9 research outputs found

    Genetic structure and phylogeography of the wolf (Canis lupus L. 1758) from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Ovom tezom je obuhvaćena analiza genetičke strukture i filogeografskog položaja vuka (Canis lupus L. 1758) na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine, na uzorku od ukupno 79 jedinki. Analize su sprovedene primjenom (i) 18 mikrosatelitskih lokusa nDNK pomoću kojih su detektovani: nivo genetičke varijabilnosti, populaciona struktura, prolazak populacije kroz genetičko usko grlo, te ukrštanje u srodstvu, i (ii) kontrolnog  regiona  (CR)  regiona  mtDNK  pomoću  kojih  su sprovedene filogeografske analize.  U  radu  je  uočeno  je  grupisanje  jedinki  vuka  Bosne  i Hercegovine  u  dva  genetička  klastera  što,  s  obzirom  na  slabu  statističku  podržanost, najvjerovatnije  ukazuje  na  prisustvo  strukture  na  većem  nivou.  Prethodno  navedeno  je detektovano analizama populacione strukture dijela dinarsko - balkanske populacije vuka,gdje je uočena distribucija vukova Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije u odvojene genetičke klastere. Statistički značajni signali prolaska populacije vuka Bosne i Hercegovine kroz genetičko usko grlo u skorijoj prošlosti nisu detektovani. Sekvence kontrolnog regiona mtDNK vuka pokazale su se dovoljno informativnim za detekciju jedinstvenih haplotipova vuka Bosne i Hercegovine, za  koje  je  uočena  distribucija  u  dvije,  prethodno  u  literaturi, detektovane haplogrupe bez jasnog alopatrijskog obrasca. Pored toga, analizama sekvenci dijela kontrolnog regiona mtDNK  uzorka  vuka  Evrope,  uočeno  je da se demografska ekspanzija haplogrupe 2 desila mnogo ranije u prošlosti u odnosu na period ekspanzije haplogrupe 1, koji se poklapa sa periodom razdvajanja navedenih haplogrupa, prije oko 13000 godina, što ukazuje da je posljednji glacijalni maksimum imao uticaja u oblikovanju strukture genetičkih linija vuka u prošlosti. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju su veoma informativni u cilju uspostavljanja pravilnog menadžmenta vrste i kreiranja plana zaštite vuka na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine, odnosno, na nivou dinarsko - balkanske populacije vuka iz koje se vrše rekolonizacije jedinki u susjedne populacije.In this thesis, the genetic structure and phylogeography of the wolf (Canis L. 1758) in the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina were analysed, from a total sample of 79 individuals. Analyses were conducted by applying (i) 18 microsatellite loci of nuclear DNA, by which we estimated: the level of genetic  variability, population structure, kinship, bottleneck and inbreeding, and (ii) control region of mtDNA by which we analysed phylogeography. Two genetic clusters were observed for the wolf population  from Bosnia and Hercegovina, although with statistically low support, which may point to structuring at the higher level. Indeed, after analysing the population structure at the higher, Dinaric - Balkan level, the distribution of wolves  from Bosnia and Hercegovina and  Serbia was observed as falling into two distinct genetic clusters. Statistically significant signs of the recent bottleneck were not observed in the wolf  population from Bosnia and Hercegovina. Analyses of control region mtDNA were conducted with the aim of detecting haplotypes in the Bosnia and Hercegovina population, as well as in the European  samples. Distribution of  haplotypes into two haplogroups, described in previous literature, was  observed, without a clear alopatric phylogeny pattern. Furthermore, the analyses of the same  molecular marker showed that demographic expansion of haplogroup 2 occurred significantly earlier when compared to the demographic explosion of haplogroup 1 . Results from this study are extremely  important for the creation of a management plan for wolves from Bosnia and Hercegovina, and at the higher Dinaric - Balkan level

    Genetic structure and phylogeography of the wolf (Canis lupus L. 1758) from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Ovom tezom je obuhvaćena analiza genetičke strukture i filogeografskog položaja vuka (Canis lupus L. 1758) na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine, na uzorku od ukupno 79 jedinki. Analize su sprovedene primjenom (i) 18 mikrosatelitskih lokusa nDNK pomoću kojih su detektovani: nivo genetičke varijabilnosti, populaciona struktura, prolazak populacije kroz genetičko usko grlo, te ukrštanje u srodstvu, i (ii) kontrolnog  regiona  (CR)  regiona  mtDNK  pomoću  kojih  su sprovedene filogeografske analize.  U  radu  je  uočeno  je  grupisanje  jedinki  vuka  Bosne  i Hercegovine  u  dva  genetička  klastera  što,  s  obzirom  na  slabu  statističku  podržanost, najvjerovatnije  ukazuje  na  prisustvo  strukture  na  većem  nivou.  Prethodno  navedeno  je detektovano analizama populacione strukture dijela dinarsko - balkanske populacije vuka,gdje je uočena distribucija vukova Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije u odvojene genetičke klastere. Statistički značajni signali prolaska populacije vuka Bosne i Hercegovine kroz genetičko usko grlo u skorijoj prošlosti nisu detektovani. Sekvence kontrolnog regiona mtDNK vuka pokazale su se dovoljno informativnim za detekciju jedinstvenih haplotipova vuka Bosne i Hercegovine, za  koje  je  uočena  distribucija  u  dvije,  prethodno  u  literaturi, detektovane haplogrupe bez jasnog alopatrijskog obrasca. Pored toga, analizama sekvenci dijela kontrolnog regiona mtDNK  uzorka  vuka  Evrope,  uočeno  je da se demografska ekspanzija haplogrupe 2 desila mnogo ranije u prošlosti u odnosu na period ekspanzije haplogrupe 1, koji se poklapa sa periodom razdvajanja navedenih haplogrupa, prije oko 13000 godina, što ukazuje da je posljednji glacijalni maksimum imao uticaja u oblikovanju strukture genetičkih linija vuka u prošlosti. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju su veoma informativni u cilju uspostavljanja pravilnog menadžmenta vrste i kreiranja plana zaštite vuka na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine, odnosno, na nivou dinarsko - balkanske populacije vuka iz koje se vrše rekolonizacije jedinki u susjedne populacije.In this thesis, the genetic structure and phylogeography of the wolf (Canis L. 1758) in the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina were analysed, from a total sample of 79 individuals. Analyses were conducted by applying (i) 18 microsatellite loci of nuclear DNA, by which we estimated: the level of genetic  variability, population structure, kinship, bottleneck and inbreeding, and (ii) control region of mtDNA by which we analysed phylogeography. Two genetic clusters were observed for the wolf population  from Bosnia and Hercegovina, although with statistically low support, which may point to structuring at the higher level. Indeed, after analysing the population structure at the higher, Dinaric - Balkan level, the distribution of wolves  from Bosnia and Hercegovina and  Serbia was observed as falling into two distinct genetic clusters. Statistically significant signs of the recent bottleneck were not observed in the wolf  population from Bosnia and Hercegovina. Analyses of control region mtDNA were conducted with the aim of detecting haplotypes in the Bosnia and Hercegovina population, as well as in the European  samples. Distribution of  haplotypes into two haplogroups, described in previous literature, was  observed, without a clear alopatric phylogeny pattern. Furthermore, the analyses of the same  molecular marker showed that demographic expansion of haplogroup 2 occurred significantly earlier when compared to the demographic explosion of haplogroup 1 . Results from this study are extremely  important for the creation of a management plan for wolves from Bosnia and Hercegovina, and at the higher Dinaric - Balkan level

    Pan‐European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analyzed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included into the analyses additional 1541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined toward Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern, and Western) composed of several haplogroups, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the haplogroups in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts and in two northern refugia.202


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    Sve bivše socijalističke zemlje su proces tranzicije zapocele u ekonomskom sistemu koji nije bio prilagođen tržišnim uslovima privređivanja i okruženju u kojem djeluje konkurencija, već u sistemu planske privrede, uz organizovanje privrednih i drugih ekonomskih aktivnosti u skladu sa projekcijama i planovima dirigovanim od strane države. Sam proces tranzicije zahtijevao je odgovarajuću institucionalnu transformaciju u privredi i drugim oblastima. Pojam tranzicija, u primarnom znacenju prelaska iz industrijsko u postindustrijsko društvo, pojavio se u zapadnoj literaturi sedamdesetih godina XX vijeka, ali u zemljama u kojima je razvijan socijalizam kao oblik društveno-ekonomskog uređenja, tranzicijom se oznaćava proces prelaska ili povratka iz socijalizma na određeni oblik kapitalistickih društveno-ekonomskih odnosa, sa privatnom svojinom kao jednom od kljucnih determinanti tog sistema i potpuno drugacijom strukturom privrednih i, uopšte, ekonomskih aktivnosti. Osim izražene realokacije privrednih resursa, tranziciju kao ekonomski mehanizam karakterišu privatizacija državnih preduzeća, restrukturisanje i korporatizacija velikih i drugih javnih preduzeća, reorganizacija klasicnog dijela javnog sektora, uspostavljanje slobodnog tržišta roba, usluga i rada, reforma državnih ustanova i sistema socijalnog osiguranja, te uspostavljanje organizovanog tržišta kapitala. Cilj istraživanja u ovom radu je da se prikažu osnovne karakteristike višegodišnje tranzicije kao ekonomskog mehanizma u Republici Srpskoj i BiH. Osnovne metode istraživanja obuhvataju posmatranje, analizu i opis karakteristika osnovnih ekonomskih tranzicionih procesa. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na zakljucak da većina od tih procesa do danas nije završena, što ima negativne implikacije na ekonomski rast i razvoj zemlje

    Comparative analysis of anthropometric parameters of the primary school pupils of urban and rural Doboj region

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    An investigation was conducted on the sample of primary school students in urban area with the aim of analyzing the anthropometric parameters between boys and girls entering 1st-9th grade. The main objective is to determine the frequency and causes of obesity in the population of school children with the intention of preventing the risks of developing the 'modern man' diseases (diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, the development of metabolic syndromes, coronary heart disease, etc). The basic anthropometric parameters were measured: body weight and height, chest, waist and hips circumference, and from the obtained values the following were calculated: body mass index, ratio of waist circumference to body height and ratio of waist circumference to hips circumference. The comparison of the results according to age and sex of the pupils is expected to give the values that might answer some questions, such as: the degree of development and nutritional status of schoolchildren according to age and sex in relation to the environment in which they live, the annual increment of the measured parameters value, the differences between age and gender groups. Results were compared with parameters of growth and development of the children of same age in rural areas based on earlier research. The goal of the study is to confirm or reject the existence of a linear regression in correlation to some anthropometric parameters in relation to sex and age of the pupils from urban and rural areas, by means of the allometric method

    Population genetic structure of wolves in the northwestern Dinaric-Balkan region

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    The Balkan Peninsula and the Dinaric Mountains possess extraordinary biodiversity and support one of the largest and most diverse wolf (Canis lupus) populations in Europe. Results obtained with diverse genetic markers show west-east substructure, also seen in various other species, despite the absence of obvious barriers to movement. However, the spatial extent of the genetic clusters remains unresolved, and our aim was to combine fine-scale sampling with population and spatial genetic analyses to improve resolution of wolf genetic clusters. We analyzed 16 autosomal microsatellites from 255 wolves sampled in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH), and Serbia and documented three genetic clusters. These comprised (1) Slovenia and the regions of Gorski kotar and Lika in Croatia, (2) the region of Dalmatia in southern Croatia and BIH, and (3) Serbia. When we mapped the clusters geographically, we observed west-east genetic structure across the study area, together with some specific structure in BIH–Dalmatia. We observed that cluster 1 had a smaller effective population size, consistent with earlier reports of population recovery since the 1980s. Our results provide foundation for future genomic studies that would further resolve the observed west-east population structure and its evolutionary history in wolves and other taxa in the region and identify focal areas for habitat conservation. They also have immediate importance for conservation planning for the wolves in one of the most important parts of the species’ European range.</p

    The role of the Caucasus, Carpathian, and Dinaric–Balkan regions in preserving wolf genetic diversity

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    Mountain regions have long been important for maintaining populations and genetic diversity of wild species, especially those species that require large areas to sustain viable populations. We examined wolves (Canis lupus) in the Caucasus, Carpathian, and Dinaric–Balkan regions, expecting these persistent populations to contain high genetic diversity and an overlap of the major haplogroups detected in earlier broad-scale investigations. We analyzed 926 mitochondrial DNA control region sequences, including 533 new samples whose geographic distribution allowed us to reduce sampling gaps observed in previous broad-scale studies. We estimated genetic variability, population structure, and phylogeographic relationships to evaluate the diversity and connectivity of populations throughout the study regions. We detected haplogroups H1 and H2 that overlapped across the study regions. Haplogroup H1 can be divided into three subgroups: H1A and H1B that partially overlap throughout the study regions, and H1C that was found only in wolves from Armenia. Haplogroup H2 was largely confined to the Carpathian and Dinaric–Balkan regions. Our analyses of population structure partly concurred with the haplogroup distribution and produced four major genetic clusters. Our results demonstrated high genetic diversity within the study regions, supporting their role in maintaining intraspecific variability in wolves and other species that require large areas to sustain viable populations. The unique diversity and north–south structure observed within the Caucasus emphasize the need for further research and conservation efforts in this highly biodiverse region. Our findings highlight the role of broad-scale planning in conserving evolutionary processes in this and other transboundary areas.</p

    Data from: Pan-European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)

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    To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analysed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included in the analyses an additional 1,541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined towards Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern and Western) composed of several subclades, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the subclades in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts. and in two northern refugia.Funding provided by: European CommissionCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000780Award Number: PIRSES- GA-2009-247652Funding provided by: Narodowe Centrum NaukiCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004281Award Number: 2013/11/B/NZ8/0088