22 research outputs found

    Response of green reflectance continuum removal index to the xanthophyll de-epoxidation cycle in Norway spruce needles

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    A dedicated field experiment was conducted to investigate the response of a green reflectance continuum removal-based optical index, called area under the curve normalized to maximal band depth between 511nm and 557nm (ANMB511-557), to light-induced transformations in xanthophyll cycle pigments of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] needles. The performance of ANMB511-557 was compared with the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) computed from the same leaf reflectance measurements. Needles of four crown whorls (fifth, eighth, 10th, and 15th counted from the top) were sampled from a 27-year-old spruce tree throughout a cloudy and a sunny day. Needle optical properties were measured together with the composition of the photosynthetic pigments to investigate their influence on both optical indices. Analyses of pigments showed that the needles of the examined whorls varied significantly in chlorophyll content and also in related pigment characteristics, such as the chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio. The investigation of the ANMB511-557 diurnal behaviour revealed that the index is able to follow the dynamic changes in the xanthophyll cycle independently of the actual content of foliar pigments. Nevertheless, ANMB511-557 lost the ability to predict the xanthophyll cycle behaviour during noon on the sunny day, when the needles were exposed to irradiance exceeding 1000 µmol m-2 s-1. Despite this, ANMB511-557 rendered a better performance for tracking xanthophyll cycle reactions than PRI. Although declining PRI values generally responded to excessive solar irradiance, they were not able to predict the actual de-epoxidation state in the needles examine

    Unheeded SARS-CoV-2 proteins? A deep look into negative-sense RNA.

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a novel positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus from the Coronaviridae family (genus Betacoronavirus), which has been established as causing the COVID-19 pandemic. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the largest among known RNA viruses, comprising of at least 26 known protein-coding loci. Studies thus far have outlined the coding capacity of the positive-sense strand of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, which can be used directly for protein translation. However, it has been recently shown that transcribed negative-sense viral RNA intermediates that arise during viral genome replication from positive-sense viruses can also code for proteins. No studies have yet explored the potential for negative-sense SARS-CoV-2 RNA intermediates to contain protein-coding loci. Thus, using sequence and structure-based bioinformatics methodologies, we have investigated the presence and validity of putative negative-sense ORFs (nsORFs) in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Nine nsORFs were discovered to contain strong eukaryotic translation initiation signals and high codon adaptability scores, and several of the nsORFs were predicted to interact with RNA-binding proteins. Evolutionary conservation analyses indicated that some of the nsORFs are deeply conserved among related coronaviruses. Three-dimensional protein modeling revealed the presence of higher order folding among all putative SARS-CoV-2 nsORFs, and subsequent structural mimicry analyses suggest similarity of the nsORFs to DNA/RNA-binding proteins and proteins involved in immune signaling pathways. Altogether, these results suggest the potential existence of still undescribed SARS-CoV-2 proteins, which may play an important role in the viral lifecycle and COVID-19 pathogenesis

    Light regimen-induced variability of photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds in Luzula sylvatica from Arcto-Alpine tundra

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different in situ light regimen on ecophysiological parameters of Luzula sylvatica leaves. Plants of L. sylvatica grown under natural sunny and shade conditions in arcto-alpine tundra were analyzed with respect to their leaf anatomy, content of photosynthetic pigments, UV absorbing compounds and phenanthrenoid compounds. Relationship between chlorophyll concentrations (Chla+b) and SPAD values was determined for sun and shade leaves measured repeatedly within summer and autumn seasons 2019 and 2020. Pooled data showed curvilinear Chla+b to SPAD relationship with the highest Chla+b and SPAD values found for shade leaves. Sun leaves had higher UV-B absorbing compounds contents than shade ones. The HPLC-DAD analysis revealed significant amount of soluble flavonoids in Luzula sylvatica leaves, amongst others the flavone-luteolin and its derivatives (e.g. tentatively identified luteolin-methyl-glucoside and luteolin-glucoside). The accumulation of luteolin based compounds in sun acclimated leaves is also plausible explanation for the higher antioxidant activity determined in sun leaf extraxts. Such response of flavonoid metabolism may help L.S. to cope with excessive-light stress through UV-attenuation mechanism and ROS scavanging. Additionally, phenanthrenoid compounds contents in L. sylvatica leaves were determined. Altogether, 9 phenanthrenoid compounds were identified by HPLC-HRMS. Their content was markedly different (up to the factor of 5) between sun and shade leaves of L.sylvatica

    Lipid polymorphism of the subchloroplast—granum and stroma thylakoid membrane–particles. II. structure and functions

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    In Part I, by using (31)P-NMR spectroscopy, we have shown that isolated granum and stroma thylakoid membranes (TMs), in addition to the bilayer, display two isotropic phases and an inverted hexagonal (H(II)) phase; saturation transfer experiments and selective effects of lipase and thermal treatments have shown that these phases arise from distinct, yet interconnectable structural entities. To obtain information on the functional roles and origin of the different lipid phases, here we performed spectroscopic measurements and inspected the ultrastructure of these TM fragments. Circular dichroism, 77 K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, and variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence measurements revealed only minor lipase- or thermally induced changes in the photosynthetic machinery. Electrochromic absorbance transients showed that the TM fragments were re-sealed, and the vesicles largely retained their impermeabilities after lipase treatments—in line with the low susceptibility of the bilayer against the same treatment, as reflected by our (31)P-NMR spectroscopy. Signatures of H(II)-phase could not be discerned with small-angle X-ray scattering—but traces of H(II) structures, without long-range order, were found by freeze-fracture electron microscopy (FF-EM) and cryo-electron tomography (CET). EM and CET images also revealed the presence of small vesicles and fusion of membrane particles, which might account for one of the isotropic phases. Interaction of VDE (violaxanthin de-epoxidase, detected by Western blot technique in both membrane fragments) with TM lipids might account for the other isotropic phase. In general, non-bilayer lipids are proposed to play role in the self-assembly of the highly organized yet dynamic TM network in chloroplasts

    Impact of elevated CO2 concentration on dynamics of leaf photosynthesis in Fagus sylvatica is modulated by sky conditions

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    AbstractIt has been suggested that atmospheric CO2 concentration and frequency of cloud cover will increase in future. It remains unclear, however, how elevated CO2 influences photosynthesis under complex clear versus cloudy sky conditions. Accordingly, diurnal changes in photosynthetic responses among beech trees grown at ambient (AC) and doubled (EC) CO2 concentrations were studied under contrasting sky conditions. EC stimulated the daily sum of fixed CO2 and light use efficiency under clear sky. Meanwhile, both these parameters were reduced under cloudy sky as compared with AC treatment. Reduction in photosynthesis rate under cloudy sky was particularly associated with EC-stimulated, xanthophyll-dependent thermal dissipation of absorbed light energy. Under clear sky, a pronounced afternoon depression of CO2 assimilation rate was found in sun-adapted leaves under EC compared with AC conditions. This was caused in particular by stomata closure mediated by vapour pressure deficit

    What Do We Know about Barley miRNAs?

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    Plant miRNAs are powerful regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, which was repeatedly proved in several model plant species. miRNAs are considered to be key regulators of many developmental, homeostatic, and immune processes in plants. However, our understanding of plant miRNAs is still limited, despite the fact that an increasing number of studies have appeared. This systematic review aims to summarize our current knowledge about miRNAs in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare), which is an important agronomical crop worldwide and serves as a common monocot model for studying abiotic stress responses as well. This can help us to understand the connection between plant miRNAs and (not only) abiotic stresses in general. In the end, some future perspectives and open questions are summarized

    A database of 10 min average measurements of solar radiation and meteorological variables in Ostrava, Czech Republic

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    International audienceA database containing 10 min means of solar irradiance measured on a horizontal plane in several ultraviolet and visible bands from July 2014 to December 2016 at three stations in the area of the city of Ostrava (Czech Republic) is presented. The database contains time series of 10 min average irradiances or photosynthetic photon flux densities measured in the following spectral bands: 280–315 nm (UVB); 315–380 nm (UVA); and 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR); 510–700 nm; 600–700 nm; 610–680 nm; 690–780 nm; 400–1100 nm. A series of meteorological variables including relative air humidity and air temperature at surface is also provided at the same 10 min time step at all three stations, and precipitation is provided for two stations. Air pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and concentrations of air pollutants PM10, SO2, NOx , NO, NO2 were measured at the 1 h time step at the fourth station owned by the Public Health Institute of Ostrava. The details of the experimental sites and instruments used for the measurements are given. Special attention is given to the data quality, and the original approach to the data quality which was established is described in detail. About 130 000 records for each of the three stations are available in the database. This database offers a unique ensemble of variables having a high temporal resolution and it is a reliable source for radiation in relation to environment and vegetation in highly polluted areas of industrial cities in the of northern mid-latitudes. The database has beenplaced on the PANGAEA repository (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.879722) and contains individual data files for each station

    Searching for G-Quadruplex-Binding Proteins in Plants: New Insight into Possible G-Quadruplex Regulation

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    G-quadruplexes are four-stranded nucleic acid structures occurring in the genomes of all living organisms and viruses. It is increasingly evident that these structures play important molecular roles; generally, by modulating gene expression and overall genome integrity. For a long period, G-quadruplexes have been studied specifically in the context of human promoters, telomeres, and associated diseases (cancers, neurological disorders). Several of the proteins for binding G-quadruplexes are known, providing promising targets for influencing G-quadruplex-related processes in organisms. Nonetheless, in plants, only a small number of G-quadruplex binding proteins have been described to date. Thus, we aimed to bioinformatically inspect the available protein sequences to find the best protein candidates with the potential to bind G-quadruplexes. Two similar glycine and arginine-rich G-quadruplex-binding motifs were described in humans. The first is the so-called “RGG motif”-RRGDGRRRGGGGRGQGGRGRGGGFKG, and the second (which has been recently described) is known as the “NIQI motif”-RGRGRGRGGGSGGSGGRGRG. Using this general knowledge, we searched for plant proteins containing the above mentioned motifs, using two independent approaches (BLASTp and FIMO scanning), and revealed many proteins containing the G4-binding motif(s). Our research also revealed the core proteins involved in G4 folding and resolving in green plants, algae, and the key plant model organism, Arabidopsis thaliana. The discovered protein candidates were annotated using STRINGdb and sorted by their molecular and physiological roles in simple schemes. Our results point to the significant role of G4-binding proteins in the regulation of gene expression in plants

    Regulation of Phenolic Compound Production by Light Varying in Spectral Quality and Total Irradiance

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    Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is an important environmental cue inducing the production of many secondary metabolites involved in plant oxidative stress avoidance and tolerance. To examine the complex role of PAR irradiance and specific spectral components on the accumulation of phenolic compounds (PheCs), we acclimated spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) to different spectral qualities (white, blue, green, red) at three irradiances (100, 200, 400 µmol m−2 s−1). We confirmed that blue light irradiance is essential for the accumulation of PheCs in secondary barley leaves (in UV-lacking conditions), which underpins the importance of photoreceptor signals (especially cryptochrome). Increasing blue light irradiance most effectively induced the accumulation of B-dihydroxylated flavonoids, probably due to the significantly enhanced expression of the F3′H gene. These changes in PheC metabolism led to a steeper increase in antioxidant activity than epidermal UV-A shielding in leaf extracts containing PheCs. In addition, we examined the possible role of miRNAs in the complex regulation of gene expression related to PheC biosynthesis