27 research outputs found
The influence of different technological parameters during standardization of safety and quality on the color formation of traditional fermented sausage (Petrovačka kobasica)
Zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se utvrdi uticaj različitih tehnoloških parametara na formiranje boje Petrovačke kobasice, kao i da se modelovanjem tradicionalne tehnologije utvrdi zavisnost između brojnih tehnoloških parametara i optimalnog kvaliteta boje ovog tradicionalnog proizvoda, radi standardizacije kvaliteta i bezbednosti, a u cilju dobijanja prepoznatljivog proizvoda vrhunskog kvaliteta koji bi se kontinuirano proizvodio. U cilju realizacije postavljenih zadataka tokom tri proizvodne sezone je izrađeno 13 modela Petrovačke kobasice kako bi se ispitao uticaj sledećih varijabilnih tehnoloških parametara: proizvodne sezone, vremena otkoštavanja mesa post mortem, vrste upotrebljenog omotača (prirodni i veštački), ručnog i mašinskog mešanja, dimljenja u tradicionalnim i kontrolisanim uslovima, sušenja i zrenja u tradicionalnim i kontrolisanim uslovima, dodatka izolovane autohtone starter kulture, vremena skladištenja i načina pakovanja (neupakovane, pakovane u vakuumu i modifikovanoj atmosferi) na proces formiranja boje. Formiranje boje Petrovačke kobasice tokom procesa dimljenja, sušenja i skladištenja praćeno je određivanjem instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje (L*, a*, b*, h, C*, R, BI i ΔE) na površini i preseku Petrovačkih kobasica. Utvrđeni su brojni tehnološki parametri (vrednost pH, sadržaj vlage, sadržaj ukupnih masti, sadržaj ukupnog pepela i sadržaj hlorida), pokazatelji senzornog kvaliteta (spoljašnji izgled i stanje omotača, boja i održivost boje na preseku, ukupan senzorni kvalitet) i kvalitet ljute začinske paprike. Analizom rezultata dobijenih u ovim ispitivanjima zaključeno je da su kobasice izrađene od ohlađenog mesa dimljene i sušene u tradicionalnim uslovima (B1 i B2 grupe) imale optimalan kvalitet boje i bile vrhunskog (zaštićenog) senzornog kvaliteta. Niže temperature (8,30°C-10,7°C) tokom procesa dimljenja i sušenja, sporiji pad vrednosti pH, od 5,69 (nadev) do ~5,4 (na kraju procesa fermentacije) i sadržaj hlorida ~ 3% u gotovom proizvodu, uz dodatak kvalitetne ljute začinske paprike omogućili su formiranje optimalne boje ove grupe kobasica. Optimalnu boju preseka kobasica karakterišu numerički manje vrednosti instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje (L*, a*, b*, h, C* i BI) u odnosu na kobasice sa nižim senzornim ocenama za boju. Tokom skladištenja (od kraja sušenja do 270. dana proizvodnje) utvrđene su manje promene instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje na površini i preseku Petrovačkih kobasica kada su skladištene upakovane (vakuum i modifikovana atmosfera) u poređenju sa neupakovanim. Pakovanje u vakuumu i modifikovanoj atmosferi je dobro rešenje za očuvanje optimalnih karakteristika boje kobasica, jer su upakovane kobasice B1 i B2 grupe skladištene 4 meseca od završetka procesa sušenja (od 90. do 210. dana od dana proizvodnje) bez promena senzornog kvaliteta boje, a zatim su do kraja perioda skladištenja (270. dana proizvodnje) promene bile neznatne. Uzimajuću u obzir da su ova istraživanja deo šire koncipitranih istraživanja razvoja tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje Petrovačke kobasice i standardizacije kvaliteta i bezbednosti, ispitan je uticaj varijabilnih tehnoloških parametara i na formiranje policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u Petrovačkoj kobasici, kao veoma važnih pokazatelja zdravstvene bezbednosti kobasica. Jedan od najznačajnijih rezultata u ovim istraživanjima je da benzo[a]piren nije detektovan ni u jednom uzorku Petrovačke kobasice. Takođe je zaključeno da je Petrovačka kobasica dimljena na tradicionalan način, kao i u industrijskim uslovima bezbedna za potrošače sa aspekta sadržaja policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika, jer su svi ispitani uzorci kobasica ispunjavali uslove propisane domaćim i evropskim propisima.The aim of this Ph.D. dissertation was to determine the influence of various technological parameters on the colour formation of Petrovačka kobasica, as well as to define correlation between number of technological parameters and optimal colour quality of traditional product (by modelling traditional technology), in order to standardize quality and safety, and consequently with the main goal to obtain a recognizable high quality product that could be continuously produced throughout the whole year period. To achieve the defined tasks in three production season 13 models of Petrovačka kobasica were produced in order to examine the effect of the following variable technological parameters: production season, post mortem time of meat deboning, type of the casing (natural and artificial), manual or mechanical mixing, smoking in traditional and controlled conditions, drying and ripening in traditional and controlled conditions, the addition of isolated indigenous starter culture, and storage time and packaging (unwrapped, packed in vacuum and modified atmosphere) in the process of colour formation. Colour formation of Petrovačka kobasica during smoking and drying processes and storage was followed by determination of instrumental colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, h, C*, R, BI and ΔE) on the surface and cut cross section of Petrovačka kobasica. The number of technological parameters (pH, content of moisture, total fat, total ash and chloride), indicators of sensory quality (sausage appearance and condition of casing, colour and colour stability at the cut cross section, the overall sensory quality) and quality of red hot paprika powder were determined. Analysing the results obtained in these studies it was concluded that sausages produced from chilled meat and smoked in traditional conditions (sausages of B1 and B2 groups) had the optimal colour quality and superior (protected) sensory quality. Lower temperatures (8.30°C-10.7°C) during smoking and drying processes, slower decrease of pH value from 5.69 (raw sausage after stuffing) to ~ 5.4 (at the end of the fermentation process) and the chloride content ~ 3% in the final product, with the addition of high quality red hot paprika powder enable the formation of the optimal colour of these groups of sausages. Optimal colour of cut cross section of sausages was characterized with numerically smaller values of instrumental colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, h, C* and BI) in relation to sausages with lower scores for sensory evaluated colour. During storage (from the end of drying process up to 270 days of production), minor changes of instrumental colour characteristics on the surface and cut cross section of Petrovačka kobasica were noted when sausages were stored packed in vacuum or modified atmosphere, compared with unpackaged ones. Packing in vacuum and modified atmosphere is a good solution for the preservation of optimal colour characteristics, as packaged sausages of B1 and B2 groups stored for 4 months from the end of the drying process (from 90 to 210 days from the date of production) had no changes in sensory evaluated colour quality. Further, until the end of storage (270 days of production) just minor changes of this sensory parameter were noticed. Considering that these investigations are a part of wider conceived researches of development of traditional technology of Petrovačka kobasica and standardization of quality and safety, the influence of variable technological parameters on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Petrovačka kobasica, as a very important indicator of health safety of sausage, were also studied. One of the most important results of these researches is that benzo[a]pyrene was not detected in any sample of Petrovačka kobasica. It was also concluded that Petrovačka kobasica smoked in traditional way, as well as in industrial conditions was safe for consumers in the terms of the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as all samples of analysed sausages meet the requirements defined by national and European regulations
Uticaj dimljenja na formiranje boje i sadržaj policikličnih aromatičnih jedinjenja u tradicionalnoj fermentisanoj kobasici
U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj tradicionalnog dimljenja i sušenja na instrumentalneparametre boje (CIE L*a*b* sistem: svetloća boje-L*; udeo crvene boje-a*; udeo žuteboje-b*; nijansa boje-h; zasićenost boje-C*) Petrovačke kobasice, fermentisane suvekobasice zaštićene geografskom oznakom porekla.Na kraju procesa sušenja (60 dana) utvrđeno je na površini Petrovačkih kobasicastatistički značajno manje (P<0.05) vrednosti L*-25.59, a*-10.31, b*-8.20 i C*-13.18,dok vrednosti nijanse boje (h-38.76) nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale (P>0.05)u odnosu na vrednosti utvrđene nulti dan proizvodnje (L*-43.63; a*-23.07; b*-21.42;C*-31.48 i h-42.85), formirana je crvena boja koja je tamnija, manje čistoće i sa znatnovećim udelom sivih tonova.Takođe u uzorcima Petrovačkih kobasica ispitan je i sadržaj policikličnih aromatičnihugljovodonika sa prioritetne liste Američke agencije za zaštitu životne sredine (USEPAPAH). Svi ispitani uzorci Petrovačkih kobasica ispunjavali su uslove (BaP ≤ 2 μg/kg; PAH4 ≤ 12 μg/kg) propisane domaćim Pravilnikom (Sl. glasnik RS broj 29/2014) iRegulativom Komisije Evropske unije (EC 835/2011).Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja potvrđuju da tradicionalan način dimljenja definisani ispitan u ovom radu (8 dana; 6 sati dnevno; prosečne vrednosti t~9 °C i RV~79 %)daje za rezultat Petrovačku kobasicu karakteristične površinske boje i sa veoma niskimsadržajem policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika
Mineral contents in pork and edible offal from indigenous pigs
Meat is one of the most nutritious foods that humans can consume, and is defined as the flesh (skeletal muscles) of animals used as food. In addition to protein and fat, meat is a significant source of several micronutrients (minerals and vitamins). Edible offal is also a form of meat which is used as food, but which is not skeletal muscles, and in general possesses higher contents of some micronutrients, especially minerals and vitamins, than muscular tissue. Minerals are the inorganic elements other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which remain behind in the ash when food is incinerated. They are usually divided into two groups – macrominerals (main elements) and microminerals (trace elements) or into three groups – main elements (macrominerals), trace elements (microminerals) and ultra-trace elements. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing literature on the content of nine most abundant minerals (potassium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese) in the major raw pork meat cuts (tenderloin, ham, loin and shoulder) and edible offal (tongue, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, brain and spinal cord) from indigenous pigs. The mineral levels in raw pork meat and pig edible offal are variable, ranging from 175.7 to 463.8 mg/100g for potassium; 159 to 502.0 mg/100g for phosphorous; 38.11 to 158.4 mg/100g for sodium; 8.3 to 28.5 mg/100g for magnesium; 4.61 to 26.02 mg/100g for calcium; 0.67 to 6.47 mg/100g for zinc; 0.55 to 45.59 mg/100g for iron; 0.10 to 0.825 mg/100g for copper; and from 0.0038 to 0.338 mg/100g for manganese.
Keywords: minerals, pork, edible offal, indigenous pig
Boja i mramoriranost M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pet čistih rasa svinja odgajanih u Vojvodini
Sensory evaluation of colour and marbling of M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from five purebred pigs produced in Vojvodina (Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire and Pietrain) was performed. Colour was evaluated by the panellists with 6-point colour score cards (1-pale pinkish-gray to white; 6-dark purplish-red). Marbling was evaluated by the panellists with7-point marbling score cards (1-devoid, 6-moderate/10-abundant).The differences in the colour and in the marbling of the SM muscles and of the LTL muscles among the five purebred pigs were not significant (P>0.05). A darker colour was obtained for SM muscles than for LTL muscles for all five purebred pigs, with a significant differences for Durok (P=0.018) and Pietrain (P=0.002). The type of the muscles had no significant effect on marbling (P>0.05). The Vojvodian pork meat showed lighter colour than optimum for pork. According to average marbling scores fat content in pork produced in Vojvodina was less than 2 %.Senzorski kvalitet mesa se smatra jednim od najvažnijih faktora kvaliteta jer utiče na odluku za ponovnu kupovinu od strane potrošača. M. semimembranosus (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) su dva ekonomski najznačajnija mišića na trupu svinja. Boja i mramoriranost su ispitivani na SM i LTL mišićima svinja rasa: Velika Bela (n=118), Landras (n=116), Durok (n=112), Hempšir (n=112) i Pietren (n=121), odgajanih u Vojvodini. Uzorci za određivanje boje i mramoriranosti uzeti su iz centralnog dela svakog mišića (tri odreska), upravno na dužu osu mišića; minimalna debljina uzoraka bila je 2,5 cm. Boja je ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6 (1-bledo-ružičasto-siva do bela; 6-tamno purpurno-crvena). Mramoriranost je ocenjena korišćenjem skale u boji (karti) od 1 do 6 (10) (1-bez mramoriranosti; 6-umerena/10-oblina). Razlike u boji i mramoriranosti mišića SM kao i mišića LTL između pet čistih rasa svinja nisu bile značajne (P>0,05). Tamnija boja mišića SM u odnosu na mišiće LTL utvrđena je kod svih pet čistih rasa svinja, sa značajnom razlikom kod Duroka (P=0,018) i Pietrena (P=0,002). Ukupno, boja mišića SM i LTLje ocenjena prosečnim ocenama 2,48 i 2,19, redom, sa značajnom razlikom (P lt 0,001). Tip mišića nije imao značajan uticaj na mramoriranost (P>0,05). Ukupno, mramoriranost mišića SM i LTL je ocenjena prose;nim ocenama 1,78 i 1,6, redom. Svinjsko meso proizvedeno u Vojvodini ima svetliju boju od optimalne. Na osnovu prosečnih ocena za mramoriranost može se zaključiti da je sadržaj masti u svinjskom mesu proizvedenom u Vojvodini manji od 2%. PR Research was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, project No TR31032. These results are part of the project No 114-451-1016/2014 which is financially supported by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia
Cadmium levels of edible offal from Saanen goat male kids
Concentration of cadmium was investigated in the heart, tongue, lungs, spleen, liver, kidney, testis, brain and thymus of 15 Saanen goat male kids. This element was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), after microwave digestion. The cadmium concentration was significantly influenced by the type of edible offal. Mean cadmium concentrations ranged from 0.018 mg/kg (heart) to 0.114 mg/kg (kidney). The maximum cadmium concentrations found in the kidney (0.133 mg/kg) and liver (0.075 mg/kg) were below maximum levels (1.0 and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively) set by legislation for these tissues
Sadržaj makrominerala u M. semimembranosus i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum pet čistih rasa svinja ogdajanih u Vojvodini
The contents of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium were investigated in the M. semimembranosus (SM) and M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) from Large White, Landrace, Duroc, Hampshire and Pietrain pigs, produced in Vojvodina. Phosphorous was determined by the standard spectrophotometric method. Metals were determined by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry after mineralization of samples by dry ashing. The differences in the content of all investigated macro minerals in the SM muscles and in the LTL muscles among the five purebred pigs were not significant (P>0.05). The type of the muscles had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the macro mineral content, except on P (P=0.011) content for Landrace, and on K (P=0.026) and Mg (P=0.019) content for Large White. The Vojvodian pork showed slightly higher Ca content and slightly lower K content compared with the values found in other countries.Glavni izvori varijabilnosti nutritivnog sastava mesa su velika raznolikost zemljišta i klimatskih uslova (geografska varijabilnost), sezona, fiziološko stanje i starost životinje, kao i vrsta i rasa. U komercijalnoj proizvodnji mesa u Vojvodini dominantno se koristi pet čistih rasa svinja (Velika Bela, Landras, Durok, Hempšir i Pietren) i njihovi hibridi. Nutritivni faktori kvaliteta mesa uključuju: proteine i njihov sastav, masti i njihov sastav, vitamine, minerale, iskorišćenje, svarljivost i biološku vrednost. Minerali su obično podeljeni u dve grupe - makrominerali (kalcijum, magnezijum, fosfor, kalijum, natrijum, sumpor) i mikrominerali (hrom, kobalt, bakar, jod, gvožđe, mangan, molibden, selen, zink). M. semimembranosus (SM) i M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) su dva ekonomski najznačajnija mišića na trupu svinja. Sadržaj fosfora, kalijuma, natrijuma, magnezijuma i kalcijuma je ispitan u SM i LTL mišićima svinja Velika Bela, Landras, Durok, Hempšir i Pietren, koje su odgajane u Vojvodini. Fosfor je određen standardnom spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Metali su određeni plamenom atomskom apsorpcionom spektrometrijom nakon suvog spaljivanja uzoraka. Razlike u sadržajima svih ispitanih makrominerala u mišićima SM kao i u mišićima LTL između pet čistih rasa svinja nisu bile značajne (P>0,05). Tip mišića nema značajan (P>0,05) uticaj na sadržaj makrominerala, osim na sadržaj P (P=0,011) kod svinja rase Landras i na sadržaj K (P=0,026) i Mg (P=0,019) kod svinja rase Velika Bela. Svinjsko meso proizvedeno u Vojvodini pokazuje nešto veći sadržaj Ca i nešto manji sadržaj K u poređenju sa sadržajima utvrđenim u drugim zemljama
Cadmium in liver and kidneys of domestic Balkan and Alpine dairy goat breeds from Montenegro and Serbia
Concentrations of cadmium (Cd) were determined in the samples of 144 animals around 1 and of 144 animals around 4years old. Cd was analysed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), after microwave digestion. Cd concentrations were higher (p lt 0.05) in kidney than in liver and higher (p lt 0.05) in older animals than in young ones. In domestic Balkan goat which was raised in a free-ranged system Cd accumulation was lower (p lt 0.05) than in Alpine goat raised in an intensive production system. Geographic region did influence Cd accumulation only in older animals. Higher Cd levels (p lt 0.05) were determined in goats from Serbia. The highest obtained Cd concentrations in both tissues were lower than maximum levels set by European and national legislation for ruminants (cattle and sheep).This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Tomović, V.; Jokanović, M.; Tomović, M.; Lazović, M.; Šojić, B.; Škaljac, S.; Ivić, M.; Kocić-Tanackov, S.; Tomašević, I.; Martinović, A. Cadmium in Liver and Kidneys of Domestic Balkan and Alpine Dairy Goat Breeds from Montenegro and Serbia. Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance 2017, 10 (2), 137–142. https://doi.org/10.1080/19393210.2017.1282987
This review article presents various aspects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) found in smoked animal-derived foods. The article covers PAHs and smoking methods, their levels and origins, regulatory aspects, existing knowledge gaps, as well as their impact on human health and future prospects concerning smoked animal-derived foods from the Republic of Serbia. Given our tradition and the widespread appreciation for smoked meat among consumers, producers are increasingly incorporating smoking into the production process of various animal and non-animal food products to encourage consumption diversification. Over the past ten years, our research has included smoking in traditional and industrial conditions. So far, we have examined the presence of PAHs in meat products, fish products and honey. Research on PAHs in grilled and smoked cheese is underway, after which we the results of the presence of PAH compounds in all types of smoked animal origin food will be available. Our findings revealed the presence of PAHs in the majority of studies conducted in the Republic of Serbia. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain continuous monitoring of their levels. Additionally, there is a need to develop models and implement solutions aimed at reducing PAHs in animal-derived foods intended for human consumption
Microbiological parameters and sensory characteristics of sliced meat products packaged in modified atmosphere throughout the shelf life
Demand for food, such as ready to eat food which is easy to consume with as long as possible
shelf life, has continuously increased due to the modernization and growth of the human population.
Sliced meat products that were normally packed and placed on the market in vacuum
packaging, were packed in MAP with the aim of extending the shelf life. The research objective
of this study was to determine the microbiological parameters and sensory characteristics
of 6 sliced meat products packaged in modified atmosphere (smoked pork loin with added
water, Budim sausage, Kamendin pancetta, Smoked pork neck with added water, Kulen,
Ham for pizza with added water) during the expected shelf life. This study included sensory
analysis and microbiological parameters (Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacteriaceae and
total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms). All samples of sliced meat products packaged in
modified atmosphere had satisfactory microbiological and sensory characteristics during the
expected shelf life which ranged from 30 to 90 days