14 research outputs found

    Perceptions toward cycling in Zagreb area: differences concerning age, gender and membership in the association “Trade union of cyclists”

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    Prometovanje biciklom danas predstavlja raširen oblik prometovanja, ali uvjeti za vožnju bicikla u Zagrebu, premda unaprijeđeni, još uvijek nisu zadovoljavajući. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi rodne razlike, kao i razlike u percepcijama članova udruge Sindikat biciklista s »tipičnim« zagrebačkim biciklistima, po pitanju različitih čimbenika vezanih uz problematiku vožnje bicikla u Zagrebu. Ispitana je povezanost istih percepcija s dobi sudionika. Ispitano je preko 3.000 članova Udruge i biciklista koji nisu članovi Udruge (»tipični« biciklisti), primjenom prigodno sastavljenog upitnika. Rezultati su pokazali da članovi udruge Sindikat biciklista u prosjeku češće voze bicikl u odnosu na tipične bicikliste u različite svrhe, više su motivirani za češću i sigurniju vožnju bicikla u gradskim uvjetima, u većoj mjeri percipiraju barijere biciklističkog prometovanja, imali su više prometnih nezgoda raznih vrsta te uočavaju nedostatke aktualnih rješenja koje nudi Grad Zagreb. Slične trendove prosječnih rezultata pokazuju i tipični biciklisti i članovi Udruge. Rodne razlike ukazuju na trend rjeđeg korištenja bicikla kod žena, u odnosu na muškarce, što može biti uvjetovano percipiranom (ne)sigurnošću biciklističkog prometovanja Zagrebom. Povezanost varijabli vezanih uz biciklistički promet s kronološkom dobi sudionika (uz samo jedan izuzetak) nije statistički značajna, što je protumačeno većinskim udjelom mlađih sudionika. Dobiveni rezultati indiciraju potrebu poduzimanja konstruktivnih društvenih akcija za poboljšanje uvjeta za vožnju bicikla u Zagrebu i njegovim prigradskim naseljima.Bicycle riding today is a widespread form of traffic, but the conditions for cycling in Zagreb, although improved, are still not satisfactory. The aim of this study was to determine gender differences along with differences in the perceptions of members of the association of Cyclists trade union with a “typical” Zagreb cyclist, in terms of various factors relating to the problems of cycling in Zagreb. The correlation between these perceptions and the age of the participants was studied. Over 3000 members of the association as well as cyclists who are not members of the association (“typical” cyclist) were interviewed using conveniently assembled questionnaire. Results show that the members of the association bicycle on average more often and for various purposes compared to typical cyclists and are more motivated for more frequent and safer cycling in urban conditions, perceive more barriers to cycling, have more accidents of various types and see disadvantages of the current solutions offered by the City of Zagreb as more serious. Both the typical cyclists and the members of the association show similar trends in average results. Gender differences indicate the trend of rarer use of bicycles for women, as compared to men, which can be influenced by perceived (un)certainty of the bicycle traffic in Zagreb. The relationship between variables related to cycling with chronological age of the participants (with only one exception) was not found to be statistically significant, which is most likely due to the fact that a majority share of the participants are of a younger age. The results obtained in this study indicate a need for taking constructive social action to improve conditions for cycling in Zagreb and suburban areas

    Maternal Genetic Legacy of the Eastern Adriatic Island of Krk – an Interplay of Evolutionary Forces and Island’s Historical Events in Shaping the Genetic Structure of Contemporary Island Population

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    This study presents genetic diversity and structure of contemporary Krk islanders revealed by high-resolution mitochondrial DNA analysis on a sample of 132 unrelated autochthonous adults from seven different settlements and regions of the island. Relatively high level of haplogroup and haplotype diversity in the overall island sample is an indicator of numerous migrations and gene flows throughout the history. Expectedly, the results show the highest frequency of haplogroup H (33.3%), yet this value is much lower compared to different Croatian and other European mainland populations. An interesting finding refers to highly elevated frequencies of some haplogroups, otherwise rare in Croatia and most of the Europe, such as I (11.3%) and W (7.6%) in Krk population, especially pronounced in some settlements. At the level of settlements, many of the major European haplogroups were found to be absent from their mtDNA gene pools, whereas several others show a pronounced deviation from an average. Overall, our results suggest a tangled interplay of different evolutionary forces, such as founder effects and a few strong bottlenecks, presumably due to epidemics, which have occurred in various periods of the island’s history. Cultural customs, such as frequent endogamy in some regions of the island during past centuries, have additionally shaped its genetic structure into the observed present-day diversity patterns

    Maternal Genetic Legacy of the Eastern Adriatic Island of Krk – an Interplay of Evolutionary Forces and Island’s Historical Events in Shaping the Genetic Structure of Contemporary Island Population

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    This study presents genetic diversity and structure of contemporary Krk islanders revealed by high-resolution mitochondrial DNA analysis on a sample of 132 unrelated autochthonous adults from seven different settlements and regions of the island. Relatively high level of haplogroup and haplotype diversity in the overall island sample is an indicator of numerous migrations and gene flows throughout the history. Expectedly, the results show the highest frequency of haplogroup H (33.3%), yet this value is much lower compared to different Croatian and other European mainland populations. An interesting finding refers to highly elevated frequencies of some haplogroups, otherwise rare in Croatia and most of the Europe, such as I (11.3%) and W (7.6%) in Krk population, especially pronounced in some settlements. At the level of settlements, many of the major European haplogroups were found to be absent from their mtDNA gene pools, whereas several others show a pronounced deviation from an average. Overall, our results suggest a tangled interplay of different evolutionary forces, such as founder effects and a few strong bottlenecks, presumably due to epidemics, which have occurred in various periods of the island’s history. Cultural customs, such as frequent endogamy in some regions of the island during past centuries, have additionally shaped its genetic structure into the observed present-day diversity patterns

    Fish and Shellfish Intake and Diabetes in a Costal Population of the Adriatic

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    Objective: To examine the association between fish and shellfish intake and diabetes in an island population. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Two independent population-based field surveys conducted in Hvar Island of the eastern Adriatic coast of Croatia in May 2007 and May 2008. Subjects: A total of 1,379 adults participated. Results: In multivariable logistic regression models, total fish intake was positively associated with diabetes prevalence in the total population (OR Q4 vs Q1 = 1.64; 95% CI = 1.01-2.66; p-trend = 0.09). Oily fish intake also exhibited a positive association with diabetes prevalence in the total population (OR Q4 vs Q1 = 2.22; 95% CI = 1.35-3.64; p-trend = 0.01) and in analyses stratified by body mass index, males and those with a high waist circumference. Conclusions: The study suggests an association between oily fish intake and diabetes in the population of the Hvar Island in Croatia. Longitudinal studies incorporating measures of persistent organic pollutants and local cooking practices are warranted to identify factors in fatty fish that may influence the development or persistence of diabetes

    Lokalno liječenje moždanih metastaza raka dojke

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    Breast cancer, along with lung cancer and melanoma, is one of the most common origins of central nervous system metastases. Due to improvement of systemic therapy options for primary disease and consequential prolonged survival, treatment of brain metastasis (BM) is presenting an evolving challenge. While new systemic therapy approaches for breast cancer brain metastasis are focusing on overcoming the blood brain and blood tumor barrier, as well as targeted therapies, local therapy remains the primary line of treatment. The decision of which local therapies to use, depends upon the number and volume of BM, their localization, patient’s clinical status, previously used treatments, status of extracranial disease and patient’s prognosis. In cases when an active approach, including surgery and/or radiotherapy, does not bring benefit to the patient’s quality of life or overall survival, best supportive care is recommended.Rak dojke, uz tumore pluća te melanom, najčešći je tumor koji metastazira u središnji živčani sustav. Uslijed razvitka sistemske terapije primarne bolesti, i posljedičnog produljenog preživljenja bolesnika, liječenje moždanih metastaza predstavlja sve veći izazov. Dok se novi pristupi sistemskoj terapiji moždanih presadnica tumora dojke fokusiraju na savladavanje prepreke krvno-moždane i krvno-tumorske barijere te na ciljanu terapiju, lokalna terapija ostaje primarna linija liječenja. Odluka o izboru metode liječenja ovisi o broju i volumenu moždanih presadnica, njihovoj lokalizaciji, kliničkom statusu bolesnika, prethodno korištenim metodama liječenja, stadiju uznapredovalosti osnovne bolesti te prognozi bolesnika. U slučajevima kada aktivni pristup liječenju, koji uključuje operaciju i/ili radioterapiju, ne pridonosi kvaliteti života ili ukupnom preživljenju bolesnika, preporuča se najbolja potporna njega

    Fish and Shellfish Intake and Diabetes in a Costal Population of the Adriatic

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    Objective: To examine the association between fish and shellfish intake and diabetes in an island population. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Two independent population-based field surveys conducted in Hvar Island of the eastern Adriatic coast of Croatia in May 2007 and May 2008. Subjects: A total of 1,379 adults participated. Results: In multivariable logistic regression models, total fish intake was positively associated with diabetes prevalence in the total population (OR Q4 vs Q1 = 1.64; 95% CI = 1.01-2.66; p-trend = 0.09). Oily fish intake also exhibited a positive association with diabetes prevalence in the total population (OR Q4 vs Q1 = 2.22; 95% CI = 1.35-3.64; p-trend = 0.01) and in analyses stratified by body mass index, males and those with a high waist circumference. Conclusions: The study suggests an association between oily fish intake and diabetes in the population of the Hvar Island in Croatia. Longitudinal studies incorporating measures of persistent organic pollutants and local cooking practices are warranted to identify factors in fatty fish that may influence the development or persistence of diabetes

    Origin and spread of human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U7

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    Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U is among the initial maternal founders in Southwest Asia and Europe and one that best indicates matrilineal genetic continuity between late Pleistocene hunter-gatherer groups and present-day populations of Europe. While most haplogroup U subclades are older than 30 thousand years, the comparatively recent coalescence time of the extant variation of haplogroup U7 (~16–19 thousand years ago) suggests that its current distribution is the consequence of more recent dispersal events, despite its wide geographical range across Europe, the Near East and South Asia. Here we report 267 new U7 mitogenomes that – analysed alongside 100 published ones – enable us to discern at least two distinct temporal phases of dispersal, both of which most likely emanated from the Near East. The earlier one began prior to the Holocene (~11.5 thousand years ago) towards South Asia, while the later dispersal took place more recently towards Mediterranean Europe during the Neolithic (~8 thousand years ago). These findings imply that the carriers of haplogroup U7 spread to South Asia and Europe before the suggested Bronze Age expansion of Indo-European languages from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe region

    Analysis of Water Regime and Turbidity of Rakonek Spring

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    Ovaj rad sadrži opis postrojenja i razvoja krškog izvora Rakonek kao izuzetno važnog resursa za potrebe vodoopskrbe južne Istre kojega koristi Vodovod Pula. S obzirom na vezu izvora sa slivom rijeke ponornice Pazinčice u središnjoj Istri iznesene su i osnovne značajke cjelokupnog područja te njihove međusobne povezanosti. Uz sistematizaciju i objedinjavanje raspoloživih registriranih podataka izvršena je hidrološka analiza vodnog režima i analiza pojava zamućenja izvorišnih voda s ciljem uočavanja korisnih informacija te dobivanja podataka i podloga za ocjenu i prognoziranje kritičnih stanja. Pri analizi hidroloških podataka obuhvaćeno je dvadeset petogodišnje razdoblje iz kojega su izvučeni osnovni statistički parametri, karakteristične vrijednosti i situacije te analize učestalosti, trajnosti i vjerojatnosti pojave. Tako je dan pregled oborinskog režima, vodostaja te crpljenih, preljevnih i ukupnih protoka na izvoru. Metodološki prikaz i rezultati analiza vodnog režima i mutnoća, osim što se temelje na osnovnoj statističkoj obradi podataka, zbog složenosti međuodnosa hidroloških pojava uključuju i metode dubinske analize podataka primjenom umjetne inteligencije. Razjašnjeni su osnovni koraci pri korištenju Weka sustava za strojno učenje primjenjujući ga istovremeno u svrhu identifikacije pojava mutnoća na izvoru. Rangiranjem atributa utvrđeni su najznačajniji i njihov utjecaj na mutnoću, a s obzirom da su se na taj način eliminirali atributi beznačajnog utjecaja rangiranje je ujedno doprinijelo kvaliteti modela. Pritom su korištena dva klasifikatora: regresijska stabla odlučivanja i višeslojne neuronske mreže te se promatrala njihova prilagodba registriranim vrijednostima. Modeliranje je provedeno kroz dvije faze: treniranjem na nizu podataka za učenje i verifikacijom modela na nezavisnom nizu podataka. Verifikacija je provedena na način da model trenira na većem dijelu niza nezavisnih podataka, a zatim rezultate prilagodbe testira na preostalim podacima. Time su dobiveni analitički pokazatelji i grafički prikazi za interpretaciju. S obzirom da je odabrani model dobiven klasifikatorom regresijskog stabla odlučivanja sustav omogućava i njegovu grafičku vizualizaciju. Rezultati prognoziranja povećanih mutnoća iskazani su u postocima niza podataka za testiranje, a prilagodba na istim prikazana je linijskim grafikonima.This paper describes a plant complex and development of the karst spring Rakonek as an important resource for water delivery of south Istria which is used by Vodovod Pula. Considering the connection of the spring with the basin of undercurrents of river Pazinčica in central Istria, general features of the entire area have been laid out and their interconnection. Along with systematization and consolidation of available registered data, a hydrological analysis of the water regime has been done and after that an analysis of the turbidity of the spring waters with the useful insight in mind and getting the necessary data for evaluation and prognosis of critical states. In the analysis of the data a twenty-fiveyear span has been taken into account from which basic statistical parameters, characteristically values and situations have been drawn along with analysis of frequency, durability and probability. In such a manner a summary of rainfall regime and water level along with amount of drawn, overflow and total water flow on the spring. Methodological representation and results of the analysis of the water regime and turbidity, besides being founded on basic statistical analysis, include methods of deep data analysis with the application of artificial intelligence. Basic steps needed for understanding the Weka system for machine learning have also been laid out with the immediate application in order to identify the appearance of turbidity on the spring. The attributes have been ranked on importance order and their influence on the turbidity, and considering the ordering of the attributes we could immediately remove those attributes that have no or little significance which contributed to the model accuracy and overall quality. Two classificators have been used: regression decision tree and multilayered neuron nets. We have observed their adaptability to the registered values. Modeling has been carried out in two phases: training on the learning data and verification of the model on an independent data sequence. Verification was carried out in such a way that model trained on a larger part of independent data and then tested the results on the rest. Analytical indicators and graphical models needed for interpretation were obtained in such a way. Considering that the chosen model has been obtained with the regression decision tree classificator the system allows for its graphical visualization. The results of the prognosis of the increased turbidity are displayed in percentage of the test data sequences, and the adaptability of the aforementioned is displayed with line graphs

    Analysis of Water Regime and Turbidity of Rakonek Spring

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    Ovaj rad sadrži opis postrojenja i razvoja krškog izvora Rakonek kao izuzetno važnog resursa za potrebe vodoopskrbe južne Istre kojega koristi Vodovod Pula. S obzirom na vezu izvora sa slivom rijeke ponornice Pazinčice u središnjoj Istri iznesene su i osnovne značajke cjelokupnog područja te njihove međusobne povezanosti. Uz sistematizaciju i objedinjavanje raspoloživih registriranih podataka izvršena je hidrološka analiza vodnog režima i analiza pojava zamućenja izvorišnih voda s ciljem uočavanja korisnih informacija te dobivanja podataka i podloga za ocjenu i prognoziranje kritičnih stanja. Pri analizi hidroloških podataka obuhvaćeno je dvadeset petogodišnje razdoblje iz kojega su izvučeni osnovni statistički parametri, karakteristične vrijednosti i situacije te analize učestalosti, trajnosti i vjerojatnosti pojave. Tako je dan pregled oborinskog režima, vodostaja te crpljenih, preljevnih i ukupnih protoka na izvoru. Metodološki prikaz i rezultati analiza vodnog režima i mutnoća, osim što se temelje na osnovnoj statističkoj obradi podataka, zbog složenosti međuodnosa hidroloških pojava uključuju i metode dubinske analize podataka primjenom umjetne inteligencije. Razjašnjeni su osnovni koraci pri korištenju Weka sustava za strojno učenje primjenjujući ga istovremeno u svrhu identifikacije pojava mutnoća na izvoru. Rangiranjem atributa utvrđeni su najznačajniji i njihov utjecaj na mutnoću, a s obzirom da su se na taj način eliminirali atributi beznačajnog utjecaja rangiranje je ujedno doprinijelo kvaliteti modela. Pritom su korištena dva klasifikatora: regresijska stabla odlučivanja i višeslojne neuronske mreže te se promatrala njihova prilagodba registriranim vrijednostima. Modeliranje je provedeno kroz dvije faze: treniranjem na nizu podataka za učenje i verifikacijom modela na nezavisnom nizu podataka. Verifikacija je provedena na način da model trenira na većem dijelu niza nezavisnih podataka, a zatim rezultate prilagodbe testira na preostalim podacima. Time su dobiveni analitički pokazatelji i grafički prikazi za interpretaciju. S obzirom da je odabrani model dobiven klasifikatorom regresijskog stabla odlučivanja sustav omogućava i njegovu grafičku vizualizaciju. Rezultati prognoziranja povećanih mutnoća iskazani su u postocima niza podataka za testiranje, a prilagodba na istim prikazana je linijskim grafikonima.This paper describes a plant complex and development of the karst spring Rakonek as an important resource for water delivery of south Istria which is used by Vodovod Pula. Considering the connection of the spring with the basin of undercurrents of river Pazinčica in central Istria, general features of the entire area have been laid out and their interconnection. Along with systematization and consolidation of available registered data, a hydrological analysis of the water regime has been done and after that an analysis of the turbidity of the spring waters with the useful insight in mind and getting the necessary data for evaluation and prognosis of critical states. In the analysis of the data a twenty-fiveyear span has been taken into account from which basic statistical parameters, characteristically values and situations have been drawn along with analysis of frequency, durability and probability. In such a manner a summary of rainfall regime and water level along with amount of drawn, overflow and total water flow on the spring. Methodological representation and results of the analysis of the water regime and turbidity, besides being founded on basic statistical analysis, include methods of deep data analysis with the application of artificial intelligence. Basic steps needed for understanding the Weka system for machine learning have also been laid out with the immediate application in order to identify the appearance of turbidity on the spring. The attributes have been ranked on importance order and their influence on the turbidity, and considering the ordering of the attributes we could immediately remove those attributes that have no or little significance which contributed to the model accuracy and overall quality. Two classificators have been used: regression decision tree and multilayered neuron nets. We have observed their adaptability to the registered values. Modeling has been carried out in two phases: training on the learning data and verification of the model on an independent data sequence. Verification was carried out in such a way that model trained on a larger part of independent data and then tested the results on the rest. Analytical indicators and graphical models needed for interpretation were obtained in such a way. Considering that the chosen model has been obtained with the regression decision tree classificator the system allows for its graphical visualization. The results of the prognosis of the increased turbidity are displayed in percentage of the test data sequences, and the adaptability of the aforementioned is displayed with line graphs

    Metabolic Syndrome among the Inhabitants of the Island of Cres

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    Metabolic syndrome presents a significant public health problem today, in Croatia as well as the rest of the world, considering the fact that the World Health Organization classifies its diagnostic criteria, such as high blood pressure and obesity, among ten major risk factors for health. The research of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the inhabitants of the island of Cres included a total of 385 adult subjects, 249 women and 136 men. The incidence of metabolic syndrome in two subpopulations of the inhabitants: the inhabitants of the town of Cres (urban population) and the inhabitants of other settlements (rural population), was analysed. The incidence of metabolic syndrome among the inhabitants of the island of Cres was determined according to definitions of the WHO (World Health Organization) and the NCEP-ATP III program (National Cholesterol Education Program – Third Adult Treatment Panel III). It was established that the overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome on the island of Cres was 14% according to the WHO definition (20.6% in men and 10.4% in women) and 24.9% according to the NCEP-ATP III definition (33.1% in men and 20.5% in women). The study also showed that the prevalence of risk factors for developing metabolic syndrome and complex diseases was much higher among the subjects from other settlements than among the subjects from the town of Cres, a consequence of age and a lifestyle with lack of physical activity