51 research outputs found

    Postpartum haemorrhage and risk of long-term hypertension and cardiovascular disease : an English population-based longitudinal study using linked primary and secondary care databases

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    Objective To investigate the long-term risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) among those women who suffered a postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) compared with those women who did not. Design Population-based longitudinal open cohort study. Setting English primary care (The Health Improvement Network (THIN)) and secondary care (Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)) databases. Population Women exposed to PPH during the study period matched for age and date of delivery, and unexposed. Methods We conducted an open cohort study using linked primary care THIN and HES Databases, from 1 January 1997 to 31 January 2018. A total of 42 327 women were included: 14 109 of them exposed to PPH during the study period and 28 218 matched for age and date of delivery, and unexposed to PPH. HRs for cardiovascular outcomes among women who had and did not have PPH were estimated after controlling for covariates using multivariate Cox regression models. Outcome measures Risk of hypertensive disease, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, stroke or transient ischaemic attack. Results During a median follow-up of over 4 years, there was no significant difference in the risk of hypertensive disease after adjustment for covariates (adjusted HR (aHR): 1.03 (95% CI: 0.87 to 1.22); p=0.71). We also did not observe a statistically significant difference in the risk of composite CVD (ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, stroke or transient ischaemic attack) between the exposed and the unexposed cohort (aHR: 0.86 (95% CI: 0.52 to 1.43; p=0.57). Conclusion Over a median follow-up of 4 years, we did not observe an association between PPH and hypertension or CVD

    Forgotten but not gone : yersinia infections in England, 1975 to 2020

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    Background Yersiniosis is one of the most common food-borne zoonoses in Europe, but there are large variations in the reported incidence between different countries. Aim We aimed to describe the trends and epidemiology of laboratory-confirmed Yersinia infections in England and estimate the average annual number of undiagnosed Yersinia enterocolitica cases, accounting for under-ascertainment. Methods We analysed national surveillance data on Yersinia cases reported by laboratories in England between 1975 and 2020 and enhanced surveillance questionnaires from patients diagnosed in a laboratory that has implemented routine Yersinia testing of diarrhoeic samples since 2016. Results The highest incidence of Yersinia infections in England (1.4 cases per 100,000 population) was recorded in 1988 and 1989, with Y. enterocolitica being the predominant species. The reported incidence of Yersinia infections declined during the 1990s and remained low until 2016. Following introduction of commercial PCR at a single laboratory in the South East, the annual incidence increased markedly (13.6 cases per 100,000 population in the catchment area between 2017 and 2020). There were notable changes in age and seasonal distribution of cases over time. The majority of infections were not linked to foreign travel and one in five patients was admitted to hospital. We estimate that around 7,500 Y. enterocolitica infections may be undiagnosed in England annually. Conclusions Findings suggest a considerable number of undiagnosed yersiniosis cases in England, with possibly important changes in the epidemiology. The apparently low incidence of yersiniosis in England is probably due to limited laboratory testing

    Economic downturn results in tick-borne disease upsurge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The emergence of zoonoses is due both to changes in human activities and to changes in their natural wildlife cycles. One of the most significant vector-borne zoonoses in Europe, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), doubled in incidence in 1993, largely as a consequence of the socio-economic transition from communism to capitalism and associated environmental changes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To test the effect of the current economic recession, unemployment in 2009 and various socio-economic indices were compared to weather indices (derived from principal component analyses) as predictors for the change in TBE case numbers in 2009 relative to 2004-08, for 14 European countries.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Greatest increases in TBE incidence occurred in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (91, 79 and 45%, respectively). The weather was rejected as an explanatory variable. Indicators of high background levels of poverty, e.g. percent of household expenditure on food, were significant predictors. The increase in unemployment in 2009 relative to 2008 together with 'in-work risk of poverty' is the only case in which a multivariate model has a second significant term.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Background socio-economic conditions determine susceptibility to risk of TBE, while increased unemployment triggered a sudden increase in risk. Mechanisms behind this result may include reduced resistance to infection through stress; reduced uptake of costly vaccination; and more exposure of people to infected ticks in their forest habitat as they make greater use of wild forest foods, especially in those countries, Lithuania and Poland, with major marketing opportunities in such products. Recognition of these risk factors could allow more effective protection through education and a vaccination programme targeted at the economically most vulnerable.</p

    Postpartum haemorrhage and risk of mental ill health : a population-based longitudinal study using linked primary and secondary care databases

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    There is a gap in the literature investigating the impact of obstetric complications on subsequent mental ill health outcomes. The aim of this study was to establish the association between post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) and mental ill health. We conducted a retrospective open cohort study utilizing linked primary care (The Health Improvement Network (THIN)) and English secondary care (Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)) databases, from January 1, 1990 to January 31, 2018. A total of 42,327 women were included: 14,109 of them were exposed to PPH during the study period and 28,218 unexposed controls were matched for age and date of delivery. Hazard ratios (HRs) for mental illness among women with and without exposure to PPH were estimated after controlling for covariates. Women who had had PPH were at an increased risk of developing postnatal depression (adjusted HR: 1Ā·10, 95%CI: 1Ā·01ā€“1Ā·21) and postā€“traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (adjusted HR: 1Ā·17, 95%CI: 0Ā·73ā€“1Ā·89) compared to women unexposed to PPH. When restricting the followā€“up to the first year after childbirth, the adjusted HR for PTSD was 3Ā·44 (95% CI 1Ā·31ā€“9Ā·03). No increase in the overall risk was observed for other mental illnesses, including depression (adjusted HR: 0Ā·94, 95%CI: 0Ā·87ā€“1Ā·01), severe mental illness (adjusted HR: 0Ā·65, 95%CI: 0Ā·40ā€“1Ā·08, p = 0Ā·239) and anxiety (adjusted HR: 0Ā·99, 95%CI: 0Ā·90ā€“1Ā·09). PPH is associated with a significant increase in the risk of developing postnatal depression and PTSD in the first year after delivery. Active monitoring for mental illness should form an integral part of the followā€“up in women who suffered a PPH

    Formation and development of historical myths of ā€œancient Latviaā€ in the 20th century

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    MaÄ£istra darbā, aplÅ«kojot mitoloÄ£izācijas procesus Latvijas akadēmiskajā un publiskajā vidē, tiek piedāvāta politisko vēstures mÄ«tu par ā€œSenlatvijuā€ veidoÅ”anās un attÄ«stÄ«bas analÄ«ze 20. gs. Jautājums par ā€œSenlatvijasā€ mitoloÄ£izāciju un tās izpausmēm latvieÅ”u kolektÄ«vajā atmiņā nav plaÅ”i analizēts un diskutēts. Par pamatu pētÄ«jumam kalpo publicētie avoti - zinātniskā literatÅ«ra, mācÄ«bu literatÅ«ra un publikācijas periodiskajos izdevumos. Rezultātā jāsecina, ka politizētie priekÅ”stati par ā€œSenlatvijuā€ ir raduÅ”ies lÄ«dz ar Latvijas valstisko neatkarÄ«bu, savu kulmināciju sasniedzot autoritārisma periodā. Otrā pasaules kara izraisÄ«tā latvieÅ”u kultÅ«ras trauma priekÅ”plānā izvirzÄ«ja jaunas prioritātes, tādējādi kopÅ” 20. gs. vidus vēstures mÄ«ti par ā€œSenlatvijuā€ ieņēmuÅ”i sekundāru lomu latvieÅ”u vēstures naratÄ«vā.Describing the process of mythologization in academic and public space, master's thesis offers an analysis of how the formation and development of historical myths of "ancient Latvia" took place in the 20th century. Mythologization of ā€œancient Latviaā€ and its manifestation in Latvian collective memory is unanalysed and undiscussed topic. Based on published sources (academic literature, educational literature and periodical publications) the study shows that politicized view on ā€œancient Latviaā€ was created after the proclamation of independence and later culminated during the authoritarian regime. The cultural trauma caused by the Second Word War set a new priorities, so from the middle of 20th century historical myths of ā€œancient Latvijaā€ took a less important place in Latvian historical narrative

    The Lejascīsku settlement in the context of the Latvian neolithic

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    Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir interpretēt LejascÄ«sku neolÄ«ta apmetni no mÅ«sdienÄ«gā skatÄ«juma Latvijas neolÄ«ta izpētes kontekstā. Ar jēdzienu ā€œneolÄ«ta kontekstsā€ tiek saprotama apmetņu tipoloÄ£ija, hronoloÄ£ija, kultÅ«ras piederÄ«ba un dzÄ«ves apstākļi. LÄ«dz Å”im arheoloÄ£iskais materiāls nav plaÅ”i publicēts vai analizēts. Par pamatu pētÄ«jumam kalpo apmetnes izrakumu dokumentācija un iegÅ«tās senlietas, kā arÄ« vēlāk veiktā keramikas analÄ«ze. Izmantojot Ä£eogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmas (Ä¢IS) tiek analizēta dažādu senlietu grupu izplatÄ«ba atsegtajā teritorijā attiecÄ«bā pret dažādām kultÅ«rām raksturÄ«gas keramikas izvietojuma. IztrÅ«kstoÅ”a informācija tika papildināta vadoties pēc citu Latvijas teritorijā pētÄ«to apmetņu materiāla. Rezultātā tika rekonstruēti dzÄ«ves apstākļi apmetnē un ieskicētas vadlÄ«nijas turpmākai LejascÄ«sku apmetnes izpētei.The aim of the bachelor thesis is to interpret LejascÄ«skas settlement from the modern point of view in the context of Latvian Neolithic. The concept of ā€œNeolithic contextā€ includes typology and chronology of settlements, cultural identity and living conditions. Data about LejascÄ«skas site is not widely published or analyzed. The basis of study is the material obtained from archaeological excavations (artefacts and excavation records) and pottery analysis. Artefact groups depending on their location between different types of pottery in this thesis analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS). Missing information about LejascÄ«skas settlement supplemented by data on other Latvian Neolithic sites. Research allows to model living conditions and includes further plans of studying the settlement

    The Lejascīsku settlement in the context of the Latvian neolithic

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    Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir interpretēt LejascÄ«sku neolÄ«ta apmetni no mÅ«sdienÄ«gā skatÄ«juma Latvijas neolÄ«ta izpētes kontekstā. Ar jēdzienu ā€œneolÄ«ta kontekstsā€ tiek saprotama apmetņu tipoloÄ£ija, hronoloÄ£ija, kultÅ«ras piederÄ«ba un dzÄ«ves apstākļi. LÄ«dz Å”im arheoloÄ£iskais materiāls nav plaÅ”i publicēts vai analizēts. Par pamatu pētÄ«jumam kalpo apmetnes izrakumu dokumentācija un iegÅ«tās senlietas, kā arÄ« vēlāk veiktā keramikas analÄ«ze. Izmantojot Ä£eogrāfiskās informācijas sistēmas (Ä¢IS) tiek analizēta dažādu senlietu grupu izplatÄ«ba atsegtajā teritorijā attiecÄ«bā pret dažādām kultÅ«rām raksturÄ«gas keramikas izvietojuma. IztrÅ«kstoÅ”a informācija tika papildināta vadoties pēc citu Latvijas teritorijā pētÄ«to apmetņu materiāla. Rezultātā tika rekonstruēti dzÄ«ves apstākļi apmetnē un ieskicētas vadlÄ«nijas turpmākai LejascÄ«sku apmetnes izpētei.The aim of the bachelor thesis is to interpret LejascÄ«skas settlement from the modern point of view in the context of Latvian Neolithic. The concept of ā€œNeolithic contextā€ includes typology and chronology of settlements, cultural identity and living conditions. Data about LejascÄ«skas site is not widely published or analyzed. The basis of study is the material obtained from archaeological excavations (artefacts and excavation records) and pottery analysis. Artefact groups depending on their location between different types of pottery in this thesis analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS). Missing information about LejascÄ«skas settlement supplemented by data on other Latvian Neolithic sites. Research allows to model living conditions and includes further plans of studying the settlement

    Socio-cultural factors and international competitiveness

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    Socio-cultural factors ā€“ shared values, norms and attitudes are significant, but less acknowledged sources of international competitiveness. Previous studies have found socio-cultural factors positively affecting various aspects of international competitiveness ā€“ entrepreneurship, innovation, productivity and international cooperation. These factors are more sustainable and less affected by external environment changes in comparison with the traditional factors. Socio-cultural factors provide an opportunity to develop competitiveness strategies based on unique advantages. This research aims to explore the impact of socio-cultural factors on international competiveness in small, open economies. Analysing relationship between 400 socio-cultural indicators and competitiveness indicators such as productivity, economic development, business and government efficiency, innovation capacity and infrastructure in 37 countries, six socio-cultural factors have emerged: Collectivism and Hierarchy; Future, Cooperation and Performance Orientation, Self-expression, Monochronism and Rationality, Economic Orientation and Social structure. The first factor ā€“ Collectivism and Hierarchy ā€“ tends to reduce the international competitiveness; the other five affect it positively
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