carbon monoxide. By linking theoretical and experimental part of my thesis I have found out that the concentrations of carbon monoxide in the combustion of textile materials are high enough to, under certain circumstances, pose danger to human health


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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have become widely applied in all types of organizations today. Unfortunately, the success rate of ERP implementations is very low, which was cited in many researches and the majority of authors have reported up to 90% failure rate. Therefore, new studies are more than necessary to validate companies’ contributions to the increase of the success rate of ERP implementation, which was the primary reason for our investigation. The main goal of this paper is to stress the impact of business process management and some other critical success factors on successful ERP implementations. Empirical investigation and a confirmatory approach using structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used. The research hypotheses that top management support, change management and business process management have a positive impact on successful ERP implementation were confirmed. These factors should be treated as very important in ERP systems implementation projects. The results also support the importance of top management perception: if they consider business process management as a basis of business change, this contributes to a strong and positive influence of successful ERP implementation.ERP sustavi koriste se danas u svim vrstama organizacija. Na žalost, uspješnost provedbe ERP projekata vrlo je niska. Prema rezultatima nekih istraživanja čak 90% projekata završava neuspjehom. Zbog toga je potrebno provesti dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo na koji način organizacija može utjecati na uspjeh implementacije ERP sustava, a to je i glavni razlog ovog istraživanja. Cilj članka je proučiti utjecaj menadžmenta poslovnih procesa i drugih kritičnih čimbenika uspjeha na uspješnost implementacije ERP sustava. Za dokazivanje utjecaja korišteno je empirijsko istraživanje i metoda modeliranja strukturnim linearnim jednadžbama (SEM). Rezultatima istraživanja potvrđene su hipoteze da potpora top-menadžmenta, menadžment promjena i menadžment poslovnih procesa imaju pozitivan utjecaj na uspješnu implementaciju ERP sustava.. Ovime je potvrđena važnost tih čimbenika u provedbi ERP projekata. Rezultati potvrđuju i važnost percepcije top-menadžmenta: spoznaja o važnosti menadžmenta poslovnih procesa za provedbu promjena snažno i pozitivno utječe na uspješnost implementacije ERP sustava

    The Effect of the Abattoir on Beef Carcass Classification Results

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    The aim of the present study was to test a possible way of monitoring cattle carcass classification using a statistical approach. For that purpose the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA by SAS) was used with the fixed effect of the abattoir, carcass weight (as a covariate) and their interaction. The analysis was based on the relationship between carcass weight and conformation or fatness grades. We tested if the regression lines of individual abattoirs differ from the average. The analysis comprised data for young bulls of Simmental breed slaughtered in Slovenia in the period from 2007 to 2010 (52,624 records). Results showed that in many abattoirs the assessment of conformation and fatness deviates significantly from the average, i.e. regression lines for several abattoirs differ significantly from the average (population) line. Differences were more important for the conformation than fatness. The statistical process control using the analysis of covariance can be used for additional monitoring of cattle carcass classification

    Implementation Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for ERP: Do they contribute to implementation success and post-implementation performance?

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    Extent: 55 p.Frequent commentaries in the literature have stated that certain critical success factors (CSFs) have to be accomplished in an organisation for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system project to be successful. In this study we argue and demonstrate empirically that success in implementing an ERP system and in gaining performance improvement should be conceptualised as two separate dependent variables. The distinction is made because the former aspect is based upon project delivery outcomes, while the latter assesses post-ERP project performance. We question whether some factors labelled as 'critical' success factors for ERP projects are in practice actually critical for achieving success in implementation and improving output performance. To examine this we report an empirical study that has investigated whether four major CSFs are in practice critical for achieving organisational performance improvements, and the role that successful implementation may play in influencing the relationship between CSFs and improvements in organisational performance. A conceptual model was devised and then analysed using structural equation modelling, based on data collected from 217 organisations. We found that some CSFs were not critical to achieve success in ERP implementation but were critical to help an organisational achieve performance improvement from an ERP system. Additionally, we also found that achieving successful ERP system implementation mediates the degree to which a CSF affects output performance improvement. The managerial and research implications of these findings are discussed and the limitations of the study noted.Jiwat Ram, David Corkindale, Ming-Lu W

    Optimization of the protection of the electronic module for controlling the loudspeaker coil

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    Glavna tematika pričajočega zaključnega dela je igralni avtomat, namenjen igri s kockami. Na njem sem kot osrednjo problematiko izpostavil optimizacijo delovanja zaščitnih naprav, ki ob previsokem električnem toku oziroma previsoki napetosti zagotavljajo avtomatski izklop igralnega avtomata v čim krajšem času. Igralni avtomat vsebuje 6 različnih zaščit: osnovna elektronska tokovna zaščita, dodatna elektronska tokovna zaščita, kratkostična elektronska tokovna zaščita, osnovna programska tokovna zaščita, termična programska zaščita in zaščita ob previsoki napetosti iz DC/DC pretvornika. Vse omenjene zaščite sem podrobno opisal in predstavili parametre, ki omogočajo hitro in zanesljivo delovanje. Na koncu sem še opravil funkcionalni preizkus, s katerim sem preveril in potrdili delovanje zaščit.The main topic of this diploma thesis is the dice slot machine. My main focus is the optimisation of protection devices operation, which in the case of electrical overcurrent or overvoltage ensure the automatic shut off of the slot machine in the shortest possible time. The slot machine has 6 protections: basic electronic current protection, additional electronic current protection, short circuit protection, basic software circuit protection, thermal software protection and protection in case of overvoltage from the DC/DC converter. All of the above mentioned protections were described in detail and parameters, which enable fast and reliable operation, were introduced. Finally, I have performed a functional experiment to evaluate and confirm the operation of protections

    Preparation of the product for the market - example of an electronic circuit

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen primer, razvoja elektronike in kaj vse je potrebno izvesti, da pride na tržišče. Z opisanim projektom v tem diplomskem delu bralec spozna osnovni princip preskušanja elektronike. Ogleda si lahko primer reševanja težav v procesu preskušanja in način reševanja. V diplomi so prikazane zahteve, katerim mora v procesu preskušanja elektronika ustrezati, da je primerna za prodajo na tržišču. V prvem delu so predstavljene smernice, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri izdelavi elektronike. Predstavljen je problem, ki nakazuje zakaj je elektromagnetna združljivost izredno pomembna. Predstavljena je celotna zgodovina elektromagnetne združljivosti. Predstavljeno je zakaj do elektromagnetnih motenj pride in kaj je vzrok le teh. Na splošnih primerih iz realnega sveta je predstavljeno zakaj mora biti elektronika zaščitena in delovati brez težav. V nadaljevanju je opisana vsaka meritev katero sem opravil za preverjanje elektromagnetne združljivosti. Preveril sem tudi vse funkcionalne lastnosti celotnega krmilnega modula in vpisovanje vseh spremenljivk v register krmilnega modula. V poglavju analiz in meritev je predstavljena celotno poročilo meritev, ki se nanaša na porabo energije krmilnega modula in vse analize, opravljene za zagotovitev zanesljivosti krmilnega modula. V poglavju certificiranja so opisane ugotovitve, ki jih je opravil akreditiran laboratorij in težave, ki so se pojavile med certificiranjem. Na koncu je pregled celotnega razvoja elektronike s sklepnimi ugotovitvami.This diploma thesis presents an example of development of electronics and everything that needs to be carried out in order to reach the market. The project described in this thesis provides its reader with a basic principle of testing electronics. He or she can examine an example of solving problems in the process of testing and the method of tackling such issue. Diploma thesis demonstrates the requirements to be met in the process of testing electronics so it is suitable for sale on the market. The first part presents the guidelines that must be followed in the manufacture of electronics. It also presents a problem that indicates why the electromagnetic compatibility is of the utmost importance. In addition, the complete history of electromagnetic compatibility is also provided. I also demonstrate why electromagnetic interference occurs and what the cause thereof is. The general cases from the real world are used for presenting why electronics must be protected and why it needs to operate smoothly. The following pages describe each of the measurements which I made for checking electromagnetic compatibility. I checked all the functional properties of the entire control module as well as recording of all variables in the register of the control module. The chapter of analyses and measurements presents a full report of measurements, which refers to the energy consumption of the control module and all analyses carried out to ensure the reliability of the control module. This chapter about certification describes the findings made by the testing laboratory and the problems that have arisen during certification. The closing part provides a review of the overall development of electronics with conclusions

    The analysis of clamping force sensitivity in self-tapping screw to the bore tolerance

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    Diplomska naloga predstavlja vpliv tolerance izvrtine pri vijačenju samovreznega vijaka. V prvem poglavju je predstavljeno orodje za masovno proizvodnjo, kjer so predstavljene razlike med njimi za vijačenje tega tipa vijakov. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljeno tehnično ozadje med vijačenjem samovreznega vijaka. V praktičnem delu se je iz širšega izbora premerov izvrtin določilo optimalne izvrtine za izbrane vijake. S pomočjo natančnega servo-vijačnika se je opravilo meritve in na podlagi krivulj določilo idealno izvrtino, ki smo jo nato primerjali s tisto, ki jo priporoča dobavitelj.The present diploma thesis deals with the influence of bore tolerance at screwing of self-tapping screw. In first section a tool for mass production is presented, where the differences between tools for screwing of this type of screws are described. In theoretical part of diploma thesis the theoretical background for screwing of self-tapping screw is presented. In practical work the optimal bores for selected screws were determined from a wider selection of bore diameters. By using a precise servo-screwdriver the measurements were done and based on the curves the optimal bore was determined, which was later compared with the bore as recommended by the supplier

    Pregled zakola in klavne kakovosti goveda v Sloveniji za leto 2013

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