1,378 research outputs found

    Baz Luhrmann\u27s \u3cem\u3eRomeo + Juliet\u3c/em\u3e

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    A Study of Defect Structures with the Field Ion Microscope First Semiannual Report, 1 Mar. - 31 Aug. 1966

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    Lattice defects in nickel-molybdenum alloys, and computer simulation of field ion microscop

    A study of defect structures with the field ion microscope Semiannual report, 1 Sep. 1969 - 28 Feb. 1970

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    Field ion microscopy of stoichiometric platinum and nickel alloys for atomic ordering parameter

    Abrazijsko trošenje alatnih čelika

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    Upotreba reznih alata potječe od samih početaka ljudske civilizacije. Prvi korišteni alati bili su kamena sjekira, kameni nož te svi ostali predmeti koje je čovjek koristio u svakodnevnom životu. Prije 5000 godina započinje upotreba alata izrađenog od meteoritskog željeza. Kasnijim kontaktom u vatri takvog željeza sa sredstvom za pougljičavanje nastaju prvi alati od čelika. Alat predstavlja svako sredstvo kojim čovjek olakšava ili omogućava izvršenje željene radnje bilo neposredno, snagom ruke, bilo posredno snagom nekog stroja. Završni rad podjeljen je na dva dijela. Prvi dio rada je teorijski dok je drugi dio eksperimentalan. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada potrebno je usporediti otpornost na abrazijsko trošenje tvrdog metala i alatnog čelika. U radu su korištena tri uzorka: dva su laboratorijska (u daljnjem tekstu: U1 i U2) i jedan industrijski uzorak (u daljnjem tekstu: U3) Uzorak U1 i U2 poznatog su kemijskog sastava kao i uzorak U

    Human Rights from Within

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    Prava čovjeka obično sebi predstavljamo kao kršenje osnovnih sloboda. Kršitelje u pravilu predstavljaju represivne vlasti. No prava čovjeka obuhvaćaju mnogo više od samog kršitelja i nemoćne žrtve. Ma kako okrutno zvučalo kršenje prava čovjeka od strane represivnih vlasti predstavljaju refleksnu sliku kršenja prava i sloboda za koje je odgovoran svaki pojedinac. Zalaganja za ostvarivanjem prava čovjeka stoga, paralelno sa garantiranjem osiguranja prava čovjeka od kršenja od strane društva i države, zahtijevaju i poticanje aktivnog ostvarivanja prava svakog pojedinca. U tekstu koji slijedi bavim se prvenstveno aktivnim pristupom pravima čovjeka koji priznaje holističku prirodu ljudskog bića, njegovu slobodnu volju i osobnu odgovornost da upoznaje i ostvaruje svoja prava, da za početak upozna i smjesti (individualizira) samoga sebe, da se izliječi od vlastitih nesloboda i kao slobodan i autonoman pojedinac nastupa spram ostalih bića. Tekst je zamišljen kao poticaj da postanemo svjesni svojih prava i da ih bezuvjetno i nesebično ostvarujemo.Usually we visualize human rights as the infringement of fundamental freedoms. The violators are, as a rule, the repressive authorities. But, human rights include much more than the mere violators and the helpless victims. No matter how cruel it sounds, the infringement of human rights performed by the repressive authorities represents the reflection of rights \u27and freedoms’ violations for which each individual is responsible. Therefore, pleading for the realization of human rights, and simultaneously guaranteeing the implentation of human rights violated by the society and state, also requires the enhancement of the active realization of the rights of each individual. In the text that follows, I am first of all dealing with the active approach to human rights, which acknowledges the wholistic character of human nature, its free will and personal responsibility to get acquainted with and to realize its rights, to initially learn more about oneself and to place (individualize) oneself, to be cured of one’s own non-freedoms and to freely and independently advance towards other beings. The text is conceived as an incentive for becoming conscious of our rights and for unreservedly and unselfishly realizing them

    Understanding the Novice Programmer

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    Секция 4. Культурологические и социальные аспекты формирования здорового образа жизни студенческой молодежи = Section 4. Cultural and social aspects of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of studentsВ статье анализируется политика государства, проводимая в сфере физической культуры и спорта, рассмотрены физическая культура и спорт как объекты политического управления. Сделан вывод, что спорт, и, прежде всего, спорт высших достижений – одна из важнейших составляющих современного общества, незаменимый элемент национального достоинства, средство объединения нации.The article analyzes the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports; physical culture and sports as objects of political management are examined. It is concluded that sport, and particularly sports of the highest achievements is one of the most important components of modern society, an indispensable element of national dignity, a means of uniting the nation

    Understanding the Novice Programmer

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    Numerical Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade with Different Software

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    The development of wind power generation technology recognises the wind turbine blade design and manufacturing as crucial for its performance. The laboratory size wind turbine blade was analysed, considering the 3D printing plastic material for blades. Applying the structural dynamic equations of blades, the aero-elastic model of the rotating rotor and the numerical simulation method of the deflections are presented under the aerodynamic loads and centrifugal forces. Based on the parameters of aerofoil and the geometrical parameters of blade, 3D model of the blade was established with the modelling software. Then the model was introduced into computational flow dynamics software to carry out the loads on the blade and further into numerical structural analysis. The analysis was performed in two different software packages. Design of wind turbine blades depends on high precision, reliable and robust numerical predictions of performance where the plug-in software is found to be inadequate for nontrivial problems

    A Multicase Study of the Impact of Perceived Gender Roles on the Career Decisions of Women in Science-Related Careers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how perceived gender roles developed throughout childhood and early adulthood impacted the career decisions of women in science-related career fields. An additional purpose was to determine if my experiences as I analyzed the data and the propositions discovered in the study would become a transformative agent for me. A multicase framework was utilized so that within and between case analyses could be achieved. Four women who showed early promise in science were chosen as the case study participants. The relationship of gender roles to the career decisions made by the four cases were arbitrated through three areas: (a) supports, which came from parents, immediate family members, spouses, teachers, mentors, and collaborators; (b) opportunities, which were separated into family experiences and opportunities, school and community opportunities, and postsecondary/current opportunities; and (c) postmodern feminism, which was the lens that grounded this study and fit well with the lives of the cases. As seen through a postmodern feminist lens, the cases’ social class, their lived experiences tied to their opportunities and supports, and the culture of growing up in a small rural community helped them develop personas for the professions they chose even where those professions did not necessarily follow from the early promise shown for a sciencerelated career. In addition, as related to my transformation as a male researcher, being a male conducting research in a realm most often shared by women, I was able to gain greater empathy and understanding of what it takes for women to be successful in a career and at the same time maintain a fruitful family life