29 research outputs found

    A Sensitivity Model and Repeatability of Recipe Colour

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    The paper briefly describes a mathematical model of the colorant mixture colour sensitivity to concentration errors and the numerical estimates of the related quantities. Features of the theoretical model are illustrated with the results of a number of numerical experiments in which the optical data of a few basic dyes applied to textile fabric were used to predict the sensitivities of recipes for sets of target colours spaced regularly in the colour solid. The rest of the article deals with the question whether the predicted values of recipe colour sensitivity provide useful information about the repeatability of recipe colour. The results of a few groups of laboratory experiments involving the textile fabric dyeing with basic dyes have been analyzed with this question in mind

    Least Metameric Recipe Formulation

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    The paper describes a variant of multi-illuminant strategy of colour match prediction calculation for the cases of CMC(l:c) and CIE94 colour differences. This strategy tries to minimize the colour differences (against a given standard) under several different illuminants. In case when a given standard, using the usual single-illuminant matching strategy, can not be matched non-metamerically by the colorants available, the multi-illuminant matching strategy tries to produce a more acceptable match by balancing the colour differences under several different illuminants. The theoretical concepts are illustrated by the colorimetric data of the corresponding laboratory samples produced by either strategy. The multi-illuminant-strategy regularly produced lower metamerism than the single-illuminant strategy did

    Least Metameric Recipe Formulation

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    The paper describes a variant of multi-illuminant strategy of colour match prediction calculation for the cases of CMC(l:c) and CIE94 colour differences. This strategy tries to minimize the colour differences (against a given standard) under several different illuminants. In case when a given standard, using the usual single-illuminant matching strategy, can not be matched non-metamerically by the colorants available, the multi-illuminant matching strategy tries to produce a more acceptable match by balancing the colour differences under several different illuminants. The theoretical concepts are illustrated by the colorimetric data of the corresponding laboratory samples produced by either strategy. The multi-illuminant-strategy regularly produced lower metamerism than the single-illuminant strategy did

    A Sensitivity Model and Repeatability of Recipe Colour

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    The paper briefly describes a mathematical model of the colorant mixture colour sensitivity to concentration errors and the numerical estimates of the related quantities. Features of the theoretical model are illustrated with the results of a number of numerical experiments in which the optical data of a few basic dyes applied to textile fabric were used to predict the sensitivities of recipes for sets of target colours spaced regularly in the colour solid. The rest of the article deals with the question whether the predicted values of recipe colour sensitivity provide useful information about the repeatability of recipe colour. The results of a few groups of laboratory experiments involving the textile fabric dyeing with basic dyes have been analyzed with this question in mind

    Cotton/polyester textiles as a possible source for viscose and cupro fibers production

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    Tekstilna industrija suočena je s različitim vrstama otpada. S obzirom na ovu činjenicu, za potrebe izrade viskoznih i bakarnih vlakana u laboratorijskim uvjetima korišteni su otpadni ručnici izrađeni od 100 % pamuka i otpadne košulje izrađene od mješavine pamuka i poliestera u omjeru 60:40 %. Na taj način procijenjena je mogućnost iskorištavanja tekstilnog otpada od pamuka i mješavina pamuk/PES za proizvodnju regeneriranih celuloznih vlakna. Spravljanje viskoznih vlakana u laboratorijskim uvjetima, a uz odabranu viskoznost otopine za ispredenje bilo je moguće čak i ako je ulazna sirovina otpadna košulja od mješavine pamuk/PES, što nije bio slučaj kod izrade bakarnih vlakana.The textile industry is confronted with several types of waste. Regarding this problem, waste towels made of 100 % cotton and waste shirts made of 60:40 % cotton/PES way the possibility of converting cotton and cotton-polyester blends waste into regenerated fibers was estimated. Preparation of viscose under laboratory conditions at the selected viscosity of the spinning solution was possible even if the input raw material was cotton shirts in combination with polyester which is not the case with cupro

    Cotton/polyester textiles as a possible source for viscose and cupro fibers production

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    Tekstilna industrija suočena je s različitim vrstama otpada. S obzirom na ovu činjenicu, za potrebe izrade viskoznih i bakarnih vlakana u laboratorijskim uvjetima korišteni su otpadni ručnici izrađeni od 100 % pamuka i otpadne košulje izrađene od mješavine pamuka i poliestera u omjeru 60:40 %. Na taj način procijenjena je mogućnost iskorištavanja tekstilnog otpada od pamuka i mješavina pamuk/PES za proizvodnju regeneriranih celuloznih vlakna. Spravljanje viskoznih vlakana u laboratorijskim uvjetima, a uz odabranu viskoznost otopine za ispredenje bilo je moguće čak i ako je ulazna sirovina otpadna košulja od mješavine pamuk/PES, što nije bio slučaj kod izrade bakarnih vlakana.The textile industry is confronted with several types of waste. Regarding this problem, waste towels made of 100 % cotton and waste shirts made of 60:40 % cotton/PES way the possibility of converting cotton and cotton-polyester blends waste into regenerated fibers was estimated. Preparation of viscose under laboratory conditions at the selected viscosity of the spinning solution was possible even if the input raw material was cotton shirts in combination with polyester which is not the case with cupro

    Application of Spectrophotometric Methods in Assessing the Influence of Alkaline Treatment on the Degree of Crosslinking of Cotton Cellulose with BTCA

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    Polycarboxylic acids appear to be the most promising nonformaldehyde crosslinking agents to replace the traditional, mostly formaldehyde-based, compounds. The most effective among these acids is 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA). In this study, a comparison was made of the crosslinking effect on mercerized and on unmercerized as well as with different BTCA mass fractions crosslinked cotton fibres using FT-IR spectroscopy, the methylene blue method and water retention determination. The main purpose of the research was to evaluate how the structural changes of mercerized cotton (transformation of cellulose I into cellulose II) influence the crosslinking of cellulose fibres

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Formulacija receptura s najmanjom metamerijom

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    The paper describes a variant of multi-illuminant strategy of colour match prediction calculation for the cases of CMC (l:c) and CIE94 colour differences. This strategy tries to minimize the colour differences (against a given standard) under several different illuminants. In case when a given standard, using the usual single-illuminant matching strategy, can not be matched non-metamerically by the colorants available, the multi-illuminant matching strategy tries to produce a more acceptable match by balancing the colour differences under several different illuminants. The theoretical concepts are illustrated by the colorimetric data of the corresponding laboratory samples produced by either strategy. The multi-illuminant-strategy regularly produced lower metamerism than the single-illuminant strategy did.Opisana je inačica »višesvjetlosne« strategije za predviđanje receptura za bojanje uz pretpostavku da su razlike u boji opisane s tzv. CMC (l:c) i CIE 94 jednadžbama. Ova strategija pokušava za različita osvjetljenja istovremeno smanjiti razlike u boji u odnosu na zadani standard. U slučajevima kada se raspoloživa bojila primjenom »jednosvjetlosne« strategije ne daju nemetamerijski složiti u recepturu usporedivu sa zadanim standardom, »višesvjetlosna« strategija, uravnoteživanjem razlika u boji pod različitim osvjetljenjima, nudi prihvatljivu formulaciju. Obje su strategije objašnjene i ilustrirane s kolorimetrijskim podacima niza laboratorijskih uzoraka, pri čemu je pokazano da »višesvjetlosna« strategija u pravilu daje manje metamerijske recepture

    Study of crosslinking efficiency of cotton cellulose by different physical-chemical methods and genetic programming

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    We have investigated the crosslinking effect of unmercerized and mercerized cotton celluose crosslinked with different BTCA mass fractions in the impregnation bath. Crosslinking efficiency was analyzed using FT-IR spectroscopy, water retention capacity method, tensiometry and the methylene blue method. On the basis of the experimental data which was obtained with theseparate physical-chemical methods, different prediction models for crosslinking efficiency was developed. Modelling was taken out with the genetic programming method. Research shows good accordance of the experimentaldata with the genetic models