62 research outputs found

    Design and development of thermal based defoliation machine for cotton production

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    In this study, it is aimed to design and develop a thermal based defoliator which can be used an alternative application to chemical defoliants that are applied in pre-harvest period, in cotton cultivation. Computer aided design programs were used to design and develop thermal based defoliation machine. Strength, air and thermal flow analysis was done using SolidWorks® 2010 Premium program which employs Finite Element Methods for analysis. This study was done in the same location for two consecutive years with three cotton varieties. Thermal treatment, chemical treatment and non-treatment groups were compared in terms of leaf kill, defoliation, fiber quality, yield and treatment costs. While leaf kill was 100% in first 24 hours for thermal treatment, it is up to 56% for chemical treatment and 13% for non-treatment, after 19 days. At 19 days after the treatments, defoliation rate reached 90% in thermal treatment plots, 50% in chemical treatment plots and 10% in non-treatment plots, approximately. There were no statistical differences between treatments, in terms of fiber quality and yield. When treatment costs were compared, thermal treatment could be an alternative to chemical treatments. Furthermore, thermal treatment makes harvest by machine possible in organic cotton cultivation and also can take harvest-time earlier.Bu doktara çalışmasında, pamuk tarımında makinalı hasat öncesinde yapılan kimyasal yaprak dökücü (defolyant) uygulamasına alternatif olarak kullanılabilecek termal esaslı yaprak dökücü makina tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Termal etkili yaprak dökücü makinanın tasarımı ve geliştirilmesinde bilgisayar destekli tasarım programları kullanılmıştır. Gerilme, hava akış ve termal analizleri sonlu elemanlar yöntemine göre analiz yapan SolidWorks® 2010 Premium programı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. İki yıl üst üste, aynı lokasyonda 3 pamuk çeşidi üzerinde yürütülen çalışmada, termal esaslı yaprak dökücü makina ile uygulama, kimyasal uygulama ve hiçbir uygulamanın yapılmadığı kontrol grupları, yaprak ölümü, yaprak dökümü, lif kalitesi, verim ve uygulama maliyetleri yönünden karşılaştırılmışlardır. Yaprak ölüm oranları termal uygulama yapılan parsellerde ilk 24 saate %100’e ulaşırken, kimyasal uygulama yapılan parsellerde 19 gün sonunda en çok %56 seviyelerinde, hiçbir uygulamanın yapılmadığı parsellerde en çok %13 civarında gerçekleşmiştir. Uygulama sonrası 19 gün sonunda yapılan ölçümlerde yaprak döküm oranları termal uygulama yapılan parsellerde %90’lara ulaşırken, kimyasal uygulama yapılan parsellerde %50’lerde, kontrol parsellerinde ise %10 civarında gerçekleşmiştir. Uygulamaların lif kalite özellikleri ve verim üzerine etkileri konusunda istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmamıştır. Uygulama maliyetleri açısından termal yaprak dökücü uygulamanın, kimyasal uygulamaya alternatif olabileceği görülmüştür. Ayrıca, termal etkili yaprak dökücü uygulama organik pamuk yetiştiriciliğinde makinalı hasadı mümkün kılmakla birlikte, hasat zamanının erkene çekilmesini de sağlayabilmektedir

    The Effects of Different Irrigation Levels and Nitrogen Rates on Peanut Yield and Quality in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey

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    The aim of research about irrigation and nutrition of peanut is to determine most suitable irrigation level and nitrogen fertilizer dose for peanut in the Harran conditions (Sanliurfa, Turkey).In this study, different amounts of the nitrogen (N-1:0, N-2:40, N-3:80, and N-4:120 kg N ha(-1)) were applied as ammonium nitrate in two times as planting and flowering times to peanut plants. The irrigation levels were determined as 100, 75, 50, and 25% of the irrigation required and labeled as I-1 (first irrigation), I-2 (second irrigation), I-3 (third irrigation), and I-4 (fourth irrigation), respectively. In this study, positive and significant effect were found that the need protein and the increasing of peanut yield with its components were increased with 120 kg ha(-1) nitrogen fertilization (N-4) and no-deficit water (100%:I-1) while the variable 100 fruit weight were increased with 80 kg ha(-1) nitrogen fertilization (N-3) and no-deficit water (100%:I-1) application on plant. The plant height and 100 seed weight except 2nd year were also increased with 80 kg ha(-1) nitrogen (N-3) and no-deficit water (100%:I-1)


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    In this study researchers aim to develop a valid and reliable talent management scale for educational organizations. For this aim the sample of the study involves 784 principals, vice principals and teachers who work in different schools and provinces in Istanbul in 2014-2015 academic year. Data was analyzed in eight steps by using quantitative methods; a) explanatory factor analysis for unidimensionality of each of the factors; b) exploratory factor analysis for providing two dimensional factor structures; c) exploratory factor analysis for all factors to provide six dimensional factor structure; d) confirmatory factor analysis for each single factor; e) confirmatory factor analysis for six dimensional model; f) evaluating discriminant validity of the scale; g) assessing Cronbach alpha and Omega coefficients for the reliability; h) and providing measurement invariance into subsamples. All of these stages’ results showed that this talent management scale for educational organization is valid and reliable.  Article visualizations

    The effects of different transporting methods and waiting periods on olive

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    In this study, it is aimed to determine the effects of different transporting methods and waiting period on olive. In the study, olive (memecik cultivar) as main material, which is planted widely in Aydın location, was used. The harvested olives were divided into two groups by filling to boxes with 15 cm, 30 cm and 45 cm heights as well as nylon sacks. First and second groups were transported by one axle and two axle-trailers respectively on the stabilized ways. While a part of transported materials was investigated without waiting (directly), the other part was studied after waiting for 7, 14 and 21 days in terms of moisture, shape index, hectoliter weight, friction coefficient of friction and percent of oleic acid values. In conclusion, it was observed that the boxes, sacks and the waiting period were significantly important on investigated parameters. However, there was no statistical difference in comparison of the transportation with one-axle and two-axle trailers.Bu çalısmada, degisik tasıma sekilleri ve bekleme sürelerinin zeytin üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amaçlanmıstır. Çalısmada ana materyal olarak Aydın yöresinde yaygın olarak yetistirilmekte olan Memecik çesidi zeytin kullanılmıstır. Hasat edilen zeytinler 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm yüksekligindeki kasalara ve naylon çuvallara doldurulup, iki guruba ayrılmıstır. Birinci grup traktöre baglı tek dingilli tarım arabasıyla, ikinci grup ise çift dingilli tarım arabasıyla stabilize yolda tasınmıstır. Tasınan örneklerin, bir kısmı hiç bekletilmeden, diger kısmı ise 7, 14 ve 21 gün bekletilerek, nem, sekil indeksi, hektolitre agırlıgı, sürtünme katsayıları ve % oleik asit degerleri açısından incelenmistir. Çalısma sonucunda, tasımada kullanılan kasalar ve çuvallar ile bekleme süresinin, incelenen parametreler üzerinde istatistiksel olarak etkili oldugu görülmüstür. Bununla birlikte, tek dingilli ve çift dingili tarım arabasıyla tasıma arasında ise istatistiksel bir fark görülmemistir

    Structural specifications of some dairy farms founded by the program of agriculture and rural development supports planted in Turkey

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    Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de Kırsal Kalkınma Yatırımlarının Desteklenmesi Programı kapsamında kurulu bulunan bazı süt sağım tesislerinin yapısal özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında 12 farklı firmanın kurmuş olduğu 7 coğrafi bölge ve 39 ile dağılmış toplam 289 adet tesise ait veriler incelenmiştir. İncelenen tesislerin %93'ü sağım odasında %7'lik kısmı ise ahır içerisinde sağım yapmaktadır. Tesislerin %91 gibi büyük bir kısmında balıkkılçığı durak tipi kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca tesislerin %74'ü alttan, % 14'ü üstten ve %12'lik kısmı da üst ortadan süt hatlıdır. Tesislerin sadece %22'sinde elektronik süt akışölçer kullanılmaktadır. Tesislerde kullanılan nabız aygıtlarının %60'ı elektronik, %40'ı pnömatik tiptedir. Çalışma sonucunda mevcut yapısal durumu daha iyiye taşımak için, tarımsal desteklerin işletmelerin modernizasyonuna yönlendirilmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir.In this study, it's aimed to determine some structural specifications of some dairy farms founded by the program of agriculture and rural development supports planted in Turkey. In the study, a total of 289 parlours which was established by 12 different companies spread over 39 provinces and 7 geographical regions of Turkey were investigated. 93% of the dairy farms studied use milking parlours and rest of them have intra-barn stall. Large amount of the parlours have fish bone stall. Besides, 74% of them have low line, 14% of them have high line and 12% of them have midline milking systems. Only 22% of the parlours have electronic milk meter. Pulsators used in parlours are 60% electronic and 40% pneumatic. As a result, it seems necessary to direct the agricultural supports to modernizate dairies for moving the current structural situation better

    Torsion of term gravid uterus with a large leiomyoma

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    Torsion of gravid uterus is a rare obstetric event and it is almost always diagnosed during cesarean section. Leiomyomas and previous cesarean sections are predisposing risk factors. We report a case of 180 degree torsion of a term gravid uterus with only symptom of hematuria

    Effect of adenomyosis on prognosis of patients with endometrial cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to contrast the prognoses of patients with endometrial cancer who had adenomyosis against those that did not. METHODS: All patients who had received surgical staging for hysterectomy-based endometrial cancer had their medical data retrospectively examined. The analysis covered 397 patients, who were split into two groups depending on the presence of adenomyosis. Comparisons were made between patients covering type of surgery, histopathology, endometrial cancer stage, lymphovascular space invasion, presence of biochemical or histochemical markers, adjuvant therapy, presence of adenomyosis in the myometrial wall, and outcomes in terms of overall survival and disease-free survival. RESULTS: There is no statistically significant difference in the 5-year disease-free survival or overall survival rates between endometrial cancer patients with and without adenomyosis. This is based on comparisons of tumor stage, tumor diameter, histological type and grade of tumor, myometrial invasion, lymphovascular space invasion, and biochemical markers that affect the course of the disease. The median follow-up times were 61 months for the adenomyosis-positive group and 56 months for the group without adenomyosis. CONCLUSION: Coexisting adenomyosis in endometrial cancer has no bearing on survival rates and is not a prognostic factor

    QT and JT dispersion in children with familial mediterranean fever

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    Objectives: This study aims to determine QT dispersion and JT dispersion, and their relationship with conventional echocardiography values in a group of children with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF). Patients and methods: The study included 48 FMF patients (26 males, 22 females, mean age 11.10±3.42 years; range 5 to 18 years) as the FMF patients and 31 healthy children (17 males, 14 females, mean age 9.61±2.83 years; range 5 to 17 years) as the healthy controls. Electrocardiography and conventional echocardiography were performed on the FMF patients and healthy controls. Both groups were evaluated with a standard 12-lead electrocardiography. QT, JT and RR distances were measured in both groups. The corrected QT (QTc) and corrected JT (JTc) were calculated. QTcd and corrected JT dispersion (JTcd) were detected. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the FMF patients and healthy controls in terms of RR, QT, QTd, QTcd, JT, JTc, JTd, and JTcd measurements and echocardiography parameters. QTc value was higher in the FMF patients than the healthy controls. Conclusion: QTc value indicates increased ventricular sensitivity and is an important marker of cardiovascular mortality. It has an important effect on sudden cardiac death and arrhythmia. Our study results suggest that electrocardiographic monitoring may be useful in patients with FMF