176 research outputs found

    EFL Learners' Attitudes towards Native-like Proficiency as an Achievement Target

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    The most appropriate models for teaching English have always been a point of interest in the SLA and EFL fields. In recent decades due to globalization, the standard model based on native speaker norms has been challenged by alternative models that do not rely on English spoken by native speakers. Therefore, this thesis set out to investigate whether Croatian secondary school EFL learners still aspire to emulate native speaker norms. In order to elicit their attitudes towards native-like proficiency as an achievement target, and see if there are attitudinal differences based on age, a questionnaire was administered to 68 secondary school EFL learners (23 freshmen and 45 juniors). The gathered data was analyzed by the means of SPSS. Participantsā€™ responses showed a strong inclination towards attaining native-like proficiency, which suggests that the standard model of teaching English based on native speaker norms still has a looming presence in Croatian EFL classrooms

    Mehanizam djelovanja toksina difterije i kolere

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    Bakterijski toksini važni su čimbenici virulencije mnogih mikroorganizama i sam koncept da bakterijski toksini uzrokuju bolesti izuzetno je važan u razumijevanju i kontroli infektivnih bolesti. Najveću skupinu egzotoksina čine toksini AB koji pokazuju dvokomponentnu strukturu, s tim da podjedinica A (od engl. active) posjeduje bioloÅ”ku (toksičnu) aktivnost dok podjedinica B (od engl. binding) posreduje vezanje na specifične receptore na membrani stanice. Kako bi toksin AB doÅ”ao do ciljne unutarstanične mete mora proći kroz staničnu membranu, jedan od načina je da toksin AB, nakon vezanja na specifični receptor na membrani stanice, pomoću endocitoze uđe u stanicu. Primjer takvog toksina je toksin difterije. Drugačiji način ulaska u stanicu koristi primjerice toksin kolere, ovaj toksin ovisi o retrogradnom transportu kako bi doÅ”ao do endoplazmatskog retikuluma, a nakon toga slijedi translokacija u citosol. Iako toksini kolere i difterije upotrebljavaju različite načine internalizacije u stanicu, zajednički im je način djelovanja na unutarstaničnu metu. Aktivni fragmenti obaju toksina imaju ADP-ribozilacijsku aktivnost. Međutim, osim Å”to su bakterijski toksini uzročnici mnogobrojnih bolesti, u zadnje su vrijeme poznati kao patogeni agensi s pozitivnim primjenama kao Å”to su proučavanje mehanizma bolesti, ali i mehanizama nekih dosad neistraženih, staničnih procesa. Upotrebljavaju se i u razvoju lijekova, sintezi cjepiva i antibiotika

    Rimska uprava u Dalmaciji i Panoniji

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    Ovo je ulomak iz autorove "Povijesti hrvatskoga naroda" Detaljan prikaz rimske uprave u Dalmaciji i Panonij

    A Novel Real Time PCR Method for the Detection and Quantification of Didymella pinodella in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Plant Hosts

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    Didymella pinodella is the major pathogen of the pea root rot complex in Europe. This wide host range pathogen often asymptomatically colonizes its hosts, making the control strategies challenging. We developed a real-time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of D. pinodella based on the TEF-1 alpha gene sequence alignments. The assay was tested for specificity on a 54- isolate panel representing 35 fungal species and further validated in symptomatic and asymptomatic pea and wheat roots from greenhouse tests. The assay was highly consistent across separate qPCR reactions and had a quantification/detection limit of 3.1 pg of target DNA per reaction in plant tissue. Cross-reactions were observed with DNA extracts of five Didymella species. The risk of cross contamination, however, is low as the non-targets have not been associated with pea previously and they were amplified with at least 1000-fold lower sensitivity. Greenhouse inoculation tests revealed a high correlation between the pathogen DNA quantities in pea roots and pea root rot severity and biomass reduction. The assay also detected D. pinodella in asymptomatic wheat roots, which, despite the absence of visible root rot symptoms, caused wheat biomass reduction. This study provides new insights into the complex life style of D. pinodella and can assist in better understanding the pathogen survival and spread in the environament.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of the business environment on the microeconomic competitiveness of the dairy industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    In this paper, the authors explore the impact of the business environment on the microeconomic competitiveness of companies in the dairy industry sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The business environment in which these enterprises operate may be a motivating force or, on the other hand, a limiting factor of their progress. The study examines the variables of the business environment and the variables of the microeconomic competitiveness and their interconnection. The results of the empirical research confirm the earlier findings and results of similar research on the unfavorable business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Complete statistical data processing was done on a sample of 26 enterprises (84% of the total population) operating in that sector, by the method of correlation analysis and multiple linear regression. In that sense, the influence of movement, tax rate, the number of procedures for the establishment of the company, the time of export, the time of import, and the number of procedures for obtaining building permits were examined as indicators of an independent variable, on the movement of microeconomic competitiveness as a dependent variable by means of the multiple regression analysis. For this purpose, one central and three working hypotheses, as well as 3 linear regression models, are set up, which will help in deciding or rejecting the set hypotheses

    Fusarium avenaceum - FuƟ- und Wurzelkrankheitserreger der Erbse

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    Root and foot rot is economically important disease of peas and is caused by complex of more than 20 different species of soil-borne pathogens. In recent years in Germany, Fusarium avenaceum is emerging as important and devastating pathogen and it is together with several other species, including F. solani, F. oxysporum, F. redolens and Phoma medicaginis among the casual agents of the disease that is commonly referred to as pea root rot complex. In 2012, after severe black frost in February that caused failure of the pea crop, F. avenaceum was isolated in high percentage, 42% of assessed roots. All of tested F. avenaceum isolates caused moderate to severe disease symptoms on pea variety Santana. All of composts as well as endophytic F. equisety isolates were able to suppress the root rot disease caused by the F. avenaceum. The suppressive effect of composts was lost after -irradiation
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