27 research outputs found

    Population dynamics of ramets Allium ursinum l. in south-western Slovakia

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    Allium ursinum (Liliaceae) is bulbiferous spring ephemeroid and geophyte with underground organs bulbs. Population dynamics of Allium ursinum ramets were studied in woodland communities (with Acer campestre, Acer pseudoplatanus. Fraxinus excelsior) in park in Hlohovec (SW Slovakia) on four permanent plots (025 x 025 m) during growing seasons (2001- 2003) in 14-days interval. Field measurements we realized with usual methods of population biology (Harper, 1977). Analyzed plots were selected by random selection. Observed characteristics were - density of populations (individual, lm'2 ) and size structure of population. Self-infilling was observed to second census (in March) and than decrease density ramet between 5. and 6. census (in May). In April 2003 we observed the highest average densities (720 i.). Maximum average plant size was observed in 2002 (275 mm), this years was externally humid and minimum in 2003 (229 mm). In April 2003 we noted 53% seedling of total number ramets (1056 i) on fourth permanent research plots

    Preparing of Survey to Building Documentation and Survey Sketch for Record of the Easement

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    Předmětem této diplomové práce je zaměření skutečného provedení stavby přípojky vysokého napětí a příslušné budovy trafostanice. Jde o vyhotovení výkresu skutečného provedení stavby a geometrického plánu pro vyznačení rozsahu věcného břemene a vyznačení obvodu budovy. Geometrický plán je jednou ze součástí listin pro návrh na vklad.The subject of this diploma thesis is to focus of the actual construction of the high voltage connection and the relevant transformer station building. It is a drawing of the actual construction and a geometric plan for marking the extent of the easement and marking the perimeter of the building. Geometric plan i sone of the documents for the deposit proposal.544 - Katedra geodézie a důlního měřictvívelmi dobř

    Nutritional status of subjects with dominant plant food consumption

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    In three groups of apparently healthy subjects – vegetarians (plant food, dairy products, eggs), semi-vegetarians (as vegetarians with addition of white meat consumption) and non-vegetarians (control group on traditional mixed diet) were analyzed the dietary questionnaires of consumption frequency  and measured the values of lipid profile, insulin resistance, homocysteine with determinants (vitamins B6, B9, B12) and plasma antioxidative vitamins (C,E, beta-carotene). Vegetarians and semi-vegetarians consumed the significantly reduced amount of cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, methionine, lysine, vitamin B12 and on the other hand, they have the significantly higher daily intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, fiber, plant proteins, arginine, glycine, serine, alanine, folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B6, vitamins C,E and beta-carotene. Alternative nutrition groups vs. non-vegetarians have the significantly reduced concentrations of total and LDL-cholesterol, triacylglycerols, insulin as well as values of atherogenic index and insulin resistance. The vegetarian (but not semi-vegetarian) value of homocysteine is significantly increased as a consequence of the significantly reduced and low concentration of vitamin B12. Other two determinants of homocysteine degradation were significantly increased in serum of alternative nutrition groups. The both vegetarian groups have the significantly higher plasma concentrations of antioxidative vitamins and these values are in range of effective free radical disease reduction. The results  of favourable values of cardiovascular risk markers and antioxidants document a beneficial effect of vegetarian nutrition in prevention of degenerative age-related diseases

    Hodnotenie vybraných genotypov Miscanthus na produkciu bioplynu ako možného riešenia regionálnej bioenergie

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    Plantations of fast-growing crops represent local agroecosystems providing provisioning services in the form of phytomass that can be utilized for energy and/or non-energy purposes. Permanent grasses such as Miscanthus are identified as potentially suitable sources of raw materials for the output of second-generation biofuels. The experiments focused on the production ability of the perennial energy grass Miscanthus were performed in the region of SW Slovakia. It was confirmed that the studied genotypes (Miscanthus sinensis Tatai and Miscanthus × giganteus) exceeded the costefficient level of biomass production. The above-ground biomass of the studied genotypes was ensiled and afterwards fed to the experimental fermenters to evaluate the biogas production. The experiments with individual silage mixtures lasted 600 hours. The total amount of biogas produced from M. × giganteus and M. sinensis Tatai silage mixture was 273 dm3 and 328 dm3, respectively. The average share of methane in the biogas of both studied samples of silage mixtures was 51%. On the basis of the 10-year average yields of the studied Miscanthus genotypes achieved in our conditions, it is possible to produce 8 181 m3/ha (M. × giganteus) and 11 248 m3/ha (M. sinensis Tatai) of biogas from the silage mixtures. The achieved production represents sufficient and stable amount of biogas and its use can be economically efficient and sustainable in the long run in SW Slovakia.Plantáže rýchlorastúcich rastlín predstavujú lokálne agroekosystémy poskytujúce zásobovacie služby vo forme fytomasy využiteľnej na energetické a/alebo neenergetické účely. Trvalé trávy ako Miscanthus sú identifikované ako potenciálne vhodné zdroje surovín na výrobu biopalív druhej generácie. Experimenty zamerané na produkčnú schopnosť trvácej energetickej trávy Miscanthus boli realizované v regióne JZ Slovenska. Potvrdilo sa, že študované genotypy (Miscanthus sinensis Tatai a Miscanthus × giganteus) prekročili ekonomicky efektívnu úroveň produkcie biomasy. Nadzemná biomasa študovaných genotypov bola silážovaná a následne privedená do experimentálnych na vyhodnotenie produkcie bioplynu. Pokusy s jednotlivými silážnymi zmesami trvali 600 hodín. Celkový objem vyprodukovaného bioplynu zo silážnej zmesi M. × giganteus a M. sinensis Tatai bol 273 dm3 a 328 dm3. Priemerný obsah metánu v bioplyne oboch študovaných vzoriek silážnych zmesí bol 51%. Na základe 10-ročných priemerných výnosov študovaných genotypov Miscanthus dosiahnutých v našich podmienkach je možné vyrobiť 8 181 m3/ha (M. × giganteus) a 11 248 m3/ha (M. sinensis Tatai) bioplynu z tzv. silážne zmesi. Dosiahnutá produkcia predstavuje dostatočné a stabilné množstvo bioplynu a jeho využitie môže byť na JZ Slovenska ekonomicky efektívne a dlhodobo udržateľné

    The use of reminiscence techniques for patients - clients with cognitive impairment from the perspective of occupational therapist

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    OF THE BACHELOR'S THESIS Name: Klára Pauková Thesis supervisor: Mgr. Kateřina Svěcená Title of the Bachelor's Thesis: "The use of reminiscence techniques for patients - clients with cognitive impairment from the perspective of occupational therapist" Abstract: The Bachelor's Thesis engages in the use of reminiscence methods in clients with cognitive disorder from an ergotherapist's point of view. The Thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the old age period, its characteristics and delimitation. Next chapter focuses on activation of elderly people and importance of ergotherapy in geriatric persons. The main part of the theoretical part is engaged in reminiscence therapy, attributes of reminiscence approaches, classification of reminiscence methods and the use of reminiscence from an ergotherapist's point of view. The end of the theoretical part pursues the subjects that are used in the reminiscence the most often and the importance of memories for an individual. The practical part of the Bachelor's Thesis deals with the application of reminiscence methods in clients with cognitive disorder. The main aim of the practical part is to discover whether reminiscence methods are applicable for an ergotherapist's work with clients having cognitive..

    Internal audit at company Tesco Stores ČR a.s.

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    Práce se zaměřuje na význam, postavení a funkci interního auditu v současné společnosti. Hlavní pozornost je věnována rozboru a analýze interního auditu ve společnosti Tesco Stores ČR a.s.Ústav ekonomieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Contribution of Josef Zeman to the Field of Blind Movement

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    Katedra speciální pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Who controls the presence?

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    Človek si od nepamäti vďaka svojmu umu razil cestu k „lepšiemu zajtrajšku“ a snaží sa v tom pokračovať i naďalej. Otázkou zostáva, či ide v dlhodobom horizonte naozaj vždy o niečo lepšie. Na mieste je taktiež položiť si otázku, či je ľudský um v rýdzo utilitaristickom ponímaní skutočne tým, na čo sa možno za každých okolností spoliehať. &nbsp

    Selected causes of the third Mečiar's goverment on the biased news of the Slovak television

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    The Master's Thesis "The selected cases of the third Mečiar's government and the bias in news coverage in the Slovak television" analyses a period of the third Mečiar's government on the basis of research focusing on the presence of bias in the news coverage in the Slovak television. This institution, which provides the public service broadcasting, is in general considered as a politicians' tool and during 1994-98 is described as a medium subordinated to the coalition government of that time, or even to a single political party. Due to the previous research dealing with election campaigns in 1998 we decided to focus on two significant events - the kidnapping of Michal Kováč jr. in 1995 and the 1997 referendum, which could present an illustration of the media production during the respected period. Closer characteristics of the socio-political situation with the accent on the selected cases is outlined in the introductory part of the work together with the bias issue and the concept of public service broadcasting. In this work we pay attention to the characteristics of evolution of the Slovak television after 1989 as well, and to a closer description of its functioning and broadcasting in 1994-1998. The final part deals with the very research of bias in the main STV news programme by using the..


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    In this paper, we compare the current spread of invasive populations of neophytes, the genus Fallopia (Polygonaceae) in town Hlohovec (SW Slovakia) in intensively farmed agricultural landscape after ten years. F. × bohemica has been the most successfully spreading hybrid. In 2001, it had colonized the area of 1 520 m2 on 54 localities and in 2011 by 120 % more (3 338 m2, 63 localities). The total surface area occupied by F. japonica was small