4 research outputs found

    Pupillary and microsaccadic responses to cognitive effort and emotional arousal during complex decision making

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    A large body of literature documents the sensitivity of pupil response to cognitive load (e.g., Krejtz et al. 2018) and emotional arousal (Bradley et al., 2008). Recent empirical evidence also showed that microsaccade characteristics and dynamics can be modulated by mental fatigue and cognitive load (e.g., Dalmaso et al. 2017). Very little is known about the sensitivity of microsaccadic characteristics to emotional arousal. The present paper demonstrates in a controlled experiment pupillary and microsaccadic responses to information processing during multi-attribute decision making under affective priming. Twenty-one psychology students were randomly assigned into three affective priming conditions (neutral, aversive, and erotic). Participants were tasked to make several discriminative decisions based on acquired cues. In line with the expectations, results showed microsaccadic rate inhibition and pupillary dilation depending on cognitive effort (number of acquired cues) prior to decision. These effects were moderated by affective priming. Aversive priming strengthened pupillary and microsaccadic response to information processing effort. In general, results suggest that pupillary response is more biased by affective priming than microsaccadic rate. The results are discussed in the light of neuropsychological mechanisms of pupillary and microsaccadic behavior generation

    The interpreters in Auschwitz during and after the Second World War

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    Moja praca magisterska przedstawia dwa portrety tłumaczy ustnych: tych, którzy tłumaczyli w obozie koncentracyjnym Auschwitz-Birkenau w czasie drugiej wojny światowej oraz tych, którzy tłumaczą obecnie w Państwowym Muzeum Auschwitz. Tłumacze w obozie koncentracyjnym zostali opisani biorąc pod uwagę następujące aspekty: kim byli tłumacze w tamtym okresie, jak byli wybierani, jak traktowani, jakie mieli przywileje, z jakimi problemami się spotykali w trakcie tłumaczeń oraz jak przebiegał proces tłumaczenia. Natomiast w opisie tłumaczy muzealnych wzięłam pod uwagę kto tłumaczy, jakich technik używają tłumacze oraz z jakimi problemami się zmagają w swojej pracy.My master thesis concerns the presentation of interpreters: those who translated in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during the Second World War and those who currently translate into the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum. We described how the interpreters were selected, how they were treated, what privileges they had, what problems they had during the translation, and how the translation process was going. On the other hand, we described who translate in the museum of Auschwitz, what techniques the interpreters use and what problems they are struggling with in their work.Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise nous nous sommes concentrés sur la présentation de deux portraits des interprètes : les personnes exerçant la fonction de l’interprète au camp de concentration d’Auschwitz-Birkenau et les personnes exerçant la traduction touristique, c’est-à-dire, la traduction déstinée aux touristes étrangers visitant le Musée National d’Auschwitz-Birkenau. Nous avons écrit quelles étaient ses taches, comment ils étaient recrutés et traités, comment se déroulait le processus de l’interprétation et quels étaient les problèmes auxquels ils étaient confrontés. Quant aux interprètes touristiques nous avons décrit comment la visite se déroule, comment la traduction au musée se passe et qui interprète au musée. Nous avons décrit les procédés techniques de traduction qu'ils utilisent et les plus grands problèmes, qui perturbent leur travail

    Sexual activity of Subcarpathia residents

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    Introduction. Sexuality is an inseparable attribute of humans that makes it possible to take new challenges connected with it at every stage of life and to enjoy its new aspects as well as to accept the resulting restrictions. Aim. The objective of this study was to compare how sexual activity changes in different age groups. An important step in achieving the main objective was to determine the age of sexual initiation, the number of sexual partners and the most commonly used methods of preventing pregnancy. Material and methods. The study was conducted between 2010 and 2013 among 924 persons. The respondents were the students of secondary schools, technical schools, post-secondary schools and the University of Rzeszów. Results. Two-thirds of a group aged 16-18 did not start sexual relations. Only 2% of the respondents at the age groups of 16- 18,19-23 and only 1% of the respondents at the age group of 24-48 began having sexual relations under the age of 15. 67% of adolescents from big cities began sexual relations. 33% of the secondary schools/technical schools respondents, 51% of the post-secondary schools respondents, 35% of a higher education institution respondents most commonly use condoms as a method of contraception. Conclusions. The average age of sexual initiation is gradually decreasing in each age group. Most respondents declare having one sexual partner. The respondents from big cities more often begin sexual relations. Condoms are the most commonly used method of contraception among the respodents in all age groups

    Distinct characteristics of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in Poland

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    International audienceAbstract During the winter months of 2020/2021 a wave of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) emerged in Poland. We present the results of a nationwide register aiming to capture and characterise MIS-C with a focus on severity determinants. The first MIS-C wave in Poland was notably high, hence our analysis involved 274 children. The group was 62.8% boys, with a median age of 8.8 years. Besides one Asian, all were White. Overall, the disease course was not as severe as in previous reports, however. Pediatric intensive care treatment was required for merely 23 (8.4%) of children, who were older and exhibited a distinguished clinical picture at hospital admission. We have also identified sex-dependent differences; teenage boys more often had cardiac involvement (decreased ejection fraction in 25.9% vs. 14.7%) and fulfilled macrophage activation syndrome definition (31.0% vs. 15.2%). Among all boys, those hospitalized in pediatric intensive care unit were significantly older (median 11.2 vs. 9.1 years). Henceforth, while ethnicity and sex may affect MIS-C phenotype, management protocols might be not universally applicable, and should rather be adjusted to the specific population