
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have become widely applied in all types of organizations today. Unfortunately, the success rate of ERP implementations is very low, which was cited in many researches and the majority of authors have reported up to 90% failure rate. Therefore, new studies are more than necessary to validate companies’ contributions to the increase of the success rate of ERP implementation, which was the primary reason for our investigation. The main goal of this paper is to stress the impact of business process management and some other critical success factors on successful ERP implementations. Empirical investigation and a confirmatory approach using structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used. The research hypotheses that top management support, change management and business process management have a positive impact on successful ERP implementation were confirmed. These factors should be treated as very important in ERP systems implementation projects. The results also support the importance of top management perception: if they consider business process management as a basis of business change, this contributes to a strong and positive influence of successful ERP implementation.ERP sustavi koriste se danas u svim vrstama organizacija. Na žalost, uspješnost provedbe ERP projekata vrlo je niska. Prema rezultatima nekih istraživanja čak 90% projekata završava neuspjehom. Zbog toga je potrebno provesti dodatna istraživanja kako bi se utvrdilo na koji način organizacija može utjecati na uspjeh implementacije ERP sustava, a to je i glavni razlog ovog istraživanja. Cilj članka je proučiti utjecaj menadžmenta poslovnih procesa i drugih kritičnih čimbenika uspjeha na uspješnost implementacije ERP sustava. Za dokazivanje utjecaja korišteno je empirijsko istraživanje i metoda modeliranja strukturnim linearnim jednadžbama (SEM). Rezultatima istraživanja potvrđene su hipoteze da potpora top-menadžmenta, menadžment promjena i menadžment poslovnih procesa imaju pozitivan utjecaj na uspješnu implementaciju ERP sustava.. Ovime je potvrđena važnost tih čimbenika u provedbi ERP projekata. Rezultati potvrđuju i važnost percepcije top-menadžmenta: spoznaja o važnosti menadžmenta poslovnih procesa za provedbu promjena snažno i pozitivno utječe na uspješnost implementacije ERP sustava

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