29 research outputs found


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    Dignity has different dimensions and features; it ā€˜belongsā€™ to philosophy, sociology, psychology and law, but it is also closely related to science, in particular medicine and biology. Respect for human dignity is a supreme, overarching principle of human rights law. Even though dignity is not defined in international law, its place, contents and power become clear in the process of human rights implementation. Dignity, like human rights, is inherent and belongs to each and every human being. Human dignity principle is affirmed in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights of 1948 and subsequently in other human rights treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child, where dignity appears both in the preamble and in several articles. The main question is how relevant dignity is for the implementation of that treaty. Dignity of the child is not among the general principles of the CRC (best interests of the child, non-discrimination, child participation and right to life, survival and development), even though it is an overarching principle of human rights. In 23-year life of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, there has not been a related event (meeting or a document) devoted to the question of dignity of the child.Ā  The Committee on the Rights of the Child, monitoring body of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, uses in its documents wording such as ā€˜dignityā€™, ā€˜human dignityā€™, ā€˜inherent dignityā€™, ā€˜dignity of the childā€™, but it is not clear how beneficial, or even relevant at all, that is for the actual exercise of rights. Maybe now is a right moment for the Committee on the Rights of the Child to address the issue of child dignity and engage in a discussion, initiate a study or even adopt a related General Comment. Such document would be useful for the States Parties, the children and practitioners worldwide. But more than that, it would additionally credit the slight gain over disbelievers in child autonomy and additionally boast the so needed ā€˜implementationā€™. The rights-based approach to children still has a heavy odor of pure protection and will be so for as long as children are not perceived as human beings with inherent human dignity and worth. It may be so that ā€˜child dignityā€™ approach is a missing link towards full implementation of the rights of the child and change of attitudes so that children are perceived as human beings with autonomy, will, integrity and worth

    Ugovor o suradnji između SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu i Indiana University, Bloomington (1987.)

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    Ugovor o suradnji između SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu i Indiana University, Bloomington iz 1987. godine, koji obuhvaća područja američkih studija, jugoslavenskih studija, prirodnih znanosti i bibliotečnu razmjenu

    Different Effects of Low Weight Molecular Heparin and Unfractioned Heparin on Lipid Profile and Coagulation at Haemodialysis Patients

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    Each haemodialysis treatment requires the application of anticoagulation medicines, which will prevent coagulation in extracorporal blood circulation. In this study we try to determine the quality of admitted anticoagulant and his effect on lipid profile on hemodialysis patients after twelth months. We were applying standard heparin and low weight molecular heparin (LWMH). During our study we was analyzed effect of anticoagulant therapy on lipid profile of hemodialysis patients. In that parameters was included triglycerides, cholesterol, lipoprotein fractions, complete blood count, Hgb, HCT; All of these parameters was analyzed in correlation with duration of hemodialysis treatment, sex and age of the patients. Our research was carried out as a prospective study, for the period of 12 months. In the study were included 60 patients (34M/26F), who were on chronic hemodialysis program. All patients were divided into two groups. The first group of patients was included 27 patients (15M/12F) who were treated with standard heparin. The second group was included 33 patients (19M/14F) treated with LWMH (enoxaparin). The average length of hemodialysis was 4,15 Ā± 0,52 years. Each patient had a protocol in which is marked parameters such as flushing diallysator, creating fibrin-ring in vein and arterial dropper and the time it takes to stop the bleeding. In the results the average age amounted to 58,54 Ā± 2,24 years. The average value of cholesterol in the blood was 5,38 Ā± 2,26. Values of HDL-cholesterol in patients treated with LWMH were significantly lower (P<0,05) in the treated group compared to standard heparin. There were no significant statistical differences between both groups in relation to the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood. (p ns). LWMH had a better effect on the irrigation system and dialysator on both sex equally, compared with standard heparin. LWMH is in the female dialysis population has led to improvements in lipid profile. After the first six months of study in male patients treated with standard heparin in relation to the female part of the observed patients was significantly better anticoagulation effect in the first half of the study (1,85 Ā± 0,05 compared to 2,09 Ā± 0,10) (P<0,001). Average rating blood clots were statistically significant for standard heparin (p<0,001) with 1,86 at the beginning the value is fell to 1,41, while for LWMH with 1,85 at the beginning of the study amounted to 1,52 grade average. (P<0, 05). The results of our study show that LWMH had a better rinsing effect of dialysis systems and dialysator in both sex equally, compared to standard unfractioned heparin. When the male part of the respondents in the first six months of standard heparin had a better evaluation of blood clots than women in the same group, and also better than the group on enoxaparin for both gender. LWMH in female dialysis population has led to improved lipid profiles. Patients treated with standard heparin had a statistically significant reduction in the rate of blood clots than patients who received enoxaparin (LWMH). Such differences were minimal, which can be interpreted by the fact that LWMH still derivative of the standard heparin KE


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    Pacijenti s terminalnim stadijem kroničnog zatajenja bubrega imaju smanjen odgovor na vakcinaciju protiv hepatitisa B. Cilj studije bio je utvrditi adekvatnost imunoloÅ”kog odgovora prema novom protokolu protiv infekcije hepatitisom B. Studija je obuhvatila pacijente na kroničnom programu hemodijalize u razdoblju od 2008. do 2011. godine, na Klinici za hemodijalizu Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Novi protokol vakcinacije započeo je u rujnu 2009. godine. Novi protokol podrazumijevao je započinjanje vakcinacijom 6 mjeseci prije početka hemodijaliznog tretmana i nastavljanje tijekom 12 mjeseci, uz intrakutano umjesto supkutanog apliciranja prema praksi starog protokola vakciniranja u razdoblju od 2008. do 2011. godine. U studiju su bila uključena 64 pacijenta, 37 (57,81%) muÅ”karaca i 27 (42,19%) žena. Pacijenti su bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine prema protokolu provedene vakcinacije protiv hepatitisa B. Niti jedan pacijent nije bio prethodno vakciniran, niti je u serumu imao pozitivna anti-HbS antitijela prije početka imunizacije protiv hepatitisa B. Prvu skupinu sačinjavali su pacijenti vakcinirani dozom supkutano prema protokolu koji je podrazumijevao vakcinaciju od 0, 3,6 i 12 mjeseci (M) u razdoblju praćenja od 2008. do 2009. godine. U prvoj je skupini bilo ukupno 28 pacijenata, prosječne dobi 55,17Ā±11,84 godine uz prosječnu dužinu trajanja hemodijalize 24,65Ā±5,32 mjeseci. Od ukupno 28 pacijenata u prvoj skupini ih 15 nije razvilo anti-HbS antitijela. Drugu skupinu sačinjavalo je 36 pacijenata, 21 (58,33%) muÅ”karac i 15 (41,67%) žena, prosječne dobi 62,79Ā±15,88 godina i srednje dužine trajanja liječenja hemodijaliznim tretmanom 22,16Ā±24,53 mjeseci. U drugoj skupini je 5 bolesnika bilo potrebno aplicirati buster dozu vakcine nakon koje su 4 pacijenta pokazala adekvatan titar antiHbs. U drugoj skupini od 36 pacijenata vakciniranih prema novom protokolu, 31 je razvio antitijela anti Hbs, uz statistički značajnu razliku (p<0,005). Ukupan postotak pacijenata s pozitivnim anti Hbs antitijelima u drugoj skupini iznosio je 97,43%, a postotak onih koji su zahtijevali primjenu buster doze 12,82%. Autori zaključuju da su se vakciniranje pacijenata u krajnjem stadiju kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja 6 mjeseci prije započinjanja hemodijaliznog tretmana, kao i intrakutana umjesto supkutane aplikacije vakcine, pokazale daleko učinkovijima u postizanju odgovarajućeg titra anti-HbS.Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) have a reduced response to vaccination against hepatitis B infection. The aim of the study has been to determine the adequacy of immune response with new protocol of vaccination against hepatitis B infection. Patients and methods: The study included incident hemodialysis patients since 2008 until 2011 at the Clinic of Hemodialysis of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. We started the new vaccination protocol in September 2009. New protocol implied vaccination six month before starting renal replacement therapy (RRT) and ā€œicā€ (intracutaneously) application vaccine vs. ā€œscā€ (subcutaneously) application. Vaccination was carried out for over 12 months. The follow up period lasted from 2009 to 2011. Results: The study included 64 patients, men were represented with 57,81% (37), and 42,19% women (27), who were divided in two groups. The first group included patients from the period from 2008 to 2009, who have been vaccinated under the old vaccination protocol, while the second group included patients with the new protocol from September 2009 to 2011. The first group had 28 patients, mean age of patients was 55,17Ā±11,84 and mean duration of hemodialysis was 24,65Ā±5,32 months. The second group had 36 patients, mean age of patients was 62,79Ā±15,88 years, and mean duration of hemodialysis was 22,16 Ā± 24,53 month. Neither group of patient has been previously vaccinated, nor these had positive in serum antiHBs before vaccination in second group. Five patients received a booster dose of vaccine, after which 4 showed adequate responses to anti HbS. In the first group of patients, out of total of 28 patients, 15 patients did not respond response with the adequate anti-HbS titer at the end of vaccination. In the second group of patients, out of 36 patients 31 of them responded to the vaccination with the new protocol, which was statistically significant (p<0,005). The total percentage of patients with adequate titer of antiHBs after vaccination towards a new protocol was 97.43% and the percentage of patients who required booster dose of vaccines was 12.82%. Conclusion: Vaccination of patients in ESRD,six months before renal replacement therapy and intradermal application of vaccine vs. subcutaneously, improved immune response of our patients

    Comparison of the numerical and analytical metallic wing structure stress analyses

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    Cilj ovog rada je usporediti numeričku i analitičku metodu proračuna čvrstoće metalne konstrukcije krila. Kroz rad je dan pregled drugih analitičkih metoda te detaljan opis analitičke metode koja je odabrana u ovom radu. Opisan je proces izrade modela krila zrakoplova u programu SolidWorks kao priprema modela za numeričku analizu. Razrađen je postupak prebacivanja 3D modela u program Abaqus/Standard gdje je provedena numerička analiza. Dana je potpuna analiza analitičkih i numeričkih rjeÅ”enja za odabrane konstrukcije krila u kojima su varirane geometrijske karakteristike i načini izvedbe konstrukcije krila. Za konstrukciju krila su koriÅ”teni standardni metalni materijali u zrakoplovnom inženjerstvu kao i uobičajeni konstruktivni elementi. U zadnjem poglavlju rada iznesen je zaključak.The aim of this thesis is to compare the numerical and analytical methods of strength prediction of the metallic wing structure. The paper provides an overview of other analytical methods and a detailed description of the analytical method chosen in this thesis. The process of creating a model of an aircraft wing in the SolidWorks program is described as a preparation of the model for numerical analysis. The process of transferring the 3D model to the Abaqus/Standard program was conducted, where the numerical analysis was performed. A complete analysis of the analytical and numerical solutions for selected wing structures in which the geometric characteristics and structural layout of the wing are varied is given. Standard metallic materials in aeronautical engineering as well as common structural elements were used for the construction of the wings. In the last chapter of the paper, the conclusion is presented

    Analysis of Personal Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Osobna potroÅ”nja jedna je od najvažnijih sastavnica agregatne potražnje, a zajedno sa Å”tednjom čini ukupnu komponentu financijskog stanja jednog kućanstva. Osobna potroÅ”nja čini 60% udjela u bruto domaćem proizvodu zemalja, naročito onih razvijenih. Svaka potroÅ”nja kućanstva je ovisna o gospodarskim kretanjima i način konzumiranja osobne potroÅ”nje, ali i Å”tednje, ovisi o raspoloživom dohotku pojedinog kućanstva. Mjerenje osobne potroÅ”nje podijeljeno je u 12 glavnih komponenta. U uvjetima kada nastupi kriza, kao Å”to je pandemija Covid-19 nenadano izazvala krizu i poljuljala svjetsko gospodarstvo, tada kućanstva počinju manje troÅ”iti, njihova osobna potroÅ”nja se smanjuje, odnosno dolazi do promjena u neplaniranim i nepotrebnim izdacima. Kućanstva racionalnije troÅ”e jednim djelom zbog nepovjerenja u vodeće političare države, Å”to dovodi do straha od velike inflacije, gubitka posla i/ili smanjenje ukupnog dohotka kućanstva, odnosno smanjenje plaća. U radu je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje koje potvrđuje da je pandemija Covid-19 utjecala na osobnu potroÅ”nju građana, počeli su racionalnije troÅ”iti, naglasak se stavlja na komponente osobne potroÅ”nje bitne za zadovoljavanje egzistencijalnih potreba, dok se potroÅ”nja za luksuznijim dobrima poput restorana i hotela smanjila. U globalu kriza izazvana Covid-19 virusom imala je negativnih učinaka na osobnu potroÅ”nju ali i na opće gospodarstvo u Hrvatskoj

    Comparison of the numerical and analytical metallic wing structure stress analyses

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    Cilj ovog rada je usporediti numeričku i analitičku metodu proračuna čvrstoće metalne konstrukcije krila. Kroz rad je dan pregled drugih analitičkih metoda te detaljan opis analitičke metode koja je odabrana u ovom radu. Opisan je proces izrade modela krila zrakoplova u programu SolidWorks kao priprema modela za numeričku analizu. Razrađen je postupak prebacivanja 3D modela u program Abaqus/Standard gdje je provedena numerička analiza. Dana je potpuna analiza analitičkih i numeričkih rjeÅ”enja za odabrane konstrukcije krila u kojima su varirane geometrijske karakteristike i načini izvedbe konstrukcije krila. Za konstrukciju krila su koriÅ”teni standardni metalni materijali u zrakoplovnom inženjerstvu kao i uobičajeni konstruktivni elementi. U zadnjem poglavlju rada iznesen je zaključak.The aim of this thesis is to compare the numerical and analytical methods of strength prediction of the metallic wing structure. The paper provides an overview of other analytical methods and a detailed description of the analytical method chosen in this thesis. The process of creating a model of an aircraft wing in the SolidWorks program is described as a preparation of the model for numerical analysis. The process of transferring the 3D model to the Abaqus/Standard program was conducted, where the numerical analysis was performed. A complete analysis of the analytical and numerical solutions for selected wing structures in which the geometric characteristics and structural layout of the wing are varied is given. Standard metallic materials in aeronautical engineering as well as common structural elements were used for the construction of the wings. In the last chapter of the paper, the conclusion is presented

    Analysis of Personal Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Osobna potroÅ”nja jedna je od najvažnijih sastavnica agregatne potražnje, a zajedno sa Å”tednjom čini ukupnu komponentu financijskog stanja jednog kućanstva. Osobna potroÅ”nja čini 60% udjela u bruto domaćem proizvodu zemalja, naročito onih razvijenih. Svaka potroÅ”nja kućanstva je ovisna o gospodarskim kretanjima i način konzumiranja osobne potroÅ”nje, ali i Å”tednje, ovisi o raspoloživom dohotku pojedinog kućanstva. Mjerenje osobne potroÅ”nje podijeljeno je u 12 glavnih komponenta. U uvjetima kada nastupi kriza, kao Å”to je pandemija Covid-19 nenadano izazvala krizu i poljuljala svjetsko gospodarstvo, tada kućanstva počinju manje troÅ”iti, njihova osobna potroÅ”nja se smanjuje, odnosno dolazi do promjena u neplaniranim i nepotrebnim izdacima. Kućanstva racionalnije troÅ”e jednim djelom zbog nepovjerenja u vodeće političare države, Å”to dovodi do straha od velike inflacije, gubitka posla i/ili smanjenje ukupnog dohotka kućanstva, odnosno smanjenje plaća. U radu je provedeno empirijsko istraživanje koje potvrđuje da je pandemija Covid-19 utjecala na osobnu potroÅ”nju građana, počeli su racionalnije troÅ”iti, naglasak se stavlja na komponente osobne potroÅ”nje bitne za zadovoljavanje egzistencijalnih potreba, dok se potroÅ”nja za luksuznijim dobrima poput restorana i hotela smanjila. U globalu kriza izazvana Covid-19 virusom imala je negativnih učinaka na osobnu potroÅ”nju ali i na opće gospodarstvo u Hrvatskoj

    Comparison of the numerical and analytical metallic wing structure stress analyses

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    Cilj ovog rada je usporediti numeričku i analitičku metodu proračuna čvrstoće metalne konstrukcije krila. Kroz rad je dan pregled drugih analitičkih metoda te detaljan opis analitičke metode koja je odabrana u ovom radu. Opisan je proces izrade modela krila zrakoplova u programu SolidWorks kao priprema modela za numeričku analizu. Razrađen je postupak prebacivanja 3D modela u program Abaqus/Standard gdje je provedena numerička analiza. Dana je potpuna analiza analitičkih i numeričkih rjeÅ”enja za odabrane konstrukcije krila u kojima su varirane geometrijske karakteristike i načini izvedbe konstrukcije krila. Za konstrukciju krila su koriÅ”teni standardni metalni materijali u zrakoplovnom inženjerstvu kao i uobičajeni konstruktivni elementi. U zadnjem poglavlju rada iznesen je zaključak.The aim of this thesis is to compare the numerical and analytical methods of strength prediction of the metallic wing structure. The paper provides an overview of other analytical methods and a detailed description of the analytical method chosen in this thesis. The process of creating a model of an aircraft wing in the SolidWorks program is described as a preparation of the model for numerical analysis. The process of transferring the 3D model to the Abaqus/Standard program was conducted, where the numerical analysis was performed. A complete analysis of the analytical and numerical solutions for selected wing structures in which the geometric characteristics and structural layout of the wing are varied is given. Standard metallic materials in aeronautical engineering as well as common structural elements were used for the construction of the wings. In the last chapter of the paper, the conclusion is presented