25 research outputs found

    Ministarstva u Vladi Republike Hrvatske

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    U uvodnom dijelu upoznati ću čitatelja sa osnovama na kojima se ovaj rad zasniva. U razradi teme bavit ću se ustrojem ministarstava u sustavu državne uprave uzimajući u obzir povijesne promjene i danaÅ”nji ustroj državne uprave. Slijedeće poglavlje govoriti će ministarstvima i njihovoj ulozi u Vladi Republike Hrvatske. Nadalje, predmet slijedećeg poglavlja biti će analiza ministarstava u hrvatskom zakonodavstvu, također s osvrtom na povijesni ustroj kao i ustroj novog hrvatskog zakonodavstva, njihovo djelovanje i ovlasti u obavljanju upravnih i drugih poslova. Na kraju, iznijeti ću vlastito viđenje ove teme u obliku zaključka koji sam donijela nakon obrađivanja ove teme

    Gel s liposomski uklopljenim kloramfenikolom: karakterizacija i oslobađanje in vitro

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    The aim of our study was to develop a liposomal carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis, capable to efficiently deliver entrapped drug during an extended period of time. Chloramphenicol was entrapped in liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine/egg phosphatidylgycerol-sodium (9:1, molar ratio) and prepared by two different methods, the proliposome method and the polyol dilution method. Both liposome preparations were characterised and compared for particle size, polydispersity, entrapment efficiency and tested for in vitro stability in media that simulate human vaginal conditions (buffer pH 4.5 and vaginal fluid simulant). To achieve application viscosity of liposomes and to further improve their stability, liposomes prepared by the proliposome method were incorporated in the bioadhesive gel made of Carbopol 974P NF resin. In vitro release studies of liposomes incorporated in the gel have shown a prolonged release of entrapped chloramphenicol compared to control gel. Even after 24 hours of incubation in the vaginal fluid simulant, more than 40% of the originally entrapped drug was still retained in the gel. Storage stability studies have proven the ability of the Carbopol 974P NF gel to preserve the original size distribution of incorporated liposomes. All the performed experiments confirm the applicability of liposomes as a novel drug carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Cilj ovog rada bio je priprava i razvoj liposomskog terapijskog sustava s uklopljenim kloramfenikolom namijenjenog lokalnoj terapiji bakterijskog vaginitisa. Kloramfenikol je uklopljen u liposome fosfolipidnog sustava fosfatidilkolin/fosfatidilglicerol (molarni omjer 9:1), priređene dvjema metodama, proliposomskom i metodom razrjeđenja poliola. Obje preparacije su uspoređene i liposomi su karakterizirani s obzirom na veličinu čestica, polidisperznost, te uspjeÅ”nost uklapanja. Provedena su ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma in vitro u medijima koji svojim pH i sastavom oponaÅ”aju humanu vaginalnu sluznicu (pufer pH 4.5 i umjetni vaginalni medij). Kako bi se postigla prikladna viskoznost pripravka i dodatno povećala stabilnost liposoma namijenjenih vaginalnoj primjeni, liposomi su umijeÅ”ani u bioadhezivni gel pripravljen iz karbopola 974P NF. In vitro ispitivanja s liposomima uklopljenima u gel pokazala su produljeno oslobađanje uklopljenog kloramfenikola. Pritom se čak nakon 24 sata inkubacije u umjetnom vaginalnom mediju viÅ”e od 40% početno uklopljenog kloramfenikola zadržalo u gelu. Ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma u gelu tijekom skladiÅ”tenja potvrdila su povoljan učinak gela na očuvanje početne raspodjele uklopljenih liposoma s obzirom na veličinu. Ispitivanja provedena u ovom radu potvrđuju mogućnost primjene liposoma kao novog terapijskog sustava u lokalnoj terapiji bakterijski vaginalnih infekcija

    Gel s liposomski uklopljenim kloramfenikolom: karakterizacija i oslobađanje in vitro

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    The aim of our study was to develop a liposomal carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis, capable to efficiently deliver entrapped drug during an extended period of time. Chloramphenicol was entrapped in liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine/egg phosphatidylgycerol-sodium (9:1, molar ratio) and prepared by two different methods, the proliposome method and the polyol dilution method. Both liposome preparations were characterised and compared for particle size, polydispersity, entrapment efficiency and tested for in vitro stability in media that simulate human vaginal conditions (buffer pH 4.5 and vaginal fluid simulant). To achieve application viscosity of liposomes and to further improve their stability, liposomes prepared by the proliposome method were incorporated in the bioadhesive gel made of Carbopol 974P NF resin. In vitro release studies of liposomes incorporated in the gel have shown a prolonged release of entrapped chloramphenicol compared to control gel. Even after 24 hours of incubation in the vaginal fluid simulant, more than 40% of the originally entrapped drug was still retained in the gel. Storage stability studies have proven the ability of the Carbopol 974P NF gel to preserve the original size distribution of incorporated liposomes. All the performed experiments confirm the applicability of liposomes as a novel drug carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis.Cilj ovog rada bio je priprava i razvoj liposomskog terapijskog sustava s uklopljenim kloramfenikolom namijenjenog lokalnoj terapiji bakterijskog vaginitisa. Kloramfenikol je uklopljen u liposome fosfolipidnog sustava fosfatidilkolin/fosfatidilglicerol (molarni omjer 9:1), priređene dvjema metodama, proliposomskom i metodom razrjeđenja poliola. Obje preparacije su uspoređene i liposomi su karakterizirani s obzirom na veličinu čestica, polidisperznost, te uspjeÅ”nost uklapanja. Provedena su ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma in vitro u medijima koji svojim pH i sastavom oponaÅ”aju humanu vaginalnu sluznicu (pufer pH 4.5 i umjetni vaginalni medij). Kako bi se postigla prikladna viskoznost pripravka i dodatno povećala stabilnost liposoma namijenjenih vaginalnoj primjeni, liposomi su umijeÅ”ani u bioadhezivni gel pripravljen iz karbopola 974P NF. In vitro ispitivanja s liposomima uklopljenima u gel pokazala su produljeno oslobađanje uklopljenog kloramfenikola. Pritom se čak nakon 24 sata inkubacije u umjetnom vaginalnom mediju viÅ”e od 40% početno uklopljenog kloramfenikola zadržalo u gelu. Ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma u gelu tijekom skladiÅ”tenja potvrdila su povoljan učinak gela na očuvanje početne raspodjele uklopljenih liposoma s obzirom na veličinu. Ispitivanja provedena u ovom radu potvrđuju mogućnost primjene liposoma kao novog terapijskog sustava u lokalnoj terapiji bakterijski vaginalnih infekcija

    Polyphenol-Based Design of Functional Olive Leaf Infusions

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    Blagotvorna svojstva polifenola su općepoznata. Utvrđeno je da maslinovo ulje, tipična namirnica u mediteranskoj prehrani, ima velik udjel polifenola te Å”irok spektar pozitivnih učinaka na ljudsko zdravlje. Međutim, tijekom proteklog desetljeća, ustanovljeno je da i liŔće maslina može biti alternativni izvor polifenolnih spojeva iz masline. To je osobito zanimljivo u kontekstu rastućeg interesa za funkcionalnu hranu, kao i iskoriÅ”tenja bioloÅ”kog otpada. Prethodne studije na liŔću maslina potvrdile su da ima velik udjel fenola, Å”to objaÅ”njava njihovu dokazanu jaku antibakterijsku, antimikrobnu i antivirusnu aktivnost. Stoga je glavna svrha naÅ”eg rada bila ispitati sadržaj fenola u liŔću maslina sorti Istarska bjelica, Leccino i Buža, kao prirodnih izvora bioaktivnih spojeva pogodnih za dnevnu potroÅ”nju u obliku čaja (biljne infuzije). U tu je svrhu analiziran utjecaj sorte maslinovog liŔća, vremena maceracije i temperature na fenolni sastav dizajniranih čajeva. Analiza fenolnih spojeva provedena je pomoću tekućinske kromatografije (LC) spregnute s trostrukim kvadrupolnim masenim spektrometrom (LC-QQQ). U skladu s pretpostavkama istraživanja, rezultati pokazuju znatan utjecaj sorte masline i parametara maceracije na kvalitativni i kvantitativni fenolni sastav. Najveći udjel fenolnih spojeva dobiven je u biljnoj infuziji sorte Istarska bjelica nakon 15 minuta maceracije. Međutim, biljna infuzija sorte Buža imala je najraznolikiji fenolni sastav. Nadalje, dizajnirano je nekoliko funkcionalnih smjesa čajeva s različitim omjerima liŔća istraživanih sorti maslina, radi razvoja pripravaka sa specifičnim bioloÅ”kim aktivnostima. Rezultati pokazuju velik utjecaj optimiranja fenolnog sastava biljnih infuzija na razvoj novih i poboljÅ”anih funkcionalnih biljnih infuzija.The beneficial properties of polyphenols are widely recognized, and polyphenol-rich olive oil, which is part of the typical Mediterranean diet, has been identified as having positive health effects. However, over the past decade, olive leaves have been discovered as an alternative polyphenol-rich source. This is particularly interesting in the context of the growing interest in functional foods, as well as in terms of the management of biological waste, including olive leaves that are left over from the production of olive oil. Previous studies on olive leaves confirmed that they have a high phenolic content, which explains their previously described strong antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral activity. Therefore, the major aim of our work is to comprehensively determine olive leaf phenolic content in cultivars Istarska bjelica, Leccino and Buža as a natural source of bioactive compounds suitable for daily consumption in the form of infusion. For this purpose, we examined the influence of olive leaf cultivar, maceration time and temperature on the phenolic composition of final infusions. Phenolic compounds were analysed by liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (LC-QQQ). As expected, the results indicate the significant influence of not only the olive cultivar but also of maceration parameters on the qualitative and quantitative phenolic composition. The highest phenolic compound content was obtained in the infusion of Istarska bjelica leaves after 15 min of maceration. However, the Buža olive leaf infusion had the most diverse phenolic composition. Furthermore, we designed several functional olive leaf infusion mixtures with phenolic compositions adjusted based on the desired health effect. The results show the role of phenolic composition adjustment in the development and improvement of the quality of functional olive leaf infusions

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Bioactives from Bee Products and Accompanying Extracellular Vesicles as Novel Bioactive Components for Wound Healing

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    In recent years, interest has surged among researchers to determine compounds from bee products such as honey, royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen, which are beneficial to human health. Mass spectrometry techniques have shown that bee products contain a number of proven health-promoting compounds but also revealed rather high diversity in the chemical composition of bee products depending on several factors, such as for example botanical sources and geographical origin. In the present paper, we present recent scientific advances in the field of major bioactive compounds from bee products and corresponding regenerative properties. We also discuss extracellular vesicles from bee products as a potential novel bioactive nutraceutical component. Extracellular vesicles are cell-derived membranous structures that show promising potential in various therapeutic areas. It has been extensively reported that the use of vesicles, which are naturally formed in plant and animal cells, as delivery agents have many advantages. Whether the use of extracellular vesicles from bee products represents a new solution for wound healing remains still to be elucidated. However, promising results in specific applications of the bee products in wound healing and tissue regenerative properties of extracellular vesicles provide a good rationale to further explore this idea

    Fighting Cancer with Bacteria and Their Toxins

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    Cancer is one of the most important global health problems that continues to demand new treatment strategies. Many bacteria that cause persistent infections play a role in carcinogenesis. However, since bacteria are well studied in terms of molecular mechanisms, they have been proposed as an interesting solution to treat cancer. In this review, we present the use of bacteria, and particularly bacterial toxins, in cancer therapy, highlighting the advantages and limitations of bacterial toxins. Proteomics, as one of the omics disciplines, is essential for the study of bacterial toxins. Advances in proteomics have contributed to better characterization of bacterial toxins, but also to the development of anticancer drugs based on bacterial toxins. In addition, we highlight the current state of knowledge in the rapidly developing field of bacterial extracellular vesicles, with a focus on their recent application as immunotherapeutic agents

    Liposomal gel with chloramphenicol: Characterisation and in vitro release

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je priprava i razvoj liposomskog terapijskog sustava s uklopljenim kloramfenikolom namijenjenog lokalnoj terapiji bakterijskog vaginitisa. Kloramfenikol je uklopljen u liposome fosfolipidnog sustava fosfatidilkolin/fosfatidilglicerol (molarni omjer 9:1), priređene dvjema metodama, proliposomskom i metodom razrjeđenja poliola. Obje preparacije su uspoređene i liposomi su karakterizirani s obzirom na veličinu čestica, polidisperznost, te uspjeÅ”nost uklapanja. Provedena su ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma in vitro u medijima koji svojim pH i sastavom oponaÅ”aju humanu vaginalnu sluznicu (pufer pH 4.5 i umjetni vaginalni medij). Kako bi se postigla prikladna viskoznost pripravka i dodatno povećala stabilnost liposoma namijenjenih vaginalnoj primjeni, liposomi su umijeÅ”ani u bioadhezivni gel pripravljen iz karbopola 974P NF. In vitro ispitivanja s liposomima uklopljenima u gel pokazala su produljeno oslobađanje uklopljenog kloramfenikola. Pritom se čak nakon 24 sata inkubacije u umjetnom vaginalnom mediju viÅ”e od 40% početno uklopljenog kloramfenikola zadržalo u gelu. Ispitivanja stabilnosti liposoma u gelu tijekom skladiÅ”tenja potvrdila su povoljan učinak gela na očuvanje početne raspodjele uklopljenih liposoma s obzirom na veličinu. Ispitivanja provedena u ovom radu potvrđuju mogućnost primjene liposoma kao novog terapijskog sustava u lokalnoj terapiji bakterijski vaginalnih infekcija.The aim of our study was to develop a liposomal carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis, capable to efficiently deliver entrapped drug during an extended period of time. Chloramphenicol was entrapped in liposomes composed of egg phosphatidylcholine/egg phosphatidylgycerol-sodium (9:1, molar ratio) and prepared by two different methods, the proliposome method and the polyol dilution method. Both liposome preparations were characterised and compared for particle size, polydispersity, entrapment efficiency and tested for in vitro stability in media that simulate human vaginal conditions (buffer pH 4.5 and vaginal fluid simulant). To achieve application viscosity of liposomes and to further improve their stability, liposomes prepared by the proliposome method were incorporated in the bioadhesive gel made of Carbopol 974P NF resin. In vitro release studies of liposomes incorporated in the gel have shown a prolonged release of entrapped chloramphenicol compared to control gel. Even after 24 hours of incubation in the vaginal fluid simulant, more than 40% of the originally entrapped drug was still retained in the gel. Storage stability studies have proven the ability of the Carbopol 974P NF gel to preserve the original size distribution of incorporated liposomes. All the performed experiments confirm the applicability of liposomes as a novel drug carrier system for the local treatment of bacterial vaginosis