8 research outputs found

    Fuzzy modelling of tourist motivation: An age-related model for sustainable, multi-attraction, urban destinations

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    Tourist motivation, as a core of travel behavior, significantly influences consumer intentions and has attracted academic attention for decades. A plethora of studies analyse sets of internal and external motivators, while methodologies that exclusively focus on a single factor, such as age, that can sometimes have a determining influence in multi-attraction destinations, are less prevalent. This study introduces a fuzzy logic approach to develop a new model for analysing the internal motivations of different-aged consumers in multi-attraction urban destinations. Fuzzy models, as a mathematical means of representing vagueness and imprecise information, have the capability of recognizing, representing, manipulating, interpreting, and utilizing data and information, which typically for urban tourist motivations, are vague and lack certainty. This research tests the model in a real-life setting, using the example of Novi Sad, a mid-sized European city, which is typical of many similar cities who are attempting to develop sustainable tourism by attracting older tourists. The new model shows how tourist motivations for multi-attraction destinations are affected by age, through a specially developed m-file for MATLAB, so that it can be applied and tested in other tourism contexts. Theoretical and practical implications for sustainable destination management and marketing are described

    Comparison of chemical and biological wireworm control options in Serbian sunflower fields and a proposition for a refined wireworm damage assessment

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    Recent European Union regulations aim at reducing the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture. In sunflower production in Serbia, the use of synthetic insecticides for soil and seed treatments has become a prevailing practice for wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) control. However, a number of compounds efficiently used as seed treatments have been phased out. This work aimed at assessing the potential of an environmentally friendly “Attract and Kill” strategy (A&K) for controlling wireworms in sunflower in comparison to conventional insecticides. The experiments were carried out in 2018, 2019 and 2021 involving (a) soil treatments with ATTRACAP® and a Force 1.5 G; (b) seed treatments with Sonido, Force 20 CS, Lumiposa and Buteo Start 480 FS; (c) controls (i.e., untreated seeds). The efficacy of the treatments was assessed based on the plant density and emerging plant damage (%). A damage rating scale (levels 0–5) was created, aiming for a more reliable and concrete interpretation of the results. Data were processed using binomial and multinomial regressions, followed by modelling of the damage and calculating the odds of damage occurrence, depending on the applied insecticide. In all experimental years and at all localities, the Force 20 CS and/or Force 1.5 G treatments resulted in the highest plant density and the lowest percentage of plant damage. ATTRACAP® showed good effectiveness, since plant density and percentage of damaged plants were at the same level of significance as the commonly used conventional insecticides in sunflower production (Sonido for seed treatment and Force 1.5 G for soil treatment). Thus, the A&K strategy was efficient in controlling wireworms at conditions of low abundance, based on three-year experimental results. Although the damage rating scale enabled a clear differentiation of plant damage caused by wireworms responsible for reduced plant density, more reliable models were obtained by binomial regressions, classifying plants as damaged or undamaged

    Generalized convolution

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    U ovoj tezi je definisana uopštena konvolucija koja pripada domenu pseudo-analize i ima veliku primenu u mnogim matematičkim teorijama, npr. u proba-bilističkim metričkim prostorima, PDJ, teorijama odlučivanja, sistema, kontrole i fazi brojeva. Dokazane su bitne osobine ove operacije sa funkcijama. Dokazana je veza izmedju pseudo-konvolucija baziranih na poluprstenima različitih klasa Definisana je (5, C/)-konvolucija bazirana na uslovno distributivnom poluprstenu ([0,1], S, U)).Dat je još jedan vid uopštenja konvolucije baziran na uopštenim pseudo-operacijama.In this thesis the generalized convolution have been defined. This operation with functions has applications in different mathematical theo­ ries, for example in Probabilistic Metric Spaces, PDE, System and Control Theory, Fuzzy numbers. Some basic properties of this operation has been proved, as well as connection between generalized convolutions based on dif­ferent classes of semirings. (5, U)-convolution has been defined, as well as convolution based on generalized pseudo-operations

    Generalized convolution

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    U ovoj tezi je definisana uopštena konvolucija koja pripada domenu pseudo-analize i ima veliku primenu u mnogim matematičkim teorijama, npr. u proba-bilističkim metričkim prostorima, PDJ, teorijama odlučivanja, sistema, kontrole i fazi brojeva. Dokazane su bitne osobine ove operacije sa funkcijama. Dokazana je veza izmedju pseudo-konvolucija baziranih na poluprstenima različitih klasa Definisana je (5, C/)-konvolucija bazirana na uslovno distributivnom poluprstenu ([0,1], S, U)).Dat je još jedan vid uopštenja konvolucije baziran na uopštenim pseudo-operacijama.In this thesis the generalized convolution have been defined. This operation with functions has applications in different mathematical theo­ ries, for example in Probabilistic Metric Spaces, PDE, System and Control Theory, Fuzzy numbers. Some basic properties of this operation has been proved, as well as connection between generalized convolutions based on dif­ferent classes of semirings. (5, U)-convolution has been defined, as well as convolution based on generalized pseudo-operations

    On the generated hsB-type equation and PLSP

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to study sustainability of the pseudo-linear superposition principle, that is, of the nonlinear superposition principle (NLSP) observed in the pseudo-analysisʼ framework. The focus of this paper is on the so-called generated partial differential equation that is, for the purpose of this study, based on the stochastic Burgerʼs equation