
Human Rights from Within


Prava čovjeka obično sebi predstavljamo kao kršenje osnovnih sloboda. Kršitelje u pravilu predstavljaju represivne vlasti. No prava čovjeka obuhvaćaju mnogo više od samog kršitelja i nemoćne žrtve. Ma kako okrutno zvučalo kršenje prava čovjeka od strane represivnih vlasti predstavljaju refleksnu sliku kršenja prava i sloboda za koje je odgovoran svaki pojedinac. Zalaganja za ostvarivanjem prava čovjeka stoga, paralelno sa garantiranjem osiguranja prava čovjeka od kršenja od strane društva i države, zahtijevaju i poticanje aktivnog ostvarivanja prava svakog pojedinca. U tekstu koji slijedi bavim se prvenstveno aktivnim pristupom pravima čovjeka koji priznaje holističku prirodu ljudskog bića, njegovu slobodnu volju i osobnu odgovornost da upoznaje i ostvaruje svoja prava, da za početak upozna i smjesti (individualizira) samoga sebe, da se izliječi od vlastitih nesloboda i kao slobodan i autonoman pojedinac nastupa spram ostalih bića. Tekst je zamišljen kao poticaj da postanemo svjesni svojih prava i da ih bezuvjetno i nesebično ostvarujemo.Usually we visualize human rights as the infringement of fundamental freedoms. The violators are, as a rule, the repressive authorities. But, human rights include much more than the mere violators and the helpless victims. No matter how cruel it sounds, the infringement of human rights performed by the repressive authorities represents the reflection of rights \u27and freedoms’ violations for which each individual is responsible. Therefore, pleading for the realization of human rights, and simultaneously guaranteeing the implentation of human rights violated by the society and state, also requires the enhancement of the active realization of the rights of each individual. In the text that follows, I am first of all dealing with the active approach to human rights, which acknowledges the wholistic character of human nature, its free will and personal responsibility to get acquainted with and to realize its rights, to initially learn more about oneself and to place (individualize) oneself, to be cured of one’s own non-freedoms and to freely and independently advance towards other beings. The text is conceived as an incentive for becoming conscious of our rights and for unreservedly and unselfishly realizing them

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